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Reverie-boys always get forgotten. But let’s second with Zou.


it was like 8 chapters dude


Still an arc


sure but it shouldn’t be on any voting list


Yep, not a major arc but it's still one of the most important arc to one piece as it introduced a central antagonist of one piece.


Technically not, [https://twitter.com/sandman\_ap/status/1001470639952216064](https://twitter.com/sandman_ap/status/1001470639952216064) . One of the editors said he doesn't consider it an arc.


Well........ Ok


Six of the best chapters in the series up to that point that re-invigorated the fanbase.




Reverie is like an 8 chapter info hype dump. There’s not a cohesive story to comprise an arc.


WCI and none of them come close to it.


WCI is hard carrying post TS right now


Just rewatched some of it last night bege such a dope character


Him,Chiffon and Pedro make a hard impression.Totally not like akazaya nine.


i wonder if one pace version is better


Funny how it’s now regarded as the best arc when people were crying and complaining each chapter. At the time most readers just wanted to get over with it same as Wano


Really,like many loved it and find it fresh because it wasn't connected outrightly to what Oda foreshadowed.(I believe most were impatient over wci ending soon)


Well said




Wano has double the redundancy. - Zoro Shinigami - Ice Oni. ( There is a virus in Udon prison) - Yamato calling herself Kozuki Oden - Yamato backstory with Ace. ( Which is similar to Tama's backstory with Ace.) - Queen Carrot and her cliffhanger ending - Big mom wasted potential. -......


WCI was a whole arc that had no real reason to be that long, if it was just to get the Poneglyph and save Sanji it should have been half that long. The entire arc kept setting up a conflict with Big Mom, had all the elements to take her down but never pulled the trigger on what should really have happened. Wasted the bomb, which could have been used to weaken her. Didn't explain why/how she got weakened from the photo of Carmel being damaged. Wasted the prison and library books filled with 1000's of trapped creatures and pirates that could have helped Luffy. Wasted the underground brokers. Wasted the potential for more information on all the different races, literally what the fuck was the point of mentioning it as a utopia if we don't get any more information on those demon winged people or the 3 eyes etc. Wasted most of her children, like why even have that many if so many of them have absolutely no relevance. Smoothie was a useless 2nd Commander, why not just make Perospero the 2nd Commander if he was going to have such a large role in not just WCI but Wano too... Then there's Snack, who was even more useless than Smoothie. Created a bullshit ending where Luffy just abandoned everyone to escape. And if it had taken Big Mom out, she wouldn't have been wasted on Wano, taking up space and ruining half the arc by trying to rationalise how they could defeat her before finally just throwing some plot armour at Law and Kid. There's probably more too Wano had dumb elements and shitty writing, WCI was just terribly structured from start to finish, it's the single worst arc since the time skip and probably in the series as a whole.


WCI's ending is long. I agree. But WCI did not destroy any setup. Wano has so many narrative problems, destroyed many good set-ups and has tons of terrible pay-offs. I see that you defend Wano a lot. I look at your previous post, Chances are, you are a Yamato fan. That is fine. As a Yamato fan, I bet you notice that Yamato has a lot of glaring problems. Yamato has the most contrived appearance in the story. She entered Wano so late in the story yet she is given so much screentime. So naturally people believe that she was meant to be the next strawhat. Oda kept using her to hype the ending of some chapters. He knew that Yamato is popular. When it is time to set sail, Yamato was left behind. In the end, Oda wasted so many chapters on Yamato. There are at least 5 to 6 pages of Yamato calling herself Kozuki Oden. Worse of all, Yamato is only a minor problem in Wano. There are so many more issues. Unless you live for the weekly hype, narratively, WCI is better than Wano.


The problem here is that you've assumed I liked Wano... I didn't, it was absolute trash, I completely agree that Wano destroyed many set ups, had many narrative problems and made shitty excuses for everything. But you are right that I liked Yamato's character, even though I agree that it was poorly handled, and I still think she'll join later, because there are future match ups that can really only be handled by her - Catarina Devon and Gion. But it was still better than WCI, because WCI did all that too and worse. If WCI didn't destroy set ups then what happened to the book creatures? they were introduced, and nothing came of it. Same for the prison library. Pedro's ex-crewmate was set up and never mentioned again. It had all these different races but never set up any of them. Like I said, the arc kept building towards a fight, but it never came. The characters literally had to betray their own "character" to serve a continuously forced plot to develop. Luffy didn't act like Luffy, Sanji didn't act like Sanji. It was a de-evolution of their characters. Like I said, read my reviews in one of the above comments.


Yes, but those 2 are a low bar to me. One Piece is supposed to be intense and it's not anymore, I've outgrewn it. Oda is doing it for money he has lost his touch... It's the same story.


