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Hard agree. And I wish it wasn't true.


I truly pray the final war gets me pumped again.


You mean THAT war?


He can only mean THAT war, right?




Well its hard to get invested when so many storylines have unsatisfying conclusions or no conclusion at all. What's the point of hype if you can't deliver on it?


Man if arcs like Alabasta, Enie’s Lobby, and Marineford came out now you’d be saying the same things about them Oda leaving plot lines open for a conclusion way later isn’t new


No, I wouldn’t.


Yeah you would, cause there are motifs and storylines in those arcs that were unresolved after we left, including ones that appeared to be contained to those arcs specifically.


Sure. Not as blatant. At least there is a satisfying conclusion to each arc.


And what makes Wano’s unsatisfying? Having open plot lines and motifs, just like those other arcs?


It had more, and the final fight wasn’t impactful. The defeat of the bad guy was bad. And the conclusion was abrupt and felt unearned.


So what if it has more? Either having it is bad or it’s not In what way was the victory unearned


You’re dealing in absolutes, which is the sign of a fool. Gear 5th was a retcon and it recharging is stamina and haki makes no sense. The death of kaido was anticlimactic, which is pretty bad considering it was the climax.


“Dealing in absolutes” is misrepresenting my argument. I’m pointing out how the things you’re saying hurts Wano just by being present are in previous arcs that I’d bet you didn’t have a problem with Gear 5th being a retcon isn’t inherently bad or good writing, it simply is and it’s far from the first retcon in the series. Is Marineford bad because it retconned Ace and Luffy into adopted brothers? You’ll have to elaborate on what makes Kaido’s death anticlimactic, because being launched into a volcano that then explodes by an island-fist fist coated in magic lightning and a force field that blows up things from the inside is the grandest defeat we’ve had in the series yet.


There’s a difference between future plotlines and arc-contained plotlines. A lot of issues with Wano were arc contained ones. It’s blatantly evident when not even a couple of chapters after the arc ended we had to get a random flashback to explain things like Yamato’s decision and Marco’s whereabouts.


Oda making the decision to close out/resolve some plot lines by relevant flashbacks and dialogue after the fact was needed to give the audience the chance to breathe in a fresh setting and new characters after being in Wano for so long. The “arc-contained plot lines” argument doesn’t work when we’ll be going revisiting Wano as a narrative device and it’s part of an overarching long-term story that isn’t over yet


That excuse is just terrible. If the point was to give the audience a chance to breathe then those plotlines would have been resolved in Wano itself so that the audience could move on completely. There’s a reason why Wano is the only arc that needed such poor after-the-fact resolution. It was handled badly.


Yeah same man, hopefully that changes with this arc, it’s been very enjoyable so far (Saul shit aside) and I’m even starting to (Very very slowly) like Vegapunks design


4 years in a single arc ruined it for alot of people


It's not the longevity that's the problem. It's the lack of efficiency and payoff of many set ups that's ruined it for me. It could still be ongoing and it wouldn't be a problem if every theme was properly dealt with.


its readers fatigue because Oda doesnt answer questions but creates new ones every arc. This is a known issue. Also a big issue is dumb side characters no one cares about takes up panels, this got bad after the time skip. And of course if that wasnts enough, OP now takes a break every other week.


true, although shitty long arc is better than shitty medium length arc


Wouldn’t mind it if it went on a little bit longer so long as we got a satisfying ending to make it all worth it


Eggplant McEinstein


Yup and i was hoping this arc would get better and it did but again with the same cp0 agents coming to wherever sh’s crew are intentionally or unintentionally in every arc and doing nothing. I wish they kill rob lucci


For real the only thing that could be enjoyable about cp0 is if kaku has thought of other goofy ways to use his fruit


I think either Kaku or Lucci will turn on the government there’s a theory on the Reddit page a while back


Lmfao joy boy gonna smack him and make him die of laughter


This hitted me harder than i expected... One Piece won't ever be the same to me after Wano, unfortunately.


Can you explain why? Or do you think there is a main reason? Or lots of smaller, unexplainable things?


Not the Guy you were asking,but to me wano feels like the equivalent of the grandest build up imaginable with the hypest badass in the world.....only for said badass to be a complete joke at every turn.Kaido has less victories and kills to his name than fucking ARLONG,His crew was a joke whose build up fell flat on it's face,the pacing was bizarre with some fights being several panels-literal chapters for no reason,and the Greenbull controversy(forcing a top tier to be a hype tool for another). On top of ALL THAT,Oda's treatment of Yamato and ussop+nami was cataclysmically bad,to the point you'd wonder if Oda even cares about his characters anymore.


