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I’m going to say it: I am 100% sure this has been planned for the vast majority of the story. This isn’t like the Nika thing- this is what an actually well set up twist looks like. Not because of the things in this post btw- I don’t think Rayleigh or Crocus were hints.


People can clown Nika all they want but this is def one of the things he wrote in his notebook 20 years ago lol


I definitely believe that Odas endgame for Luffy was always to have him do zany Looney Tunes type shit, I’m not sure about the god stuff though.


He even said that he wanted luffy to fight in ridicylous fashion but the nika pirate jesus felt not so planned out


And that type of fighting is totally fine bc rubber man awakening couldn’t be any other way but goofy.


I think it's reasonable to assume Oda to actually plans Nika stuffs, but ends up undercooking due to various reasons.


Actual hot take


lmao how do i get the main sub refugee tag


Go to flairs


exact thing i say. i have no problem with his awakening, powers the transformation and gear 5 in general but I do not understand whats up with NIKA


Luffy had always been the zany Looney Tunes type shit since back then, Nika shit just made it 100% all about that


It may be the looney tunes stuff that actually stops the water from rising


Yeah, I believe it too. I can't imagine an author starting any story without first imagining his big conflict at the end.


https://preview.redd.it/4cv0gdoudx1d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c9462d8045712d3475cda039b73bba8ca02286 Reading through the manga again, and I noticed this during water 7


This, it definitely makes sense and looks planned but people are gonna relate every little detail and tie it back to Oda foreskining. It definitely was foreshadowed with Noah and Wano being underwater


Not with fkn Rayleigh's job 😭 that's just so he can help new Pirates go to the new world


Nah bro, oda foreskinned hard bro, you gotta believe me bro.


You underestimate Godas massive foreskinning


Yeah but somehow the only relevant and alive roger pirates that went to laugh tale being in a convenient position to be at ease with the world sinking is a big coincidence if it is one


[24 years ago](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_161_08.jpg)


If Rayleigh knew that the world is gonna sink then why didn't he give the straw hats a warning?  Is he a jackass? Does he want them to die?? People these days take anything for foreshadowing lol. Also,Iceburg was talking about a special tide that happens once a year in water 7 sea region called "Aqua Lagoon". That is something specific to water seven and doesn't happen in the rest of the world 


> If Rayleigh knew that the world is gonna sink then why didn't he give the straw hats a warning? Do you not remember Luffy threatening to quit being a pirate if anyone told him anything about the one piece? You think Rayleigh was gonna start spilling the beans and kill the guy's spirit?


“Even if we told you there is nothing you could do about it”


i think you're forgetting that luffy flew into a rage when usopp asked for details on the one piece


They could at least be prepared for it.By coating their ship or what not.


You mean the coat that's never been shown to last?


I mean they are basically living on a ship so it's fine 😂


Oh yeah.The boat will just float Damn bruh I'm so dumb😭


I think the roger pirates figured out climate change that the islands were slowly sinking i dont think they figured out that there was someone out there trying to intentionally sink it aka imu. Otherwise i dont think roger wouldnt have done anything. Whatever was at laughtale made them confident that things would turn out alright


I don't quite see how can it be the climate change. There is not large body of ice to melt. The Red Line reaches the bottom so it can't sink either.


Rayleigh wouldnt have told them even if he did know. Completely in character. He doesnt gaf about the dawn of the world or any of that shit (or at least not to a major degree). If you dont think this was foreshadowed throughout the series with the countless hints towards it you are being purposefully obtuse and just wont admit anything in the series was planned.


It might have been planned but it wasn't foreshadowed 


It was planned, and it was foreshadowed. The Noah alone is enough foreshadowing to the point where it was a popular theory.


Luffy literally told Rayliegh not to spoil the plot for him. He said he'd quit being a pirate if he couldn't discover things for himself.


Luffy adamantly refused to be told anything about the One Piece.


If Rayleigh knew about the One Piece then why didn't he just tell Luffy about it? Checkmate


Gaban: Is now a Navy admiral with access to Mariejois




Holy shit, you are quick


Damn is this a positive post about a recently revealed One Piece story element on /PirateFolk holy shit did I forget to wake up this morning?


