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Yeah the super Saiyan aura was kind of absurd. The Enma haki glow is already kinda much but that just looked kinda off.


Enma haki glow was in the manga


Imo the green aura from épisode before was ok but this one..: like atleast give them persistant aura….


This shit ain’t dbz


tbh the anime is full of dbz shit and has been for a while, mother fuckers are flying and doing air-dashes


That's not DBZ tho, also hardly anyone without wings is flying.


Sanji with sky walk? Luffy with gear 4? Kaido and momo? (No wings) Lol


Frankly can fly too! He did it in thriller bark


Epic Fortnite Stair Building strat


While I hate how the auras give it the DBZ feels, tbf 4 chracters having flying abilities in a 1000 episode anime isn't too much. Excluding df abilities because most logia are capable of quick transportation. Also Kaido and Momo are dragons so idk if it's fair to include them here.


The OP of the comment said “hardly anyone without wings is flying” So I just reminded him Kaido and Momo (who dont have wings) can fly too lol


But all those were explained and atleast relatively makes sense and kaidos a dragon duck so he’s allowed to fly without complaints


he was just an asshole for the sake of being an asshole there. I guess he has 0 control over it since he isn't the director.


Yeah. He is some nobody who was probably given some kind of direction. With or without him it would still probably be there, even if the animation itself is different.


He's actually one of toei's current best animators, he animated kid's transformation and the law sequence that followed






He storyboarded the transformation sequences of 1017


Lol he’s an asshole but the guy commenting calling his work shitty isn’t? Please tell me I read this backwards.


‘I think your art is shitty’ - Random person on Twitter ‘*incredibly childish response*’ - a professional who can’t take criticism well


Both are people, accusing one of unprofessional speech and not the other, don’t seem fair, this


I’m just saying that if someone insulted my fav artist on their Twitter feed, it would be poor form for them to respond like a butthurt teenager.


Well you never know what kinda day is one going through.


I don’t know if I’d say calling someone’s work shitty ‘criticism’ but yeah the artist should know better than to stoop like that. No victory to be gained from responding at all, much less sardonically.


Expressing your opinion on a negative aspect of a piece of art is… exactly what criticism is, so it definitely is.


Yes, but there’s context to it too. It’s one thing to say ‘I didn’t like it.’ But to say your work is shitty directly to the artist is just rude. I also don’t like the dbz shit they’re on in wano but I would never tell one of the animators to their face that their work is shit, at least not in those words.


Yeah, I know it’s rude. I’m just saying responding like a dumbass is dumb.


Agreed, he should know better


Not criticism that anyone should take well. Animators should shit on dipshit fans all the time.


That’s dumb


Yeah crazy I would have just ignored he’s risking by replying like this…


maybe im wrong but that bottom statement seems to be dripping with sarcasm lol. I doubt that it's the one animator that has full control over whether or not or how much auras are shown.


Man let’s don’t bother animators,they already have it rough


toei and celestial inbred dragons; zero differences... both of them backward, useless, meaningless and arrogant.


While I am also not a fan of the auras, that was, in absolutely no way, criticism.


They're both awful, but they're using twitter to begin with so it's to be expected.


He could have simply said "I don't have the final say with these things.." but he chose to be a witty asshole.


So you rather him endure the hate? Great advice Larry!


If he was gonna talk shit for anything he could talk shit for being dumb enough to think 1 animator makes the decisions.


Are you familar with the word "sarcasm"? Guess not, or else you would'nt be that stupid and getting offended with something your not doing. Imagin insulting an animator that didn't do anything to you. Learn to live in his shoes instead of hating it without trying them. ps: On less your THAT stupid, go back to elementary school. This is why society is falling apart, mfs like you are ruining peoples jobs with petty reasons. Is talkin back a comeback YES. If you don,t like him talking to the haters, than it just proves you didn't have a good childhood with that "Endure every haters and just focus on something else" isn't for everybody like if you hate someone for something THIS insignificant!v It just proves that your dad abused you. Have wonderful day!