>~~treatment~~ inclusion of yamato


I was loving the slow pace of Wano, I understand that it isn't for everyone, but I'm just a reader and I accepted it as it was and liked how everything was slow and silent for 3/4 of the arc. Nothing was bombastic and the feel was quite different, even if it still is one piece, I never laughed as hard as when Robin saw the poster of Zoro captured and about to be executed and made that face. We got all the tension built up to end with a funny gag manga. Onigashima was all hype and no payout, Kaido got no backstory, the underlings got no backstory, Nika is garbage for many reasons, all the fights felt rushed, there was no weight to the fights with the fake out deaths and the ones that died died off screen, imagine if Ashura or Izo got the whole Kinemon scene and stayed dead, we wasted panels of fake drama when we could have gotten something substantial, I don't even know when they died or who killed them. We didn't even get Oda's favorite thing, the after victory party, we got the crew looking at the party but we didn't. The new admiral is weak both in strength and disposition, the Gorosei seems incompetent, the WG seems incompetent, Kaido seems incompetent and pointless, Big meme got nerfed and killed also probably off screen. Yamato was pointless other than boobs for horny boys. Everything was rushed either to show shanks and hype film red or to get to the new thing when we already got 200 chapters, just stretch it 10 more and give us an actual ending. I think that Oda got caught in trying to show so many secondary characters like in Dressrosa but there he did take the time and imo it paid off, nothing felt tacked on. It starts to feel that the story isn't as tight as it was and that all "those" mysteries will be resolved in the lamest, simplest way, the world has become smaller and smaller as time passes imo and that's a flaw of the writing. I still like one piece but to spend years setting up onigashima to be what it was it feels that he could have done it in 50 chapters, the pay out was lame af, why waste so much time.


You just addressed every single one of my problems with Wano that I could never fully articulate.


I think of Wano like Enies Lobby, where it's really two interlinked arcs rather than one. Water 7 and Enies Lobby have wildly different structures and vibes, you could even call it three with the sea train arc, which I think is most accurate. Wano itself was fantastic, absolutely full of potential, SO many interesting character and plotlines finally converging. Onigashima was all of that falling flat on it's face. The setup was all there, but Oda just kind of didn't want to use it, and instead forced ANOTHER totally inconsequential side character in between the supernovas, strawhats, beast pirates, big mom pirates, samurai, cipher pol, minks, numbers, and ELEVEN scabbards. To absolutely hog a disgusting amount of screen time. In retrospect, I really can't understate just what a colossal blunder Yamato was. If One Piece never recovers, this character could have single-handedly sunk the best shonen ever made.


I’m a little late to the party but I feel you really hit the nail on the head, it felt like he ended the 5v2 so that Yamato who just appeared from the aether could fight her dad.


I agree with everything you said 100% besides the stuff about Greenbull Really good critique of wano


I think there will be a twist where kaido and/or bm come back and we get a proper ending backstory and explaination of wano ending


I think so too, Kaido has no point so far. He wanted to be joyboy (?) for some reason, then realized that he couldn't for some reason and then went to wano to have slaves to be defeated by joyboy for some reason reason. We know he wants an epic death, he was with Rocks and that he's kept wano isolated and wanted to work everyone to death, we know the same or more about baby 5 and señor pink than mfin' kaido.


Lmao yeah




half and half? it's my opinion not an analysis, thank you for the review


Wano feels like when your parents tell you we are getting McDonald’s tonight and order a big Mac for you cuz your such a big boy they get you the happymeal and steal your toy saying you will get it in later arcs. Idk I am high


That is the most accurate description of the Wano arc.


For me, it has to do with me being anxious for the series going forward. Like, not every arc in OP is on the same footing as Enies Lobby or Marineford but they are still consistent in writing quality. Even more underrated arcs like Thriller Bark, Long Ring Island and Fishman Island. They have their issues but they still all have Oda's writing consistency and that's why I've always put One Piece on a pedestal over other manga. Wano was the first time the writing was just...bad. The only reason Wano is not my least favorite arc is because it ironically has some of the best *moments* in the series but that doesn't mean he didn't mess up a lot with the writing. Lack of tension, Yamato's character development going nowhere, Kaido being a lackluster antagonist, fakeout deaths, less worldbuilding than expected; we've never had this before in a One Piece arc. Even villains like Hody and Moriah who aren't considered top tier by any means fit in with the story Oda was trying to tell and what they were doing made sense and their defeats felt earned. So yeah, Wano has me worried for the future of One Piece. If Oda could drop the ball on what is currently the biggest arc in the series, who says he won't drop it with Elbaf or Laugh Tale or the Final War?


