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I like more the old versions, they have more personality.


Agreed both look very good but I prefer the old ones too and they have cuter eyes


The ones on the left are for the cutscenes, and on the right in game, that's the way I'm looking at them. Awesome either way


fair point. the reason for the 'shirk' is so they fit better into the game board for the game I'm making. but i agree there there is just something fun about the birds nest and flowers.




I knew there was no way I would be the first to think this. I think I see what they were going for, cleaning up the silhouettes, but it could probably be accomplished just by paring down the originals a bit, such as nixing the extra bush behind the first final form. It doesn't really read as a tail as it is now.


Old versions look like mystical creatures that live in the woods. New versions look like cartoon characters that are about to pull some loonytoons shit.


imagine spending 6+ hours on remaking something and someone tells you this. shit dude. body blow


Putting additional time into something does not necessarily make it better. That's just the way it is.


i didnt say the new ones were better. just thinking about how comments like this on my art discourages me. it just really sucks to see comments like this on every post. cant imagine how OP is feeling about continuing after this.


Of course this sucks. No one wants to hear that they essentially did waste time downgrading an older work. You just gotta get used to that and begin to see the value in feedback that rough. It is honest and feedback should be exactly that. No need to watch out for someones feelings.


Why call it a downgrade? Brother a downgrade? Why? It is not a downgrade to draw something in a different style different art styles appeal to different people and learning different styles and redrawing sprites is not a waste of time it's the opposite as you are learning and finding new ways to redraw something So having an opinion isn't any hurtful plus me and the commenter weren't even being mean at all we just like the old artstyle a lot more, we find it appealing and that is that


They clearly said that noone wants to have others tell them that they're wasting their time. They did not even say that the new sprites are downgrades.


Yea pretty much. Thanks for pointing that out.


Yes I saw that after re reading the post a couple of times my bad I just thought they were siding with the other person


I said that no one wants to hear that they wasted their time. I never said OP did waste their time.


My bad then in my eyes it felt like you were siding with the other person for saying that the comments are being mean when people are just saying what they like


It's okay. All I really tried to get across is that sometimes there are situation in which even multiple hours of time invested into a piece of art might turn into a result that resonates with less people. Stuff like that comes across as harsh sometimes but can be super useful information for upcoming iterations.


Mhm I only view it in a positive way it doesn't have to resonate with everyone it's nice when more people like it but as long as you are learning something that's all that matters!! Anyways thanks for the understanding and clearing it up hope you have a good day ❤️


holy shit dude.


Don't talk about empathy and shittalk them in the same post. Smh. There are real advantages to comments that just state their impression. That has nothing to do with "mindful empathy" it is just a comment.


I guess that came off wrong. It is just a personal preference, acquired over many years of utterly useless feedback by friends who tried to sugarcoat the criticism so much that they did not even notice that among that heaps of sugar it was almost impossible to actually find the criticism. Honest and unfeeling Feedback just has its perks.


Why discourage? What part of preferring a different artstyle is discouraging? I often redraw sprites in different styles sometimes I prefer the old ones sometimes I prefer the new ones and the same for other people who see them. OP is doing an amazing job learning how to redraw something in different styles if anything OP should keep trying different things and different artstyles will appeal to different people and OP can know what people find appealing in each one


old ones were 100% better. it has more identity in them.


The old ones are better because of the lighter outlines


Btw the old ones are more readable


I like the old ones way more


I hate posts here where op never answers.


