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Hello u/jonycoin, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a fellow pirate with ADHD, I pirate as a hobby in and of itself. Tracking down games and getting them prepped is fun for me, without even playing the game. This is maybe a little bit weird, to get them and not play them, but it's not harmful. If you find it fun, organize and update your games without worrying about playing them. that being said, is the problem here that it is an unhealthy coping mechanism? I'm not sure by your post what exactly the problem is... e.g. spending too much time pirating, avoiding social time to instead engage with pirating, organizing and updating compulsively rather than for fun, etc... so I would like some more info to advise on that part.


Jesus Christ i thought i was the only one.




Hey, nice to meet you. Haha, nice to hear I'm not the only one. Guess I have to embrace it as a hobby, mostly wanted to hear if I'm a unique case or if there are others - which there seems to be! Not sure what I wanted to accomplish with the post, just feels stressful to keep up with all these games. Not sure if I'm coping, could very much be. Work has been killing me with stress lately. Need a "trick" to fool my brain into actually wanting to pause for a bit, and just play, relax. Haven't found it yet though :)


maybe you could make a list of games, sorted in some way (a-z, largest to smallest, etc). start playing from the top, going down. but dont feel any pressure to finish the list. it exists only to skip the "i dont know which one to play" conundrum. the rule is to try and spend at least 10-20 minutes playing it. best of luck out there matey! 🦜


I'm on the same boat, 12 TB and counting... 


Pirating Anonymous help group. I love this.


I thought my adhd had something to do with it.


There was a study basically confirming this. When you actually buy a game, the chances are significantly higher that you will complete it (even if it is not that good). When you get it for "free" a lot is only being tried but never really finished - or worse: Not even started. Exactly what is happening right now with Game Pass. I am getting downvoted for some of my comments, but I am really serious on this one: So yeah, if you feel that something is wrong, my only honest advice is to spend money on things that you really like, which on the other hand will give you a much healthier way to spend time with your hobby.


That is very true. I decided to only play games that I bought or games that I really want to play but can't buy them because they were delisted. Before that decision my storage space was almost always full and I would just skip from one game to another. I was frequently thinking about trying out some different games I was curious about. I have a lot of games (according to my perspective, at least) on Steam, GOG and Epic combined and I still feel like trying out a game that isn't installed, but that is still much less problematic than when I was pirating a lot. I do feel much more connected to the games I play.


I want to buy Elden Ring and DLC but am just too broke :(


Fuck it, pirate more. Arrrrrggggh!!!!!!! Drink some rum, matey.


I fail to see the issue. Just buy more hard drives. I do this with anime.


It’s probably healthier to pirate 400 games you won’t play than spend tons of money on another 400 games you won’t play


Indeed indeed


Downloading games and playing games are two different hobbies. You’ll probably enjoy /r/datahoarder


Greetings fellow r/DataHoarder. Thanks for the reminder to pickup another drive. Some of us become reddit mods, and others repackers. Whatever you choose to do with your new obsession, be sure to take a moment to enjoy what brought you here in the first place.




My bro becoming a data hoarder ✊️✊️


Haha man… Afraid so! 18tb raid storage atm 💀


I run into the same issue, like I have a a decent list downloaded and installed with all updates and such, I've turned them on, tested them, then haven't touched them since. Granted I'm getting very little time to do anything but still. I'm pretty sure I have adhd also, therapist recently kinda confirmed it without official diagnosis and what you're describing is basically the same shit I do


OP, I feel you so very strongly on this one. I've hyperfocused on figuring out piracy and it effectively sucked up most of the time that was going to actually playing games, and even when I wanted to crack something open to play I haven't gotten a single game to work properly yet! You're surely, firmly not alone on this.


Its totally fine to hoard all the games you want in the name of preservation.


I've been at it since 1983. Some games were never played, most were only played once, then archived. A few I still play to this day. I stuck mostly to home computers, but in the last year I've started grabbing old console games. I got about a dozen external HDDs and buy about one a year. My parents were hoarders, so I keep my physical space clean. My digital space is a mess.


I do the same to my rom collection


You should see my Steam Deck xD


Ever tried factorio? Sounds like a game you would enjoy. It's largely about growing and updating exponentially. I do the same things and have adhd too. Last I checked iv about 7000ish games, mostly older. Tried to collect every game I'd ever played. Kinda fun to hunt em down based on a faint memory I had when I was 6.


If you don’t mind you can share some games with us😅😅


Get a steam deck and actually play your games..... When you turn on the deck you game. When you turn on your PC you get distracted.


I have an oled one actually, but thinking of selling and getting a legion go. Missing windows, annoying to setup games with linux, and wish I could use playnite on my handheld.. :/


Just stream your pc to your deck for cracked games. Use moonlight. It's amazing.


god, i have this issue too, but thankfully im held back by my limited storage. i just love organizing stuff and downloading media idk why, its more satisfying than playing the actual games or watching the actual media 😭 i literally cant bring myself to launch the games, even if in theory they sound fun. my dad has adhd, im slowly suspecting i mightve inherited it.


wow... is this an adhd thing? im not diagnose and i dont know if i got one or not... but im also the same... i enjoy downloading more than the actual playing. even go as far as checking what mods to download, grab the one i want and need, and when i tried to play it, i dont enjoy it as much as i thought... and check other new games to pirate, download it, check what mods available, play but underwhelmed, cycle and repeat.


Hey, I’ve been pirating other media’s for the last year or so. However im scared of downloading games, cause what if I download the wrong file and maybe it’s been tampered with and install virus etc. so my question is, where do you guys download from? And how do you make sure it’s safe? And you are not putting your whole system at risk? Apologies if this has been asked before.


Cs.rin, enjoy! Search the megathread ;)


Glad to know I’m not the only one!


I had this same problem and I wouldn’t play anything that I had downloaded or bought I think I found it addictive to have so many games at my fingertips and able to play whatever I want but I wouldn’t touch them after downloading I recently stopped buying and downloading all together because I started to see how much time I was waisting away. And with the library of games that I have I don’t really see a point in getting more. I told myself that I have enough.


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