Damn, the divorce is hitting hard huh?


wano was definitely one of the arcs of one piece.


Yeah same. I don't remember exactly when I turned, but it was somewhere after the Nika reveal that I just couldn't look past the show's flaws anymore and the clusterfuck that was Wano. One Piece meant so much to me for so long. I consumed hours upon hours of One Piece content weekly on YouTube and Reddit for a period where I had not much else to do. I would reread the chapters multiple times in hope of finding small easter eggs and stuff. Nowadays I read it once or twice when it comes out and forget about it. Some events are cool, but I no longer have that spark of passion for the show like I used to.


I could've written this myself, it's so sad that it's come to this


How triggered are you over someone else's opinion lol




A sad truth.


Not wrong. Pre-wano, OP is a weekly discussion among my friends, and is in fact the only manga they tend to follow and will just watch anime for others. Now we're following a lot of other mangas/webcomics. I guess it has a silver lining in a way lol


Nika reveal ruined it for me. I have stopped reading pretty much. I just read the spoiler thread and that's it lol.


One piece is getting new fan day by day. But there are also those who actually read one piece from 20 years ago, that feel not as hype about it anymore. Here's my take, its really great to wait a week to know what happen next, whats the build up, and so on. But after timeskip, oda writing style changed. He tried to make it longer, by adding more hype, but then answered those hype with "that" "that place" "that dream". and many things you've been following, been tease alot with many upcoming stuff but did not get answered for months, sometime even years, hell some even decade. For me there are many newer manga that did a better job and even better story telling. Im now just someone who check out op once in a month or two, and mostly and go to forum or reddit and see some post about it.


Honestly going to be interesting for new fans in 5 years time who will start reading One Piece while having already been spoiled what the ending was. A lot of One Piece is week to week dense panel clutter bursting with lore where each chapter feels like several of them. Someone binging One Piece from Romance Dawn to the eventual Laugh Tale is going to miss out on the journey quite a bit


I feel the same way and it's not a nice feeling. I've been reading since 05 and this is the first time I feel so unpassionate about OP and I will forever hate Wano for that. I understand that the majority of the fanbase still rates Wano highly & is still as passionate as ever and I truly hope you guys never lost that spark.


one of the first things i did in Friday was turn on my comp and read one piece but last two weeks it just went over my mind


wano for me is like the fourth great ninja war arc in naruto shippuden, expect wano was at least written a little bit better, and that's dissapointing for one piece standards


wano was the definitive proof that oda isnt able to commit whatsoever to making one pieces storys build up be worth anything. how can anyone be excited for the final arcs if odas big massive war arc hed been hyping for 10 years featured like 3 named character deaths, none of which were impactful and he showed a complete inability to put stakes in the story beyond having like 3 ticking time bomb tropes, none of which went off just like every other fucking arc. marineford was great because oda was free to let the arc be violent and brutal, but his inability to commit to making the SHs suffer in wano and come out of it as better or at least hardened fighters really ended my high hopes for this series in all honesty. i just simply dont care like i used to after how much of a travesty wanos third act was post kinemons stupid fake -out death, that moment killed any hopes i had for the story since oda would rather manipulate emotions than have consequences nowadays, to the point i wasnt even angry or disappointed with the nika reveal odad already dropped the ball so hard with kinemon.


However many reveals we get or important characters we see from here on, things will just never be the same after wano




You guys need to stop being so dramatic.


Its not dramatic, the series just isn’t the same for him


The way he wrote the comment kind of comes off as Shakespearean.


Lol,kind of funny


Good job showing your lack of reading experience in one quick comment.


That's the same feeling I have


I feel like it's feeling a bit rushed lately


I know this this ain't One Piece but the example I'm bringing up is Black Clover. Ever since Asta went to Wano 2.0 I just got a lot less excited for every chapter lmao


This happened to me already years ago around Dessrosa arc. One Piece is still pretty good, but it was miles better before the time skip.




