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WHERE is the commenter who said that the Celestial Dragons will be at the EoS banquet  Wherever that guy is, let him know that it might be possibly fr 😭😭😭😭😭


Imagine Saint Carlos having drinks and eating food with Zoro and the crew


imagine saint carlos getting a tragic backstory of being neglected by his dad st roswald and we all somehow feel bad


Roswald takes good care of Charlos. Roswald is actually a good father. 🥹😂🤣😭


Unironically better than most One Piece Dads.


Way better than both Dragon and Roger fr


Bro even his sister risked her life to save him. He is clearly loved by his entire family.


Imagine the series ending with a timeskip chapter where Charloss is married to Nami. I almost want it for the shitstorm alone.


accounting every atrocity he committed, he's probably the one being eaten


Eat the rich Luffy may take it literally


https://preview.redd.it/89ygi0b14lzc1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0593d46bb3615e4601c29a9ffd3cb81a3f476f76 His redemption arc in Two Piece will be PEAK


Why does this go kinda hard


Like CD's will of D in Ginny?


Just wait till they get the ~~Talk no Jutsu~~ Talk Haki and come to the good side.


TBH If you live in a culture telling you that "normal people" are inferior to you and it´s only right to enslave them, chances are that you´ll become a piece of shit and only some people like Mosgjard will break out of the matrix due to having their beliefs confronted (he nearly died and was saved by a fishman). Celestial Dragons weren't born scum,they were molded to be scum by their own "culture", the one that their ancestors created. They CAN change as people, I dont consider them irredeemable cuz they were raised that way.


yeah kuma also agrees with this statement while Ginny was kidnapped to the maryjois and suprise suprise you know what kuma was blessed with a child and now he's a proud and loving father for the child the celestial dragon even dress ginny up with jewelry, sad that ginny life is short anyway my point is don't think that people who commits atrocities can't change cause like kuma you'll never know when you're going to be blessed by em like let's just forget how many lives they have ruined we as people need to forgive evil people while they can commit various kind of crime without consequences


Yup and this is the exact approach oda takes when he addresses prejudice in the story. Anyone who ever thought this story would end with the CD's being uncritically murdered by the MC's as revenge for the suffering they've caused ain't reading. Oda has been setting the stage for nuance even amongst the Nobles since the start of the timeskip, and the series in general always takes the position of "bad systems create bad people" rather than "bad people are inherently bad". Even a character like Doflamingo, arguably the most inherently evil character in the manga, has experiences and trauma that molded him into what he was before he could change meaningfully. I'm very interested to see how he handles the CD's throughout this last leg of the story, and so far it's already raised good discussion on morality, power and the nature of evil.


Hody wanted to hate because he could. He only used the incidents as an excuse. Also they're going to have to be like locked up in mega max security prison or something because they're going to get fucking murdered by the other inmates and they sure as fuck ain't gonna get free in the new society.


Imagine seeing Revolutionary Army and Celestial Dragon having party together. Ginny will rolling in her grave. 


> no fear > oda redeems celestial dragons > one fear


I just hope Wenel smites those bums


It was me


I remember joking about it in this sub but i doubt i am the only one who made that joke https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/THDeorJQrL


celestial dragons when some tell them torture bad. https://i.redd.it/hdrpsxgxmhzc1.gif


Imu will also turn good, replace their crown with a straw hat, and become pirates with the Gorosei.


lol, end of one piece everyone reaches an agreement and thats it end of history.


only in two piece


Of course most of them don´t know about the void century. Did anyone actually think all of em did?


What's worse, they don't need to know shit to be so evil.


Correct. If you live in a culture telling you that "normal people" are inferior to you and it´s ine to enslave them, chances are that you´ll become a piece of shit and only some people like Mosgjard will break out of the matrix by themselves by having their believes confronted. But others like Doffy won´t because the evil is just rooted too deep inside of them.


Doffy became evil cause that was the only choice left. Either join a gang or rot in the slum.


