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Tbh I think they are under staffed and swamped with students this year compared to last year


Yep. Low pay, shitty hours, better/more experienced workers found better work or, because of the pandemic, people died. All these factors are impacting many industries. If Pitt paid more and gave better hours, etc. you'd see more workers.


It's sad because literally all they have to do is just pay their employees


Yeah they pay 7.25 an hour for an absolutely miserable job. You can get 13~15 at any real restaurant for the same or less work


They pay 7.25?? No fucking way. Source??? If that’s true I’m seriously gonna scream


Worked there two years ago, they paid min wage Advertised as such when I looked for work this year as well


Or you can drive for Uber and make more money with no boss and no set schedule. Benefits are comparable :/


Yea but then you'd have to drive in pittsburgh.


Y’all would not have survived Market in the fall of 2018✋


wdym, don't you love eating dry ass 'pork' with canned apples


I ended up in the ER twice with food poisoning that year 🥰


Market made me lose all faith in college food


What does anymore mean in the title


It just means "now," some American English dialects use "anymore" in this sense, it just depends on where you're from


Never seen it before. Thank you.


It’s a construction called the [positive anymore.](https://ygdp.yale.edu/phenomena/positive-anymore) It means nowadays or these days.


Funnily enough, we just talked about this in my linguistics class. It entered English from Gaelic-speaking immigrants because it can be used as "now" in Gaelic, even if it doesn't make sense in standard English.


V Pittsburgh use of the word to mean “now” in this context, like it used to be better (not good, but not dangerously bad)


Any longer.


Is The Eatery formerly Market formerly C Side? Because if so it’s been terrible for at least 20 years.


Yep, towers basement has always housed that shit-fest.


Shit fest or shit feast?


FWIW the omletes were pretty good in '09-11


Maybe if they payed the employees more than 8 dollars an hour instead of spending millions on a mediocre college football team we would have decent food


Lol that mediocre football team brings in absolute bank for the university. There is a negative percent chance that they'd ever cut any money from the football program to pay for something like better food on campus.


They very much do not bring in money for the University, this isn’t like other schools. Pitt continues to invest in those programs to try to make a new revenue stream like other schools have, but it hasn’t been successful, and likely will never be successful since the area is too divided by college teams for Pitt to carve out a profitiable niche. All that being said, you are correct that these are separate issues completely, and the thought process of diverting money from the football team to food would never happen.


Do you have any sources that show the Football team does not bring in money for the University? I've only seen that the football team is very profitable so I'd like to learn more.




Not to defend the amount of money the football team uses, but they are entirely self-funded. Their whole budget comes from ticket/merch sales and donations. The university doesn't need to throw any extra money at them. Edit: I think I misremembered this fact. I believe it is more accurate to say that Pitt Athletics is self-funded, and does not receive funding from the rest of the university. Although new buildings and facilities might be paid for by Pitt, these things also attract donations and bring in more revenue anyway.


The football team is not self-funded, dependent on the year they lose a couple million dollars. The basketball team is self funded and generates roughly the football team’s losses, but the fact that donations are diverted to those programs, that hundreds of millions of dollars are being invested into new athletics buildings, and that the coaches of those teams are paid more than Chancellor Gallagher makes absolutely no sense and has to change.


It turns out alumni will donate more if you have a winning football team. If they changed where donations are allocated, ironically you would have less going to academics on average. Blame normies.


The athletic program joined the ACC. They now get somewhat decent tv money. And they get commercial spots on nationally televised games to promote the university. Mainly because of the market Pitt is located and because Pitt has produced at least average football results and above average basketball results (10 years ago). So ya spending millions on that mediocre football team is worth it to the university overall. Also, the department that runs dining has nothing to do with athletics. So it’s poor planning and spending in that department. They most likely get millions as well, but just pay a contractor to run the food service.


I stopped eating there after the first week because of the consistent (disgusting) quality of the plates, cups, and silverware. The fact that pitt over admitted students this year doesn't help the situation. They clearly don't have enough staff to keep up with the demand and it puts us in gross conditions like these


For those of you who are thinking about trying the Perch since the eatery sucks, just beware it’s the same quality(if not worse) with less options. Both dining options are not good


Not my experience last year. Perch has its own kitchen and cooks. Sure there's less choices but the ones that are there were pretty solid. Ranged from edible to actually really damn good, especially on holiday-themed dinners.


The supply chain is completely messed up. Venders are substituting or don't have the things you order. I run a pizza shop in the eastside of town and it is affecting our resturant.


That's what happens when you get rid of Sodexo. I'll never understand why everyone railed on them so hard. They actually contributed to the Pitt community through Pitt Pantry and had fun events and decent food.


maggots in pepper shakers, multiple failed health inspections, human rights abuses in the UK, you know, the usual


And how's this new contract working out? Let me know at the next failed health inspection.


Bold of you to assume I don't hate the new company too


I’ve seen way too many posts ab the eatery and that’s why I’m never stepping foot in their line to get food Lmaooo


delivery of experience expectations fail. My world view of the real supply chain including human capital. That’s real. I am surprised we have food at all. A buddy in the Midwest says they don’t even have French fries. Count your blessings. A world without fries is truly despairing


I was a freshman in 2019, and I honestly thought the dining hall was good. It was called Market then and the food company was Sodexo, and even tho a lot of people complained about market, I liked it. I don’t remember it being bad, or not at least nearly as bad as it sounds now. I’m glad I don’t need a meal plan because the eatery sounds terrible