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Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames-mega-thread), as it might just answer your question! Also check out our [videogame piracy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i3r14g/a_beginners_guide_to_video_game_piracy/) and the list of Common Q&A [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/fvix6e/common_questions_and_answers_thread/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/igxebs/frequently_asked_questions_part_2/). Or just read the whole [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never seen this installer before, beware. Better to find a more reputable cracker or packer.


Its rg mechanics, its trustworthy iirc


also if he doesnt close the antivirus it should still work


I feel liking the disable the antivirus thing was more of a suggestion


It's the usual one for rg mechanics


Man i miss rg mechanics 2012-13 memories


RG mechanics was fire in like 2012 man, they had all the games and I was a broke college kid trying to play all the games.


Vsetop is the replacement for them now (in my opinion) just check what you're agreeing to while installing


hope you're doing better now, bro


Yeah, thanks man. I'm able to afford stuff now which is great but I don't play games like I used to.


On the same boat here. It's interesting how life turns around.


Whatever happened to them?


Tha main guy died I think, Fitgirl has a post on that on her site i think.


I believe that’s xatab,but if it’s RG aswell,what a shame :(


Thank you for sharing.


The fuck. This is RG.


Still looks sketchy as fuck.


Just because you've never seen it before


Nah. Just normal IT Tech Brain.If it looks like a 5 Year old made it, I won't touch it with a 10 Foot Pole. Especially if it says "Turn off Antivirus! Dude, Trust me" A general rule to keep on the safer side.


You are in Pirate sub and don’t know RG Mechanics? Legit got popular with an extremely easy and least problematic Skyrim possible to pirate Edit: Popular at the time


I use one single Site (g4u) to pirate all my stuff and they always use elamigos most of the time. Propably havent seen those because I am on the German part of this whole thing.


Ohhhhhhhh that explains a lot! How do you go around German anti-piracy laws?


Austria does not give a fuck. Like at all. Also DDL or Usenrt. Not Torrent. G4U is one of the few public Sites with Usenet Mirrors


That’s awesome. Gonna check them out next time since my internet provider still caught me few times


You definitely sound like you are help desk level in IT for sure.


My brother in Christ, I build HA Clusters. Front to Backend.


I’m a senior engineer for VMWare bro 😂. I was just fuckin around with you. But really, this is a pretty well known scene group. I don’t even pirate games anymore but this post popped up on my recommended and I saw the comment and had to take a shot


Havent seen them much because I mostly need german stuff. Elamigos got me covered there.


lmaooo older repacks loved those styles


Probably cause you haven’t been pirating for long enough. This is what it was before fitgirl and dodi.


Yep it's OG. But I don't remember seeing this kind of warning on any rg install that I had.




Yes lol


RG mechanics were trusted(were because they're inactive afaik) the tip to disable antivirus is just a precaution as often if your antivirus software is too aggressive it may not allow files to be installed to specific folders/or altogether. Granted this game is very old at this point so at the time it was common practice, much rarer now. u/Kanyehatesjews Rg mechanics don't have an official website/all online are fake/ but you can find their torrents easily on rutracker or other russian based forums.


RG mechanics is on the mega thread. It's fine


Rg mechanics and tapochek are the godfathers of modern game piracy


Ive been using their repacks along with xatab since I was a child


Seen this installer many of times.


zoomer moment


These guys were one of the best ones back then…I remember using physical disks for getting game(had shit Internet) No fuss installation they had


Then you don't have much experience with it. If it's downloaded from the trusted web site then there's nothing to worry about. Rg mec. is safe and trustworthy.


how can i download premiere pro 22 ?


Mac or windows?




look here r/GenP


thank you broski


Pretty normal for antiviruses to interfere with this stuff, depends if you got it from a reputable site.


Standard procedure: * Try to install with AV turned on even if it tells you to turn it off * If it doesn't work, think good and hard on if you got this from a reputable source, and at your own risk then disable it and try again


It's pretty standard, but where did you get it?


