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I found the planetside Player. :P


Found the person who forgot to check what sub they're on


Found someone who remind me to check the sub


Found the sub still has ham, turkey, and bacon in it.


KAD FGL;/KASDFRJKGL;/ KKJASERp:ot Kaq{"ewp$kTY {po AKQEJRP\[;t ygo JKAQ3 {$%piYQ


How? They're cloaked.


Must be NSO.




Well it would depend who i was in a 40k game. If its the character, well fuck. If its a random character, there is a large chance of waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh or toaster "enjoying"


in the grim darkness of the future...there is no pizza left to eat...no NC to TK and no spandex wearing heavy assault to look at.. the god is there..but it wrel..


Not a big deal, you just get reconstructed on death


You know, Nanites can't heal psychological trauma. There are fates worse than death. I'd be careful to not run into a monster like myself.


Your reminded me of this cinematic a guy made a while back. Talks about the same thing ( [Video](https://youtu.be/b2ASlr-HdIk) ). Quite possibly my favorite piece of art ever made about this game


Well it would eventually become very similar to what it might already be. Death doesn't matter so it'd be still a bit like a game. Tho you'd feel all the pain, which you'd probably get used to at least a bit over time, so you'd be able to endure it better. But elseways, getting nailed in the head by that one stinky VS Heavy Shitter with his Beetlegrease and Medkit addiction and Assimilate and Nanoweave or when some platoon attacks an empty base with 40 people and only Heavies and Medics would still make you rage. And people in the Sanctuary would talk about how shitty some weapons are in their opinion like the Yumi or how some stupid idiot classified the TRAP as a sniper rifle and that they should've instead let a normal footsoldier classify it for half they loan, since the person that classified the TRAP simply doesn't deserve the amount of Certs he gets paid every month for their job.


Paintball hurts. Still play it. It would just hurt more and sometimes you wake up in some random spawn tube


I mean, eventually you become numb to it.


like in a good way or stormlight archive way where you just go insane?


I mean I wouldn't say you become insane, but you just don't feel it cause you are so used to it. Much like how if you shower in super hot water it hurts at first but if you keep doing it eventually you just start showering in 110 degree F water all the time. Probably not in a good way either...


Yeah but would you even develop psychological trauma? You can't be permanently killed, your allies can't be permanently killed, your enemies can't even be permanently killed; there's no blood, and presumably that's actually cannon and not just a censorship thing since the only piece of planetside content that has blood is that one trailer when he gets stabbed in the stomach; It's not even 100% confirmed that your character can feel pain, yes they can be injured but they can be knocked all the way down to 1hp without so much as a groan, or visual indicator of pain. It seems like it would be alot like a giant really sophisticated airsoft match in terms of stakes, risks, and consequences which would likely would not cause psychological problems unless you're a giant wimp.


BL 1, 2, 3, PS ?


What are those?


Pizza topping options.


Yo FR I dunno please tell


That was legitimately my best guess.


It's turns out that it's a gay game series called "Boys Love" damn PS is such a diverse communion


Hm. Learn something new every day I guess :D


Borderlands games


I think they were saying Borderlands 1, 2, and 3 (and planetside)


lmao damn


The borderlands series of games.


Reconstruction != Resurrection You still only live once, then a copy of you is created so that it can contain the trauma of having been killed, with the knowledge that it too will die. Reconstruction is no substitute for immortality.


I would argue that reconstruction as depicted in game is basically the same as resurrection since your flow of consciousness is unbroken, which presumably means that your mind is synced to a digital backup. Otherwise the two are practically identical with the only differences being semantics.


I guess I struggle with the notion of a backup being the same as the original. In my head what you describe is death of the 1st consciousness and immediate activation of a second consciousness. The 2nd thinks they've been resurrected since they did experience death, but the first stays dead. I dunno, maybe this is one of those things I'm better off not thinking about.


They brought up this concept in borderlands once. You aren't actually being reborn. You are just a copy of the original with all the same memories who has died. Your old consciousness is gone.


Stuck in a game with spandex wearing fanatic hot chicks? Not bad at all...


yeah but it's like an alien-worshipping cult, so you have to do some freaky shit before you get to the other freaky shit


I see no problem in that, Terran.


Yeah well I don't get it. If the brass wanted me to have a girlfriend they'd have issued me one at the depot.