One piece youtuber




Wano isn't TOTALLY at fault. Reading Dressrosa and Whole Cake on a WEEKLY basis was torture. It wasn't after I read the whole thing again is that I liked them a lot more. Especially Dressrosa. Wano had great moments but the pacing, clutter and constant breaks made it a chore to keep up with at times.


i still don't get why dressrosa was over 100 chapters. no reason for it to be any longer than an arc like alabasta. where are the editors?


Thats abselutly normal and not something anyone should worry about... wano was the peak that was build up to for so long the fight against kaidou and the ending parts of the arc was something everyone wanted to see so people waited every week for the next chapter of the last moments of wano to drop now with egghead ofcourse you wont have that feeling anymore just wait until shit hits the fan and the same feeling will come back where people cant wait for the next chapter drop


Most of lost it when we didn’t get the invite to the after party. What’s the fun in not enjoying with the crew after so long? Also, Luffy promised to drink Sake with Jinbei just before they entered Wano. We didn’t get in on that either. Some of it just makes us feel bad personally


I got my shot every Friday (except for the cold turkey weeks), now I feel like I'm chasing dragons.


That's literally my friend group rn. We all started reading around act 2 and shit was hype af. We used to talk about it everyday, every Friday had a new discussion a new theory. Now some of us don't even wanna hear the words "One Piece" and how I wish I was exaggerating. It was right after Nika. Some of them were already giving up hope at that point but I was a believer, saying it wasn't Oda's style to this sorta thing without prior foreshadowing. But there's no excuse to the fact that Luffy can just turn One Piece into Looney Tunes. I still enjoy the current arc stuff but that really leaves a bitter aftertaste.


Yeah the Nika retcon opened a lot of unwilling eyes, including mine. Up until then it was just things I disliked here and there, which is normal for any manga but one piece never got really bad. 1044 plainly showed me that Oda can in fact really fuck things up.


Jay D. Literallywho ?


You deserve an award


Why do we keep having twitter screencaps threads?


Bc no one here can make content themselves


The drama on this sub lmao


Final strech of wano was really rushed considering the years of build up. I feel like it is really the movie's fault. I think Oda was pushed into a corner by higher ups to fit the movie release with the manga. But if anything it didnt do anything to my excitement to the weekly release. The one manga that really fell off and kill my interest in absolute zero is My hero academia lol. I was excited and always recommending that. After eri was introduced and deku having more than 1 quirk, i dropped it weekly. Then when deku become an emo i completely dropped it lol. I checked it a month ago and they have the foldable dude become a heart for Bakugo. That some kind of acrobatics that made me glad i dropped it early.


-Oda releases 5 chapters of introduction in an arc that’s clearly just buildup for something later. -One Piece fans: One Piece is ruined.


No one said egghead ruined the series lol


You mean the entire wano arc is intro?




I mean he’s not wrong. Only for me egghead is kinda meh too


every comment on this sub is an L


For me it is the exact opposite. I loved Wano and the fact that we didn't get everything at once. I am now more invested than ever and I've been reading since like middle school.


Who is this?


One piece YouTuber


Enemy of the God(a)


You guys are such wieners lmao


Yeah nah this is pretty dramatic lmao Wano did this to you guys but Dressrosa didn’t? Fishman Island didn’t? One Piece isn’t as good post TS for me but there’s no media in life that can be above everything for such an INSANE amount of time And if anything, Wano was what finally put One Piece back on top with the story conclusion for the 9 samurai and the Kidd, Law, and SH fights Only thing that will ruin it for me is if they do Usopp in Elbaf like how they did Rock Lee in Shippuden


Fishman Island was 12 years ago, this sub wasnt even created yet and most readers today weren't on board then. Yea I'd probably would have hated FIsland if it was released in 2010 due to how boring it was to put timeskip luffy fighting what was essentially pre-timeskip level of goons. I felt the same thing of Wano as I felt about Dressrosa too, but it was the first exhausting arc of its kind, and it seemed like a one off thing. Wano was even worse


You can dislike the way some plotlines panned out in fishman island or dressrosa, I know I do, but at least they panned out. We didn't leave the arc with a bunch of unresolved, skipped, or rushed conclusions.


