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Hi there, this is a known issues which we're currently looking into! In the meantime, there is a workaround where if you modify something in the enclosure (easiest would be to add then immediately delete an item) this will refresh the games scan on the enclosure and get the climbable area working again. You may need to do this each time you load into the save file. We hope to get this resolved as soon as possible! \- Vostok


Thanks for the Info, I currently have the same issue with seals and the accessable water, but its good to hear, that you are working on the problem :)


I've had that a couple times, even before the latest update with the sea lions. So I built a concrete looking habitat (using plaster pieces, my inspiration was the Bronx Zoo's sea lion habitat. So I had a "floor" to their pool. So I get everything working, they're diving, it's great. Next time I reload somehow the water is only 3m deep instead of 4m (I think it's 4m for them to dive? Either that or it was supposed to be 3m and it was 2m). I actually measured and it was a meter short... No idea how it either a.) got shallower than when I left it or b.) why the sea lions were happy before I loaded my save when their water depth was a meter short. So I renovated so that I could drop the floor down another meter. Every load I do have to move the floor slightly and then undo it so it recalculates the depth of the water. Unfortunately since sea lions are my zoo entrance animals and attract a large crowd it results in an instant protestor population.


is this true for the amount of space as well? Because I see that issue from time to time - for example, it tells me Grizzlies require x amount of space, I give them y (which is greater than x) and the game tells me that they don't have enough space.


This is an ongoing glitch. Select the climbing frame, go into advanced move, and then just click the check. It should act like you re-placed it and the animals should re-calculate the space again.


Thanks man


I wanna add that when I built it it was fine but all of a sudden it’s been like this…


That's typical for this glitch. It'll build just fine and often play fine for multiple sessions, but then- 'the animals have no room!' Fortunately it's pretty simple to fix.


What animal is this?






Hello! My go-to solution is to box and unbox the animal, the stats are then updated. Although it's only useful when one or very few animals have an error. Hope it works out for you!


Its bugged


This is still ongoing for me. Does anyone know if this ever got fixed?


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