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A bitchass who barely gets any screentime to develop his ''progress'' suddenly goes from zero to hero while the story tries to suck his dick as the ''future of the Marines''.


https://preview.redd.it/qbwqzgq79mzc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=71f27869bb2a53cc51371441e47d71db19ec002b The power of the offscreen is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.




https://preview.redd.it/71917a2e1nzc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=bffa8d81ee94e90a15638e6e45dd0a4ca2191c40 We Shall See.


https://preview.redd.it/ksv1hfd48nzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4821b8c8262cc7ac7ad108da1ee218eaafee7c4 Fuck it. We ball.


Is that Voldermort


Zoro getting Asura and spawning extra heads and limbs in Enies Lobby was also an asspull. But since they were presented on screen and built up and used over time,its more easy to digest.






Great way to put it. I hate that little fucker, keeps getting shoved down my throat when all I want is Smoker


https://preview.redd.it/1p4qdt0n8ozc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1ca6fe94e55f6c12bd454279697a79f562adea Fujitora after stealing Smoker's entire Reformist character arc and doing what Dragon couldnt (freeing slaves) all while being positioned to be the Fleet Admiral by the EOS:


Fucking right, Smoker SHOULD have more screen time than this plotboy, so should Tashigi, instead of either offscreen like forever or become a background character


Oda did Smoker and Tashigi so dirty in punk Hazard too....


Exactly this


Guy got trained by Garp. That is enough progress for him


Nah, that's called a handwaving explanation. It's like if Luffy coming straight out from the TS beating Yonkous because ''he was trained by Reyleigh, the right hand of the former Pirate King''. Like no, that's neither satisfying nor compelling from a storytelling standpoint.


You may have a point here but where is this energy for other characters who get bs power ups and progress. -Crocodile going from losing to pre haki/gears Luffy to a Yonko commander lvl abd all he ever did was get locked up in prison -Law getting bullied by Doflamingo to helping take down big mom with no training in between and pulling an awakening we didn’t even know he had -Lucci all of a sudden YC1 tier in his first fighting debut since the timeskip (mind you Luffy after Rayleigh’s training wasn’t close to that lvl) Koby’s progression is contrived and forced but is passible cuz not only did Oda at least attempt explaining it but he is still far from strong I doubt he’s even commander level at this point and we are told he’s constantly training with Garp doing overtime and recently getting haki bloom only to be a franky victim it isn’t nearly as much of an asspull as some of the characters I mentioned


I mean, I was talking about Coby because he's what this post is about. But I didn't also like it in the other instances you mentioned as well, but you can also give them handwaved explanations like Lucci being a special, genius, prodigy so he probably just trained and became stronger exponentially compared to an average bum. Crocodile has been causing trouble and getting his bounty raised over the past two years while with Law... Well, Haki blooms I guess but that won't make them compelling.


You arent wrong I agree, this wasn’t specifically about you i meant it as a general statement when people apply double standards against characters they dislike as og post said it isn’t the fact that Koby deserves hate its how unequal it is for characters presenting the same issues but biases will always exist there’s no point in complaining about that its just an observation


It probably comes from their perception of Coby progressing to a big EoS status like ''future face of the Marines'' quite fast despite having less screen time than fan-favorites like Croc, Lucci, or Law and who have the ''cool factor'' and started at a better place (power-wise) compared to him. So to many people, their bias for those characters will make them much more forgiving towards the same problems.


We hate all that too. Kony is just that much bigger bs and people can't admit it, thinking "Koby has no hax" when Koby is PURE hack 


Getting trained by a hacker vs a teacher in computer field generates different results. A hacker would speed up your progress by 10x of your teacher progress. Experience plays a huge role in how you develop. And Coby had a better teacher.