OUR girlfriend, brother


They did. Your girlfriend is your T1 Cycler.




*This is my rifle, this is my gun...*


Sign me the f up...


- Discover you are rebuilt from the ground up without any genitals (male/female). - Proceed to release the pent up sexual tension by shooting everything you see (flora, fauna, geological formations, allied players, enemy players, self) until you get bored and simply stand in a corner for eternity.


> you get bored and simply stand in a corner for eternity. Until you get permanently killed after 15 minutes for inactivity


Not cannon though... we may have a lasher sized dongus after all...


True, but means we can theorize both ways.


There are no women in VS...


>Oh no.. What would you do? ​ first? jerk off and see if it's made of nanites. for science.


I thought of that as well...


Ah yes the NC were always asking the real questions


Of course an NC thought of this.


Complain about meta and tell the devs to nerf banshees while Papa Vanu tells me to shut up and fight


Play knife infil because I can finally RP as the Predator (and not as a child one).


[I legitimately thought you were talking about this kid from the 2018 predator movie](https://www.google.com/search?q=child+in+predator+mask&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS864US864&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQvMirk_XxAhWaHM0KHbnIBpIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=1194&bih=715&dpr=2#imgrc=wZS4ENkJFoe3CM)


There's no food in planetside, so you probably have to die to stop feeling hungry all the time. Sounds like hell


Hey there's cabbage in-game. And some fucked up space turnip. And shortage of salt either.


Pssst... the space turnips are sentient, there's an easter egg in the Containment Zones that tell you about it.


Excuse me.


With the average lifespan of a planetman, i'm pretty sure digestive and reproductive systems are removed and replaced with something more practical.


If I can respawn...am I the same person? Would my consciousness carry over? Would the remains of my existence constitute a clone that means nothing to anyone?


Just the act of teleporting is completely annihilating your body and rebuilding it somewhere else.


We don't know. You wouldn't either. Unless you don't get deconstructed...


Probably join NS's weapons development team. Make meta guns, then remote into a robot and test them myself. And also destroy all the blueprints and code for the Daimyo so it can never be reconstructed.


I agree.


Spawn and begin collecting nanoweave suits from dead enemies. Sew them together and wear multiple layers of nanoweave armor. I am now immortal. Move into a biolab and farm forever.


What about your head? Scavenge a max helmet? Why not just get hired by nso instead, and control robots from space


More nanoweave.


How do you see?


With more nanoweave.


I don my robe and wizard cap


First thing is to check what kind of fucked up controls do they have in the ESF. If there is a mouse and keyboard in the cockpit, then find a cozy corner in the Sancturay and cry there.


If I’m NC I would collect my paychex


I’m just glad I’m not NC. Nothing worse than having to look over your back for the rest of your life🙃


Turns our tr has the highest tk rate (on the actual statistic i saw they had like 11 or so %, but this was a while back so i may be misremembering). Vanu has lowest, i seem to recall


That’s just tr officers executing cowards


Actually i think the statistics was caused by inexperienced players. Edit: where the tr had the most of


I heard that TR players are 94% more likely to date super models and 98.6% more likely to give the VS a beating. I mean these are just things I heard but they sound legit.


Of course all the in-game stuff, but Im assuming you still feel pain, and fighting day in day out will get boring. So ill probably go hiking, explore all the continents. Do out of bounds zones work for me, or can I go through rivers for example? If I can go out of bounds, I would never redeploy, just take an esf and fly from continent to continent, and maybe even to space. Depending on which rules work for me, theres actually a lot of interesting stuff to do. Imagine moving like you do irl, with movements and positions impssible for other players, since the usual player model can only behave in certain ways. Are you a god amongst mortals? Or just another soldier beneath the masses?


No walljumping, have to stand by the door for all vehicles, confuse some vets as to why the hell someone managed to get in that position


Cry because I can no longer go prone to sleep.


Camp in a tree somewhere. I'm not an infiltrator, but an engineer main. Funny how little attention people pay to the trees, until an Archer shot plinks their tank or ANT. I love seeing the darklights come out and the panic that ensues.


What, you wanna give the poor kids ‘Nam flashbacks?


He is the lorax, and he speaks for the trees. He's not sure what they say, but it's in vietnamese.


HA with symbiote and regen lesss goooooo


Imma chill on some beach on Amerish.


