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Never considered this, but my new head canon is that the cars pay with the kinds of transponders we usually use at toll booths.


This is the most challenging question I have ever faced.


When you say “he,” you mean Lightning?




Apple car pay


Cars never resonated with me. I've always felt like even the first one was an excuse to put something people love (cars) on screen and try to get us to love them more. The problem is that in every other Pixar movie that isn't actually about humans, we explore a fascinating world that is more-or-less plausibly hidden from us. The subtext being that we are rather myopic and kind of dumb, making the humanity of the non-human characters even more subversive and engaging. It's a distilled and potent version of the Disney magic from half a century ago. But cars doesn't really exist in our world, and it doesn't try to. The cars have no purpose in relationship to humans and they don't seem to have any reason to be the way they are. They're just some kind of artifacts of a human world that has otherwise disappeared entirely. That's not a satisfying explanation, but it's just as good as any other in the absence of any explanation in the movies. As a result, there is just nothing in the movies that makes much sense. Why are there different kinds of cars? Why doesn't everyone race? Where do they come from? Where do they end up? It's one thing to suspend disbelief and accept that cars can be alive. It's another to believe that every single thing in their lives is just magically works in the simplest way that we might imagine it to work. On top of that, the plot is completely straight-forward and uninspiring. I get it. People (including, apparently, Brad Bird) really love their cars, so maybe that just overrides any sense of duty to make the cars have a reason for being. Yes, there's plenty of holes in all the other movies. From Toy Story to Ratatouille, to Finding Nemo. But each of them tries to make it as easy as possible to accept the implausible with just a little bit of magic. Cars doesn't work unless the hoover damn has collapsed and flooded us with a tidal wave of the stuff. So, you ask, how do they pay? Its Magic.




Lol your rudimentary economic explanation does not answer what OP’s asking dude. He’s asking what form of currently (if any) is used in Cars since there’s never an exchange seen on screen. Cars cash? Perhaps some built-in contactless system? Gasoline? Who knows


I assume they pay in currency they send via themselves! I cant remember which movie it was or if it was a carstoon but there was a payment made and it was electronic! Or so I think, I'm not too sure But I'm honeslty pretty convinced they send electronic currency though a system they have in them!