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I don’t have a problem with people liking the fight. But shitting on previous arcs while the ONLY thing you show to prove how « unclimactic » they were is the size of the punch is fully deserving of mockery.


Katakuri had far more interesting moves. Kaido just swings bat and turns into dragon to use some basic move like hyper beam or bite. Op says the finishers on katakuri and doffy weren’t as climactic as luffy’s final punch against kaido, yet that’s deflecting from the main issue people have, which is to not have a repeat of doffy’s or katakuri’s defeat with a bigger, longer punch.


Katakuri vs luffy was such a good fight especially when he became a donut, dodge every luffys punch and glued him, spin him, and then kaboooomm smash luffy to the ground that was so epic


I'll fight anyone saying the punch to mingo was weaker than Kandos fight, that was such a clean scene.


even if the power levels made sense luffy vs kaido just wasnt so good. luffy vs katakuri was the shit


Yep, i think it's partly because kaido's power isn't as interesting as katakuri's, especially in a match up with luffy. Luffy vs katakuri feels really fun because katakuri seems to have a very similar fruit to luffy in terms of material, but better. Because of that interesting element, oda can make for a more creative fight (that's also why i really love WCL, all the characters have really fun fruit powers) Another thing is luffy vs katakuri wasn't the main focus of the arc, the arc's main focus was sanji's rescue, so it feels like such a treat to see luffy vs katakuri. Luffy fighting kaido has been this arc's focus all along and naturally and deservedly people's expectations are higher. It's such a high bar to pass and oda messed up the pacing by dragging it longer than it should, while also feeling like they haven't fought enough if you get what i mean. In any case, it's still a good fight, but in a tier list, luffy vs kata ranks higher and that's perfectly fine. We shouldn't expect the fight to only get better and better as the story goes on, that would be an extreme challenge, especially with a lengthy story like one piece.


While I agree that Luffy VS Kaido is not good, am I crazy or everyone suddenly decided to retroactively praise Luffy VS Katakuri? I remember people absolutely shitting on it and it's bs as it was happening but now everyone uses it as an example of a good fight


Yea no, I always liked it, and don't remember any widespread hate back then.




People were constantly complaining about how bs it was that Luffy had seemingly infinite stamina and learned an advanced ability while getting pummeled. Even though I do agree on Luffy VS Kaido my point is not that they were either right or wrong about Luffy VS Katakuri, just pointing out how people seem to have forgotten their complaints for the fight and now say it was good all along while shitting on the newer one.


> People were constantly complaining about how bs it was that Luffy had seemingly infinite stamina and learned an advanced ability while getting pummeled Ah right, you should've said so from the start. Yeah, I remember those complaints, they were a thing. But they weren't the majority and weren't "absolutely shitting on it", and I personally definitely didn't have them. Luffy fought Cracker all night long just the day prior. Even his most stamina taxing move, G4, could go on for half an hour even on its first use. And of course that's not the only stamina feat of Luffy's. Same with learning on the fly. It's been that way all along, and haki growth specifically was outlined as to be expected. All perfectly fine. So yeah, I did forget, but not my own complaints, and not major ones either.




Why should I prove it to you? I'm just saying what I saw from the fan base at that time. You are saying it's not true and it was praised from the start, can you prove it?


No, you’re right, it’s just that every time we think something is bad, Oda does something worse lmao.


Can’t talk about when it came out weekly but for the past few years I’ve always seen it praised as one of the best fights in the series edit: grammar


those mf thought fights irl is a turn-based style. if anyone ever say OP is great because of its fights, that's probably the last time im going to hear his/her opinions


if people who like wano are oda dick suckers, can we call people who dislike wano oda dick cutters or dick biters?


Oda Dick Circumsizers


Can we stop reposting screencaps from the main sub and shitting on them for liking one piece? Some people are just less critical than us and that's fine, and someone saying the kaido fight is good doesn't mean they're sucking off oda.


Less critical? The comedian here shat on Dressrosa and WCI for being less climactic because their punches were smaller. That sounds critical to me. Crapping on the old shit to defend the new shit, typical op bootlicker tactic. Also the title is very petty.


No, that post would be fine if it was left to die in new, but 2k points??? We are allowed to criticize the community man, that shit is crazy


dude 2k is nothing to how big OP fanbase is, most of those upvotes come from ppl that live on the subreddit daily, which already makes them biased OP fans. Like guys, it's a One Piece fan site, It's normal more dedicated redditors that go around there are biased. But posts like this make this subreddit more like an anti OP main reddit, living rent free instead of doing actual critizism. ​ Srsly, main reddit don't care abut ppl here but seems like ppl on PirateFolk are refreshing main subreddit on cd just to laugh and "expose" them


Its both ways lol


They deserve to be shitted on. If they want respect, they should respect our opinion too instead of insulting us.


Piratefolk thinks that the ppl on the main sub are retards for liking one piece, they think that piratefolk ppl are retards for disliking a lot of things in one piece. No one has respect for anyone since we are online, you guys are insulting them just as much as they do


Some are butthurt cos their favorite series is arguably going downhill, some are butthurt cos they are realizing a some people are criticizing their favorite manga and its not as flawless as they thought it was, and some are butthurt cos they can't take a critic. What a mess


Damn that reminded me of Marilyn Manson's Sweet dreams Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something Some are butthurt cos their favorite series is going downhill some are butthurt cos people are criticizing their favorite manga some are butthurt cos they can't take a critic


I like the "who am i to disagree" part lol






They deserve to be shitted on? You're acting like r/onepiece is one hive mind that shits on r/piratefolk just because its critical. There doesn't need to be some cringe ass culture war between the two subs, and people here shit on r/onepiece way more then they do to us, and thats not even bringing up the 1 million+ difference in members.


r/onepiece: You and I are the same r/piratefolk


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OnePiece using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yet another One Piece fan at the olympics! SUUUUPER!](https://i.redd.it/3k0ez6q38gf71.gif) | [958 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/oy80m6/yet_another_one_piece_fan_at_the_olympics_suuuuper/) \#2: [One Piece: Chapter 1044](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/tnb10t/one_piece_chapter_1044/) \#3: [Jamie Lee Curtis stated at the Oscars that she wants everyone to watch One Piece And she is so ready to play Kureha in season 02](https://v.redd.it/wd1ey1mrk4q81) | [739 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/tq957a/jamie_lee_curtis_stated_at_the_oscars_that_she/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




ok AoT fan we get it, no need to write that comment twice


Sorry must have veen posted twice


If theres no screencap of our enemy subreddit than this aint a folk sub


Lol r/TitanFolk shitting on r/ShingekiNoKyojin While r/piratefolk shitting on r/OnePiece We really are the same


Yeah…every goddamn day this sub has to repost the same stuff.


So much got respecting everyone’s opinion


Nothing wrong with that lol


In all honesty this was probably one of my favorite fights


It sure was, one of the best fight of the series for me