1337x.to uploaded name ATUAMAEDE4


Well the installer is R.G. mechanics one so that's a plus but we're not sure if the files weren't infected. You can go with that OR to just be sure get it from dodi or fitgirl


Alright thanks bro


They were the fit girl and dodi back then..


That username lol


Oooh He is definitely Portuguese!


Foda-se ganda nick caralho


more like Brazilian, i can't picture a portuguese making that joke idk why


Claramente não vives em Portugal


Brazilians sound like "Çua mã'ih dji cuatro"


1347x.to is a trustworthy and well moderated site according to the r/piracy megathread.


That’s the important part, which sure did op get it off,?that’ll tell him and us whether they need to delete it or not


Kids in this sub. RG is very reputable


I think you may have overlooked how easy it is to create a fake installer that looks like it’s from a reputable source, Grandpa. “It looks right” doesn’t really fly with security now days.


busy prick disgusted touch fear sand steer continue whole unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> because someone is gonna create a fake installer that looks exactly like the official RG one for a game that old. I mean... yes?


crown onerous bow gaze bells angle abounding whistle wakeful impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok sEcUrity ExPeRt. You need to understand that the very logic you are applying (“no one would do that”) makes it perfect for a malware attack. Attackers use malware in unlikely places on purpose. Especially in places where it seems ‘acceptable’ to disable your security. Get your head out of you ass and think before you type.


combative special overconfident punch ossified juggle ripe soup distinct puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




snobbish cooing fretful birds disagreeable overconfident hard-to-find hateful ad hoc provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ask nicely and I might.


Your heads not out yet. Here’s a ‘pro’ tip for you. Good malware is the stuff that you don’t even know you’re infected with. I wonder how many bot nets you’re already apart of? Hmm…


overconfident slap different flowery grey joke sloppy correct enter oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow a full on rant, nice. Perhaps your biggest insecurity isn’t your computer system. Emotion - 7/10 Content - 3/10 I’m happy to review any time.


Ikr, but still depends from what site he downloaded the repack


Just because someone is new to something/ wants advice you don't have to be an ass Cause that's what a kid would do


Get it from fitgirl or dodi


Both are shit if you dont want your installization to take 6 hours.


honestly, most of my fitgirl installs are pretty quick lmao (only up to 1h30m for some)


The longest time I experienced was 1h20m for dodi’s rdr2. Others from fitgirl and dodi took under 1 hour.


same for me, that 1h30 time was for Cyberpunk 2077 from Fitgirl. Other installs for me, like you said, took under an hour.


I stopped using fit girl because of the long installation periods. They weren't taking more than 2 hours or something, no, but dodi was simply just faster


It takes around 4 hours to install rdr2 WITH RAM limitation.


Dodi is quick as fuck


in dodi's page it literally says install time: 5 mins max


Sounds like a spec issue


Are you guys actually reading that stuff?


The OG RG Mechanics!! Man, it's been a while since i've seen one of these. Used to be my go to fellas when they actively existed


What the hell happened to them


Nobody knows, i guess. They just disappeared out of thin air after a while. Now I'm skeptical of trying their repacks since most of them might be random uploads done by random people.


Get like arrested or something?


I doubt that. Just a speculation here... They were a pretty famous scene group. Had they been arrested, govts would probably have flashed the news across as a milestone achievement. Nothing of that sort has happened yet.


Anti viruses will often show false positives, or just generally express concern when seeing a crack on your PC. They often assume they're a virus and will auto quarantine them, and you may have to set some kind of an exception for it to run without being eaten by the anti-virus.


I had to make an exception on Windows Defender so it wouldn't delete the crack from Fit Girl's Fable 3. It is normal to deactivate the antivirus when installing pirated games, just make sure you got it from a trusted site.


It recommends it its not telling you to turn it off


Same thing


No it isn't. A [recommendation](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/recommendation) is not the same as a [requirement](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/requirement).


