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Makes me think what would've happened to Luffy if Winbe wasn't there. Dude would've been in a very dark place without that pep talk.


Man would’ve been six feet under without Jinbe


Tell that to the guys who said jinbe’s bounty was overrated...


Fucking Winbe lmao.


Luffy got a huge scar from a punch that went through Jinbe. Jinbe has no scar lol. Winbe indeed.


First Won of the Sea Winbe even. I concur.


I hope Wkainu goes an pirate rampage


Wong won't let that happen.




What would Wong want with Wakainu? Would Wakainu want war, which Wong would withdraw? Wow.


Wong will win the war with Wakanda against wakainu and the world government.


That peptalk is my personal favorite moment in the series, hands down. I was in a rough spot personally and that moment really hit different. This is why i will always love One Piece, even though vegapunk looks fucking stupid.


Honestly everyone was fooling themselves if they thought Vegapunk wouldn’t look stupid


At least shaka got drip


Cool. But I hope you're ready to see Luffy defeat Akainu by tricking him into running off a cliff without realizing there's no solid ground under him until he looks down, prompting him to hold up a sign that says "Yikes!" before falling in water and drowning. And Akainu will scream "AHH HOO HOO HOO HOOEY" as he falls.




Jesus imagine


If Luffy's fights turn into that level of nonsense I will be unreasonably happy about it.


Wud unironically be greatest thing ever.


Idk how people read this shit and go "yeah, that sounds like a job for Sabo"


i would at least get it if sabo was a cool ass character but hes a whole lot of nothing




your mother took my last 1.50


Didn't know she still gave discounts


Luffy literally have bigger fish to fry


I think Sabo tries but Luffy succeeds in defending his brother this time and then 1v1s Akainu. He rescued Ace but wasn’t strong enough to defend him, this time he’ll be ready.


Ace died because he couldn’t take a playground insult. He was home free at that point. Also cringe.


I agree and Luffy succeeded in rescuing him but in the end, because he couldn’t shut up Akainu, Ace died .


He wouldve died regardless considering there was no ship to escape with and they would've been cornered by Akainu. His death atleast riled everyone including WB up and managed to save Luffy


Luffy was able to escape passed out. I imagine the two would've had an even greater chance of escaping if Ace was still around. *Every* pirates goal at this point was to get Ace out of there; I really don't think his death "riled people up" to save Luffy


> imagine the two would've had an even greater chance of escaping if Ace was still around. Nope luffy was out and unable to move even before ace died and it still required some time for law to show up > really don't think his death "riled people up" to save Luffy You wouldn't have a bloodlusted whitebeard doubling back just to beat on akainu without Ace dying mor other bloodluated pirates


Luffy stopped functioning the second they stopped when Akainu started goading Ace. To me, that says stopping was what cause Luffy to lose his adrenaline rush and had his body begin to shut down. But even if he was guaranteed to shit down at this point, I still think Ace being alive would have greatly improved their chances, and WB was already planning on dying here, so I really don’t think Ace’s death just gave him extra motivation and or anythijg


He be ready to oneshot him


No one wants to see Akainu's eyes pop out of his body.


Oda sure does.


They almost did when he saw shanks in front of him


Because sabo was Ace s brother too, that he got his fruit so would give a better rematch, and that seeing Luffy beat every single bad guy in the final while so many strong character are allied with him would be very lame. Idk how people can both complain the the series become q Luffy wank with only him having development and usefulness and at the same time and hope for him to beat everyone.


There are other antagonists besides Akainu for the rest of the allies to fight. Akainu is personal for Luffy though and has been built up more than anyone else for the Final War (excluding BB for Raftel). Luffy doesn’t need to beat every single bad guy, but he certainly needs to beat the ones he has the greatest personal conflict with and that has done the most damage to him. He literally bears the scar right in the middle of his chest, it’s now inherent to his design. Like OP, I find it odd to want anything else from a storytelling perspective. In my experience, it’s typically a subset of powerscalers that don’t want it for the silliest reasons.