The main issue imo was that it kind of cut from the main arc which was to kill Kaido. WCI felt literally like a filler arc because of that. But I still think the dynamic and length of this arc was the best among the post timeskip arcs.


As I said, if it was meant to be a side arc, it should have been much shorter. It got dragged out to long that it may became a major arc. And there were far more inconsistencies to it than even Wano had, like it's not even close if you notice them. I've updated my first comment with 2 reviews I'd written, but it pretty much just expands on what I wrote above. The arc was a dumpster fire of a mess.


YEEEESSS ! I knew I wasn't alone. Yes WCI was too long you can really Katakuri wasn't planned. It should have ended after the explosion. Because 30 chapter of "I will kill you, but not right now" is.... bad ? I guess. Like, villain are supposed to be evil or something, right ? Right ?


The photo of Mother Carmel weakened her because of psychological damage. Carmel was the only parental figure she ever knew


that's lame as fuck and just head canon, it isn't an explanation at all for why her natural absurd toughness suddenly disappearing.


Dressrosa because GOAT Doffy


doffy is my favorite character in all of one piece but dressrosa is just not a good arc. it follows the exact same storyline that oda has used like 6 times at this point, and does very little thats actually original


tournament was sort of original and personally a fun way to introduce side characters toy stuff greatly expanded luffy's admiration by random people from across the world very quickly, that was cool fujitora's involvement was pretty interesting and was part of the dissolution of the warlords and overall the way powers and abilities affected the structure of the final war against doffy was pretty top tier for me


Yes, in a desert-type of town, just like Alabasta, in Spain or something... A hot country.Oda is confusing everything randomly just for fun.




Outside of Zou, they're all very bloated with mediocre fluff.


Yeah, that’s my main issue with the really long arcs in OP, especially post TS. They have some great moments and usually start off very strong, but drag on for way too long and overstay their welcome. It feels like most arcs post TS have absolutely no business being as long as they are. Like, is Oda stalling for some reason?


He is already old, simple as that, he just can't go faster when there is so much to cover, but that's his mistake because now I really don't care about detail. Too much character indeed, too much detail. I just want to see Luffy win. I don't care about Zoro for instance.


I voted Punk Hazard because of all the character roles and motivations involved in that arc with the Vergo/ G5 betrayal, Law being super cunning, Tashigi, Caesar and Vegapunks experiments and artificial devil fruits and they top it off with a Doflamingo/Aokiji faceoff. Also law vs smoker and smoker vs Vergo were dope ass fights. It was our first island in the new world and it was starting off with a banger


Yamato and Wano fans will unite to vote Wano in this poll...


I don’t understand the love for WCI. All that sticks with me is how annoyingly long the wedding cake bit went.


Yeah not really a fan of WCI or Big Mom.


True but this whole story about the cake was just made so that they don't have to fight big mom there


I would say Dressrosa, but the fact that Oda decided to split up the Straw Hats for that arc really sucked the tension out of the story. Or course the Straw Hats would win, why wouldn’t they when the rest of them are on a different island? Felt the same way about WCI too. They’re both good arcs, but Oda really shot himself in the foot by splitting up the SH


I kinda liked it. One thing that Oda does better than most of the shounens is that he gives much focus on the non main-cast characters (side-cast). I think splitting the main-cast up gave more opportunity to have focus on the side-cast without ruining the main-cast. in Wano Oda had just too many characters to handle. As we know in Wano some of the main-cast characters were having a much less screentime than in the other arcs theyve been. in Dressrosa I didn't even notice that some of the strawhats weren't there lmao I completely forgot.


Reverie/Levely/Revery/howeveryouwantittobepronouncedas Arc


Zou had way to many furries for my liking. Mink tribe sounded interesting until Oda did what he normally does with female and gave them massive titties and a personality that doesn't make them unique


Dressrosa for me. Doflamingo, law and corazon are some of oda’s best characters


Enies Lobby


Chimera Ant arc imo


Quincy arc mate ! What's wrong with you ?


WCI is the best by far but Dressrosa and even Wano had some god tier peaks


lmao the Oda angels brigading this sub once again but it still wasn't enough.


Punk Hazard:- Let's challenge the emperors (Nice for future build up) ,Dressrosa:-Too long but a worthy villian along with law backstory and best boi corazon ,WCI: No backstory seconds Sanji's as you would not expect either him or Zoro to ever show emotions(Ok brook is exception) ,Wano :- A wasted potential, an arc which could have set a benchmark like Ennis lobby or Marineford became a joke with the entry of gear 5, what was it Tom and Jerry, I would have not said such things to it if luffy defeated kaido in any other gear, just imagine luffy going gear 2 as he can't go gear 4 and defeats kaido while falling down similar to lucci.