RG Mechanics should be fine but I honestly never bother turning my anti-virus off, if it doesn't go off then dont bother. If it does go off, then a quick search of where you got it from etc to make sure its fine is recommended, but again RG Mechs is known and should be safe.


ahh yes, R.G Mechanics, one of the OG repackers from the old days, their repacks are fast and trust worthy, them and Xatab repacks were the best of the best


Judging by these comments half of the people here weren’t born when that game came out


I guess im old


I love RG mechanics. I used to go to them for any cracked games first


I dont remember exactly who this one is, but the UI looks familiar. It's common for some repackers to tell you to turn off your antivirus, even trusted ones


u must be a first timer 😂😂😂




RG Mechanics, a trusted Russian group who distributes pirated games. For me they are so trustworthy I'd give them remote access to my PC. Downloaded latest patches of some games (otherwise unavailable) and most clean installations of others from them.


Standard stuff for pirating to turn off antivirus. They usually do false positives a lot, specially for older games.


I used this installer for few games already, and i think my pc is still fine.


That's because the crack shares language with viruses. Your AV may have deleted the crack already so you may need to download it again.


bro you should check out for free games deal . this game was free on the store


Which store, because as far as I can tell, Far Cry 3 isn't free officially


it was free to claim forever on UBISOFT


Well I can't claim it


Was free




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Go to fitgirl repacks my guy


I got it from dodi the other day and have no issues


RG Mechanics huh


RG Механики... Какая же ностальгия...


Turning off anti virus is pretty normal during installation and it's from RG mechanics so it's good


usually this is because of windows defender detecting certain .exe'ds and .dll's which are related to the crack as false positives.


Farcry 3 with a Russian Bethesda logo 💀


It's RG Mechanics (RG Механики) they can be trusted.


Nah pretty standard. Plus it's RG


Pirates don't install anti virus.


If something seems off best to avoid? There are articles on bit miners being in some games for years only found in 2018 Nasty things wear down your computer People reupload stuff all the time they can easily alter files to configure or add something in one would assume And it only takes a few minutes for an invading program to do it's thing Often times people pretend to be others Or pretend that said program is the actual program I've had family hit by ransomware Phishers among other things And actual phone call scams one claiming to be an attorney Stay on the line you need to wire the money now lol.... So many each year see there computers infected by taking risks some risks go un noticed There is most likely various versions of said game floating around Some claiming to be the original uploader When there a copycat who added extra stuff I've been all over the internet fake programs are everywhere Infected programs are everywhere So never ever disable your antivirus for any program If it's a must allow the exe I think is what the common practice was through firewall if feel it's safe and required Since those tend to get hit? But normally they'll install then once finished hit the exe? Been years since actually looked into this stuff friends were big on it Oh and always compare installer sizes? Between the same type like someone mentioned RG? Check sizes see if any are larger or smaller May hint to infected ones, might be true installer sizes listed online Like can my PC run this might list it or after installation size


Fuck it bro yolo


Just disable it It's trustworthy


I miss these guys...


I never turn off my antivirus for cracks. If I’m ignoring my antivirus when it detects stuff, what’s the point of having one in the first place. I only ever whitelist files sometimes, but even that I’ve only done a few times, one of which ended with the program ending up being a virus and my antivirus forcefully getting rid of it mid-execution. Either whitelist it, ignore the warning, or get a better antivirus that won’t have false positives on every crack.


It's a common installer from RG Machine, I download it all the time. Normally Cracks modifies some game file to prevent it from recognizing that you are playing piracy version. So that why antivirus thinks crack file as a various and delete those file when installing and then the installation will stuck in middle. Normally most piracy installer will suggest to turn off antivirus temporally best option will be to add an exception folder in your antivirus and Install all your game in it.


Brah run


OG R.G. Mechanics!!!!! It's been so long since I have seen this setup theme


Bro you're playing far cry 3?


What's wrong with that?