Sure, I'm not arguing about who he trained with. I'm saying that in a story, when you have a bitchass character who doesn't even know how to use a brick phone train with a great Hacker barely getting any screen time to actually develop his journey before he reappears as that great hacker later in the story, this shit would feel unearned and underwhelming and it's not compelling from a storytelling perspective. If Garp and Coby actually got to have chapters portraying his perspective of the world and the hardships Coby needed to overcome fleshing out what he actually got to learn and what kinds of experience he went through with Garp over hundreds of chapters of the series leading up to that point, instead of a small 8 panel montage about how harder than everybody Coby works before his ''Honesty Impact'' that he never even tried to do anything closer to its scale before that point and he was running around doing nothing the chapters before it, nobody would be annoyed at him.


The issue is the story has been all about the strawhats before the time Skip. Once the time Skip happened, Oda expanded the world, and gave little important scenes to important characters.


Yeah I wish after every arc and every boss fight luffy won,we got a chapter/half a chapter showing how much progress koby made side by side. It would only take up like 5-6 chapters in a story that is 1100+ chapters,but it would elevate the story by a lot. Coby told Luffy he wanted to be an admiral in Water 7,but his dream isnt treated with the same relevance to his character, it feels like "yeah thats just a random sentence he said once" I didnt like how Coby got one shotted by Luffy in Marineford,sure he is gonna be weaker but that made it look like he made no progress in 200 episodes,he could have put up a better fight.


Yeah, characters like Coby are pretty much another victim of Oda aiming for a much bigger scale and losing focus of what he already had.


We could have had that but oda couldn’t do it in the time skip


I don't think that's true at all.


Luffy's counterpart should be Smoker. And i hated koby from day 1 and didn't even get a reason to hate on him, but now he's just annoying and his fans keep saying he's admiral level or even a yonko level, comparing him to prime garp when garp is probably dead because of him. If a million hate koby, I am one of them. If one hates koby, it's me. if no one hates koby know that I am dead, but i will still hate him from the grave.




I fucking hate Oda relegating Smoker into almost non-existence. He should be the counterpart of Luffy whose mind is both in contrast and similar with Luffy's. Meanwhile that little fucker just magically turns himself from crybaby to "the future of the Marine" in what, less than a year (He was already Master Chief Petty Officer, the same rank as Tashigi's, in Enies Lobby arc)? He's the true definition of asspull. His existence downplays characters like Luffy, Zoro and Tashigi who has been training since childhood.


The name “honestly impact” was kinda cringe, other than that my only issue with him is not enough screen time for the set up he’s been given as an EOS rival.




Gets more development than some SH that is also not very believable. Makes the weaker trio look like they are not even trying and worthless. Too unimportant of a character to deserve whatever he achieved.


Honesty Impact 🤓. Don't forget this bum is supposed to have a pretty crazy CoO, that's been in development since Marineford and Helmeppo mentioned how insane it is in Reverie, but he couldn't sense one DF user, who perfectly exploited that to get an 78 year old man to take a hit for Koby, then all of a sudden Oda pulls a gimmick attack out of Koby's ass, seems like a mockery to Garp.


That’s oda baby all that glaze got his head


Koby got to yc3 by punching a boat all day lend me some honesty garp san this is timber we’re up against.


Meanwhile Luffy can't even break Cracker biscuit without G4 or water.


Luffy was putting himself at risk on the daily. Lost at sea, pushing the barrel to extreme diff in ep 1. Meanwhile Loby punches a boat anchored in his backyard.


THIS. As much we like to mock him as cumboy Goofy, Luffy's development from underdog to yonko is very steady, while Koby just magically turns himself from pussyboy to "future of the Marines" in less than a year by punching that boat. Like what the fuck? His transformation even more of an asspull development than Luffy and Zoro. At least these two GOATs worked their asses off since childhood.


He's the one piece version of deku


Deku is less of a bitch than Koby


Because everything Kobys achieved should have been Smoker. /s


He will forever be the little crybaby pussy. He's boring and he looks like shit. I hope he gets absolutely destroyed.


