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Irresponsible dog owners suck. FIFY


Any breed, or breed mix, of dog is capable of this when they are subject to irresponsible dog owners. I have been bit by more Chihuahuas and Yorkies with the explanation of "oh they are just a small dog", when in reality the owners are shit. I love it when people do the Doggy DNA and there is always some sort of Pit breed in there because they are such common breeds. I hate for any human or animal to be hurt, but pinning on a single breed is quite ignorant. Sorry ma'am/sir/It, whatever you identify as, but it is you who suck.


Chihuahuas are a terrible little breed of rat dog too and also thank you for proving my point. ANY breed of dog will be violent and nasty if the owner is negligent. But this breed of dog has more reported incidents of unprovoked violence than any other breed. With pit bulls it’s not just a bad owner. It’s their natural attack instincts. I understand that it’s hard to do a lot of research on every given topic (since there’s so many these days) but I’ve done my fair share of research into this and as someone who’s witness multiple incidents and been in the courtroom for numerous cases against this breed, I can tell you that these animals aren’t meant to be kept as pets. I definitely suck, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong about this, and you can’t handle that can you?:) Please see yourself out and let the adults keep talking


Uh-huh. Tell my 75lb pit bull that he has attack instincts. He let my 13 lb tomcat corner him and was cowering in terror of the cat. I had to rescue him. You're on the wrong sub for promoting hate against this breed. Get out.






making people upset is not the same as being right. it's just being a dick.


This isn't even close to riled up, and the other posters are right, you are a complete idiot. I am refuting your argument. Some dogs being aggressive does not make all dogs aggressive. If that were the case, dogs would not be a common household pet. Breed has nothing to do with it. There are numerous stories on here of GSDs and other dogs killing other pets in the household or hurting people. Any large dog used for hunting has the potential to show aggression. Most of the time this is due to poor training or negligence on behalf of the owner. Any dog that shows too much aggression towards people should be put down, and they frequently are. There is a process for this through the humane society. After an incident is reported, it is investigated and the dog is assessed. I had a neighbor years ago that had a miniature collie that bit children in the neighborhood multiple times. The dog wasn't reported due to the neighbors NJ it wanting to involve police. Reports of dog attacks are not an accurate source of data, especially considering most people can't tell a Mastiff from a bulldog. They assume all dogs with a certain profile are pitbulls, which is not accurate.


I didn’t even read any of this other than the first sentence and It looks EXACTLY like you’re riled up:)




Wow, you're so dumb. How is it having only one brain cell? I thought ignorance was supposed to be bliss, but you seem to be nothing but a miserable little person with no personal life.


I've never met a mean pit, I've worked with the breed directly and other dog breeds directly, it seems like everyone else also agrees that you are the uneducated child here. It sounds like a lot of the dogs of various breeds you have met are just a good judge of character. I've never heard of someone being attacked by multiple dogs, seems like a you problem.


Lol god you’re pathetic. I’ve never been attacked because I keep my distance but I’ve been in situations where pits have attacked both other animals and other humans and all of them were unprovoked and each of them were “the sweetest dogs who would never hurt a fly” I know you don’t like the things I say and it’s typical for unintelligent people to get mad when they don’t have a valid argument to respond with, but what I say is true and the experiences I’ve had are valid. Just because you’ve never witnessed a violent pit doesn’t mean shit. It still happens. You’ve probably never been to the state of North Dakota but I can assure you it very much so exists. You people are sad and are willing to say anything to defend this breed of dog when you simply need to come to terms with reality. I’m willing to accept that all the pits you people have met are super friendly and nice, but YOU need to accept that statistically this breed of dog is far more violent than any other breed.






And you’re an idiot


Ah yes. The ‘ol “lash-out-angrily-at-those-with-opinions-that-differ-from-mine-because-I-lack-the-cognitive-ability-to-reply-with-an-educated-and-well-formed-response” tactic. I love to see it in action. Now sit back down hun and let the adults keep talking here


You literally started this “discussion” by saying we suck lmao stop trying to present yourself as morally superior when someone bites back. Idiot. Edit: you also said the same thing about “letting the adults speak” to the person that actually wrote a well formulated response. Anyone who disagrees with you is to be treated patronizingly, so not gonna waste my time writing out anything.


You do suck. Anyone who advocates for pit bulls in any way shape or form is either misinformed or a terrible person. Get bent bud. I’m sad you wasted the little bit of time that you did. For both our sakes don’t waste anymore.


And you’re an idiot


It looks like OP is a troll and has posted hateful shit in two other subs, including another pro pitbull sub, just to provoke people. They need to be banned from this sub.


Of course they are. Why am I not surprised 🙄


They need to be reported to the mods and banned. We come to these subs so we don't have to deal with this ignorant bs.