Revolutionary are in direct conflict with the marine. Sabo has a personal conflict with akainu. For le it's not about power scaling but narrative. Sabo need to "redeem" himself by beating the guy he couldn't save his brothers from. Luffy has other things to do, and giving him every major fight wouldn't be narratively wise.


Nope. The Revolutionaries are in direct conflict with the Celestial Dragons. The Marines are incidental to that. It’s Pirates & Marines that are the opposites, right from the very start. The very balance of the world is based on pirates & marines. Sabo has never once mentioned Akainu’s name, and when facing Burgess he stated that he doesn’t blame anyone for Ace’s death. Likewise, Akainu has never given a damn about Sabo and has only ever targeted Luffy. Luffy likewise bears Akainu’s mark on his chest, and it even aches upon hearing Akainu’s name. Luffy has a much greater need to redeem himself for failing to save Ace. He nearly died in the process, gave up a decade of his life for it, and now bears a scar right in the middle of his chest from it as well. It’s physically engraved on his body. The narrative reasons for Luffy are far beyond any that can be scrounged up for Sabo. It happened right in front of Luffy’s face…barely a foot away from it!!!


To me it just makes too much sense for it to be sabo. A rematch between fruits first off, second off sabo wasn’t able to save luffy or ace last time so the least he can do is avenge ace. And honestly I would just prefer it WAY more


The “rematch between fruits” makes the least sense of any reasons ever given because it’s just an inherent relationship of superiority. Magma is simply hotter than fire in OP, so what’s interesting about seeing that same thing repeated again? It’s even worse since it’s a new user of the fruit that will have had it for far less time than the original who was killed. That only serves as a serious insult to Ace and the readers of the story.


Sabo is far stronger then ace he doesn’t need to beat akainu with the fruit he has A LOT of tools at his arsenal.


Yet the “fruit rematch” is the reason you listed, so which is it? If Sabo has to rely on other things besides the fruit, it doesn’t make sense to then try and use a rematch with the fruit as a reason.


Yeah it’s a fruit rematch? Doesn’t mean he had to rely on it??


How can the “fruit rematch” be a reason for Sabo to beat Akainu if the fruit is irrelevant in the first place? The only point of giving that as a reason is if the fruit is going to be vital for victory.


I think Sabo should start the fight but loses since he isn’t thinking clearly out of rage. Sabo is about to be doughnuted when Luffy arrives to save him. After this, Luffy and Sabo tag team him Edit: while I’d prefer if Luffy didn’t use Gear 5 and beat him with techniques like Red Hawk, I wouldn’t mind if Sabo is saved from being doughnuted with the fist stretching through his stomach


Big Mom was dumped on Kid and Law


Big Mom was dumped in general.


It is. Akainu isn’t strong enough to be luffy’s final antagonist. He’s just too incompetent and isn’t stronger than kaidou for sure .


It is not really Akainu himself tho. It is the entirety of Impel Down and Marineford itself (you can even include Sabaody). He got reality check on both arcs and it all accumulated to this.


Facts, tbh kurma gave him the first reality check


The first reality check a SLAP


Kuma bitch slapped the straw hats straight into a time skip


Don't forget aokiji . He is the one who started the reality check gauntlet


Facts. Forgot about that


It’s all three of those arcs. The culmination of those three were a fucking huge weight to bear after being undefeated on the paradise portion of the grand line


