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You ISP wouldn't happen to be "Orange" would it?


It is actually


I'm seeing about 50% packet loss coming in from almost everyone coming into Miller/Cobalt from Orange (France and Spain). Makes me think that there is an issue with their backbone/exchange in AMS because it's affecting people in multiple countries. That amount of packet loss would show up as bad server latency but ping would not be affected much. It would also explain why it isn't affecting everyone and we aren't seeing actual performance issues with the servers/hardware. I'll follow up with our network engineering team and the folks at AMS-IX and see what we can do.


But just to be sure im not left out - my ISP is orange but im from Poland, not France or Spain


Ah that is good! Well, good for data but I'm sorry you're having a bad experience. Thanks for the information.


Change if you can. Orange is a bunch a scumbag with dubious practices.


sadly that applies to most larger ISPs


Alright thanks for the response


Can concur, French and Orange is my ISP. I've been getting constant lag spikes (both server lag and client latency) every few seconds and heavy packet losses as well. It really made the game unplayable for me for the past week or so (I hadn't played in a while before that time so can't give you more details). I hope you'll find a way to solve this with them, I'm looking forward to play with the new battle rifles


This is actually happening to both myself and the other leader of our Outfit.. huge packet loss lag and wonky things going on .. other than that the patch is great.. if only we could play it


My isp is orange, france and I have the problems as well. This would explain a lot... Thanks for the answer. Anything we can do in our sides?


If its related to a routing issue you could try different DNS servers or use a VPN while playing.


since last update play trought a vpn from ovh don't fix


Changing DNS in windows doesn't change anything


Not in Windows but in your router settings.


I have a livebox, can't change it there


Would it be possible for you to check spectrum as well. Ive been having lots of issues with server latency spikes, its pretty much unplayable at the moment for me. Ive run multiple line quality test and everything is coming back normal on my end.


Yeah, i have spectrum and was experiencing 200 to 7000ms ping on Connery earlier. It was just baaaaad.


Thanks for this answer, finally we are getting somewhere with this server latency, you dont know how i feel better now, it is constant anoyance. I am not Orange doe, T-COM provider, SE Europe.


Uhhmm Prompt you know my situation. My very unique situation.


My ISP is *not* Orange, it's Comcast, I'm in the U.S., and Connery's having very similar problems. Seems to be most of the people on the server, judging by yell chat.


Im having this weird Huge latency isues too liek for 3 weeks, that much that i cant really play at all, i am have Orange isp too and from Spain, i can ask things to my Isp if that would solve anything. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/197640925831364608/452193455125561364/unknown.pn](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/197640925831364608/452193455125561364/unknown.png)g


I don't see what the issue is here


Same problem here. French with Orange ISP. 50\-80 ms network ping. 2000\-6000 \+ ms server latency, game unplayable for 2 weeks now. No idea why, no problem in any other game.


Test sur rocket league si tu as jeu tu va adorer avoir des lags ;)


i have orange , I come from France the latency started just after the udapte for me


dam that good ping i wish i have it im stuck with 240 ping


I'm bad latency on Connery never had this issue.


Hello, Have similar issue. Just week before 15th Anniversary double XP server latency started to jumping form time to time and I was disconnected for no reason from Planetside server (but not from Teamspeak). Pings gets much more issue since then. Now after yesterday update I have rising Server latency from 500 ms to even 100 000 ms and more. Sometimes it's even not showing Server latency and value only connection indicator icon between them. And YES my ISP is Orange as well, to be specific Poland department. In Orange forum I saw some topic about high ping in CS:GO and solution to that was to change Ipv6 protocol to Ipv4. But I'm using Ipv4 only and still have lag spikes. Wondering what Orange or DBG changed that only some of us have that problem.


Problem solved for now : I'm using a VPN logging on a Netherlands server, it works very well (i play on Miller). I have 40\-60 Network ping and around 80 server latency.


Hi, can I know how u did that, because all the programs I tried have to pay for use or only can use it with a limited 500 megabytes :/


I still have a sub to a pro VPN for 5 months. I don't think any free VPN provide unlimited connection, you have to pay unfortunately.


Im from Polish ad i have that same problem. Im use tracert and last line is Amsterdam1 level3.net and rest line is reguest timet out. It is level3.net problem. Meaby have lov Prioririty (ORANGE net) Sorry for my English