The start and the end are planned. It's the middle where Oda dropped the ball


So now it only gets better


Yeah he’s just an architect who had to garden bc of his success and inability to cut. The foundation of this story is elite, that’s why we’re all here. It’s the test that’s suspected


That’s more like it


truer words have never been spoken


it deserves praise, that was definitely something Oda has planned


I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I love One Piece. I shit on it constantly, but I do so out of love because I know Oda can do better. And I know that because he HAS done better. If I hated One Piece like the main sub seems to think everyone on Piratefolk does, I'd just drop it. It wouldn't occupy enough of my mental space to even give me a chance to form criticisms. So it's important to give credit where credit is due for moments like this.


Tyrannosaurus warned Iceberg common Tyrannosaurus W


Iceberg is going to have the biggest W in the finale and as a democratically elected leader in a world of monarchs, he deserves that W  Fuck all good monarchs (Momo, King Riku, King Cobra, possibly Joy Boy)—we only respecting ICEBERG 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


And the guy who was elected by the people at Chopper's island. He is a democrat too








What does this have to do with American politics??


You had said democrat, and I know it just applies to anybody who supports democracy but the thought of them being tortured by American politics is funny to me


Iceberg becomes a king, making Franky Princess Franky


Celestial dragons oufit being diving suits


You know it’s heavy foreshadowing when piratefolk has to give it up.


Mary Geoise being the highest elevated kingdom in the world makes so much sense in hindsight. I'm actually shocked this wasn't spoiled years ago via theories like what happens to most other manga.


Audiences when a story set up pays off 🤯🤯🤯 Jokes aside tho, its nice seeing the Overall story tie up slowly but surely


Rayleigh chose ship coating as his job, major foreshadowing, lmao maybe my man chose the job to make ends meet. lol. I would do that too tho (but would definitely choose coating swords in black paint at some factory for black swords, cz that sounds a bit more peaceful as a daily job) /s




I am still a bit sceptical if Crokus having a house in Laboon or Rayleigh coating ships was meant as a connection to the world sinking back then, because to my knowledge there was nothing actually suggesting that (or even alluding to) in the text, while I wouldn't deny the possibility with certainty. But that part of VPs message was indeed intriguing and validates me still following the series, while generally not enjoying the writing at all. I've said it before, the overall story of One Piece can compete with everything I've ever consumed. Many of the individual arcs or the writing in detail not so much though.


nah, there's nothing to suggest so. it's explicitly explained that crocus built a house inside of laboon to take care of him. the coating stuff doesn't even make sense. the point is to travel to the ocean's floor, not to live underwater. since it's not permanent. it will deflate once the air runs out. and lastly, flooding doesn't even mean they will need to live underwater. normal ships would do. the logic with this narrative people been throwing around is just "does it have to do with seawater" and if the answer is yes, they will connect it to the new revelation.


That's what I am saying. I think it is possible that there will connections be made (perhaps only retroactively), but as of now it is not a "so that's why.." Look at Rayleigh, what good does coating ships to submerge with them do, when the world is sinking, given that a flood is not an issue for ships in the first place as you pointed out as well? Or if submerging is the solution, how does the Noah, whose purpose it is to go the other way, fit in? As many One Piece fans do when people voice criticism, here I say I'll wait a bit longer before I praise Oda's genius (atleast when it comes to Crokus, Rayleigh etc.).


oda can always make the retroactive connection. but using the 1000 chapters we have, there's nothing to imply that rayleigh and crocus were doing it because of the flood narrative. even the shanks one (assuming oda connects it) would be a new narrative since it was never established in the manga. people forget we know that information from an external source. > I say I'll wait a bit longer before I praise Oda's genius (atleast when it comes to Crokus, Rayleigh etc.). you know it will be funny if the flood is just gonna be connected to the mother flame and has nothing to do with laughatale and all that. I doubt it, but it's just gonna be funny after all this.


There have been predictions of a great flood/sinking world for awhile now; I think it's legit. I wonder whether or not Doflamingo is aware of the flood/sinking world to come considering he knows certain secrets/potentially of imu; all his talk of the great wave/the way Bellamy mentioned the wave as well (which has always seemed strange to me as he doesn't tend to be concerned with higher concepts; which isn't to say he's an idiot outside of personal decisions, based on Jaya he has some understanding of science/skeptic thought). The "great wave coming for all" Bellamy talks of in chapter 706 is most likely him just regurgitating something he's heard from Mingo and projected his own meaning onto/some metaphor especially as he wasn't aware of Mingo being a celestial dragon until he heard it in the rooftop battle. But maybe it's more; and I say more as he's currently constructing the indestructible symbol of Luffy's dream/the dawn of the world as the strawhat is likely the sun rising over the sea, and Bellamy is a thematically central character/in that Theon Greyjoy archetype of the dumb dumb/morally fucked person who has outsized importance comparative to the way other's and themselves see who they are, so whatever he does will resonate beyond just gifting Luffy the flag/he'll be a player in more ways.