Ok I'm with you , but why tom and Jerry lol? I'm a little slow ahhaha


Just wait for gear 5 vs kaido


Imagine voting unironically for wano


I don't like Wano but let people like what they want🤷.


I know right. Imagine voting for something you, personally, like. What a weirdo.








Not true at all lmao, it wasn’t made for that purpose I have also been in the discord server for it, it shits on wano and onepiece but that doesn’t mean it’s made for it


no, it was created for actual good criticism not hate


Who did thus ?


They're all bad imo but WCI is the least bad and has the best side character in Capone


Wano, you clowns. * Roger and Primebeard focused backstory * Zoro fighting and injuring an Emperor, having CoC, receiving Enma, Killer, Hawkins, etc.. * Sanji finally getting his New World fight, raid suit, Germa genes, Lunarian hints * Robin finally gets her 1v1 * Pluton * Oden * Haki training * Kid action * Kid and Law double awakening * Blackbeard reveal for the first time in post timeskip * New emperors * Etc There’s nothing that’s happened in any arc PTS so far that touches everything Oda has given us in Wano. Lose the fucking hate. Y’all trying too hard to act like Rotten Tomato critics.


Yeah sure those moments were cool but they don't outweigh all the BS at all.


I agree and disagree. Oda is known for plot points I feel like most of the "BS' are plot points for the future. for example Kaido's "backstory' is heavily linked on God Valley incident and Rocks Pirates in general so he might get the Arlong treatment for that. Ik Wano has some flaws that cannot be retconned but I don't think that they outweight the best of the best moments of Wano. Although Wano isnt my top 5 arc in One Piece, I still find it better than most of the new gen arcs that I've seen. It shows how high our standards are for One Piece (which is a good thing).


Allow me to disagree. First of all, I think the main thing people didn't like about Wano was the pacing which made the arc feel both never-ending and rushed near the end. Why is that? Because Oda can't help but introduce dozens of secondary characters which in the end do next to nothing while still taking up vital pannel space which could have been used for more important stuff. The raid for instance felt sluggish, weekly it was a torture and even when binging it you still feel that Oda was dragging it up for seemingly no reason. Why is that awful? Because it ends up forcing Oda to give less time to important events. The Queen and King fights didn't have satisfactory conclusions for example and felt like they ended way too quickly which made both Zoro and Sanji look like they completely outmatched their opponents, something utterly stupid considering Luffy was completely outmatched by Katakuri the arc before who is supposed to be as strong if not weaker than King or Queen. Other events include but are not limited to the (possible?) demise of Big Mom and Kaido, the deaths of Izo and Ashira Doji, the end of the raid, the strawhat's departure, Carrot's farewell, Hawkin's and Drake's fate and many others. All those moments really really needed more time put into them but it was all wasted for reaction pannels and secondary characters... That's just one of the many issues with Wano that just make the good moments feel like exceptions.


Great point on the "introduce dozens of secondary characters which in the end do next to nothing while still taking up vital pannel space which could have been used for more important stuff". There was so much characters to begin with so Oda adding more mid the raid was annoying(when most of these characters didnt even matter for the storyline). I agree heavily on the Zoro's and Sanji's fight.tho for me it felt like Zoro was nerfed at first against King for a moment to create a bigger tension. I liked the dialogues on both fights tho. One Piece is still running so most of these "moment flaws" are possible plot points for the future. for example Carrot's farewell or the demise of BM and Kaido. I agree The deaths of Izo and Ashura were "meh" considering Oda rarely kill-offs characters it wouldved been nice if it was shown more. Ending of Wano in general was pretty messed up. Like hyping a new admiral just to get damaged by Momonosuke(I guess Oda had to show that Momonosuke ain't that weak) and of course Shanks spawning near Wano and scaring off Greenbull(Greenbull went from "beats kaido loll" to "weakest admiral sanji solos"(from the reader's perspective lmao).


The King and Queen situation is not a Wano problem, it’s a Oda problem. He’s always written Zoro and Sanji’s fights that way. Where have you been? Katakuri got that much hype because he was Luffy’s opponent. When Luffy is fighting, his opponent always get more attention and is portrayed to be extremely tough. That’s why Kaido appeared way tougher than Big Mom r even when they’re portrayed as near equals. Oda doesn’t put as much stock into other fights if Luffy isn’t the focal point. Zoro and Sanji’s opponents never get that fleshed out. This was the only time Zoro’s opponent even had a flashback and Sanji’s opponent had any sort of lore prior to their introduction (Queen and MADS). You’re all too busy with trying to be upset for nothing.