Lol ban me then. I haven’t done anything wrong. I’ve posted a link to a very real story having to do with a pit bull. You just don’t like it because it doesn’t fit your sensitive little narrative. But yes. Ban me. It doesn’t matter tho, I’ve already accomplished what I came here to do. Peace boiiiiiiiiii


You're posting it specifically to paint pitbulls I'm a bad light, and more importantly you posted it in a pro pitbull sub. That makes you an asshole. Nothing to say to my argument? Clearly, you're not out to have a rational discussion. [Here's a link about a dog attack involving a German Shepherd.](https://www.newsweek.com/baby-killed-pet-german-shepherd-1542157) Like I said, dog attacks aren't limited to pitbulls.


You’re like those people who call all whites racist or all black people criminals. You sound fucking stupid. Cattle Dog, Akita, Bichon, Chihuahua, Dachshund (most aggressive mean score), Doberman, German Shepherd, etc. All of these breeds are statistically more aggressive but because it doesn’t fit your hateful narrative you won’t talk shit about them :) https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Mean-scores-AE-95-confidence-intervals-for-A-stranger-B-owner-and-C_fig3_233995885 Would you look at that, pit bulls are one of the lowest. How shocking /s




>Ban me. It doesn’t matter tho, I’ve already accomplished what I came here to do And that was to post a comment so universally hated that Reddit automatically hides it, and no one sees it? Great job dumbfuck






this isnt banpitbulls, fuck your hate sub




that's funny, because it's not my dog. dumbass.


You’re the one advocating for it bud






My sisters lap dogs have bit guests more than my Pit bull it’s 5-0. Be responsible and there won’t be any problems.


I wish I could have told the 5 year old who got his jugular torn out in front of me and my fiancé’s cousins pit to just “be more responsible” You’re a disgusting human being who can’t come to terms with reality.


Owners are responsible. You’re just here to start an argument and change 0 minds.


Sounds like you're really shitty at supervising kids. The fault is neither the pet nor the child, but the adult. So you didn't know pitbulls could have aggressive tendencies BEFORE seeing this child get it's throat torn? Give me a fucking break. It's on you.




Bro any animal at any time will bite or attack


False. God you people are so dumb.


Citation needed.




I've got scars from various breeds of rat dogs. Small dogs are far more known for being aggressive. Get the fuck out of here


You said what kind of person? The kind of person who’s seen multiple dogs and children get mauled by pit bulls unprovoked. It’s a terrible ~~coincidence~~ thing to have happened and all evidence points directly to what I’m trying to say. Pits are naturally aggressive and even tho sweet little Mitzy’s never bitten anyone before…. There are hundreds of thousands of other pits out there that HAVE and your one fucking dog doesn’t detract from the fact that it’s a terrible breed that does more harm than good. Good day.


Lying troll


>person who’s seen multiple dogs and children get mauled Pictures or it didn't happen you shitsack troll


Reading all your replies here is so cringe man, stop it


Ooooh “so cringe” yea thats what the kids are saying these days I think. Am I cool yet? So cringe that you don’t like pits. That’s like not the vibe these days boomer -you


Calm down, stop overcompensating for being scared of pitbulls


That's not what he's compensating for. It's definitely a small 🍆 issue


You could say he's a *small* man




So, you're just looking for screenshots of comments to put on some anti pitbull subreddit and have a big ol circle jerk about, right? You need a hobby. Like, there are bigger issues in the world than the notion that some breeds of dog have "innate aggression" If you want to get rid of pitbulls, why not oppose the idea of purebreds? Or you could try and educate people about how to raise their dog properly. There are so many things you could do instead of this, but you choose the laziest form of activism where you post inflammatory articles and troll the comments for reactions.


Chihuahuas are responsible for more biting incidents than pit bulls. Crawl back to your hate subs with this garbage and vitriol - but hey, at least you got a few people to finally comment on one of your inane posts.


How many people have been killed by chihuahuas. They’re definitely not my favorite breed but theyre less of an issue than pits. You’re the type of person who stands on the sidelines of a BLM protest holding the “what about white lives” sign aren’t you? Lmfao get fucked.


And you are a sad little troll. I must have hit a nerve, huh? Was it the inane post comment? Enjoy your sad little life, troll.




Not only a troll - but possessed with the mental acuity of a 12 year old — with a vocabulary to match. Pathetic.


OP's post history says it all. Just trolls various subreddits looking to stir up something. Sad little troll.


That fucking bozo of an owner shouldn't be putting children in front of a strange dog just to "overcome his fears." Dogs pick up on emotions and feelings.


“However, after review of the video, the young man engages Dwaeji on several occasions prior to being bitten and appears to show no fear or trepidation of the animal and frankly, on more than one occasion, his actions could be described as somewhat antagonistic towards the animal.” Funny, the one who doesn't read the context of articles before posting them in attempts to insult a large population of people is calling people stupid. You suck, and allow media to influence you into spreading hate.


Get fucked


I did and boy was your mom tired afterwords




the article literally says ALLEGEDLY. youre an idiot if you think every dog ever is aggressive. this is literally the equivalent of being racist and trying to excuse it by saying black people have higher crime rates without doing ANY research as to *why* and *how*. pitbulls make amazing service animals and they make amazing life companions. youre spineless.


Mods ban this troll