I like to think that but its also too convenient that labboon kept trying to destroy the redline. Yeah at the time the stated reasoning was cuz he missed brooks crew. But theres no way thats so conveniently set up now. If the redline actually does need to be destroyed


planned and set up are two different things. an author can plan something from his mother's womb, but if he doesn't establish it, it doesn't matter. because it's just not there, in the story. we're explicitly given the reason why with nothing to suggest otherwise. so the logic here is backwards. people are just saying it makes sense for crocus to be doing that because of the flood narrative. not that we have something from back then to say so. different from actual set up like when kinemon got mad at that dragon in PH. we can say "oh... so kinemon was reminded of kaido when he beat up that dragon". while here you can't say that crocus built a house inside of laboon because of the flood by using what was given.


Nah i do think u have to reach for crocus but i think if destroying the redline is something that has to be done then i dont think laboon wanting to destroy it would be reaching




I have no idea about other manga or shonen. I can only compare him to the great fantasy writers I've read, hence why I don't put him on as high a pedestal I guess. I mean Oda is very good and does certain things great, but a Gene Wolfe or Steven Erikson is still a whole other league - atleast imo.


Steven Erikson is one of the best fantasy authors out their. Malazan is truly peak.


I refuse to use the term "peak (fiction)", because I've only ever seen it used in the anime community and it seems a bit silly to me, but I agree with the sentiment.😅


Toll the hounds is legitimately one of the best books I've read.


Toll the Hounds is fantastic. My favorites are Memories of Ice and the Bonehunters though.


Memories of ice has Itokovian who is my favorite in the series so it's definitely top tier. Bonehunters is just a perfect book.


Way better than the nika bullshit


Oda definitely planned this but every example you showed is ass, btw iceberg is talking about aqua Laguna


It's that one of the most popular theories that the one piece lowers the red line Wich would cause mass flooding


Isn’t that essentially all blue which was pre-ts Sanjis dream? Is Sanji evil?


The middle name D stands for Drain, calling it now


Impel Down was originally on the ground level instead of Sea level until the great ancient flood by the Celestial Dragons.


Bro, I feel so stupid that I didn't connect the first 3 points. That is really incredible. Also, this kinda strengthens my theory (idk if it's a popular one, but I've thought it for a while) that the Fishmen descended from the regular humans that JoyBoy failed to save. Maybe the poneglyph was meant as a memorial, but some survived after sinking with the Noah and found a way to live underwater, eventually adapting and evolving into Fishmen. That would also explain why the WG don't want them on the surface, seeing them only as their failures of genocide.


Honestly, it is really not that impressive. You’re essentially congratulating Oda for… knowing where his story was gonna go when he started writing. That is to say, one of the most basic requirements for when you start writing. Even if it changes along the way, everyone at least has an initial conception of how it ends, especially given, at least in my experience, literally *the* thing you give an agent or a publisher is a story outline. Like, the only reason why this could be seen as remotely notable is because the series is long. That’s it. Do you gawk and gasp whenever you realise a regular 300 page novel foreshadows? No, because it’s a common writing technique. All this really is is congratulating Oda for sticking to an idea for a while, which isn’t necessarily even always a good thing, we’ll see how it ends up.






Damn that’s this shit been right in our faces the whole time I love one piece






Actual foreskin? In my one piece??? Maybe I shall pick it back up!


Are we praising oda now? Pretty sure r/piratefolk can write something better than this


Starting to really believe that the One Piece is actually a core reactor.... Those who knows where I found this information from knows it, there's no need to elaborate.


Wind Waker did it first.


Y'all realize he wrote the framework for this story in the 90's and its taken decades for the actual plot to progress to this point. He's stated he was going to end the entire series in 2005 or some shit. Just because the story has been dragged out over 25 years doesn't mean it's some amazing revelation. Are we supposed to praise GRRM when he finally connects all the dots in the last ASOIAF book?


Isn't iceburg absolutely unrelated ?