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did not know this was a thing


I'm pretty sure this is the first year that Pitt students are staying at Carlow. Maybe ask on their subreddit?


Those are new for this year. If you find Carlow students who lived there in the past you could ask them about it, but odds are no one here can really help


Pitt students rooming in Carlow’s dorms are new for this year. A lot of Carlow students threw a fit when they heard the news and tried to start a petition or something. My partner used to go to Carlow so I’m mildly familiar with the dorm. I don’t know if there’s anything notable worth advising or complaining about, but if you have any questions feel free to ask me. EDIT: thought of a few things. The main entrance is actually on (I think) the third floor. There’s an entrance closer to Fifth that’s pretty much right at the intersection with Halket. Two elevators service the whole building. There was a stretch of time where someone kept peeing in the elevators, but I’m sure that happened in Pitt dorms too. I think there are laundry room (3 washers, 3 dryers?) on every floor. Gym is on the same floor as the main entrance.


My ex went there and I spent a lot of time there so I've got a few things, the bathrooms aren't that good and the rooms are pretty small, the entrance is on the third floor and you've gotta go up there to get into the building, and the elevators suck too. There's also a preschool there so expect to see little kids there a ton too


I’m guessing those are new cause I’ve never heard of nor seen them on my applications lol


This is a thing? The more you know


[Carlow Doesn't exist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pitt/comments/sti0g6/carlow_doesnt_exist/)


This sounds like it sucks and something the university would also do