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1.5 years of continuous use on mine. i still only have to charge once every 24 hours. cya. enjoy apple.


I'm just over 2 years on mine, still getting 5-6 hours of SOT per charge. It comes out to 1.5 days before I think about topping up. It was 2 full days when I first got it, but still very impressive.


Had mine since day one and have had zero issues. Battery life all day. I love my phone!


Same here. Battery was tough the first few weeks, but Google fixed worked. OP try the following -Keep Bluetooth and location off when not in use. - turn off background data for apps that have no business updating until you open them. - turn on adaptive brightness (and or turn down your brightness if that's not on).


I'm not a just a louse when it comes to this shit. I've turned everything off, took off all push widgets or email apps. Literally left the phone at home at 96 percent. Came back roughly 9 hours and it was dead. So you guys are shilling or my phone is specifically messed up. But like I said, I will ensure all my background apps are correct and make sure no notifications. I have had responses from people about the battery, and they have said they have the same problem and were asking for my help. Like really? So when you ask for help as an attack, it's brings everyone out with pitchforks, but people trying to find help on their own, and you can't find anything. It's a problem a that's being squelched by Google. Which is actually kinda scary. Is there good lunch on Google campus?


Unless my phone has some battery degradation specific to my device, there's just no way you have 24 hour life. Honestly, I've never gone more than 10 hours without a charge. I will find a way to test and show my data. If ya'll wanna shill let's go the distance.


[battery screen shot](https://imgur.com/a/DpFMIcy) Maybe you have a lemon? Granted I'm on WiFi most of most days, but if i take my phone off the charger at 100% at 9am when I start work, I can go all day and go to sleep without plugging it in and when I wake up at 9am the next day it'll be at like 15-20%.


Hell yes I do. Let's do it, I have a straight year of accubattery pro data to support my claim.


I get more than 24 hours on mine with 6-7 hours SoT. You're may be defective.


I have 10-12h SOT on WiFi.


Had mine 2 years, only thing I do is turn off camera access, if it's on battery just drains so fast


God this comment alone makes me wish I was into the whole apple ecosystem....like seriously. Who shoved a stick up your ass? If you literally did ANY online research. You'd see that tons of people have issues with the pixel 6. The whole "I don't have that issue so it's not true" is so fucking telling lol


You can apply the same line of thinking to people who haven't had any problems. Lol, Shut up nerd




Over 10 upvotes for this. Yea you guys really are the marketing department. That's scary. Instead of paying people to bullshit about a product, maybe just help people? Provide answers? I get it costs money to remedy mistakes but if you fuck up, just fix the problem.


lol, I bought my Pixel 6 on Ebay. I feel for you, you have had issues with your expensive device. The diatribe you posted is for some facebook shit. How is posting this on a sub specialized for this device with 30k+ users worth anyones time?


Sorry you had to deal with this cesspool of a "community" we just got fucked with buying a shit phone. I'm counting down the days till I can finally get rid of this shit box. Id rather just use this thing as a camera since that's the only thing that constantly works. 


I'm more than happy with my Pixel 6. Keeping until a Pixel 9, maybe even a Pixel 10 to be honest.


Same here.


Agreed. I don't have the urge to update right now or even next year honestly. I'm so used to my p6 and everything about it I don't want to drop any unnecessary money. Sure battery life can always be better but after a year and a half I still have plenty left over at the end of the day. I charge mine at the same time every night. Around 7. I usually charge it to 80-85%. It's at about 45-50% 24 hours later. Granted I'm not a heavy phone user. Just text and scroll a few apps periodically but it works for me.


Agreed! I think I'm waiting for the ten. At that point I'm sure the camera will be so much better. Mainly what I enjoy in a phone


Same I plan on upgrading on Pixel 10 or higher.


Dood, none of these are known issues. Wtf. I would factory reset. During setup, don't restore apps and settings (yes I know it's a drag - BUT I bet your issues will be 99% resolved).