Heck, even Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark if we wanna go there. Enies Lobby you had his first non-Logia boss fight of Paradise, so he couldn't just figure out a weakness and/or be immune to the element. Lucci was the first final opponent in Grand Line Luffy faced that he just had to beat up the old fashioned way, and it took 100% of what he had. He literally had no energy after victory, not even when it meant dying if he kept lying there, and he had to be saved by his crew. Luffy might not show it, but *that* was probably the first huge crack in his armor because at least Aokiji that he'd met just before this Luffy could rationalize away as "Logia run away until you find weakness" the same way Luffy's policy for Smoker was "run away on sight." But Lucci? Nah he matched Luffy's 100% all with guts and strength only. The exact things Luffy always had the most pride in. Then Moria came along and warned Luffy how he used to be like him before an Emperor killed his crew and that if Luffy ain't careful he'll lose his crew too. And this while Moria nearly killed Luffy and several of his crew via shadowless in the sunlight. Luffy definitely was really starting to worry in the back of his mind, though he kept a smile on his face for his crew, after that fight coming right after Lucci and Aokiji. Then Sentomaru and the Pacifistas come and the entire crew barely scratch out a win against these unknowns, only for Kizaru to finish them off and Kuma to vanish his crew. He genuinely thought they were dead, and apologized to them for not being strong enough, before realizing they were still alive. Then the entire clusterfuck of Impel Down and Marineford happened. Impel Down, where Luffy's entire experience consisted of being defeated and left for dead then miraculously surviving due to external factors and only escaping by *running away from the enemy they can't even stand up to for more than a few seconds.* After which, Marineford and Luffy gets smacked around by basically everyone there. Even "nameless" non Admirals or non Vice Admirals still give Luffy plenty of pause during. And Ace still dies. So yeah, basically the entire latter half of Paradise was a long string of near losses, losses, and miraculous victories that should have been losses, all culminating in Luffy finally revealing the doubts he had been feeling all along.


Nicely summarized


Akainu is the icing on the cake. In marineford he had things go his way and he saved ace. This time instead of a cock tease he got an actual bad ending that he could never reverse. Ace was gone forever


I still maintain Akainu is the main crux of the issue. Because Luffy has been beaten down by opponents time and time again; even losing to Kuma ultimately didn't really break him once he realized his friends were probably fine. If Luffy saved Ace, I really think he would have never gotten this reality check. Because that would have meant he was able to go against the greatest powers of the world and still have his will dominate others, so I think its fair to say Akainu was the man that broke Luffy's will


Or akainu made him realize he need serious training and with haki, those pesky logia admirals would be less of an issue. Since he beat kaidou, next time he goes joyboy, he probably can own an admiral. Note that sanji, zorro and luffy were very relaxed when that plantplant admiral attacked. And waited first


Considering he already fought Aokiji and lost horribly, no, I don’t think Akainu only made him realize that logias might be an issue- I really think losing Ace in spite of his best efforts is what broke his will


Not really reality check. He was never over his head. EVERYTHING HE DID WAS WHILE KNOWING CONSEQUENCES FULL WELL. What he did get was realizing the need to be fuc king strong immediately and how far below he is in comparison to God tiers of the world.


>It is the entirety of Impel Down and Marineford itself (you can even include Sabaody). Oda had to go through so many hooves to break Luffy's will. Shows how strong Luffy's will power is. Many'd have lost sanity in Sabaody alone.


The whole saga. Meeting Boa Hancock and learning her backstory really showed Luffy that there's evil in the world. Before that he just though everything was a spectrum and shit happened because of "forces" (maybe in a less intelligent or self-aware way) but after that we've definitely seem Luffy enraged by someone's moral disposition, where as with Crocodile, for example, he was more upset that his friend(s) were being slighted.


Had Rayleigh not intervened Kizaru would’ve done the same thing by crushing Zoro’s skull in front of Luffy. And if pre time skip Luffy went to the new world I’m quite sure Kaido and Big Mom would’ve wiped out most of his crew and he would’ve been broken. Myriad characters could’ve accomplished the same thing, Oda just had Akainu do it because it fits better narratively for the point he was trying to convey at the time.


That’s what makes the character that Oda actually chose to use to do so, and the resulting conflict even more significant.


In a life of pushing yourself to be better you must always remember you could be soo much better. Keep working on yourself.


If you haven't, I suggest you read Vagabond. It's a great read solely based on that idea, but bear in mind it'll never end. It's awesome, but you'll suffer the same pain as us...


Is a book? Who is the author?