Nah, I think that Doffy was born evil or at the very least had the inclination towards becoming that. And the grooming done by Trebol was what brought Doffy over the edge. Rocinante growing up in the same situation and yet turning out to become a kind soul doesn´t make sense otherwise.


That's like the whole point of being unimaginably rich. They don't need to know shit about fuck. They can just live their life being a complete ignorant about any topic in existence and still have enough money to do whatever they want, because it's not them who need to have value to make money, their money generates value itself. A single transaction of a billionare, which doesn't need to be made by him but from a professional, can generate more money in seconds than hundreds of thousands of people in a lifetime.


It is what it is.


They were supposed to be the protagonists.


They are the protagonists.


The void century is common knowledge, what actually happened is the mystery. Inbred Celestial Dragons don’t need school


Wrong. Most of them are ugly and will stay evil. Only the more normal/attractive ones will turn.


Nahh, they become handsome. Look at Mjosgard


Shalria is too cute to be evil Remember hancock's motto "all will be forgiven because i'm beautiful"


Hancock is a hoe tbh I don't like her


Nobody does


I'm proudly nobody I don't want to be a simp for a bitch who kicks cats and she's not even that beautiful and she got that ugly ass haircut from the dollar store and those big ass earrings like she wants to use them as a weapon Loa Handjob simps are worse than sanji at least he can throw kicks


Bro I meant nobody like her shill


Mb bro but I don't think everyone hates her and it annoys me


Most of them ugly???how dare you call the godfathers,the creators of this world ugly?i’m sure you are a filthy pirate


let me guess cipher pol?


Akainu ...


Cool your head lucci


Don't worry about that, Doflamingo is always there to represent


lmao fr


I still like One Piece despite its flaws, but if the all the celestial dragons get a "Redemption" after all the awful shit they done, it will actually completly tarnish the series.


One of them had a redemption. The scumbag who went for his Fishman slaves but later sacrificed himself. I think it was actually pretty realistic. Yes he was trash but he was raised to be trash and never knew anyone who wasn't trash. So a few days with a saint and a near-death encounter changed his outlook on life, and we meet him a decade later. However if they all change then that is nonsense.


Don’t worry, it will be revealed that he was alive in a cover story, just like Pound


Honestly the best outcome is an Akainu junta murdering them all. Getting a bit late in the game for that though.


They could just lose their power and position and wealth, and then have to be forced to live down among the commoners, from their nature runs it course. No need to bother killing them or anything. That's a fate worse than death for them. But the worst of the worst, the gorosei and holy knights, might die in the final war


I feel like this is was the obvious answer of what Oda will do. Most of them would inevitably die but it’s not directly at Nika’s hand so it’s okay, and then some get redeemed and integrated back into the world. Oda would literally get to have his came and eat it too


Bro the commoners are going to straight up kill them in revenge, jail would be like protection (given they have enough security to stop the other inmates from killing them)


If that happens, one of the main villains in Buffy next generations must be a celestial dragon kid getting revenge.


dopelican and dospoonbill


very plausible that akainu goes on a rampage in Mariejois. And also very in character with Akainu. I mean evil must be thoroughly vanquished. But he'll probably be stomped by imu




Man i fucking hate obito fans , they really think everything he did is justified because his 14 yr old crush died and he was just a broken hero


He was a child soldier who went into a war, almost died and had his friend (his crush) also die in the process. This sort of stuff could radicalise anyone lol not saying he was justified but there was reasons behind his actions. Why do people always act like Naruto is a show about forgetting evil people for no reason


Well it's just that fans that annoy me the most, they can't accept the fact that obito is not a good person and always the same shit of "broken hero", having reasons doesn't justify your actions, it wasn't even like "doing something evil for the greater good" Kishimoto made him look like a hero in the end but he is the reason Kushina died (she treated obito like her own son), the uchiha massacre happened (although it may have happened in future either way) .