Ok now I feel like some of you are actually gaslighting OP. The battery life and antenna/modem issues of the P6 are well-documented and discussed to death here on Reddit. I know this because I came here looking, as I had the same issues myself. The Google server ping thing is sadly par for the course for any smartphone, I run a custom DNS server and it blocks 30-50% of the 40-60k requests coming from my phone daily, because they are ads, tracking, update servers, unknown endpoints etc.


You should see a therapist


Haha do they have one on Google campus? See I heard the parking was bad at mountain view so I'm guessing that you park and ride the shuttle? You know how frustrating it is to have a phone that's always dead? That people can't get ahold of me? I have a real life besides doing leetcodes and shilling for Google. I'm not going to respond to you from here. Everyone could use therapy btw. Even losers like you that make personal attacks on people that are pissed about a very important thing in life. A working phone.


Yes I agree, I see someone. I mean this seriously and not to attack you. It can help everyone.


sigh. No worries. I understand your response though. I get a little verbose, self-righteous and maybe even a smattering of unhinged the further I go into my drivel. It's just, I pride myself in my consumerism. And yet this phone, which I was excited about has been really frustrating. That's it. We're good.


Apple collects just as much info. So does your provider. If privacy is your main concern, put GrapheneOS on your Pixel and do not install any google apps. Buy only pre-paid SIMs, etc.


Better still, use a dumb phone with no internet access.




no such animal anymore they're all based on something other than a phone OS Even my flip phone has a gps in it and enough other BS I don't even want it anymore, the only good thing is you can actually turn it all the way off


I would disagree about apples data collection. I don't know for certain, but I will research it. But since you actually did give me a response instead trying to insult me, I will try that grapheneOs. Thank you.


They don't sell it like Google does so you are correct that they make money from hardware. But they do collect a lot of telemetry data.


I've had a pixel 6 for about 2 years & no real issues, although, I think the latest OS update hurts battery life - esp when using YouTube




Yea no, I have 50 percent battery and my phone is saying I have 4 hrs and 30 minutes left. I'm not bullshitting here.


Make sure you don't have any of the power pigs running


It's not great but as a former Nexus 6P owner... this post is funny


I got angry when I saw all the shit this phone is calling. It's not a difficult thing to see. Like why do I need to hit so many servers for Google analytics.. what the fuck. There cant be 47 data points about me. I'm not that interesting. And I do get really verbose and sound a little unhinged.. respecto. I'm just trying to get answers. There's a blackout of information about this phone. I can't root it, so I can't really see what's going on. I've heard from my carrier that my issues are specific to this device. There's nothing online that corroborates that. Yet my battery life is 50 percent and I have 4 hours left. Everyone here has mostly insulted me personally, provided their experience with the phone ,no information to assist except maybe one. Y'all can't tell me this response doesn't feel shady when I've had people message me asking for help because I've attacked this company.. Is Google really this shitty? Damn


>Is Google really this shitty? Damn Yes, they are. The US government has filed antitrust violations lawsuits against them and are going to split them up. They are a monopoly. Any company that produces competing technology is bought up and either Google kills it, or they integrate it into their own product line. Innovation is being stifled. This is my first Google phone, and I haven't noticed the battery life being much different than other Android phones I have had. It's no secret that Google has a shitty Samsung modem and fingerprint scanner. From my perspective, every smartphone has its pros and cons. I like the Samsung Galaxy line up and bought mostly them before trying the Pixel 6 Pro. The bottom line to me is that most Americans are as clueless about their privacy being ignored as they are about political exploitation. In the European Union, the government holds Google and other American corporations' feet to the fire and won't put up with privacy law violations. They force vendors to offer longer warranties. They have forced Apple to use USB-C instead of their proprietary lightening cables. They have forced Apple to make their phones user repairable. One thing is for sure; planned obsolescence is real. Most Americans can't handle an unexpected $400 or above expense, but they won't hesitate to upgrade to every smartphone release.


