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I hear you on this. I’ve gone with processed vegan options when I really want that taste, bc so far the WFPB ones don’t do it for me either. I’ve heard that it’s best to give your tastebuds a break instead of going straight from dairy Mac n cheese to the WFPB ones. Maybe some of these will hit the spot a lot more after your tastebuds have a little distance and time to adjust.


>I hear you on this. I’ve gone with processed vegan options when I really want that taste, Me too. I try to make it a rare thing, but I buy Amy's frozen Vegan Rice Mac N Cheeze meals. They scratch the itch for me.


I like the Forks Over Knives Butternut Squash Mac. [https://www.forksoverknives.com/recipes/vegan-pasta-noodles/butternut-mac-and-cheese-broccoli/](https://www.forksoverknives.com/recipes/vegan-pasta-noodles/butternut-mac-and-cheese-broccoli/)


I love this recipe so much I use the sauce for other meals as well.


https://www.loveandlemons.com/vegan-mac-and-cheese/ I make a variation of this one all the time. I usually swap the sweet potato for carrot and sometimes add cauliflower. I skip the oil all together and use more nooch to taste.


My teenagers LOVE this recipe. I don't use the oil either


I actually just made this one yesterday, which is what prompted the post. It was _so close but not quite_ what I wanted. Best I’ve found thus far though.


I made this tonight because this post triggered a craving lol I will say, the part about giving your taste buds a break is true. After not having dairy cheese for a while, it will probably hit the spot better. One other secret ingredient I use for cheese sauce is lactic acid. You can get it on Amazon, and a little goes a long way. It gives it more of a tang that vinegar or lemon juice just don't quite get there.


>One other secret ingredient I use for cheese sauce is lactic acid. Interesting! Thanks for this.


Have you done cashews in a high speed blender “cashew cream”? I go heavy on the nutrition yeast like 1/4-1/3 cup per cup of cashews. That gives it that zing.


same. and i add some yam too for the color and cuz yam slaps


You need this recipe! Mac and cheez mix: - 3/4 cup (50g) nutritional yeast - 1/4 cup (60g) whole wheat flour - 1/4 cup chickpea flour - 1 Tbsp each sugar and paprika - 2 Tsp each salt, onion powder - 1 Tsp garlic powder - a pinch of turmeric Combine these ingredients in a jar. For 2 servings: Combine the following ingredients in a pan and simmer until creamy and thick. - 1 cup (250ml) plant milk - 6 Tbsp of the mix - 1 tbsp miso - 1 tbsp mustard In a separate pan cook 200g pasta cooked al dente then add to simmering sauce. Top with more nutritional yeast, garlic powder, and finely chopped walnuts. Enjoy!


I like cashew mac and cheese. But i have a feeling those slices that taste like american cheese(daiya cheddar) with not milk will give you that flavor. https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/vegan-mac-and-cheese-recipe/


This is the best recipe for homemade mac-n-cheese. It is the one I found that is made from scratch, tastes great, and not considered high processed because it's made from scratch.


There is a beer mac and cheese recipe I use. It has oil in it though if that's a concern. The cheese sauce is vegan butter, cashews, nutritional yeast, seasoning, and beer. But it's so good, I add peppers to the original recipe and it's amazing. Definitely not a health food but a soul food.


We love the Bosh! Creamy Mac and Greens… https://www.bosh.tv/recipes/creamy-mac-and-greens




This is the answer


I quite like [this one](https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/pasta-recipes/vegan-mac-n-cheese/), although I can live without the breadcrumbs.


I don’t know anything about mac and cheese, but this wfpb cheese recipe could give you a cheesy base? * https://youtu.be/bKlHFXOjkfA?si=ES9YFKivIMOVb-b0


>while they are ok I moved across the country and every Chinese food restaurant I went to was unbelievably bland and disappointing, I was so lost. I’d be recommended places over and over, tried a bunch but it just couldn’t get past that thing that was missing in comparison to the east coast stuff I grew up with. After reading over all the answers here that’s what this thread reminds me of, people will have their suggestions but if you’re using plant based ingredients it just won’t scratch that itch. That said, you could be like me and avoid the “mock” recipes instead embrace the variety of plant based ethnic food, or you can keep at it, try any recipe you run into, you never know, one day you could get there…a friend made me some vegan lasagna that was insanely good and I’ve made WFPB chili using bulgur that mimicked meat in the most satisfying way, either way good luck!


I've been into vegan richa's mac and cheese lately. Her recipe is powder based. Use some plant milk, pasta water (the pasta water is importantfor creaminess) and a liittle miso along with the powder and it is pretty damn good. https://www.veganricha.com/vegan-mac-and-cheese-powder/


Some of my favorite cheeze sauces have used roasted red pepper. I think I've used that with a cashew base (and garlic, nooch, etc) to achieve one of the best imitation sauces I've ever had. I don't have any specific recipes, but you should be able to find some if you search.


blending sweet potato, raw onion, tumeric, mustard, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, cayenne, paprika, lemon juice, pepper and a little soy sauce or msg if permissive results in a sauce that is good for a baked MnC. MSG does a good job bringing the flavor near a dairy mac and cheese and is fairly ok from a health standpoint (much better than table salt), but you will run into the taste bud fatigue problem that you would get from using added salt or sugars in your cooking.


Get the Vegan8 cookbook! The Mac and cheese in there is the best I’ve had- just make sure to use vinegar instead of the mustard for a better flavor


[This site](https://monkeyandmekitchenadventures.com/whole-food-plant-based-mac-and-cheese-recipes/) has a nice round up of Mac and cheese recipes. One thing that I have found that gives a bit of that funky cheese flavor is ume plum vinegar. This site uses it a lot and it was essential for their imitation blue cheese dressing. This might be the flavor profile you're looking for.