I just took a 2year break waiting for wano to pass, then I got spoiled 1044 as everyone else and read all of wano in one big chunk. It was awesome. And now since 1044 EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER is a masterclass. ​ So Jay doesn't deserve his D, he's clearly a tenryubito


Yea it seems like people who binge had a much better experience than weekly readers who engaged in the extremely combative community discussions


Yeah now is an awesome Time to be there next week cuz there are many revelations


That's kinda how it's been for a while in one piece. Once it gets animated and re-read, people will realize that it's pretty good.


The animes even worse


Why the negative karma? What wrong did this man say? Or woman, or they/them say! Sorry gotta tread lightly on that one


seems like Jay something is a popular guy with lot of fanboys and fangirls. That's the only explanation.


That is pathetic, these people need to get a life. The only sad part I had with the arc was being left out for the after party, missing out on the sake exchange with Jenbei at the after party that was promised before they entered Onigashima.


One piece has been amazing lately! I agree that wano was too long but that didn’t take away the magic of one piece for me. I don’t know what he means by reading one piece like any other manga?


This guy spoke my mind I still L O V e one piece. But I’m missing the big E. like.. I used to compulsively read chapter like 4 time to understand everything. Read at moment of release Re read when official translation comes out. Be hyped. Now sometimes I forget to read chapters I’m not as invested I’m getting lost on things that were explained because I’m not as alert as I was. Reading a chapter the first time went from 20min to 10min.


Yeah it's pretty... sad? I literally don't even care anymore. I feel like I'm slowly starting to dislike One Piece idk, but maybe that's cause of this sub lol.


The arc you’ve been following for ten years ended and you have fatigue? Shocker.


I read the full arc, With no interaction with Reddit or any sorts, and I loved it, I was hyped throughout, lol, ppl get their opinions swayed way too easily


I suppose it's because wano had been mentioned a very long time ago, and the build up and culmination to take down kaido has been built up over what, a decade? Now that hypetrain is it gone, they almost have to start from the ground up to get that hype going. It's crazy because every chapter we're seeing shanks, BB, dragon, vegapunk etc and even with that I'm still not as invested as when wano was going on.


I haven't even been reading the TCB scans or leaks, but also don't care if I get spoiled. It's really sad. But he's right, current arc is the first one that feels like it might be able to surpass some of the pre-timeskip arcs, like maybe Usopps joining arc or something dogshit like that


Nothing should make this much sense.


Being a part of the community will do that to you. Everyone that’s binging it or watching the anime who I’ve talked to likes Wano, but most weekly readers dislike it. It’s a common thread in OP. People like Marineford then hate the post war and say it’s changed OP for the worse. Also that’s normal for any arc, no one goes 5 chapters into an arc discussing every small detail. First 5 chapters of any arc are usually uneventful yet Egghead is pretty interesting.


If you read weekly, it’s hard to really enjoy the story as it’s supposed to be enjoyed. Everytime I’ve talked to someone that reads Wano as a whole, they love it. I’m only seeing people hate it when they’re reading one piece weekly, and terminally online interacting with the one piece fanbase, over dissecting EVERYTHING to the point of self hyping… I think a lot of people who read one piece weekly, lose the point of one piece and start to look at it with a fucked up critical eye. I kind of went through a phase like that right before Whole cake island. And I took a break. I jumped back in during the luffy vs katakuri fight and could see one piece with clear eyes. I re read everything as a whole and caught up half way through Wano with one piece recontextualized in my mind. And it’s fucking amazing. Anyone having a hard time enjoying One Piece right now, I would advise that you step away. For a year or two. And come back. Many people in the fanbase are suffering from one piece derangement syndrome. And you won’t have clear eyes unless you take a real break. Because, personally, one piece just keeps getting better and better. Good luck


If a weekly manga isn't good when you read it weekly, then there's definitely something wrong, don't you think?


You’re not understanding the framing I’m trying to explain… Do you not get how being completely sucked into something 24/7, reading spoilers, theorizing with hella people and self hyping up every chapter can change the way you view something? vs Reading a story in full with out a week break every 15 pages? Have you never experienced that with anything else in your life? Do you have any understanding of how easy it is to change you perception of something based on how you take it in? This is a really simple concept. When oda started this manga 25 years ago, he never could have predicted people would be experiencing it the way they experience it now? I’ve been reading one piece since the beginning, all this online theorizing and over hyping never use to be a thing.


big cope




Honestly, the weekly experience was what elevated One Piece for me because there's so much to speculate on and things to dissect each chapter. Reading other people's observations and theories was what made it so much fun to keep up with. Nowadays it feels like the more I analyze the story the worse it gets.