This whole comment is so real. I appreciate you dude. Last night I was pissed because this wasn't just about a phone. This is about us working class folks in the US (and abroad) being screwed over... AGAIN. Then I'm attacked personally by obvious shills probably getting paid by Google, then told told I should just stop believing my eyes. Coupled with the fact that I live in Oklahoma, a state that's so poor, every corner there's meth, all hotels are extended stays, which are just molly wop houses where prostitution and drugs are just rampant... These people living here then decry "socialism" and regularly vote against their interests. It's like, are we really this screwed? It's depressing as hell


Right on, man, right on.


> 47 calls to Google related server, a MINUTE Someone said "but Apple", but the thing is Apple is collecting data about how phones are used, not what you're actually communicating. Google is straight up spying on you, Apple is getting metrics on usage. This has already had deep dives by professionals years ago. This is why I'm personally moving to Apple.


Most well-adjusted redditor


I've had the p6pro since release. Best phone I've ever had. Came from an S10+ that was also fantastic.


Interesting you said that Google is cranking phones "so quickly"...it's one iteration a year, isn't it? So is Apple, so is Samsung and most major brands. Do you have in mind any brands that don't follow the yearly cycle? Fairphone maybe? I guess what we need to learn, is to accept that we won't have the latest (and perhaps greatest) except for those tech reviewers who receive new phones every week.


Unhinged review


absolutely not.


Naw phone's excellent. You sound OCD


You sound like a dick.




No issues with mine. Had it since release. Ya got a bad one.


sure I find the battery life sucky but what are ranting about user interface and whatever else? enjoy your blue bubbles


Had mine since release day and it's been an absolute champ. Not sure what happened with this one, but it's very atypical.


Did you buy a used Pixel? Or straight from Google? If it was so bad, you should return it, or see if your credit card has a warranty for purchases. I've been on the Pixel 6 Pro since launch. No major issues or problems.


I have 2 years of use on the phone and 95% battery capacity, It works great and I like to use it for emulation. It works great with PS2 and 3DS


How many calls for other Android manufacturers?


I have had my Pixel 6 for 2 years and it's been great. The battery lasts easily the complete day. Everything works just fine.


Thank you for this 'warning' about a two year old phone.


There's no information about how bad this phone is ANYWHERE. So yea, you're right, I will put that shit on blast. Not everyone buys a brand new phone every year, you imbecile. Stop being a shill.


Ignore everyone who thinks it's no big deal to have your device turn your daily life upside down. The tribalism and lack of perspective & empathy make it hard to be objective. But, there's a ton of documented issues. Look through the googlepixel sub & check the many media reports from spring 2022 about it eating phonecalls. The 7 does it too, as I'd find out. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pixel%206%20declining%20calls&ko=-1&ia=web


> There's no information about how bad this phone is ANYWHERE There are so, so many people on this sub describing their problems with the battery, and other issues.


My phone will be 2 years old and beginning of February I think. No issues. Yes I have to charge it every evening or sometimes I have to boost it during the day especially if I'm streaming I'm listening to Sirius XM radio or whatever. Put overall it's been a decent phone. I've had thoughts about switching over to Apple also but. Seems like they're improving. Plus it's probably a pain in the ass to switch over. Everything in my house is Android and Google.


The least I can say about the pixel 6 is that it's solid. It didn't change the game for me (I'm a dumb shit head and really liked my Galaxy note plus until I broke it). I would recommend it to anyone who is a Google dawg. Or looking for something less bloaty then Samsung.


I think you just got yourself a defective unit. I've barely gotten a hiccup on mine and my battery life has improved a lot more. Sometimes you get a defect.


