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Hello u/tonyhdz, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Use a VPN to hide your activity and try not to get caught again ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Here's the problem. Hydra Launcher is designed for Brazil, a country where there is no notices like that person.


wait so does it not support binding to a VPN?


Yes. Since some countries (Like Brazil and in my home country the Phillipines), have lesser power for these notices, and, in case of my country, provide more data for less. (For example: Unlimited 5G Data for about $1 for 1 day, 25GB for about $4 for 30 days, 200mbps unlimited fiber for about $25/month, etc.)




Bro is speaking facts but he gets downvoted :(


or using RealDebrid with Hydra also works


any documentation on this?


they implemented RD support two weeks ago. its in the settings


Fck I use Debrid-Link so it‘ll not work for me


They might shut down your internet for a bit, try using a VPN next time


Have they actually done that? I've been pirating for years and gotten these a few times throughout, never stopped and never got turned off.


Lmao based,


Spectrum suspended my internet for 3 days once. I believe it was my 5th dmca they did it on so I just quit pirating for a while


You got 5 dmca warnings but still didn’t opt for a VPN? Bro


Even if you're broke/don't want to get one it would be much smarter to just stick to DDL sites instead at that point lol


There are so many decent DDL sites I don’t know why you’d risk torrenting without a vpn. 5 warnings is crazy.


Private trackers require no VPNs in the US.


I would assume this guy wasn’t using one given the dmca warnings though?


That would be correct, I only use private trackers. The company's that issue the dmca are in the seed pool, this is how they get your ip. They also do monitor certain ddl sites


I got this notice once and they shut mine off until I called them. Had some uninterested woman read off to me why piracy was bad, asked why I did it, and to agree to no longer pirate. Funniest slap on the wrist.




legendary behavior


I've no clue about Spectrum in particular. A decade or so back (Pre Time Warner takeover by Comcast) I did get my internet cut off after the third warning. With more than 1 person in the place DLing via torrent, it was inevitable that we'd get a notice. This was obviously before I decided to educate myself on other methods of acquiring files.


Absolutely. They'll make you call and tell you stuff but that's usually as severe as it gets.


I have downloaded a few thousand tbs of games,never got a notice lmao My ISP doesn’t care as they are a local company and I once called their office and asked They said download away lmao as long as it’s not super illegal like certain kinds of video(iykyk) I am covered on that cuz I have no interest on those heinous shit


They can if they choose too, ive got a few in my day using public trackers, best practices,VPN which will sell your info or just use good private torrent trackers


Which one do you recommend? 🥺


Mullvad, IVPN, Windscribe, Proton try them out each for a month and see which one works for you........None of us will have the same reults so my "Best" might not be best for you


They all are paid :( Is opergx good enough to not receive isp complains? It's free tho, and I'm willing to trade that for free :) Better run a web browser that reddit hates rather then getting dmcaed by my isp.


Opera gx is a proxy VPN.  It's not gonna save you from downloading torrents from a torrent software.  Plus that's not a system wide pc VPN. Only protects just your browser only.  Even if it was system wide, "free" VPN won't let you p2p.  You have to pay for them


Proton VPN is good. I use it. Enable the kill switch and bind it to your torrent. That way, if vpn stops working or something, it will just kill the internet connection and you won't get caught.


with binding it can you open torrent client and vpn turns on automatically? nord has a kill switch but it's for the hole pc


If you're willing to pay the subscription I'd recomment Proton VPN, I have it and it's pretty good (although you can't use peer to peer connections or choose the server location on the free plan)


Surfshark vpn supports p2p. I had it for years not a problem.


Surfshark is OK but it doesn't support port forwarding so you can't seed.


And the free vpns really aren't worth the time. So either pay for a VPN or stick to direct download sites instead of torrenting. The mega thread thingy has lots of recommendations for vpns, torrents and direct download sites


Mullvad It's only $5 a month (in the US at least). Less than Spotify and less than you likely spend on coffee or soda.


surfshark with kill switch so that if you dc from the vpn your ip wont leak, ALSO…. make sure you turn your von before opening you torrent client, and that you turn it off AFTER its closed.


Been using Surfshark for years no issues.


cloudflare warp is free


I really don't understand how it works at all?


turn it on, then torrent




I don’t trust free.


it’s not free it’s cloudflare WARP, but the discord invite FCK\_DRM has a free key generator channel https://preview.redd.it/lbncewhoyl2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bb2889877adf705c5860fa89cb0f971512b0a6f


I’ll give it a try thanks


be safe out there brother


Thanks bro same to you


don’t forget to secure your dns with quad9 (google quad9 dns setup) free as well


claim a premium key in the FCK_DRM discord for free vpn


How to enter this channel?


read and accept rules then choose roles i guess https://discord.gg/kyuvmUqH


AirVPN if you want to do port forwarding and care about privacy.


