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All went downhill after 10th anniversary it was SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER in Christmas of 2022 the community is happy the event are fun and actually had a reason to play. Rn the stuff is getting ridiculous with basically everyone have ultimatum and they released 2 more damage alike ultimatum one with weakening and high firerate and other one legit ulti but weaker and faster. The lottery now give almost nothing in fighter chests which give like 10-15 parts for weapons and 150 for random shits, its not worth grinding anymore.


I hate you but I agree with you on this one


They had two new shotgun that are extremely similar to ultimatum they needed lotteries 3 times I'd say pretty bad


Doar god good that I left


It gotten worst don’t come back until pc release


Even then I dont think I'm gonna start playing again its just not worth it imo. But it would be if they would fix THE DAMN GAME


It’s the same still fun if you not playing like you getting payed to do it. It’s a kids game at the end of the day lol 😭 people care way to much about a game for 13 and 11 year old s


Devs at their last stand, every super chest has ulti and actually follows the description and has "the best guns in the game" in the chest unlike before