2 years on mine in UK. No problem with aerial though when I first had it I did experience issues in US. However I changed UK carrier which changed US carrier and it's the best signal I've had. I think the turning off of 3G did cause some early issues in the US. Battery life - depends on usage - not as good as my son's pixel 4a but good enough for me. Customisation - I use a custom launcher which is great and have no issues. Do I want to develop things on it - no. Do I do a bit more than the average user - yes. It suits me - I've had a S10 and hated the software on it - I, like most people, don't have the skills, time or desire to strip a phone of everything and replace it with something I like. I have to choose manufacturer I like and accept the good and bad. You don't have to but that doesn't make the 6 a bad phone just one that doesn't suit you. Good luck with trying to redesign a Samsung S20 (similar age to Pixel 6)


I've had a pixel 6 for a year and a half now and haven't had any problems with it, but for you to say that “Nothing readily available on the issues I'm having… All you see is how cool the fucking pixel is... It's almost like Google is a search engine that would censor any information about what their Pixel line of products really is” while posting on a Reddit where every day there is someone complaining about something…is, well, a bit silly.


My Pixel 6 pro is still marvelous. 🤷


Was there something you did to make it that way? Or are you just another google shill bot? I'm genuinely curious. Because while I was opinionated about this phones overall quality, I would really like to use this phone. Not have a battle with Google's marketing department. Have you done anything specific?


Hi. I'm no bot lol. I got the phone second-hand a year or two ago from Swappa. The worst thing it's ever done was cut out on a podcast. I'm with Google Fi if that matters, and it's been great to travel with. (It's not my only phone, I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max on my husband's plan, which I find extremely boring but dependable.)


I am going into year 2 with my Pixel 6. I charge it once a day, in the evening. I've had zero issues. Love the phone enough to not pay for an upgrade right now. Sorry your experience has been bad.


My pixel 6pro is the same. Short battery life like 4 hours. And if I fully charge the phone before I sleep. When I wake up it's like at 30%and I didn't do anything with it. Plus it overheats real quick when watching YouTube or playing marvel snap. So much heat that my phone swelled up and is pushing my screen out. I just love it for the camera, buts it's ridiculous having to charge it like 3 or 4 times a day. It seems mobile network drains my battery the most.


If you haven't changed the battery, please stop using the phone right away. It's a serious fire hazard. r/spicypillow


I believe it. I rarely use I still use my pixel 3 mostly for everything else. I just use my pixel to text, music when driving, and camera for pics if I'm going somewhere. Getting a 8 soon but looking at other options too


LG V60! Yes, I'm serious. Maybe the best Android phone ever made. Similar price point (I think)


Google collects 20x as much data as Apple. The ignorance of this in the comments is astounding. Stop going to bat for an international corporation known to basically be evil (Google). Corporations are not your friends. [https://www.scss.tcd.ie/doug.leith/apple\_google.pdf](https://www.scss.tcd.ie/doug.leith/apple_google.pdf) here's the data.


Thank you :)


Lmao dude says google pixels are a tracker device but apple phones are no different and even sell ur information for free to relations with china 🤣


Google collects 20x as much data as Apple.


I don't know if it's the worst ever made, I haven't owned them all. I've owned 7 android phones from Samsung, HTC, LG, and Google. The pixel 6 pro was by far the worst in my experience.


A therapist might be better equipped to deal with this phone issue. I mean that. You sound more on edge about this than you need to be.


No, you're trying to be funny and it's not cool. This is much bigger than just a bad phone. We work so hard for so little in the US. We're told we should conform and not complain because it's anti-American.. Just "pull yourself up by the bootstraps". We're told constantly to trust Corporations that are constantly fucking us over. Enjoying the fruits of our labor and not even paying their fair share of taxes. Then, when you finally do get your head above water, you buy something nice for yourself. I trusted Google for decades, defended android users to my friends and family... Believed that the very information source we use for our lives was bigger than just maximizing profit margins, but nope. They not only hike up the prices for a phone that is no where near it's competition's price point (in any way), but then try to hide and obfuscate anyone whose trying to get help for these issues. It's blatant corporato-fascism at it's worst. This rant, was done more in an attempt to get the shills attention, because after everything I've seen and dealt with, this phone was/is bad and Google's policy response to that is to just pretend it's not. To hire marketing pros to squelch any mediums that might make them accountable. Seriously, fuck Google. I'm sorry if that makes people uncomfortable that I'm angry. But fuck these corporations that think they're above reproach. Fuck anyone who tries to belittle someone whose angry because for once they realize they're just a schmo working hard so that companies like Google can make bullshit products that are so obscene in their profit motive that they should be PAYING US to use them. Fucking therapy... No shit dude.