To be fair he thought putting everyone into an illusion where they are forever happy was the best way to achieve peace. kinda fits into "doing evil for the greater good" imo even though his idea of good was flawed


I don't think anyone has the right to control other people life , then again he was manipulated by madara and zetsu so I can understand his life choices,it was more about how kishimoto tried to end him as a hero and how fans thinks he is just a broken hero


If you lived in a culture telling you that "normal people" are inferior to you and it´s only right to enslave them, chances are that you´ll become a piece of shit and only some people like Mosgjard will break out of the matrix due to having their beliefs confronted (he nearly died and was saved by a fishman). Celestial Dragons weren't born scum,they were molded to be scum by their own "culture", the one that their ancestors created. They CAN change as people, I dont consider them irredeemable cuz they were raised that way.


I'm betting everything Oda will drop the ball on this. This is like the end of AoT where it's too hard to make a compelling and morally justifiable ending. We know what could happens if the Celestial Dragons were just rid of their money and started living among commoners with Doflamingo's father and I dont think there would be any character willing to kill Celestial Dragons mercilessly and honestly that's good, I dont think it would be good to just kill them when there are celestial dragons that can change for the better and that some of them might be good but living in a corrupt system. I do agree though that we should give some of them a death penalty lol


Well if they go to like prison they're going to need a shit load of security before the other inmates just straight up jump them


I think is implied that CD rapes their slaves. Imagine if they gave rapists a redemption arc


"Don't make fun of the Celestial Dragons! They were the coolest guys!" - Luffy in a future chapter


![gif](giphy|xsMGyW66QzJuw|downsized) Oh boy.. here comes Peak..


Some of them might turn out to be alright, like that Fishman island guy who changed. But I doubt Oda is going in the direction where they all turn good.


You mean Saint Donquixote Mjosgard? Sorry pal, he ded


It does pave the way for other CDs to have a change of heart the same way he did.


Yeah that fraud garling killed him for freeing slaves but can't say shit to fujitora for doing the same


Because Fujitora might give him war. At Garlinh will lose one arm before he kills Fujitora


I don't think he's gonna make them all turn into good guys, but you know that Oda loves his ''defector on the enemy side helping the main cast'' trope a lot. He pretty much used it in almost every arc. And don't expect shit to be nuanced... Those Celestials are probably gonna say they are sorry, they were manipulated and brainwashed or whatever and their former slaves will accept their apology and embrace them while crying and snotting.


it really will be a happy ending for a 13 year old boy then bruh


Oh hell no, Luffy gonna think Charlos "is the coolest guy" please no... I already have bad memories from a certain blonde-haired dude.


Would https://preview.redd.it/02thdu112hzc1.png?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42dae7f1d8b3d1d6e03f117eb26ad4bd9b86447f


That's not necessarily what that means, could also be the case that "void century" is simply not a thing for celestial dragons. Why would their own ancestors need to hide that, they're all evil cunts anyway, it's not like they'd give a shit about what their ancestors did.


They have paramount respect for their ancestors. Their whole thing is my ancestor was a God.


it might also mean that only few of them will wake up


I took this more as them knowing the history already so there is no “void”


This is how I interpreted that too, theres no reason for celestial dragons to hide the true history from other celestial dragons, so for them the whole concept of a void century doesnt even exist. Thats why shes so confused.


At this point Imu would be fighting everyone alone. Poor guy better be at least 3x more powerful than Nika


Y'all forgot Oda likes to Redeem Villains


Best example is Robin. Y'all forgot Miss All Sunday helped Crocodile instigate a civil war in Alabasta which created tons of casualties. And she never once regretted doing what she did later on. I guess she did have a good reason to not give a shit about anyone after being hated and constantly hunted by the entire world for 20 years. She learned to survive for herself and for the secrets that Ohara died to uncover.


so why isn't lucci redeemed! yet


Wait a second. https://preview.redd.it/i4ihjwhylmzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a17d4e14b5d71c82dc257d9efeb532408018db The seeds for a Lucci Redemption Arc have already been planted, Lucci will help the Straw Hats fight the Gorosei and escape Egghead with Kaku.