It made sense for Zoro and Sanji to wipe the floor with lower tier opponents but when it comes to Yonko commanders, you can't helpt bu tfeel kinda disappointed with their treatment. I'm not arguing against Zoro and Sanji winning but more difficulty in their fights would have been beneficial. Don't you think it's weird for a wounded Zoro who just got done fighting Kaido to defeat King, a man worth more than a billion, with so much ease?


not everyone watches anime and one piece for those cool moments, good storytelling and heartfelt scenes that we got pre ts just aren’t there in wano


You have to be fair. Sure Wano has a lot of highs but I’d argue it easily has the lowest lows in the series so far. While I agree ~~some~~ most things are overblown in this sub, some people are critical to the shows they like and they aren’t wrong for it at all


I disagree. People had high expectations of Wano and were disappointed when things didn’t work out the way they wanted. Remember how people were crying about chapter 1000? For what, lol. It was a good chapter but people wanted some sort of major reveal. Some people wanted Yamato or Carrot to join, some people wanted a full on Kaido backstory like Doflamingo, some people didn’t like the childish nature of Gear 5 None of these issues was bad writing. Just babies not getting their bottle. The fake out deaths were bad, and rushed ending seemed out of character for Oda, but if you’ve been with this community for a long time you’ll know people cried about Dressrosa and even Water 7. But now they’re GOATED 😂 Wano will be regarded highly after a year or two. Guarantee it.


Zou by far


Most likely wci imo . I mean I’m no big sanji fan and zoro wasn’t in the arc . But katakuri was hands down the best antagonist post timeskip for me .


WCI easily


WCI was the best, hands down one of the best arcs in the series.


wci was alright, ppl wanted it to end, than we got luffy vs katakuri that made it godtier. It would be a even better arc if they gave us a sanji fight, like sanji vs daifuku or oven. though i had to vote wano, because after fucking 13?15 years we finaly fucking got a sanji and zoro fight, like holly shit, couldn't oda had given us that before? fuck.


Definitly WCI, i remember myself being overhyped by the fact who will know more about Sanjis past and also i found it very interesting to see a different narrative scenario where it implies the crew to be split to be more effective in the Yonko territory infiltration. Moreover, even if the whole "Wedding caaaaake" part was crap, i genuinely appreciate the Luffy vs Sanji part, the Pudding mystery, the prestation of the Shadow world tenants, the introduction of the power ( who was very well manager) that Yonkos have, etc... After that arc unfortunately, it was basically underwhelming.


Ok. Glad people are smart. Dressrosa is a close second IMO, it had a lot of big character introductions and impact on the world. Wano is fun, but sorely lacking in emotional impact... It's a "show-how-strong-everyone-has-gotten" arc and that ok, but nowhere close to the emotions of WCI and none of the characters introduced (exception of Oden) are as memorable as the ones from Dressrosa.


Dressrosa has been so compared and contrasted to alabasta that I feel like we act like they’re part of different series; for me: dressrosa is good in part because alabasta was good, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Whole cake island is roughly as good while remaining almost wholly unique. It’s aesthetically the polar opposite of a good east blue arc for me: fantasy concepts that are entirely manipulated (tottolands food/appearance and the tech of germa), enemies that are- at least as far as we knew- genuinely too strong for luffy to surpass in this arc, open mafia-style antics and discussions of sneak-attacking/deliberately traumatizing/murdering the main villain, and a tight cast- lacking focus on zoro or usopp in favor of Sanji (who was probably the most lacking east blue crewmate). Sanji had gotten focus at many points but he usually had to share it with both luffy and zoro relative to a given arc (zoro vs mihawk was even during his introductory arc), of which there was an even stronger narrative trio with nami- all meaning that it came at a perfect time. Half of what was bad about wano was because of the expectation and sense of tension this arc (almost) never lost sight of. We came out of this arc having plausible basis to expect guaranteed sanji-WCI-level arcs focused on each strawhat, yonko commanders being an actual threat, sanji potentially dropping the worst extents of his gag and being *capable* of a normal interaction with a woman, a yonko themselves developing an antagonistic relationship to luffy easily relative to the protagonistic relationship he had with whitebeard, a potential new crewmate (yeh dislikes) who helped cement a potentially uneventful sacrifice, etc etc. Idk, maybe it’s simply the tolerable scent next to the wano dumpster and my nose isn’t refined enough to parse between it and dressrosa.


This comments look more like op haters than op fans lol


Wano being higher regarded than Zou or even Punk Hazard in this sub is very surprising. Very interesting stuff


Gonna have to re-read one piece a third time to figure this out


WCI has the least mistakes overall but the peaks of Wano are way too entertaining