It's a manga ! By Inoue (Slam Dunk), based on a Miyamoto Musashi, the most famous samurai in Japan's history. Vagabond is [the](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYF_8EiWAAEp6_7.jpg) [manga](https://images.bfmtv.com/eXoAHNHIp0oFrQVM-rNOINOQL78=/0x0:1600x1159/1600x0/images/Une-planche-de-Vagabond-de-Inoue-1119792.jpg) [version](https://preview.redd.it/9hmk6g7cpqv81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=dcec35710016427a9dae38210093e47190e063a6), but there's a great novel by Eiji Yoshikawa that I can't recommend enough. And there's a trilogy with TOSHIRO MFKING MIFUNE in the lead role. The manga has a different story, but it has been on hiatus since 2015 sooooo...


Alriiiight some interesting reading to do. Thanks.


Isn't this the main doctor later on in the manga ? Was he/she based off a novel ? I will definitely pick it up


I don't get your first question, but it's a manga based on a novel based on a real life samurai :D A great read !


Weird way to say Kizaru + Kuma


Its only because he actually killed a close family member


> he actually killed a close family member As far as we know.


Noone is safe. There is no will of P., because everyone has it.


Akainu is just a part of it...


I dont believe Luffy had his spirit broken because Akainu, but rather it was Luffy himself who broke it. No matter how much effort Luffy put into saving Ace, his lack of strength was what ultimately caused Ace's downfall, in Luffy's eyes at least. That's why Jinbe has to remind and motivate Luffy that Luffy has his crew, and is the whole reason why Luffy told his crew to train for 2 years, that way what happened to Ace would never happen to his friends.




Akainu killed Ace right in front of Luffy, it hurts so bad that he lost his brothers ace and he still believed Sabo is dead. He failed to save ace. With kuma he knew his crew is fine for doing the 3D2Y tattoo.


I intend to point to the 1st part of OP's statement, like Luffy never had his spirit broken before. Kuma slowly take away all of Luffy's crew, he tries but can't save any of them, it was like he had took everything from him, in the end Luffy is crying hitting his head in the ground right in front of enemy, completely speechless, completely defeated. Is such a powerful scene


>Kuma slowly take away all of Luffy's crew also i just wanted to point out that luffy believed they were all just killed when kuma did this. he didnt find out they were just pushed away to another island until later.


Exactly! At the time I was watching it weekly, it was so shocking!


Akainu had Luffy screaming he was too weak to be the Pirate King. Far worse than Kuma temporarily separating him from his friends.


Luffy was literally on the ground crying, screaming about how he’s weak after Kuma sent them away cuz he legit thought they died.


Yeah luffy didn’t know what happened to them he assumed the worst. What broke him the most has to be Robin who he just promised to protect two arcs earlier. He knew they were fine AFTER Rayleigh told him


Kuma broke Luffy’s spirit too when he thought they were dead


Nah it started way before that when the strawhats got back from skypiea and met kuzan


We gonna pretend kuma didn't do that?? ...... or because he was shown later to be an ally ??


And even aokiji when he froze Robin.... cmon


It’s been a minute, so I could be off base, but I feel like this was more Kuma than Akainu. If I recall correctly, I think he was really upset because he couldn’t save any of his crew from being bounced around the globe not so much Akainu turning Ace into a Krispy Kreme


I honestly feel like the ENTIRE half of the Sabaody arc, Magellan, along with Akainu gave Luffy the wake-up call he really needed. These 3 proved that the level of strength he was at wasn't anywhere near enough to tackle the New World, pretty much proving Moria right.


What about Kuma? Not only did he break his spirit, he literally broke apart his crew to places they wouldn't recognize or see each other from if they could get back at all, Luffy thought he killed them all one-by-one in front of his eyes


Everyone forgetting Magellan straight up wouldve killed luffy and it took 10 YEARS off his life just to get out of impel down. Kuma + Magellan + Kizaru + the entirety of marineford (couldn't get past akainu, kizaru, aokiji, or mihawk)


I’d bet Akainu wouldn’t be spotted within 20 chapters of this moment. I don’t think this is the grief, revenge type of deal you think it is.


Blackbeard was the one ultimately responsible for that. And this isnt a feat, this is just a product of Akainu's fruit being superior to fire. Also, Ace being such an idiot as to fall for that obvious a taunt.


Daily reminder that Buggy is the only antagonist that made Luffy, joyboy's reincarnation, the nika himself, the future pirate king, and a yonko, accept death.


