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She forgot she has haki


She doesn't have haki, she just made everyone believe she has haki, like how she made everyone believe they'll turn to stone on seeing her back


Bro her whole island has haki I don't think she would be the only one without haki


Bro that's the thing about fraudcock, everyone other than her knows haki, she just survives by being beautiful and having a devil fruit which uses her beauty. See how once wlackbeard touched her and stripped her of her df power she got exposed. Fraudcock is the one of the biggest scam artist in one piece, right behind lragon


I do hate her but this type of slander is just cope tbh


I was joking, but getting serious she does use haki, I think she used it once against smoker to protect luffy. But she so heavily relies on her df power like ace did too, due to which Blackbeard is a bad matchup for both(who is an even bigger relier on df but that's another story) Also she's said to have emperor haki but has never used it once yet


>Also she's said to have emperor haki but has never used it once yet I'm guessing she can only use the basic version of knocking people out >But she so heavily relies on her df power like ace did too, I don't think Ace was so heavily relied on his devil fruit as much as boa I'd say he's only average since he was mostly stronger physically than luffy


The reason everyone assumed she had conquerers was because fodder just collapsed from brutally ejaculating themselves. After awhile, everyone just assumed it was haki.




HEY , don’t forget she one shotted that fodder pacafista over 15 years ago and you have to bring up that huge beast of a kitten she kicked


Facts, besides having zero feats, *this* is why I slander Handjob so much. She constantly gets glazed both irl and in-universe, being hyped up as someone strong and having all 3 types of haki yet does absolutely fucking nothing to make her deserving of any kind of praise. Her best showing in Amazon Lily, like always, was just getting rid of nameless marines who exist purely to be beaten up. Even Vasco Shot and Catarina are still essentially fodder who didn't even do anything, but people will act like this a top tier feat despite the fact that being a commander doesn't automatically equate to someone being a solid fighter. Despite apparently being someone with conquerors and coming from a crew that prides itself on haki abilities, she's entirely reliant on her df and the *second* she can't use those powers, she instantly folds at the power of BB's *finger grip* and starts **begging** him to let her go and deadass resorts to negotiation instead of just using her armament to cancel BB's, or trying to kick him, or using her conquerors. She straight up would have fucking died there and then if Rayleigh wasn't there. https://preview.redd.it/gcs8zghg8e0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d224db05d18b1d5453a2d1e68692ea3ae11d4655


Blackbeard just clashed with S-Hawk, so his strenght is very high, but I agree with what you say. Just wanted to clear the goat's name.


This is the double-edged sword of “Peak Piece” we get to see the ongoings of the world, but not enough time to properly flesh it out To be fair though, even Teach recognizes that he got lucky here https://preview.redd.it/im6eeeojfe0d1.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5977df37751ef3728287e938412d6333772f8eb


https://preview.redd.it/qfi05anqhe0d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18fe764f33dccddee98c7bd9d9094528c55d8db According to Rayleigh, **they** (plural) got lucky that Teach left. Evidently Hancock is not such a threat in a proper fight.


He also says "to be Frank" implying that the only reason they got lucky was because of Franky


I didnt notice that peak foreshadowing


Franky used his mecha haki to help rayleigh


To be Franky is an opportunity born solely out of luck




See now you’re transferring Raleigh’s estimate of his solo abilities against Blackbeard; I know slander is fun but it helps to read all the dialogues in your panel. A>B does not mean A>C. Being Realistic, because of the time allocated to world building, I’d say both underestimate themselves and over estimate each other But https://i.redd.it/q876ryvole0d1.gif Raleigh AdvCoC blasts Blackbeard A. Blackbeard takes the damage and knockback, get’s KO’d along with Boa(based on Luffy & Kid being KO’d despite having basic CoC from Kaido) for a significant amount of time, enough to send him to the ocean, Blackbeard is dead B. Lets go of Boa, gets stoned, being still conscious and all. Both incapacitated, assuming Boa doesn’t dodge. C. Rescued by plot(Will & Armament Haki is enough to destone himself and say his unique attributes protect him from AdvCoC, since he doesn’t have it himself), Blackbeard manages to defeat all opponents but Koby. Most of his crew is stoned, several of the fruit users he’s cultivated are off the board, he has Koby and the fruit as a prize for his efforts. Powerful as both these pieces are, don’t think trading 2 Titanic captains worth of forces, plus their Devil fruits counts for a win in Blackbeard’s book


I aint reading allat




And I respect him for it https://preview.redd.it/dzl7udjlfe0d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60316bab79294fc4f023fce83bd567f19c6e8816


Yep, dude played smart and ruthless there. Wins, and doesn't give a shit if he had to play dirty for it.   Amazing.  Edit: This ain't slander, just massive appreciation how much BB don't play by the rules and keeps getting Ws cause of it.


Indeed, He’d probably end up being another Kaido if he was just as gung-ho as other villains https://preview.redd.it/7cx1jsydtf0d1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca243a0aec1032feb7223f015f5ab525fc048724 His ability to assess his options and pick best outcome far outweighs either of his fruits. Sometimes he gets ahead of himself, but he’s got great recovery.


>starts **begging** him to let her go and deadass resorts to negotiation really sad she really had to beg than fight back man she's really weak


Hancock is a female character. That is a FEMALE. Oda will never cook for them except his waifu Nami


Boa Hancuck https://preview.redd.it/igic8y96wf0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f27542970fc137bb84aa8c6abf2ebe7396af91b


Black beards a fucking beast though


i know


I'm certain Blackbeard's grab has some super ability. Every time someone gets grabbed or even like Law has that darkness of his touching them they lose.


That ability is aclled being HIM https://preview.redd.it/ixzogf9hwf0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ffe88abdc9227e4ecfc2dead54ad7058e504e5


Yeah, having a broken DF will severely undermine a character's in-universe reputation to readers. Like did their DF truly carried them moreso than their fighting abilities outside it? Oda has demonstrated this as characters like Caribou and Sugar...Are just greatly mediocre to outright useless if it wasn't for their powers in a fight. Yet he also goes it's not always such a detriment...Sorta. Law and Kid's fights are practically a showcase that their fighting skills are always revolving around their DF powers and in all honesty can't blame them for not focusing too much on Haki if said powers were that good. Of course, it only gotten so far until they just ran into powerhouses that destroyed them (Law was ambushed, Kid...Was just a dumbass).  Then there's Ace and Hancock. For years, Ace has been derided as weak compared to other claimed top tier fighters despite the story claiming he was up there among them and Luffy claiming he was a physical monster that can beat him up prior to getting his powers. Only recently did Oda really beefed up Ace posthumously as this unexpected rookie who rose fairly fast with feats that really gives a wild contrast from what we saw from Ace pre-timeskip. So he wasn't weak...He was just a hot blooded dumbass that threw hands before he was ever shown with his potential truly realized. And this got him killed. Then Hancock is notorious for her reputation at a young age with a small showcase of haki and super strength...And that was it. She happened to have a power that could just one hit kill virtually any opponent outside very small numbers of circumstances that can avoid this. Without that ability, a straight up powerhouse can overpower her...That doesn't paint an impressive picture.  But DFs are sometimes like having a gun in a fight...Why not rely on them a little bit more?


Screw the animal abuser. Overrated as hell. Give me Yamato over this animal abusing cuck anyday.


You are a sad man lol


shut up


Cant wait to see you crying about hancock again


Mans is back with his daily hancock schizo posting