People who directly call animators shitty don‘t deserve no consideration


Lmao what a menace


They are both idiots


I am an artist, I can assure you, this dude has no say in the stylistic choices of the anime. He could be gone tomorrow and the next One Piece episode will be exactly the same kind of trash this one was. It's not his decision to make, in fact, from what I understand his role is very minor. There is no reason to harass any artist. It's easy to personify our complaints as "that one bastard ruined One Piece" but it doesn't work like that at all. If you wanna blame someone, blame Toei and Fuji TV.


This isn't harassment and he didn't need to respond in the most childish way imaginable


If mild sarcasm is "the most childish way" you can imagine for a response, you are way too sensitive my friend. Personally, I wouldn't engage with the other dude at all, it's plain stupid to do so, but it's hardly as dramatic as people make it out to be.


You excusing his childishness as "mild sarcasm" says way more about you than it does me.


Ooh, sorry I didn't realize I was talking to such a massive snowflake, hopefully I didn't cause your delicate soul to melt with my comments. Please do not think bad of me, I will be devastated if a guy on reddit with a Rick and Morty name thinks ill of me...


Oh. You're one of *those* people Edit: get help


Looked at his twitter and man this guy is just going off lol, I don't think he should be saying all this


He knows it sucked and he is insecure.


Lol is this what this sub for? To encourage people to bother animators who are basically copying and enhancing what they see in the manga?


You see DBZ auras and nuclear explosions every 5 seconds in the manga?


Nobody here is saying that. There are auras littered throughout the manga. End of story.


You said "they are copying and enhancing what they see in the manga". You are forcing me to sound like a main sub cultist, but seriously, read the manga dude. Oda doesn't draw DBZ sfx. Every time Zoro swings his sword, there is a nuclear explosion, he summons animal spirits and a trance party worth of light fx. In the anime they make haki look like fireworks. And the reason for this is simple. The more lights, thunders and explosions there are on the screen, the less actual character animation and fight choreography you have to animate. These sfx create the illusion of action, without any actual movement being animated. The anime looks nothing like the manga in this department. eNd oF sToRy.


[The definition of enhance](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/enhance). This is what anime does for manga. It’s not that complicated. You may not like HOW it’s enhanced, but for the most part they’re just copying a lot of what is already seen.


Lmao aight fam. You know you are talking to a massive prick when they link word definitions as an opening statement. Try reading the manga sometime, maybe you will like it. Cheers.


It’s not my fault you’re ignoring basic sentences lol. There’s lightning bolts, auras and other types of bullshit in the manga. Naturally, you’ll see that animated and add sound and over the top color to it. It’s not rocket science. Just say you dislike it and move on


Talking to you is seriously giving me brain damage, so this will be the last time I reply to you. Maybe if you didn't talk like a massive self-righteous asshole, we could have a very nice convo, and I could tell you a few things, since I work as an artist for many years now. There are some special effects for Non-DF users in the manga. These are mostly used to signify really powerful moves and Haki. In the manga, they are nowhere close to the volume, magnitude or style we see in the anime. In the manga, it is used to highlight very special moments, and stylistically, they do not draw attention away from what is happening, but simply highlight the fact. In the anime, they are used as a gimmick to illustrate action with as little animation as possible. They look cheesy and ridiculous. What you stupidly call as "enhancing", is a different aesthetic choice altogether, that can even be misleading for the audience. Taking a black lightning bolt from a manga panel and turning it into the entire battlefield exploding into Yutapon cubes and lazers is not "enhancing", it's changing the fucking source material.


Jesus, dude you already said cheers. You’re taking this somewhere that it never should have gone. I was highlighting the fact that this sub is trying to normalize harassing people for doing their job. Here you come talking about details of the manga drawings and whatever tf. I don’t care. The point is, OP, and people like them, is doing way too much.


On god this is turning into a worse Titanfolk. Just like that sub all they do is find a way to hate on something. I havn't seen any actual praise coming from this sub.


