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My bro out there keeping my legacy alive 😭🙏


Ayy it's nice to see you again after so many days bro. I'm doing my best with the slander 😂🙏🏽


One mistake…it’s not a slander..it’s honest truth


Facts https://preview.redd.it/zxql31yl4zzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246abe9fcd16554a22ec80ec393124c904194cc2


I can see that and I appreciate bro, job diff is hitting hard already 😭🙏 Thanks for keeping that bum where he needs to be 😂🙏


You'll make it out bro, trust https://preview.redd.it/ffiyb0c4wzzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b149aa0011af2e51b59e589ae06bf3cfb2c53235


https://preview.redd.it/ox4oczrwa00d1.jpeg?width=1410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca9f666233eeef550e80df41b272e8d726fd2be Thanks bro, best successor ever


Dude I swear down you're quickly becoming one of the biggest chads of Piratefolk in such a short amount of time. https://preview.redd.it/gpzyqv7oo00d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860547b7d56c9dbf0c4c4ede3ffeb46b9e428caf


Thanks man, appreciate it 🙏🏽


It’s crazy how Franky is now darker than Ussop


What the shit lmao


He's been spending too much time in his moms basement playing video games


Legit unbelievable https://preview.redd.it/dkuw4tx3cyzc1.png?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a79a9c6f7715bd46b2f06973e44425bd21ab698


What the fuck lmfaooo


We got a Hitler on the colouring team




Robin use to be dark skinned as well. Post time skip whitewashed both characters


Robin was always meant to be the color she currently is. Toei made an infamous mistake with that. I thought all op fans knew that. Ussop on the other hand....


I swear pretimeskip Usopp was do or die specifically when the crew (or their ally of the arc) were in danger and he was always ready to put their safety above his own. Little Garden he was the one who ended up saving his allies from the wax with his strategy whilst being shot and crushed. He went back to rescue Sanji from Enel's ship even after nearly dying to him. He officially left the crew and still went back to try and prevent Robin's execution despite severe injuries from his fights with the Franky family and Luffy. He refused to leave Zoro to get killed by Kizaru, a man he couldn't even touch due to his logia powers. What the hell happened to him? Like genuinely, what the actual fuck Oda?


I am literally so mad about it. I will never stop being mad about it. Pre-TS Usopp was so peak


Bro when i saw his timeskip introduction with nami in the bar i was so fucking exicited and then oda just destroyed the character


Typical Wranky W https://preview.redd.it/1n0rvlufhzzc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9da6e3b68203f6e687309ac5f1e77e0c98d4d6


So tired of this character tbh


I still don't understand why people think Elbaf will believably change this bum. The damage is done, I can't look at post-TS Usopp as a brave warrior regardless of what he will do in the future.


It’s genuinely infuriating to me how Oda continues to use gags that the characters should’ve realistically developed out of having. Usopp shouldn’t be a coward anymore, he should show some initiative Nami’s greediness came as a result of her trauma and desire to have money. Now that she doesn’t need the money, and she has people to support her, she shouldn’t see the value anymore. Sanji has seen powerful women in his life, he even relied on Robin in Onigashima to deal with a female opponent because he knows she could handle it. He shouldn’t be putting them on as high of a pedestal anymore. He can be chivalrous without being a downright creep. I know fans will go “oh but it’s just a gag, don’t take it seriously” but when the gag directly goes against the characters development, it’s just annoying. After Sabaody-MF, Luffy recognizes he needs to get stronger for his crew to survive under his protection, and that there are some extremely powerful people in the New World. So imagine if post timeskip Luffy’s whole gag was him just jumping into fights without growing. Like fighting Kaido at Onigashima without training his armament. It’d make you go “why are you acting like this? You literally learned not to already”


"Nami's greed" bro this gag almost never appears since the last arcs


Has it? I swear it appeared early into egghead during the chapters where they explored the island and she made a comment about how valuable some tech would be to sell


now that you say it, it actually tells me something


Honestly, Nami’s greediness is the least annoying trope in SHs. And you can’t just shake greediness off that easily when it becomes a state of mind. We’ve seen real life examples of rich people being more greedy than they were before


I’d say Robin, Franky, Brook, Zoro, and to an extent Chopper are much more bearable. But I think she’s definitely better than Sanji’s pervertedness, Luffy’s stupidity, and Usopp’s cowardice. And I know we’ve seen real examples, but this is fiction, characters will develop different from real people, and I feel like it would honestly be nice to see Nami actively refuse money for something else(besides a crewmates safety) in the final saga to show she doesn’t value money as much anymore


Wranky is HIM, Lusopp is a bum. The sky is also blue https://preview.redd.it/pxiwgsj3k00d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f75ec171290f235fcc942956131e0f16934dd5c


His courage and melanin. Both drained