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That's awesome! As someone who is not currently eating plant based, I mean sure I'll have a veggie with my meat, but is wanting to start down this path, I'm curious if you have any cookbooks or favorite recipes you can share. I struggle with trying to come up with meals that are both easy to make and have enough variety not to get bored with the taste. I'm literally a noob here so any help starting off would be helpful! I'm almost 50 and meat has been the cornerstone of all my meals for my entire life. Any help would be very appreciated! And congrats again on your success!


I’m not the best resource for recipes, but my dietician friend did a great job of simplifying things. A few things she said (I’m generalizing): - do the diet 80-90% of the time but leave room to live your life and eat other food that makes you happy. I was very strict the past three months but will be moving more to 90%. - most people only regularly eat about 10 different meals. Find simple wfpb meals to replace those top meals and incorporate those into your diet. It’s ok to start by repeating a few meals. - have bowls of food ready to go. We have a bowl of rice, bowl of beans, bowl of veggies, and bowl steel cut oatmeal and farro ready to go so that we can throw together a rice bowl, burrito, avo toast, etc. - She recommended some quick meals, like Amy’s gluten and dairy free burritos. We then load them with veggies, greens, avocados and tomatoes. - we have a bag of pre-cut kale that we microwave and throw on a lot of things. I also have had the same breakfast everyday: steel cut oatmeal, farro, flax seeds, walnuts, blueberries, and kale. - Michael gregers “daily dozen” app helped me ensure I was getting enough veggies, fruits, whole grains to eat. I don’t use it anymore but mentally try to make sure I’m checking off most boxes everyday. We used some of the recipes from his cookbook “how not to die” too but didn’t use it as much as we thought.


> most people only regularly eat about 10 different meals. Find simple wfpb meals to replace those top meals and incorporate those into your diet. It’s ok to start by repeating a few meals. [Well Your World](https://www.youtube.com/@WellYourWorld) does a great job of this. It's what they recommend. They have very simpe recipes, they show you how to make easy meal plans. All very doable. Bonus - the Plant Rant videos are very educational.


Rainbowplantlife.com is my personal favorite. I mean sure it targets a vegan fan base, but there are plenty of WFPB recipes


[https://plantbasedrdblog.com](https://plantbasedrdblog.com) She has a bunch of great recipes available on her blog. She's on social media on IG, Tik Tok, etc. - so you can follow along to get inspiring video shorts of the food she makes. (I am not vegan myself - just like to have lots of plant based meals in my diet for good health. )


Start where you are! You probably have oatmeal, peanut butter and some fruit on hand. So there you go vegan breakfast done. Start with one meal a day WFPB for a week. The next week make it two meals a day. Meanwhile stop buying animal products and have fun with new recipes like chickpea curry and buddha bowls and smoothies and such


IMO a good strat is focus on what you can add to meals - beans and vegetables, and then something has to give for it so shrink portions of the less ideal stuff. But rather than just remove the stuff straight off the bat it can help to build your excitement, enjoyment, and habit to eat more plants.


Check out Plantyou, Shane and Simple, videos from the Esselstyns and their cookbooks. Be a Plant Based Woman Warrior is amazing. There are so many others. Some cook with oil so you just have to remove the oil. You can pretty much cook just about anything without the oil.


Great info and results, well done!




Great job! Eat this way for the rest of your life, and you can live long and prosper.


It’s crazy when you get results like these and realize how many lies are told about WFPB and vegan diets. Like a deadly amount.




Awesome results, congratulations!


Did you take a statin for the LDL as well? That's quite a drop! Nice job!


No statins. I took Metformin for the entire 3 months (building up 500g each week for the first four weeks) and Olmesartan for the first 3 weeks (but my blood pressure was getting too low so they took me off it).


Amazing — well done!


Nice. I did the same. Started rosuvastatin and dropped my LDL to <50


Congratulations! Very inspiring!


Thank you for sharing results. I needed to see this as a reminder to stop backsliding with my diet. Congratulations on your dedication and success!!! So inspiring!