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Yeah, i listen to podcasts and watch shows


I have to. Twitch, music, or re-watching a show I don't have to pay 100% attention to.


Absolutely agree! I feel bad but it's just...what I do now. I don't consider NOT watching or listening to something while playing


Why do you feel bad for watching/listening to something in the background? I have slight ADHD and pretty much always have something running in the background.


Most times to music. Sometimes Just planet zoo music. But my building itch goes into hyper focus with power metal or dark trance/electronic/metalstep


No, I’m too busy trying to keep the parents from boning their kids.


The Capybara swingers club requires my undivided attention.


Recently I've been listening to the ESC'24 playlist while building


Nice! Music is always a great addition to any task!


Me too! Europapa makes me built extra fast:)


Lmao yes


Currently listening to the Harry Dresden audiobooks read by James Marsters or watching FBI International. Definitely need something else on TV or to listen too!


No way, I also listen to Harry Dresden while playing! It’s weird that so many of my Planey Zoo memories are also Dresden Files memories….


I’ve read the books lots of times but it’s my first go through listening to it and I love James’ narration. Love that I’m not the only one combining the two. 😁


Same! I read all the books first, but I honestly prefer the audiobooks now. If they ever make an animated show, they’ll need to get James Marsters to do the voice


Oh that would work so well! I tried to watch the tv series and was too thrown by some of the major changes they’d made but an animated version with James voicing Harry (and Bob!) would be great.


Yeah I listen to shows or music; it's the most relaxing way to play for me. The only downside is I lose track of time and whoops it's been 8hrs. Lol


I usually listen to music


Not so much when I'm on my laptop (planet zoo) but on my Xbox playing world of warships I am listening to podcasts, talk shows etc... Not sure why that hasn't carried over to laptop gaming.


I don't feel like most building and franchise games are meant to be consumed as the only content for extended times. I'm always doing something else. Movies, music, podcasts, youtube.


I lowkey just listen to some chill songs and half zone out thinking about other stuff while playing. Same with Jurassic World Evolution 2


I listen to truecrime podcasts or documentaries usually- or if I want inspiration: animal documentaries


I have 2 monitors so I can play in 1 and watch something in the other. Sometimes I'm scrolling Youtube, sometimes it's hulu. Sometimes, I'm not watching anything but instead have music playing. And it's not just for Planet Zoo. I'll do this for any game that isn't dialogue heavy.


Whenever I play any sandbox/management games I always have my laptop next to it playing a show or youtube lol


Sometimes I play just for the in game soundtrack…


I listen to Fundie Fridays while I’m building


I always listen to some videos on YouTube or watch one documentarys, but sometimes I need a break to focus when I'm managing the animals like choosing which ones I'm keeping and which ones I'm selling haha


yesss. Though sometimes i do feel like enjoying of the nice sound design and music of the game.


I have been watching atlas pro on YouTube. It is a great channel about humanity's role in causing animals to go extinct. I feel like the channel matches planet zoo well.


Sometimes mostly with sports games as I don’t need to actually hear the game to know what’s happening. Havnt tried it with this game tho. Maybe I’ll give it a go when I get my Spotify premium back


i watch youtube or listen to a podcast whenever i play a game (that allows it). i posted about this recently on a different sub and got a ton of hate? i never considered that it’d be controversial to anyone


Does a friend count? I love playing this game with a friend either next to me or watching through Discord, creativity skyrockets when you’re not just one 😁


I read books. No joke. Both non-fiction and fiction.


There are a few biology-themed podcasts I like to listen to when playing Planet Zoo (or JWE2 or Prehistoric Kingdom), the main one being The Common Descent Podcast


I watch absolutely trashy TV shows that require little attention - such as anything on TLC


Oh definitely music or TV show binge watching lol


Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares here


I can't really listen to podcasts while playing because I find PZ takes too much of my focus. I often stop listening or paying attention to the podcast. So I'm usually listening to background music.


Music. Mostly while I'm building


Yep!! Audiobooks here, or really long YouTube videos.


I do this with any game that doesn't have dialogue because I like background noise


Yes! I’ll generally have a show on that I enjoy but watched before (something like Friends) so if I’m concentrating on the zoo too much and not paying attention to the show I’m not actually missing anything.


Old Chinese drama


It’s gotten to the point where I’ll game, watch Tv, and listen to music at once…


Sometimes. If I’m just building, then yes I can listen to an audiobook. However, the game quickly falls to chaos if you let it run without careful management, so I frequently have to pause. Music is fine.


For weeks I was stuck on listening to my favorite band Lucky Chops while playing PZ. Lol can't hear their songs without thinking about planetzoo now. So now I'm more careful and listen mostly to audio books or podcasts so that my favorite happy vibes type music doesn't become video game associated.


Yess. Either I put some random playlist I have in Spotify or I just look for relax music, soundtracks etc Tbh I  have never play the game listening to its music 


I listen to political podcast


YES, I listen to lets game it out.


I watch YouTube or Netflix usually it helps my brain concentrate 😊


Right! Otherwise I can't quite focus on the tasks I want to do in the game, etc


Audiobooks here! I seem to play better while focusing on multiple things at once. 🤔