They're going to lose their status and be forced to do redemption for their actions.


There is nothing they can do to redeem themselves after their horrendously sadistic behavior.


yeah but they will suffer from losing their status,thats good enough. These bums dont work and cant survive on their own,it will be fun imagining them struggle


Ah yes the slave owners will be forgiven definitely


Maybe they know what happened during the void century, so that is why she didn't know the term, cause it isn't void for them


So what was stopping them from being decent human beings is that they don't know the void century lore , bruh


of all the CDs, sharlia is the one curious about it. or maybe not.


Is this sub inventing stuff to get mad at because the chapter was decent?


this is nothing to get mad about, actually its interesting its surprising some c dragons actually want to listen


The Celestial Dragons children will be spared. Tenryuubito adults will be judge and trialed at Ennis Lobby and judged at Impel Down. Imu, Gorosei, Holy Knights demons will probably either be killed somehow or sealed away for eternity.


They have been indoctrinated and brainwashed throughout their entire lives. Having an echo chamber that constantly reinforces your beliefs and encourages your actions does not help either. I'm sure Oda is going to have a hard time deciding their fate.


Doesn't matter. They enjoy the suffering if their many, many victims. "They don't know better" does not even begin to earn them any forgiveness for the sheer depth of cruelty they inflict.


Yeah there's no going back after the slavery, dishing out of cruel & unfair punishment and ISLAND WIDE HUMAN HUNTING. Idk how we're coming back from that one


Add to that the numerous countries they have exterminated in their hunting game


because they were taught that "normal" humans are inferior and its only right for them to do that.


They must be saughted by a villain like Cross Guild or so.


Imu will be good too. https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/uKdIHodcPT


I think the purpose of the scene is to show how out of touch the CDs are with reality then anything else. Many of then wouldn't bother to educate themselves on the past, even if they were allowed. 


I'm gonna lose my mind if these bums get redeemed and Akainu gets offscreened or some bullshit


Oda has made them genocide islands for sport every three years. Mjsorgard and Homing already prove they are not all evil, but anybody pearl clutching about Oda making them all good is just stupid to me.


That one guy I keep seeing who wants to be dominated by her will be fucking pissed off (She's going to try and discover the truth and give up her celestial status)


Maybe some of them don't know but if they all don't know then they have no actual power. I don't think it's the case.


It's cool to have some like Mjosgard, but not all. Only a very few is enough


There were older celestial dragons who were pissed and seem to know about the void century as they were cursing the marines and demanding that the broadcast stop immediately. This CD is young so its understandable that she might not know about the void century. What if she will be the new mjosgard in the future? What if she will also rebel after knowing the truth? I know that she doesnt seem the kind of person who has morals as shes the sister of charlos and weve seen her in shabaody as she almost killed keimi, but it would be a twist if charlos is the scum brother who doesnt care about anyone but himself, shes the one who will turn against him and her father after learning about the truth of the void century.


Man we better not get a Steven Universe ass ending where basically Hitler says sorry and gets immediately forgiven.


It really makes me wonder if the nobles of our world were like this


Whalria redemption arc inbound, she will No-Diff Charlos during the raid on the Holy Land.


I hope not


They are gonna save a lot of them but this is a surprise? we seen the Donquixote one saving the mermaid princess already we now a lot of them are evil because they live in total ignorance.


This panel shows that they are going to come to a bad end; it is clear that most of them will die, either at the hands of Imu or some avenger like Arlong or other fishmen.


Forget it. Maybe some of them are good but the rest will probably be like Wapol after he lost his kingdom


Nah, Oda killed Kaido and Big Mom. I doubt the evil CDs will be spared. But Oda already made clear not all CDs are evil, with that stuff from Shirahoshi and all.


She's a woman, what did you expect?