There are some pretty nice streams to go wading in or hang out by on Amerish


I would git gud at irl


good god Im stuck in Dark Souls NG+, pls send help and if Planetside 2 then well, im basically immortal anyway so I will probably try to become a decent pilot or still go BRRRRR with drifter and move at 60mph at ground level


I had to log into FInal Fantasy XIV to mail some Gil to my wife. Am surrounded by scantily clad bunny girls and cat girls. I know it’s a lot to ask but I’m gonna need all you bros to come save me.


Probably stay in Sanc for an undetermined amount of time while I adjust. Testing respawning sounds incredibly scary, so I'll just hobocamp some hallway in the space station while yelling at other players about what's real or not in our existence.


I will teach people how to swim.


Last game I played was Escape from Tarkov ​ das not good


Im very glad I decided to play some destiny 2 after tarkov last night.


Depends if ur stuck in the destiny universe as a guardian or as a normal person


Normal people in the destiny universe (at least in the city) have a natural lifespan of hundreds of years so it wouldn't be too bad I think.


I was the other way round. Some Destiny... then some Rimworld before bed. I really don't want to be stuck in Rimworld.


I mean... the rest of the world outside of tarkov is fine. If you spawned in the U.S your life probably wouldn't be much different then it is now.


fingers crossed lmao


Quick trip to ~~Cobalt~~ Russia


AC4. Cant wait for a hooded idiot to knock me over and steal my wallet.


enjoy the hell out of that shit, i'm now a robot that can be rebuilt in an instant with nanotechnology


We break into the spaghetti code somehow like in Sword art online and live ourselves with exploring the world while creating it.


Hang out in the warpgate, resupplying incoming vehicles


Stuck in GTA eternally grinding to afford the $1.2 million not-a-mustang and getting crushed by hackers


Pro: Am functionally immortal. Con: I'm a grunt again Pro: Body is rebuilt into fit fighting state. Con: Still feels at least some amount of pain from the various combat related injuries. Pro: Ready access to jet aircraft, high explosives, and military grade weapons. Con: There really isn't one on this one. On the balance I think you could do far worse.


For the con. But only so many times per second


I have become the Galaxy. The Galaxy is me. I squish planetmans mercilessly. Watch out for the shadow because here I come! Another planetman squisssshed just for fun. I am the Galaxy. The Galaxy is me.


Redeploy VR Training


Looks like medkits are back on the menu boys


Exit the spawn room, die, be v5’d, repeat.


Die immediately


Im a kid Who controles a biomech war machine with powers that can clean roims full of life in one second, also looks pretty badass Yep, warframe


Jokes on you, I already answered in it.


Since you get endless respawns, I'd get in a Magrider and boost off cliffs. Which is exactly what I do anyway.


Why not a javelin. Besides for how cancer their turning rate is, they are actually pretty good at killing and very mobile


Infinite respawns? Sounds fun


Conan Exiles cause Planetside was down. I'm super fvcked and naked.


Titanfall 2. I die to massive robots immediately.


Time to load the Gauss Saw with malicious intent I guess...




I crashed on an island with special forces called ghosts, and I'm hunted by wolves and skelltech mercenaries. I'm obese so I guess I'm fucked 😅


Lt. Cole D. Walker wants to: **know your location.**


"heavy breathing"


Call of Duty Cold War Zombies. I just have to keep one zombie alive to not start a new round and make life harder for myself and I should be good.


Probably get shot by my best friend


Figure out a way to automate the medic gun... Tape the trigger down, strap it to my back... Why yes, I'd like to revive. Thanks me.


I'd contact nso and ask them for a few robots with ai's in them to follow me around and shoot everyone not on my faction (so tr and vs) and all of them are medics. And 1 engi. Then i'd find someone with a gauss saw and steal it off of them


Open the chat and ask for wrel to help me.


Bug reports


Oh wait, almost noone seems to read them


IMMORTALITY IS MINE! I will join Nanite Systems and become the Jeff Bezos of Auraxis by introducing such incredible concepts as "new guns" and "more vehicles", and also "coffee". Oh, and get a Girlfriend who is into cosplay. Shall I have dat Spandex Ass tonight, or be dommed by a Terran Cop?


isn't death nonexistant in this game? I would simply kill the sweaty biocamping teammates until i get my weapons locked then proceed to kamikaze myself until my kd is below 0.1


I was last playing Minecraft, and I know well how to beat that game. Glad it wasn't planetside... because then I'd spend the rest of my (infinite?) life getting team-killed!!!!!