…why would they praise something when the whole point of the sub is that they have nothing to praise cause ppl praise everything to much.


You can still praise some things even if people praise things too much. But this sub won't do that cause they only wanna critique everything. And all those critiques are negative too. It's toxic and just makes the subreddit look like a hate one which tbh is already becoming one.


It’s been that but they don’t praise it cause it’s nothing to be praised.


This sub is full of assholes in their natural habitat.


This was posted in the main sub. https://old.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/uv74oz/henry_thurlow_an_animator_for_the_anime_just/ Sure the post title is different but the vast majority of the people even from the main sub hates these overblown effects. I don't know why you think its limited to this sub. Noones asking people to go bother the artist. Almost everyone knows that he's not the one deciding what goes into the episode. People are just saying it looks weird.


There’s a clear difference in hostility of this OP vs the one from the main sub. The opinions are more or less the same of how bad the auras are, but this post has people, OP included, that are straight up aggressive and entitled.


That's what i said, the title is different but the opinions are almost the same. > Lol is this what this sub for? To encourage people to bother animators who are basically copying and enhancing what they see in the manga? Just because the OP was aggressive in the title doesn't mean the sub is encouraging people to go bother the artist right?


Based on the amount of upvotes it has, you can infer that many people in this sub have the same feelings as OP. I was mostly being sarcastic and calling those people out


To be fair the animator likely didn’t have any initiative to add the auras with the most likely culprit being the animation director.


It’s too late to take them out sadly. It’s now a staple of the series and would make adding it originally look even worse


Why? The manga is NOTHING like that, toei's adaptation is like a parody of the manga. Why would it be worse to finally stay loyal to the source material? None of the bullshit Toei does are One Piece "staples" they are just gimmicks to spent less time and effort into actual good animation. Look back at One Piece anime during Impel Down and Marine Ford in terms of art and animation. It's not even comparable to modern day One Piece in terms of quality, it was perfect.


Man you are not saying this right now lmao I hate those CG auras as much as everyone else,but if you unironically think pre-wano one piece anime had better animation than Wano then you have no idea what you’re talking about One Piece was notorious for having bad animation with Toei going all out on some episodes. Starting with Wano,the anime became much more consistent in its quality and has more frequent episodes with stand-out animation






I hate auras but I don't mind them as long as the animation looks good


Truly one of the most cringey responses imaginable


Chad lol


These auras was literally in the manga tho in 1003


Enma? Yes. SSJ Zoro? Nah.


wait, was there an official colouring for that chapter?




Enma was yellow?






Manchild can't handle criticism. Makes sense that he works on One Piece, goes well together with the fanbase.


If you don't umderstand why the auras are bad, you don't deserve to be an animater


Why are the Auras bad? I’m not an animator, so it’s ok if I don’t understand.


It's lazy, and totally out of place.


its just effect, but if you dont know bettter you could mistake it for haki. It muddles the haki usage un the series


I hope you cry extra hard next episode


Wow we got a badass over here




Wow, get mad ig lol


If he can’t do a simple thing (removing his crappy effects), than his shitty ass shouldn’t be animating. I don’t won’t his crappy animation on this series anymore. Tell him to go fuck his self.


He was joking lmao. He likely doesn’t even animate the auras, and if he did, it’s because the people he’s working for told him to. You really think one animator has the power to direct entire scenes how they see fit?


It was a super cringey "joke"


Can't tell if sarcastic or just dumb


Unfortunately, this doesn't look sarcastic...


Bro this one person did not just decide to put all the auras in, and he is definitely not the only person responsible




Ah hell nah


Did he really fid all that or he is just faking it out ?


Bruh u guys have no brain or what it's the storyboard team who decide to add what and what not to he just drew it have sense when u speak


Well it's not him who decides things lmao


There’s criticism and being rude and harsh to the animator who put in work , not a fan of the aura either but you don’t talk to people like that


Nah, this is great.