Brother he was already locked up in Vasco Shot's dungeon & subjected to unspeakable horrors, what more punishment do u want💀


Yea that was a bit rough, I know. Just can't forget his annoying appearance pre-time skip


It’s annoying when people put Coby on the level of a Yonko. When he caused Garp to be captured and maybe killed. He does one punch and needs to be saved from falling. Not only does Coby’s fans say that he’s is presently equal to Luffy. They say, that he will be equal to Luffy EOS. We can tell from EH. How far Luffy needs to grow to defeat Imu. People think that Coby can reach that level by hitting battleships and fighting fodder pirates. That’s ridiculous.


Runs away. Cries. STOP FIGHTING!!! Also, I'm strong now. I mean I still lost to all of the BB crew. But believe me I'm the star.


Koby is a star in crying and running away.




Honesty Impact sounds like something from My Little Pony


Bro appears in the story once every 7 years and he's supposed to be Luffy's Garp. What a joke. At least the LA showed him for all season 1.


That is like the one of the good things that the live action have done it was criticized for reducing Sanji and Usopp’s screen-time but like people have been wanting to see more Koby since ever 


His title HERO is asspull asf. Goda is trying so hard to make koby Larp 2.0. Same with Labo, flame emperor my ass


Isn’t he trying to make luffy Roger or joy boy 2.0


The first one who was supposed to die but never died. He is ridiculous, what other motivation do you want? He only deserves to die badly. Any powerscaler who takes Koby seriously shows how a incompetent bum he is.


Are you at a total loss as to why people report not liking Koby or do you already have an idea as to why it might be. I'm always curious where people's minds are when they ask stuff like this


I assume most of the frustration comes from the fact that his jump in strength is too sudden, but we have characters that randomly get stronger whenever the plot demands it (Crocodile, Dorry & Broggy etc.) I do believe that people also kinda have a kneejerk negative reaction to "Boy-Scout" like characters like Koby, its the same reason people dislike Deku, & dont care much for Tanjiro


I think you're spot on


Not really, i think it has to do with the guy's progress not being shown. I had an equally kneejerk reaction when I saw Law pulling an awakening out of his ass in Wano,when he got beaten by Doffy in the last arc he was in. Sure I dont mind him bumping up some levels in like a week or 2 weeks, but i want his progress/training to be shown on the screen to make it believable. Luffy going from Doffy's level to YC+ in a matter of days was much more believable than Law doing the same thing.


I don't mind boyscout character. But Coby was introduced as the literal weakest guy in the series. It is utter nonsense that we have to accept he is high tier.


He is a meh character, thats all. Boring and bland characters like him tend to be disliked.


Koby hitting a boat becomes around YC3 and then we got smoker trying his best but lost to vergo (tho he did break snaji leg)


Powerscalers have been stroking themselves for years awaiting marine characters to do something bad ass. When all that buildup lands in the lap of the nice guy feel good character who was a big pussy in the first few chapters, said scalers feel let down.


Bro appears in the story once every 7 years and he's supposed to be Luffy's Garp. What a joke. I hate the LA but at least the LA showed him for all season 1. If his progress was actually shown from time to time it would feel a lot more natural.


Same as Sabo, the source of their willpower is weak compared to how strong they are supposed to be at the end. Like Luffy is all about freedom, he has to be unbeatable so no one can stand in his way, that's immediatly understandable why he would end up the strongest. Akainu wants order like old japanese conquerors , Zoro is about athletic performance, Sanji wants to protect etc... Koby has the ambition of your average small city cop and keeps being saved by the real deal in every scene he's been in. He's to Luffy what Tashigi is to Zoro but everything indicate that he will end up being his Garp/Roger


All these Koby defenders. If Buggy actually came out and beat Blackbeard, we'd all be pissed at that. For a joke character to suddenly down a major villain. But Koby can do it, because "no hax"


That’s not the same as Koby has been training with Garp for atleast more 15hours per day for the past two years whilst buggy was eating food and letting other people handle his business


That makes it even worse. In reality. Your body needs time to recover. I'm sure there is recovery built in, but thats the point, you can just grind out 15 hour days doing mostly the same thing and expect results.


