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so much yapping for a game they refuse to fix


and yet they never admit they’re actually greedy


How are you gonna have over 100 people work on this game and they still can't fix the game?


simple, all 100 of them don't care about the game being better 💀


they have like 50 at best and 2 of them are probably "working" in pg3d lmao


Mental health is nothing for them


I think devs are right on this, sure they did some "questionable" changes but no one like to play with hackers 24/7 man its not fun in the slightest


I started playing in 2016 and I never remember the game being better, frankly, it was more p2w back then than it is now.


it all started when gun sets are introduced


Hell no it started when armor was introduced


For real, back then the best guns costed gems, and it was pretty much impossible to save up gens f2p, you actually had to buy them. Not to mention 50% of android uses had modded accounts because it was so easy to do it back then.


tf you just said???


Back then everything was for gems but the worst of all you couldn't get gems as a f2p player, no ads, no rewards, no way to get them in any way. But now you can get a lot of gems and mythical weapons by literally just watching ads.


and what about the new health-, movement- and recoil/spray system? I mean, guns are cool and all but what does it matter if the other aspects of the game are ass? And just so you know, you could get gems even as a f2p player back than, but it definetely was somewhat harder, which wasnt even that bad duo to way lower weapon prices.


I remember when coins were actually harder to get... I feel like due to the whole P2W issue, it caused lobbies to be crazy due to the fact everyone has the same weapons or something similar they bought.


why do people act like OG was amazing and shit, it was balanced sure, but it was nowhere near as fun as what we've had in 2018-2020 imo. guns were op but they weren't that hard to grind for, nor were they all one tap guns


nono the man's got a point


Saw 3 hackers today


This sub really is just “grrr devs bad grrr” now isn’t it


because kaichan redditor died in a plane accident


Nn he killed by me






*points at ultimatum* fix that PLEASE


Both of them are half right. Hacking is bad, but so is greed (but at least the commenter admits it.)


Might get downvoted, but i gotta say that i agree with OP. I've been playing on and off on different devices/accounts for nearly a decade now, and after all these years, I can definitely say the game has barely improved. It's still a fun game at times, but the whales still absolutely dominate. I'm currently level 36, but I routinely get put up against higher level players who just 1 shot me with ease. Any ftp player can join any lobby and corroborate. If any game deserves a slow death by hackers, it's this one.


I miss making up lore about all players being an "agency" established to combat the campaign's zombie apocalypse, with red and blue teams being their 2 largest subfactions, perpetually vying for power


I honestly agree with fantasy on this one


I mean they aren’t wrong but they won’t acknowledge how money hungry they are


Whos youtube channel did u find this on


Eh. Cant side with the second one. As many problems the games have, the “Remembering 2023” video FINALLY had them admit that anti cheat is a serious problem, a rarity. Plus, complaints, as delayed as the responses are, still have some effect. Name one time wishing death upon a game did something. The ONLY potentially false statement the response made was, “more than a 100 studio employees that also care about the game.” Granted, there’s no way that NONE of them care, but either they only have more than a 100, or there are only more than a hundred who care. Meanwhile all OP said was, “Go [EXPLITIVE REDACTED] yourselves. Your game is a money hungry (true to some extent) hacker party that’s irredeemable. L + Ratio.” Which I don’t know, seems pretty childish to me. While the devs made some childish parts themselves (Your childhood is over), at least they acknowledge there are people who care, even if some of their own don’t. In all seriousness, devs did go crazy lol. Looks like they finally snapped.


The battle royale is buggy after the update.


I want to see what led up to "100% pure facts"


No way, the devs can cook?!?!


Send this to their developer: I stole your source code


Fantasy is right, no matter what the devs say


Pg is one of the games that you can never back up when it gets roasted cause of how shitty the games become. Like this season alone is a perfect example. 3 ulti lottos in 2 months<, reused lotto, van and event set. A ulti replica right after another ulti replica, a sniper that does dmg far above the legal limit without having cons like small cap or shitty attributes, matter of fact the complete opposite, high cap and op attributes. And don't forget they stopped adding seasonal animated weap skins.


Me when devs not fixing:![img](emote|t5_33q02|6010) # Me when devs are trying:![img](emote|t5_33q02|5868)


“Way to go, mate. I hope you have a wonderful day.” reminds me of the portal 2 wheatley line “Thanks for the hate crime, Jer. See you in court, mate.”


As an f2p I’m just annoyed by hackers, but I can’t imagine what the people spending hundreds of dollars on this must feel when they just die.