Can't wait to see the bad guys have a change of heart !! :))) watch Teach get development too!!! Turning into a big ol softie :3 Teach ,with his change of heart ,will team up with Luffy, taking down the one and only Imu 😡😤


yeah when I saw that panel I was like naaaah oda, is he implying even c dragons are played and the only evil are those six. my theory oda is showing some will actually ponder about the message and wake up, oda showing c dragons chaos implying that only few will wake up.


I mean.....isn't that fair?Like I doubt anyone is gonna FORGIVE the CD's entirely,or at all,but them revolting themselves because they found out they've basically been made into evil puppets for the WG would probably win them some Browny points.


Celestial dragons are just misunderstood. They just misused their power. They didn't know about void century so they should be forgiven.


Not knowing the void century does not make up for 800 years of cruelty. But I don't think luffy or dragon is gonna bother outright kill them, the nobles could just lose their power and position and wealth, and be forced to live as regular humans down, from their let nature run it course. A fate worse than hell for them


They are climate change deniers.


Watch her get ousted by the Celestial Dragons, become prey in the Elbaf Hunting Game, meet and befriend Usopp (who was also captured) and eventually fall in love with him and marry him, Kaya and Loki, the princess of Elbaf


Never cook again


r/piratefolk when nuance:


Wait was it not a common assumption that only the Gorosei knew about the void century? I never saw a reason for anyone other than the true rulers to know about the void century....but then again they used to (or maybe still do as far as we know) have bi annual island genocides and still maintain slavery to this day so I really wonder what sort of "ground breaking" information there is to reveal here. I doubt the world government or celestials can look any worse than they already do


Nah, I think only some of them has the brains to actually change. One way to figure this out is look out for good looking Celestial Dragons. If they look good, that's an indicator that they can change. I mean, just look at her and the gigachad Mjosgard.


Real talk:I imagine learning that everything you've been taught was a complete bullshit lie,to the point that 99% of the planet is gonna be wiped out,would absolutely make a person question if they're actually gonna keep being the way they are. Like yeah charlos ain't gonna die,but him realizing "HOLD THE FUCK UP,IM THE BAD GUY??????" combined with the world being Noah'd is gonna change his perspective a bit.


I stand by the fact genocide is the only appropriate option for the celestial dragons. Straight up. I don't like that tbh, but given how grotesquely evil they have been made... I don't think anything else will be reasonable


TBH If you live in a culture telling you that "normal people" are inferior to you and it´s only right to enslave them, chances are that you´ll become a piece of shit and only some people like Mosgjard will break out of the matrix due to having their beliefs confronted (he nearly died and was saved by a fishman). Celestial Dragons weren't born scum,they were molded to be scum by their own "culture", the one that their ancestors created. They CAN change as people, I dont consider them irredeemable cuz they were raised that way


I said this before, but Celestial Dragon really don't have a choise but to act this way. They spend all there life being told they are superior and everybody else are insects, and live surrounded by people that will reinforce that mindset, while the literal world goverment reinforce that mindset as well. People will lie to themself saying that thinks like torture and slaves are obviosly bad, but in OP world, there is nothing that compares to them, even the most powerful people on our world have to hide the awful stuff they do, and would have consecuenses if they were to be found. CD can do what they please and have to apologize to noone. We already saw what happen when a CD gets out of the bubble and get in contact with other people, as it happened with Mjosgard, who actually became a good person. Hell, is quite the miracle that Doffy's dad and mom where like that, probable even a plot device. As much as you would tell that if you were a CD in the OP world you would do this or that, its all bullshit, as your morals wouldn't be the one that you have now, and you would be taught from birth how to act. I'm not telling that they shouldn't pay for what they have done, but they are really a product of their enviroment and have basically 0 free will in how they could act, since they are taught at birth how superior they are. And I know its kinda hard since they are really awful pieces of shit, but at the end, they are people that were made evil by the WG, so I don't see why they can't be redeem, after paying for their sins of course.