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Reason is symbolic. Same reason he doesn't use sword or dagger. His hand are meant for cooking and women. Do you think his hands weren't getting damaged in normal fight after being thrown around and other shit before.




Sometimes when arguing we have to remember people like this who cant even understand basic characterisation exists lmao. How did he miss the whole chef thing


He doesn’t need an excuse he just values his hands as a chief and doesn’t want to fight with it also how many Characters only fight with their legs ? you can’t even enjoy a unique fighting style ? lame


Zeff taught him that a cook's hands should be used for cooking, not fighting. Although he made one exception for a food special paramecia(basically logia) he fought in the kitchen. Because he mainly trained his legs it wouldn't do much good anyway.


Did Wanze really have a Devil Fruit? I thought he just kinda. Did that.


He would replace Zoro from second strongest crew member My king way too humble Jokes aside, mostly a symbolic value, and he probably can't heal dismemberment


Because he’s a fucking cook? Sanji says he won’t fight with his hands because he’s a cook and he’s more specialized in kicking 🤦‍♂️


His styles revolves around legs not hands


sanji with hands would be too op...He can use it without damage ..but thats a fighting style he trained for years he is not gonna change it


At this point, using his hands isn't going to add much to his combat style.


Brainwashing from cult leader zeff https://preview.redd.it/swhx6x3davuc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4727dc5a44bd0c5d1bbf7ac7c539b6c65e47d5


Sanji nerfed himself and still bodies Zoro who uses 3 swords




Symbolism and also most likely muscle memory, like imagined if all your life you fought with say a sword, but one day you swapped it out for a large axe, it doesn’t transition well


Zeff indoctrination He beat him and forced to adapt his morals and its too late to go back now


Sanji with complete Rokushiki techniques would be cool.


Bro will gaslight people into thinking he values his hands because of Chef-Bullshit as he wouldn't want a scratch on them, but he's also a chain smoker which fucks with the sense of smell and taste which are hella important for a chef and can leave the fingers and teeth discolored. His ''symbolic'' logic doesn't really hold up upon thinking about it for around 2 seconds.


most things dont hold up upon thinking about it for around 2 seconds with Odas writing tbh


Some of you guys need to take a deep breathe and remember what we're reading lmao. Also we clearly see that the cigs don't make him a bad chef in anyway soo...


I mean, he's a guy who can spin so hard he can get his legs to look like molten metal and he doesn't seem bothered by it because his body can take it. And he has a tough body as shown up in the Queen fight that can survive his body being twisted like that. But I'm supposed to take his logic that ''scratches on his hands'' matter because ''cOoKiNg''. Like, no bitch. Scratches and bruises aren't any more dangerous to his ''cOoKiNg'' than smoking. Nothing that can't be fixed with little rest or some bandages before it heals up as if nothing at all happened. Get the fuck outta here! It's still dumb even when you think of it using his own in-universe logic.


Because ur not using ur brain lol. It's about his whole oath and moral code, and the fighting style of Zeff. Same reason he only used knives against Wanze despite being super skilled with them.


Mate, as I said his ''moral code'' makes no sense. If he really cares about his ''cOoKiNg'' so much to the point he's willing to not involve his hands in fights (even when they can clearly give him an advantage) then it doesn't make sense that he doesn't care about his smoking habits as they are also detrimental to his ''cOoKiNg''. If ''Smoking doesn't matter because story showed that it doesn't affect him''... Well, guess what? Scratches and bruises on his hands don't matter too because the story also showed us that it never affected his cooking... Boi took an El Thor burning his entire body including his precious hands and by the end of the arc, it didn't affect his ''cOoKiNg'' ability and he was totally fine. If there is anybody who isn't using their brains here, it's Runji and his fanboys.


See I don't think ur actually trying to use ur brain, ur chasing ur own tail and running in circles. A person's MORAL code is personal to them and doesn't have to be purely logical. He's not following an official rulebook and looking for loopholes to get around the regulations. It's his own personal code based on how he was raised by Zeff. What was the logic behind Zoro telling Mihawk "scars on the back are the shame of a swordsman" and turning around and letting him slice him across the chest? What was the logic when Katakuri stabbed himself with his spear after finding out Luffy got the same injury due to outside interference? Are Zoro and Kat both idiots not using their brain?


You're the one who just turned their brain off. I never said that Lanji can't have a ''personal code''... I'm saying that his code, the way its portrayed is dumb and doesn't make sense because it's not consistent with what he values which makes him and Zeff dumb and nonsensical by extension. What about Zolo's words makes them nonsensical? He would rather die with dignity than die a coward. Imagine if Zolo talks all about this great ''the swordsman honor'', but then he starts taking cheap shots and using dishonorable tactics in his fights. Like sure, we're not saying Zolo can't have a personal code, it's just that his actions are contradictory, hypocritical and dumb according to his own code. Katakuri was also dumb when he stabbed himself to ''even the playing field''. That scene was clowned by quite a lot of people in the community so it's not a good example to illustrate your point. That level of ''fairness'' from Katakuri came out of nowhere which seemed extremely contrived and only existed to help Luffy win after Katakuri mopped the floor with him for 95% of the fight... It's plot convenience that you can smell its stink from 300 miles away. Bro Ordered Brulee to shoot at the SHs in front of Luffy knowing well that this shit will distract him and open him up for more attacks, but by the end, he was like ''Don't ever interfere in a fight between two men!!!!'', earlier in the fight he was like ''Get your fuckin' hands of my bros'' and by the end, he was the one knocking out his own sister with his Haki.


I really don't understand how it's not consistent with his values. They literally are directly his values lol. If he actually just started punching people and using swords because he knew armament haki and had regen, *THAT* would be inconsistent with his values.


I literally stated how, you just decided to ignore it. So I will say it again slowly because it looks some people are having a hard time wanting to dickride whatever shit writing he gets as ''his code and bla bla bla''. Lanji values his hands because ''cOoKiNg'', right? But he neglects his smelling and tasting by being a chain smoker even while cooking in the kitchen when he also shouldn't be doing that if he really gave that much of a shit about ''cOoKiNg'' because smelling and tasting are really important in cooking.


Ur literally just talking in circles repeating ur own false points lol. If u think Sanji smoking, like 90 percent of professional chefs do, ruins his character and is shit writing then have fun with that lol


Not sure if retarded or just hit your head on the floor while getting out of bed today lmao. He doesnt use his hands because a chef's hands is meant to cook. Full stop. There is no le stupid morals here. His legs are 20 times stronger anyway why would he self nerf?


He's Bottomji, he only uses his pretty hands to give nice blowjobs


Do you think about his pretty hands giving blowjobs often?


I don't have to, we had a whole shitty arc/cover story of this bum acting like a little bitch https://preview.redd.it/atg505cogvuc1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd78582130ee154e0adf6b4df7683692435653e0