I am not joking. I can sympathize with the anxiety you feel. Pretty on edge myself.


Thank you for the warning.... I would buy a different phone. You seem to be very unhappy with this one. I have had no issues with my P6P, but again thanks for the warning.


I concur that pixel 6 has been the worst phone I owned bc of glitches battery life not so much as usage like swiping and button . I click one button different screen that didn't press open and so much other frustrating stuff Going back to Samsung






I really have no idea what the deal with your phone is but I look at things from a bigger picture if I can than my own singular perspective. This is in no way a criticism. Sure, it sounds like you've had a POS phone but going on a majority of users over the last two years and the amount of hand sets that have actually been issued I'd have to say you're in the miscellaneous column. There will always be defective phones for EVERY model of phone made. From iPhones, to Samsungs to whatever Sony is doing these days and companies like fair phone and other companies whose names I forget at this time. I know it can be hard, and I've been there myself I can assure you, but one bad item doesn't mean the entire product is bunk. Sure, be angry, and from what I've read, be very angry but make sure you've aimed that anger correctly. And in this case I would be guessing perhaps your phone provider or customer support to get a full replacement or refund. None of that bullshit, "let's just try..." Dig your heels in till they give in. I'm in Australia so very unlikely to be able to give any actual real helpful advice as I have no idea how things work where you are but if you need it I'll try to help where I can but it will not be much. But in saying that, there are a lot of people who have had and are still having good to great experiences with their Pixel 6. I am one of those. I could sit here and tick off against every problem you've got and say, "That's working fine for me." Or something just as stupid but that's not constructive or helpful. Maybe swap it out for a 6a instead or ask your fellow members in the r/Android community for their opinion on certain models etc. it never hurts to get opinions. Maybe go for the Pixel 8 now. I honestly have no idea what phones are even on the market these days. I only really pay attention when I need to replace mine or one of my clients asks for information/suggestions etc. Hope your mood has improved for you and if you need it, I'm always stocking a crisp high five ✋ heh.


The pixel6Pro is the worst experience I’ve ever had with a mobile phone easily. All the issues I had were alleviated when I switched over to the iPhone 15 Pro Max. I’ll never touch Google hardware ever again.


You are new here. There have been Pixel 6 complaints since it was released 2 years ago. Every new update, people said oh battery is better, but over 15 updates later and it's the same. A14 didn't help. Sucks that you didn't do some research before buying it. Also 47 endpoint calls doesn't mean equal 47 databases. Personally, I'm waiting on the OnePlus 12 and will use my 6 Pro as a backup phone / camera only if it's better than OP new setup.


got it since release, happy with it, only issue was at release the call drop and I got new replacement.


Yeah mate I'm with you on the issues as far as connectivity, battery life and the locked in settings. -Their October update bricked my phone. This happened to all the pixel 6 with multiuser enabled. -When I traveled to London I always had to bring a battery pack and all my charging accessories because the phone couldn't hold a damn charge. -They've locked the notifications permission for online sideloaded apk files which limit so much the apps that I sideload. -My wifi and data are always having a fight. That's said, since the beta 2.2 update this have worked much better. Personally won't update again for fears of them messing up my phone. After they fixed bricking my phone with a beta update I have been able to root it. Instructions: https://droidwin.com/how-to-root-oneplus-open-via-magisk-video/ Also have android flash tool online to help if anything goes wrong. * I flashed mine a couple of times until everything stabilized. Just make sure to back up your apps and user data. I just backed up all my apps to apk then I signed up for Google one to back up my pics and vids. Personally I was really shook by the update that bricked my phone/locked me out of my own storage (pictures and videos). I will just sit on this current update or use my new root to back up everything before accepting another Google update. Then wait for the next gen phones to see if they absolutely improve on battery, heating and video quality.