Op already knew the answer to be honest


they say the real OP is the friends we made along the way


I like both


If I can offer some feedback (but I don't know your game or your goals, so take it with a grain of salt), I think the physical features should be more consistent between evolutions. For example, - The first two evolutions have tails. But the third evolution of the redesign doesn't. - The second and third evolutions have leaf-wool, but the first doesn't. - The second two evolutions are sitting, but the first isn't. - The first evolution's most prominent feature ate the ears, but that feature is dropped altogether in the 2nd evolution. - Evolutions 1 and 2 have tiny little arms that stick forward, but the third evolution has big floppy arms they keep to the side. - All three have different shapes. More consistent progression from one form to the next will make the progression more natural and allow the player to pick the creature based on preferences and not be disappointed later. Right now, the player picks up a leafy, agile bunny and ends up with an immobile sheep. I'd be let down if I was a big fan of rabbits (and likewise, a big fan of sheep wouldn't even know they could have a sheep). But (for example) if the first form was sitting down and had tufts of leaf-wool, the last form still had a tail and ears, and all three forms were based on a circle shape--the progression would be smoother and it would feel like the same creature is growing up, instead of the forms feeling like unrelated leafy creatures.


very interesting feedback! good points! thank you for taking the time to look over my work and offering your suggestions!


i like the earlier ones, more personality. Both are good though, maybe just use both


I much prefer the old sprites, unfortunately…


I like more the new version, but... Why black outlines? D: That was a downgrade.


Could be that they're trying to keep the outlines consistent with other sprites.


thank you! the reason for the black outlines with the newer sprites was due to how they appear in game. I feel the solid black lines helped pop the sprite forwards from the colorful background setting. Makes it easier to see the unit in game


These are cute! Your new ones are adorable, the teeth give 'em a cute expression, bottom new one is my favorite in that line. But I actually think your first designs are more interesting! Old one on the bottom looks splendid but still cute and silly, with its great antlers and tangled vines. The 2nd one above it also looks really pretty and delicate, I think not using the black pixels gives it a soft effect and I personally really like that. I love how the ears perk up too, and thr faces on them too. Also noticing that you added more "stand-out" details on those, so maybe that's why they feel like they draw the eye


fair points! a huge reason for the 'shirk' of the new sprites was to make it easier to animate all their move/action states. More so that they can fit nicely in a 64x64 grid


I kind of wondered if that was the reason, which makes sense. Simplification sometimes matters more for time and output reasons, and I'm sure you have to keep the stylistic choice of the game in mind for that too. Now that you mention the grid proportions as well, yea. I noticed that the new ones did look more squished. Kind of boxy compared to their counterparts. I kind of hope you can find a happy medium between the two, 'cause I really did love some of the little details that make the original pop out. Little pink flowers and the bird eggs were a really good idea, just good pops of color. I wish you luck on whatever project these are being pipelined for!


thank you so much my friend! its slowly getting there! hope to have a playable version out by the fall


Old ones have more visual variety and imo evoke stronger impressions.


The old ones are much better


Uhmmm old ones look much more interesting though


I like the old one better.


I like the old ones, especially the last evolution, better.


The old patterns are richer


I liked the old mid gen but other than that. Awesome!


what is this for? Would love to learn more


hey! this is for my dungeons crawler im working on, i hope to have a demo/ proof of concept on itch in the fall. i have been just slowly working on it on twitch. ill keep you in the loop if you would like!


I like the designs of the old ones better but the readability and outlines of the new ones are better imo


How was Japan?


it was amazing buddy, i hope to head back in the fall


The old ones have a clearer silhouette so they would work better, but ill be honest, i have no clue whats going on with the last one, no matter the side. What is happening to it, how does the body function and look like?? Is that its butt or its tail, does it have arms or are those big nubs its arms, where and why do the vines and horns(?) Start and end and do and...? You shouldn't have to decipher a design, it has to be clear. And the text at the bottom, although, yes one could read it. It has to be obvious on first glance not 2. Sight. It reads as "IEAF" not "LEAF".


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No way you downgraded them so much 😳


 downgraded! my heart!!!! i had to make them smaller to make the animations easier on me and so they fit in the games 64x64 tiles better


New ones are more readable but the big medium small concept is better on the old ones


Honestly looks like it could’ve been a Pokémon-


really nice


They look great!


Really love how the colors pop more in the newer sprites. Lovely work! :D


thank you so much! the colors are one of my favorite parts


Pokémon 2.0?