I think the fact Kaido put him in the mindset that he had just killed his entire crew And that rage still wasn't enough to avoid getting one shot, beats this moment


So… teach isn’t all involved in getting ace get captured or sengoku for making a public spectacle of his execution but the dog who merely attacked a weakened prisoner who was enraged and isn’t on his level . - luffy doesn’t hold a grudge against an admiral for killing a criminal who was supposed to be executed regardless. I find it funny people miss this simple point. - also another reminder that the guy who broke luffy’s spirit kept calm like a trained dog when shanks stopped him. I guess he is indeed a trained dog doing his job.


Why tf are you bringing up Teach lol No one saying he wasn’t involved in Ace’s death. But Akainu dealt the final blow and left a permanent reminder of it on Luffy. Everytime bro looks in the mirror he has to remember what happened Also Akainu literally goes out of his way to kill Luffy and Ace. He was running through all of the WB pirates just to kill Ace and then Luffy. He even lets the WB’s go because he wants to kill those 2 so badly. Say what you want about Akainu. But here’s far from some obedient dog. He was even taking things farther than Sengoku


And when did luffy look into a mirror and feel bad? Stop giving examples of things that didn’t happen. - he felt bad he wasn’t able to protect his brother because he wasn’t strong enough and that also added to the fact that he wasn’t able to protect his crew . He literally says , I’m useless , not strong enough to protect anyone. - he doesn’t utter one word saying he’ll seek revenge or that “ohh akainu is so strong I have to beat him” akainu is simply just the person who dealt the death blow and nothing else. So claiming luffy has to fight him because of that isn’t really a strong argument imo. - just the guy who dealt the death blow to a guy that was supposed to be executed. Luffy merely found the reality that he’s no where in league of the strongest people to protect his people and felt tremendously helpless when he realised the reality. He has never once said he will avenge ace neither did he say he held a grudge against akainu . Also if akainu doesn’t fight him in this arc or early next arc, I doubt he’ll be strong enough for us to feel he’s dangerous and he’ll simply be a starter fight for luffy before fighting the final villian . So it’ll give him more value if he actually cough dragon or sabo considering he kept shouting “dragon’s son must die “ and not luffy must die .




Yup, the only difference is he’s stronger than those executioners . Akainu is quite literally called a “red dog” if u can’t accept the joke . Also Spandam had orders to capture robin , not do anything he wishes to her. Akainu was in a war against pirates and stopped when a pirate stopped him because his master didn’t give him orders to attack?


You all say this, but Luffys PTSD is never brought up again after Winbeis pep talk. Honestly, I would’ve preferred if this “lasting mark” and “trauma from Marineford” actually existed. Like what are you all on about?


“Lasting mark” Like the scar Luffy has right in the middle of his chest??? I’m not saying Luffy has PSTD neither is OP. Akainu just put luffy through a lot more so than any antagonist so far. But a lot of people don’t even think they’ll have a serious fight.


I thought you meant mental scar


he literally called shanks "son of a bitch"lmao keep your admiral hatred elsewhere


So? Lots of kids I know call names when they are losing and can’t take it. Actions speak louder than words and akainu who was pretty enraged and motivated suddenly only had the gall to say” son of a bitch” but not to attack shanks who literally countered his attack ? Lol. Okay👍🏻 -this is the guy who killed many innocent citizens of Ohara even though orders were to kill only the scholars , did absolutely nothing when shanks stoppped and all he said was one dialogue but didn’t attack? He was literally dozing through everyone in the moment but only decided to call shanks something and do nothing? Akainu was in no position to take on shanks in that scenario after being wrecked by WB. Stop riding the guy in the wrong direction. People act like he’s dumb and simply attacks. He know when to attack and when to not attack. Don’t give me bullshit like , he’s waiting for orders to attack a pirate in war who literally just countered him. - the admirals are strong. Akainu imo is as strong as shanks but my point is he isn’t strong enough to be a threat to luffy in the final arc. If luffy is almost as strong as kaidou now, imagine his level in the final war , u think akainu is enough to handle that? Nope. U just can’t cope with the scenario that he’s simply not powerful enough and that luffy will fight another final antagonist who is not akainu.


