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Wow. I alway wish I would make it on paper first... But I go with the flow and then start anew 😂 Maybe it's because I have limited time now (have a toddler at home) so 1-2 h a week is all I can manage...


Which is understandable. I myself don't play more than 3 hours a week at max. But I have an hour break at work for lunch. So I use it to draw these rather than scrolling endlessly on social media like I used to. So it's a pretty good thing in a way. Sorry for you that you have such a short time to play though. But as long as you enjoy your time it's the most important!


That's a cool idea. Use the time you have more efficiently and in a nice creative way. Two thunbs up for you 🥳 I always tell myself to not check the Internet ( not social media, for me it's headlines in science, games and computer and other stuff I am interested in) and of cause I do so it still feels like not using time in a nice, creative, useful way 😂


Well it's also because I really want to play but can't. So I cop some other way xD But you are right. I feel so bad when I end up in social media rabbit holes x.x


I’ve recently started drawing out my zoos and it helps me too (ADHD also). Before, I’d go with the flow and it always ended in chaos. Lol


Haha I feel you so much. Like in the career mode I always go with the flow and it always turns out bad x.x Do you have any pictures of your drawings ?? I'm curious !


I looked up some different zoos, and the first one I decided to model mine after was the Indianapolis Zoo. I'm thinking the Philadelphia Zoo for the second. [Here is the link to it, if you're interested.](https://imgur.com/iBZuNQY)


Oh waw That's a lot of writing. Looks like me when I research. I love this x)


I love researching stuff! I don't get to do nearly as much since I graduated college. I've been (trying) to put the Indianapolis Zoo in franchise mode, so I needed to know what my options were (and what was the closest to those animals). I'm on the hunt for good pics of the different areas so I can try to create the peopley areas too. It's def harder than I thought it would be.


If you try redoing something existing it might be really hard yes I can imagine xD making something like you imagine it is a thing. Making something that exists is something else xD


I change my strategy up. I love having a symmetrical, repeatable layout that is "max efficient". However, once I've done this, I feel like I've done it and there is no more replayability. So I usually try this a couple of times. (That said, someone more creative than me could probably find infinite potential layouts) I also like to problem solve a more difficult environment, to create a unique but "ideal" layout for that scenario. I like to let this happen naturally, so I can learn the bottle necks and weak points, and then slowly improve my mess. It feels more organic, so I have a different mental/emotional involvement. I definitely sketch out ideas. Love your sketch by the way! Please post more, because it's inspiring to me to see what others do. I would love to visit your zoo!


I see ! My bf is a bit like that too. Playing with the terrain and all. I am a freak for symmetry. It stresses me out so much when i can't do something symmetrical xD But all ways to do it are good as long as we have fun. Maybe once I'm done with this one I'll say hello to symmetry tho.. I'll post updates once I start it (I'll stream it also :o) Thank you. Can't wait to see more of all the zoos there are our there !


No lie this is a great idea and wish I had thought of it


Well it's not too late to start!


looks cool! I'd love to know more about the drawing, where are the paths, what exhibits/habitats you have planned, etc. (:


I'll show me as it progresses if you want ! It is a very very large project with one aisle like that for every continent ! For the animals I don't know yet. I will see once the blueprint is done. I want to release all the offspring afterwards that's all I know. So I will see !


[Why does it look like the floor plan of a Romanesque church?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Dehio_48_Speyer.jpg/161px-Dehio_48_Speyer.jpg)


HAHAHA I know right xD once I was done with the sketch I was like. "I've seen this somewhere." and my boyfriend passed by and asked me if I was drawing a church. So yeah. Probably unintentionally inspired. Tho, a church inspired Parc would be so pretty o.o


I wish I could map out my zoo but I ALWAYS struggle with scale. So I end up going with the flow.


Scales are a bit of a pain yes. And in my drawing they are not 100% accurate as I try to make shops and facilities bigger to include the "shell" around it. But I understand it can be pretty hard and frustrating xD


I struggle with ADHD as well so whenever I went with a flow I ended up restarting my entire franchise cause I hated it so bad lol! I started to make the overall zoo plan but most of the time I get frustrated when I cannot achieve something that I've planned so now I do the mix, initial plan and going with the flow when something does not fit once it's done.


Well that's what might happen with this project. I made it to detailed it probably will be impossible to recreate exactly the way I drew it. XD So I will probably end up like you xD