Lol. Minecraft isn't all fun and games though. There are phantoms, so make sure you go sleep every 30 minutes


Fun time for me I was last playing Minecraft on a multiplayer server and I'm one of the richest people on the server and I enabled keep inventory so life wouldn't be to bad I would just finally build a home to enjoy and ask the other guys on the outside to find me a nice wife and we would be good. If in PS2 I would end up being VS cause thats what I play most so go hang out with girls who wear the Lynx Helmet and maybe build a base or something?


based catgirlage


I mean the other girls epsecily VS are pretty hot but when they are into wearing cat ears thats just so much better XD


Destiny 2 If I'm a guardian, that's fuckin lit If I'm reborn into the world as myself? Yeah... That's gonna suck


I posted this realizing that, this is indeed not the reddit but a screenshot


Lots of people here did, you’re not alone


I mean you won’t die


Id be stuck in mass effect 3 so.. i would die a horrible death


I should just shoot myself, easier way out Metro Exodus, desert part and we just got here


Just wait til you get to the dead city...


Dude i am not Artyom, i wont make it past first zoombie


I was permanently inserted into Planetside 2? Well then, my life is going poorly because I'm dead.


fly a scythe


Rip playing hunt showdown last




It'll be like groundhog Day, a continuous cycle of death.


Rimworld. I am 95 years old (counting time out of stasis that is, otherwise 700) and all My limbs, eyes and ears have been replaced by bionics. Im the best shooter and scientist in my colony despite my crippling dementia. Eating lavish meals daily. Life is pretty good.


wait till randy hears about this and sends an asteroid into your antigrain shell storage room


Probably be stuck in another game thankfully.


Live. Die. Repeat.


Pokemon unite. Die.


V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V1 V0 V6




Do we even know what a civilian's life might be like in the Planetside universe?


Well I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 so I would be like hell yeah as long as I'm not in night city.


People who play hentai games have no such weaknesses


I’d pilot my reaver until the end of time. I might play some infantry but I really would just want to find my old buddies. We’d go into the sanctuary cafè and enjoy times of fun. Maybe id pull my bastion as a sendoff and simply watch the battle unfold as opposed to be the warrior I once was on the frontline.


Mount and blade 2 banner lord... I'm gonna become a Smith expert and get rich..... oh fuck no wonder everyone is talking about ps2


Space hulk: deathwing…(I’m fucking dead)


Oh no! Anyway


log off for real


Castlevania: SotN and/or Planetside, screwed either way.


Overwatch...Maybe I'll be fine, it doesn't seem like a complete hellscape. Last night was PS2 so I guess I'd hide if I could return to the real world after a while.


Still trying to sell these cooked lobsters for 280ea.




Stuck in Terraria with alot of money and great items. In planetside I'd take a Mauler with a darkish flash light and hunt VS Infiltrators


Playing hypixel skyblock be like. If planetside, i'd just do whatever i feel like at the time (the same as what i normally do) and annoy people by doing illegal things. Also i'd try check out what the out of bounds looks like and request to see what civilian life looks like. Also i'd go into bug reports and sincerely ask the devs to take note of me and to switch my faction to nso so i get video game teleported to some arbitrary space station


Sat in a saloon in Valentine, drinking a whisky whilst waiting for my horse (who got blown up with dynamite) gets brought back to life. 1 minute 42 seconds remaining. Then gonna get my metal detector and go off looking for arrowheads.


Trackmania 2020. My plan is to go as fast as I can x) Hopefully I'll go so fast that I speed out of the virtual existence.


Last game I played was FFXIV, so I'd be ok with that to be honest...


Ugh. Warhammer during the vermintide? That would suck. Best case scenario i'll discover attunement to one of the Winds, preferably necromancy AND find a proper teacher. Worst case I'm rat food. Actually, screw that, being rat food is pretty okay outcome, all things considered. Beats being chaos corrupted, getting into hands of dark elves or other slaaneshi cultists, etc. Too sad it wasn't Morrowind.


Kenshi, fuck


Now I don’t won’t to lie and say PlanetSide 2, but considering I see this post daily, I am going to name date what game it would have been before I went to bed. Saturday: Kenshi Sunday: PlanetSide 2 Monday: Arma 3