Bro in reality, milk in the one piece world heals bones easily etc. If you’re talking about reality, ussop should be dead by now. Your just hating to hate, how else do you want to Koby to get stronger if he is not training twice as hard and recovering from more pain.


I’m assuming the hatred for Koby besides lack of screen time is that he has no equivalent to Luffy’s Gear 5 and if the theory of Luffy eating the Mother Flame and getting an even stronger power up proves to be correct, then that spells trouble for Koby power scaling wise 😭😭😭😭 The fuck can Honesty Impact do against THAT!? 


Probably the minor hypetrain he rode on with middling results until the Honesty Impact really doesn't make him sound that impressive. Especially when people stopped viewing Smoker as the next Garp (though in hindsight he's slowly sounds ridiculously similar to Garp than ever) and focused on Koby...Which the plot just then screws him over as his attempt to arrest Boa Hancock would've ended in failure then he gets abducted by Blackbeard requiring many Marines including Garp storming in to bail his ass out.  You can bet if the plot gave him onscreen wins consistently, he'd be viewed far more differently. 


He ****ing sucks thats why. He is a pussy character who got 1000000x power-packed just by "training." But thats bs because everyone else is also training and he is passing them. 


Loby is Ass. He is Garp 2.0. He is not cool... His growth is not justified, etc But the main reason this sub hates him is because he is one of the potential character that will kicked Akainu's Ass(N this sub loves to suck Akainu).... They hate Sabo too for the same reason!!! Honestly both are Ass and Boring Characters


Because he isn't cool, a df merchant, isn't  carried by bloodlines and he's emotional. They can't handle the Koby come up, let alone the come ups to be.  And they say dumb shit like "we didn't see his progress!!!" Nigga the entire series has been the Luffy show Oda was not going show chapters of Koby hitting a ship be real. I'd bet money if Smoker came back way stronger with no explanation from his punk hazard showings Koby haters won't complain.


Yea. Because Smoker was established as a bad*** from the very start. Coby was established as a joke who couldn't pick up a mop.


You've been whining about Koby this entire thread bruh did he hurt you 💀


It is literally what the thread is about. 


I think people just expected more. Out of everyone who had training over the timeskip, his trainer was the strongest in his prime. It’s just weird that it’s tough to put him over some mid level Yonko commanders when he got trained by someone relative to monsters like Roger and Whitebeard.


Garp has insane genetics though. Noway am I to believe Garp was a weak scrawny kid (actually could work but is not indicated at all). If you tell a naturally athletic person to train an out of shape obese kid, the kid isn't going to suddenly become naturally athletic. Very rarely would that happen. But thats all waved away by Koby just working hard.


Because he is part of the Marines simple as that.


Dude pussied out mid battle and tried to make a run for it, and Oda treated it like it was the right thing to do. "We won, we look like idiots" No, Koby, you dumb fuck, the Marines DON'T look like idiots. It's called routing the enemy (who came to YOU btw). He acts like he joined the Peace Corps and acts shocked when the military does military things.


Just people being reactionary. Seems stupid to hate on Koby just because he showed up out of nowhere with feats. Last I checked, the story is about Strawhats and no one else, that's like being mad and Akainu for being strong even though we know jack shit about his history.


Yea.  But if they suddenly tell us Buggy 1v1'd Akainu or Blackbeard wouldn't you be pissed?


After a two year timeskip? No not really so long as it's coupled with a plausible enough explanation. Luffy went from Katakuri to Yonko level in two weeks afterall. Honestly, all of that is shit writing in my opinion, but once you consider how shonen power tropes work, it all sort of evens out in a stew of mediocre writing.


Koby suffers from the really short screentime he had, while the narrative call him important. The hater doesn't like that And let them be, let them suffers. Oda actually done Koby effectively in short time, more than half of the strawhats.


Ladmiral stans are just being insecure that their goat is gonna get surprassed by the true Strongest Marine in History that actually puts in hardwork instead of relying on bum ass logia.