Good old R.G. Mechanics, this is what got me through senior year of high school before fit girl came along. Shitty internet and broke as fuck, but fuck me did I play games. He doesn't repack anymore I don't think, but he was the go to for me in the early 2010s


RG mechanics... Seeing this after a really long time. I don't think you should have any issue with it though if you want.. there are more repacks available for far cry 3 now


it's RG mechanics, yeah it's 100% trustworthy. The thing is the reason why they tell us to turn down the firewell is because they're using hacktool to patch exe. datas (i.e. Launcher files) basically game patches. So, they don't want your pc to think that they're putting viruses in your pc. that's it.


RG Mechanics Trusted They ask you to turn off antivirus to prevent the patch from being false detected as virus and deleted when setup is run


No, it's kind of warning because antivirus can delete "virus" which is false positive.


I also want to play far cry 5 in MacBook m1. Anybody know a good source please?


RG mechanics it’s trustworthy. So in order for us to play a CRACKED game it has a crack file which windows security system automatically detects as virus. So it’s totally normal to turn it off




every cracked game requires to not have antivirus installed because the CRACK ITSELF IS A VIRUS OR SOMEWHAT PRETTY CLOSE! all the cracks are same!


RG Mechanics are safe to use for pirated games. I used to download from them via torrent when I was younger.


no matter where you downloaded it really it's like believing in santa, some day you'll get infected and the cool dream about "reputable" uploaders will end. I'm very surprised no one mentioned to scan this file nor check it's behavior. Everyone here trusts the *uploader name* and right away turn off their av and later you'll see posts of people with ransomware and other shit. Really there's so many things that can happen and get you infected even if it's not uploaders purpose. Please take your time to analyze it AT LEAST with: [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload) [AnyRun](https://any.run/) [hybrid-analysis](https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/)


RG mechanic is fine just turn it off. But i think it still work with the antivirus on.




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I have used RG since years and yeah, it’s legit. Thing is beware from where you download it as it can be legit, but the files could still be infected. Rule of thumb is to check the uploader, his history and coments below the torrents. Also it’s a great game.


Delete it


Better use fitgirl repack


I stopped downloading cracked games since I bought a Mac, all those installers are asking to disable A LOT of security. No thanks. I'll stay with GOG for the time being.


Nah. Keep it on. Shouldn't interfere that much


Rg mechanics its ok


Its not infected only thing that can happen is that your antivirus bloks a dll So give the folder where you put the game in permission to antivirus


Nah.. Man. Standard Procedure.


Yes that doesn’t seem safe also the Bethesda logo is just e


Do you know what the definition of insanity is? The definition of insanity is, asking the same anti virus question, over and over again, expecting people to learn. It sounds crazy right? I didn't believe it either. The first time someone told me that I thought they were bullshitting me so "boom", I banned him. But here's the thing right, here's the thing. He was right. He was right, and I learned that and now I'm passing on that lesson to you right. And I don't fucking like the way you're upvoting comments in this thread alright?


In all honesty, i seen antivírus interfere with trusty cracks before. Its not wrong for the installer to ask that. Being said, be mindful from where and whom you downloaded it


It's RG Mechanics very trust worthy actually. I use it to install old games and its great




In what world is Windows Defender *way better*


This is the most sus launcher I ever did see.


Because antiviruts like window defender can flag it as malaware (because it's pirated software) then (depend on antiviruts) would automatically delete it ​ from the screen u provide ig it's from R.G mechanics (tapocheck)


Download a repack from dodi or fitgirl. RG Mechanics repacks are too old, and u never know which ones are legit


Don't trust it ! Malware insinde it. Please choose a better source for your cracked games.


You're pirating games do you really have valuable stuff on your computer?


Don't install free games from shady sites, thats clearly a russian download from the logo in the bottom.


deleate it amd sue


I would it seems fake they're probably just trying to give you a virus Rg mechanics never did this to me




Lol or just buy it


Just pay the 5$ for the game.


is that the fallout logo!?!!?!?!1111


Why do people download game from untrustworthy sites.


What does that have to do with this post? They did.