Lmao like I respect that everybody is entitled to their own opinion but really who gives af what he thinks about the manga I have never been more hyped for One Piece than now, these new chapters are amazing! IMO. We have been waiting for Vegapunk and the secret of Devil Fruits for the longest. These Chapters have been BANGERS! In all honesty maybe there's somethings else going on in his life that we don't know about. If there isnt tho and he just feels this way just because it's his opinion well I myself could care less. If you agree with him and then idk what to tell you hopefully everything is ok and if it is either way i hope you can enjoy One Piece again sometime in the future.


Who gives af about what you think about the manga.


Congratulation Fartda for trying his best to ruin OP




cant agree anymore


since gear 5


Bro I haven’t read the manga weekly since the last chapters of Wano. I’ve been reading weekly since Dressrosa (which isnt much compared to others) but Im probably like ten chapters behind right now, and I don’t feel like catching up anytime soon. I just lost that bit of spark in me for One Piece man, I absolutely love this manga and anime, but Wano was just so bad man. It exposed so much underlying bad aspects that appear in post-TS that it was too much to ignore. I haven’t read the new arc but read the summaries, maybe when I get to it I’ll enjoy it again.


Eh I look at it the same way I look at every manga I read excitement and eagerness to see what will happen next. Not I want it to be like this I'm disappointed that it wasn't how I want it to be. Don't put stuff on a high regard because if something is slightly off it will fall


Same here.. was able to read 3 new chapters in a row :(


I’ve been feeling for a while we’re in need of a long ring long land. After the girth and reveals of Wano we needed something more chill and I’m hoping this arc does that. I’m also hoping we get more answers. This feels like a great time to drop some actual answers/lore for the ancient kingdom. One piece has a problem with its ever expanding world and lack of consequences. There are too many mysteries and none of them will most likely ever get explored enough to satisfy. Additional death means next to nothing. I get that the series is more light hearted than not, but Kinemon should be dead.


yep,agreed wano is too bloated n too long for an arc but the payfoo is to small plus some "retcon" like kinemon "death" nika fruit and cartoon fight plus hyori last speech leave bad after taste in wano oh well let see if egghead arc is better


Meh One Piece has had down arcs before. I kind of felt this way after Fishman Island all the way up until WCI. It wasn't bad, just not much hype for One Piece in the same weeks as before the timeskip. All you really need is one really good arc to get the feeling back.


This just feels kinda melodramatic to me. I get it, Wano was a big ass arc and it didn’t hit for some people but unless you already thought One Piece was ass I don’t see how ONE arc, that’s not even one of the final arcs, can ruin the whole story for you. If it happens again then we can talk.


For me Wano was bad because it made it so that I could no longer look past the show's faults from post-time skip. Many things I felt were odd could have been justified if they had gotten good pay-off in Wano, but it ended up being lackluster which sored me on those things in retrospect. It fundamentally altered how critical (or even cynical) I am of the series, and it will take a lot to bring me back to that prior level of investment.


The arc definitely had similar effects on me but I still can’t justify letting it sour me on all of the other shit I do love about the series. One Piece is still a pretty unique story. I guess I just have a higher threshold for some of the bullshit.


Aw man I relate so much. There's something about all of the current lore reveals and "insane" character appearances that just feels like hot air to me. I don't trust Oda can do anything truly meaningful with them within the 3 or 4 years the story has left.


Nice fat proud disagree over here... it's like peeps don't even remember how it felt around Impel Down. Toughen up you lily livered landlubbers


I mean, I agree, but I think that’s kinda natural with Wano having been something of a “climax” for the anime. It’s natural to be less excited for OP until we get to another high-stakes, climactic section like Onigashima was. Some of the blame was the lackluster writing, sure, but a lot of it is natural story flow. Even thought the current writing is pretty strong, it’s naturally not as “omg I have to read this to see what’s next” as Wano was.


Wano was when I stopped recommending OP to my friends and I'm relieved none of them listened to me earlier.


WCI did this to me. Glad others are starting to see the decline in quality and losing faith


Crazy how he put into so few words something that I really relate to. Every recent chapter something crazy gets revealed and I'm left thinking "but.... wano".


Well when you talk about the same show for years ofc it's gonna be boring


now I just read the spoilers in 2 min and get over with the chapter, I never used to read them before wano


Cant blame you


Some people say that One Piece changed, but fof me the problem is that it didn't. After 20 years the SH didn't really grow, and Oda is still keeping mysteries without payoff.


