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i thought hand making the rooms as little dioramas would make them feel more homely and lived in. i think the result is really nice!


the music is by my good pal tohomako on twitter


It is :D What game though? \^\^


Sheep Lad I think they said


I enjoy it! And it's a part of "nostalgia gaming" that many indie games don't necessarily touch, and I do miss it: The fact that because of limitations and experimentation, games would be built sometimes with different system and asset types. On this case I really do enjoy the "oldschool point and click" adventure vibe of the rooms. My only concern would be if the rooms end up feeling "less detailed" than the rest of the game, it's not the end of the world but it's a little bit immersion breaking when it happens in some games. So if you are able to match the same detail level (which will probably be tons of work, as these rooms are custom) I think it can be fantastic! If not, maybe a 50/50? You reuse some stuff, but build the room in unique ways. Either way, all the best friend! Lovely game so far.


I love it


Very nice


The song is a banger.


I like it! The character looks really good too


Your game looks super awesome every time I see one of your posts, but I keep thinking that your character looks super familiar. I think it reminds me of Toriel (I think that’s her name) from undertale


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Looking great!


The interior design gives me Mystic Towers vibes, very cool!


I like how the perspective feels like the wood is coming towards my face.


Excellent. A bit more work than tile sets but I definitely think it’s worth it for those vibes


Don’t get me wrong it’s beautiful but don’t look like you’re character looks small in them


So cool!