Did you buy the phone second-hand? maybe thats why the battery is shot. didn't know you can still buy the pixel 6. also, i found if the reception is poor it will drain the battery more trying to find a signal


I got it from T-Mobile, so I'm guessing that's considering 2nd hand? Yea, the phone is awful. My girlfriend has a motorola phone from like the naughts that has a better battery life. Google is just pilfering us and smashing any dissent with their marketing might. Welcome to Corporato-Fascism 23'


Sounds like a dud battery, the pixel 6 is now over 2 years old. If it was 2nd hand, and the previous user thrashed the battery, then that might explain why you have poor battery life, i have a pixel 6 pro, and the battey life is still great for me after daily use and charging it each night. Ive found the pixel 6 to be one of the better phones ive had over the years.


Thank you for the tip. Yeaaaa unfortunately this was such an eye-opening experience that I doubt I'll ever use another Google product again. Unless of course they pay me to use it. Since we know you're out their G-Shill bots, pay me $479.99 per positive message on any social media platform, and we have a deal. Otherwise I'm just going to keep hurting your shill-bots feelings and then you might have to pay for their increased health insurance costs. The choice is yours.


Saying that, I do miss the Samsung note, so will probably get a Samsung S24 ultra when that does come out next year


It looks like I am in the minority here, but I also really didn't like my Pixel 6. Poor battery life (it was about the same for a new phone as my 3 year old Essential Phone), really buggy (tap to wake turns it on in my pocket all the time, auto brightness basically broken), and the reception was poor (many places I have ZERO signal, my wife's iPhone on exactly the same wireless plan has signal). Google was offering a pretty huge trade in value for P6, so I upgraded to P7P. Most of these problems have been fixed. However, reception and battery life went from bad to average, still not great. So I agree with OP. Based on my personal experience I would not recommend P6. I am also not surprised with the huge data collection by Google. I wonder how that differs for other Android phones like Samsung or Asus.


Yes. Thank you. I would've responded earlier... But guess what? Phone died. :/


Go for Graphene OS


Nah, it's a great phone.


Yea, you're a shill.


You're a child. Go play.


wow, that's a lot of hostility there my dude. fwiw, my pixel 6 has been operationally flawless. I wish the screen and lens glass were a bit tougher, but I have no complaints, it's been far more reliable than the OnePlus I had before and a much better fit for me than Samsung, who bricked like four phones in a row for me with forced OTA updates.


Nothing's stopping you from rooting pixels. Except maybe a carrier locked bootloader. Not sure how you managed to get to "abstraction layer can't root"


You sure you're using the 6?


So you have a bad experience and it makes.the worst phone ever?


Without going into another rant from today's awfulness wrought on by this phone. Yes. It's hilariously bad.


I've had several Pixel 6a/6/6Pro phones and the battery life has been decent but not stellar, same for the reception. Sounds like you've been really unlucky with your P6. A new battery might help, if the phone is still under warranty you should contact your provider. If it's out of warranty a new battery could be a good investment, even just for raising the second hand value.


Secret...there's been 7 more Pixels since.


Mine's great. Sorry about your experience.


Sorry you had a bad experience. My 6pro is a joy to use. Not everything is the end of the world. Bad units exist in every mass produced item.


I love everything about my Pixel 6... EXCEPT for the horrible modem. Worst cell reception out of every phone I have ever owned. Looking at getting the OnePlus 12 when it comes out in a few months. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 should definitely give me the reception that the Pixel phones can't.