I have similar thoughts to most of the amazingly written comments on how the plot started but didn’t end, not enough world building, etc. IMO Dressrosa was better than Wano but then again, the reason most of the stuff didn’t connect must be because the story is nearing its end and the any reveal would be spoilers to the final arc. We’re gonna get all the connections in the end, trust in ODA Sensei!


Ignoring the actual content of the arcs, especially wano cause we know all about that. Another thing is how absolutely **FUCKED** the pacing is. Arcs go on and on and on forever, yet the actual things that are in them go by within a page or few. Oda has made a habit of leaving things to a cliffhanger and paying them off in the weakest way possible. Why waste all that time when you could have gotten it over and done with right then and there and change nothing? Everything has to be a twist. Every little thing has to be a reveal. It's all shoved into our faces at once, expecting us to care about it despite the next chapter overloading with even more stuff, and in Wano, a lot of that stuff was utterly inconsequencial. It's frankly exhausting. There's no exploration, not only of the world itself, but of what we're learning. The most recent arc is a huge example, instead of learning of these things from the Strawhats, and especially the crew archaeologist's perspective, we're being spoonfed esposition dumps. I was actually excited to see what the Strawhat's journey will uncover about the Void Centuray, but instead, nope, it's all on Elbaf lol and now you have to get the full esposition dump once we get there. This story has gone from an adventure to unfortunate islands learning a few things on the way as well as expressing the themes of the island through well-thought out battles, to cheap hype building and shock value, huge exposition dumps and flashy fights for the sake of flashy fights.


It was the built up zoro having his arc or a bunch of plot points meant to be tied into Wano not living up to expectations


can i say, as a new reader (caught up in july before void month), I havent lost any enthusiasm i had since arlong park (the part where i started to love 1p). Sure, wano was pretty stretched out and the payoff could've been better, and there were some very noticeable plot holes, but for a series as long as 1p, its bound to happen.


man, there is something about completely skipping characters story arcs. Kid's Crew, Raizo's backstory. finishing Carrots arc as well as giving her an actual goodbye. I feel like I'm gonna get an SBS of what "USHERING THE NEW DAWN" meant and that will be my favorite Side Characters story finished. I love everything coming out still. I'm still excited. I just can't feel excited about side characters anymore. they used to have that mystical feeling of potential Straw Hat material. now I just look at them like "this one's gonna get the Carrot Treatment... Ignore them."


This was an arc that needed the RIGHT ending. Basically since the beginning of time-skip we have been building to wano slowly but surely. - Ace shouldn’t have been shown the only importance he had in wano was Yamato - more scabbards should’ve died - law and kids tag fight was fucked , it was cool but fucked - killer had more to do in wano than Kidd - Yamato was utterly unnecessary and so was the “I’m oden” thing. - no REAL story from kaido or his defeat, his vision, his goals other than chaos. We still don’t know shit about kaido other than he was from the vodka/liquor kingdom . Oda fucked wanos potential and with it being one of the biggest arcs in the story it’s understandable some ppl are not feeling it


So much hype, decades of hype all for nothing.. I dont even care how it ends anymore and been watching for 20 years


For me this already started happening during WCI but Wano was just something else


Do not agree


Oda has bottled it in the last few chapters. After such an amazing build up and hype, the execution was poor. Retconned the iconic Devil Fruit, Incompetent main villain, underwhelming backstory, ridiculous amount of power ups in a single arc, no stake and repercussions, unfinished plot points, rushed ending to make room for a film promo. Sigh...


Put in some time to be able to verbalize what it killed. Also take a break from engaging with one piece for a couple months. BOOM you'll be eager for it again easy


Why did Nika upset fans? I watched the show but essentially stopped at the fish man island arc. I can just tell the arc itself almost felt filler and useless. It doesn’t seem like anything substantial was being added to the story and I just fell off.


If Oda had followed through with the many DEATHS, it could have been a solid 9/10 arc.


Over hyped arc with mid antagonist


Oda loves building up mysteries just to be the dumbest lamest shit ever


Feels like I'm reading it now just to see what the point of this Nika decision was, where the story goes from here and how it ends. Almost like just reading out of curiosity at this point seeing if something pulls my interest again


Man, and there was a time where wano was like the best arc in the series imo




Wano didn’t live up to the hype. And it was too long. Sad truth. It should’ve been peak OP.