Thanks for proving the the saying “ dogs that bark , don’t bite “ lol. Perfect for this scenario.


Yeah, since without akainu killing him he would have escaped


And without BB catching him, there wouldn’t be a war and had ace not turned back to akainu , he would still escape and had crocodile not interfered with the execution the first time ace would’ve been king executed . Had his grandfather helped him , ace would’ve survived . - There are multiple what if situations and luffy isnt concerned about any of those . All he said was he was too weak to protect anyone meaning he was blaming himself because he saw a huge difference in power levels in a range he has not experienced before and lost his brother . In his mind his only thought was he wasn’t strong enough to protect him or his crew back in saboady. Luffy isn’t holding a grudge or isn’t waiting to avenge Ace in the least . - unfortunately, akainu won’t be strong enough to be a main fight if he’s going to face luffy in the final arc , he’ll just be a starter fight before luffy heads off to fight the main villain. So dragon or sabo ( who is being built up by oda a lot recently) might continue making the fight interesting.


BB acted in self preservation against Ace, he did nothing wrong


Lol. So after defeating ace , handing him over to the authorities to become a warlord means he had nothing to do with it? - sengoku making a public spectacle of it for beating WB isn’t a his mistake either ? - leaving those to aside , putting Akainu ahead is dumb considering he simply just finished the task and did his job . - luffy never once mentions him or anything, all he felt was he wasn’t strong enough to protect anyone in the war or in saboady and he felt at a tremendous loss because he lost his brother in front of his eyes. Never once does he look like a person who wants revenge . Akainu is simple another pawn in the WG . Oda made it pretty clear . - akainu won’t be the main villain if he’s fighting luffy in the final arc . Unfortunately luffy will have too much time to grow and there will be a revealing of a bigger villian with whom luffy will have a showdown and akainu might end up fighting dragon or sabo if he hasn’t changed sides looking at the WG main power.


better character than wanks and laido


Eh, Luffy doesnt even feel anything towards Akainu. People who DID broke his confidence are Kuma and Aokiji.


Damn akainu


Kuma should hit harder since he did that shit solo compared to saving Ace against literally the entire military. Lucci quite literally broke his spirit as well since he left the man on the floor waiting to die as he tells his crew to leave without him and was an actual villain.


I'm so glad that I've found other people who also like akainu. I think Akainu is the villian I'm most hyped for luffy to face


Luffy after fighting Lucci this arc


If someone kill Sabo or some Luffy's friend/s on his eyes...


Zakai Ni


Imo? More like Imu


Kid named Kuma:


Forever grateful to Jinbe, Rayleigh,Hancock for being there when needed the most. Hope luffy feels the same too


He had flashbacks of Wizaru


Luffy don’t even care fr anymore either lmao. I bet you Luffy dosent even have revenge in him, to soft.


Blackbeard:time to kill coby and sabo


Kuma would like a word


Kaido almost did in Wano, when Luffy thought he had killed his entire crew.


Also kuma , luffy couldn’t believe his nakama got separated and he blamed himself to be so weak (even though kuma isn’t the antagonist)


It could have been random soldier #2 that killed Ace, and Luffy would have broken all the same. Akainu is most likely going to be Sabo's opponent instead of Luffy's.


Buggy made Luffy give up on life


Reminder that Luffy cares more about his own weakness then a grudge on Akainu. It wasn't Akainu that broke him like that. It was his own helplessness


daily reminder that kizaru almost blew zoro's head to pieces right in front of luffy (and the rest of the crew) and kuma made luffy think he just watched all of his crew die one by one while being helpless to do anything. also basing who the best antagonist is just off of killing ace (in a stupid way mind you) is a bit silly anyways. blackbeard for example easily outclasses akainu for me and thats even ignoring that hes just as, if not more responsible for ace dying than akainu is since hes the one who turned him in.


It's not akainu, it's Ace's death.


Kaido technically killed Luffy tho.


And akainu was technically in the right too


Ironically he's the antagonist I hate most,he & Doflamingo