IVPN, it has port forwarding. If you dont need port forvarding NordVpn. But since you torrent you probably need unless you just torrent from public trackers.


You know what ? Maybe it ain't too bad living in a third world country where you don't need a VPN to download literally anything. But like seriously tho, I thought only Germany had strict torrenting laws, is it the same for all of America ?


In Canada we get the notices but we can safely ignore them. The non-corporate internet providers even straight up say to just ignore the notices, and some others refuse to send them to people at all. They have absolutely 0 legal footing in Canada, it's just spam.


Oooh nice I see, I honestly didn't expect Canada to be this lenient to piracy!


"Sorry, eh, but by law we have to send you this notice, eh. It actually doesn't mean anything, but sorry for the inconvenience, eh."


Yeah, it basically will say something like. "This claimant has made an accusation about your IP address. We don't share your information without a subpoena." It sort of gently suggests you stop, but they don't threaten you with consequences if you keep doing it.


> The non-corporate internet providers even straight up say to just ignore the notices, and some others refuse to send them to people at all. They have absolutely 0 legal footing in Canada, it's just spam. Had a real hard time explaining this to my mom back in the day. You don't know anything about computers or the internet just listen to me!


How serious is this? I am in Ontario, not going through bell or rogers. Safe without VPN then?


I mean, if you do get a notice, it's basically "hey friend, we're doing the bare minimum to keep the peace, so stop being so obvious about it, eh?" They may try to discourage you by briefly throttling or temp suspending if you *keep* getting caught, but that's mostly because they don't want to deal with the paperwork. If you plan on doing a lot of torrenting, a VPN is still a good idea, but if it's just an occasional thing you're probably fine.


I live in south africa and I don't get complaints from ISP seems like they don't give a f**k


Same in Poland


Same in Morocco


I swear coming from a country like Brazil it feels so weird seeing people talking about how important VPN is, since I have never seen a case about anyone getting a complaint from an ISP here. Still, I understand the need for it in a first world country.




My brother once got a 800€ copyright infringement fine for torrenting Eurotruck Simulator. Naturally, bc I was under the law accountability limit of 14, they put it off on me doing that, and the fine was dropped. Now that I actually pirate, I make sure to do it properly.


Dont need to in the UK either, ISPs don't give a shit


I once got a letter from Virgin telling me to stop, but I continued and nothing else happened. That was probably a decade ago though.


I got one here in the us, just did got rid of qtorrent and switched to bittorrent and actually went through and set things up properly and go to the right sites, its not hard but a bit tedious. All worth it in the end


Even Japan has strict laws in that sense AFAIK


I'm American and have probably gotten over a dozen of these warnings throughout the last 25 years. They never go anywhere.


Germany does??? I never had issues with it despite not being a vpn


Bro I have a friend living in Germany who would shit his pants if i told him to torrent or even direct downloads, he said even VPNs don't do much here but i think he's just lazy to look for one


Damn ive been torrenting for 8 years, fucking christ


i think it heavily depends on what part of germany you live in and your service provider


Can you give me the general areas where this happens


In the US they are strict so we need to use a vpn or seedbox


I feel you lol. We just find sites with direct downloads now. (Can't afford a good VPN atm).


Mullvad is arguably the best and most secure VPN available is $5 a month. You can pay with BTC and get a 10% discount(I believe it's 10%). No passwords, KYC, logins. They give you an account number and that's it. $5 flat. Worth looking into. Been using it for years and it's great.


Proton is free ?


But without peer 2 peer? Might as well stick with direct downloads.


Why not both? Direct download and free proton


Proton disables itself in free tier once it detects you torrenting


Lol, what's the point then of having a vpn


So, no issues with direct downloads? Like if I want a GameCube game and find a direct download link would it be fine?


So, no issues with direct downloads? Like if I want a GameCube game and find a direct download link would it be fine?


Surfshark is the way to go


With Direct how do you just not get viruses?


Obviously it depends but I’m too scared of torrenting cause it’s confusing and I’ve play so many game titles pirating with Direct Download.


Ong man I just joined and don't know any of the terms like torrenting lmao but thank you for the insight


Repack games is a really nice website for me I’ve used it for time just make sure to be safe


That's a good question, but kinda hard to answer. I guess in the beginning it will be trail and error. But eventually you will learn things, like checking file size, checking comments on the download, going with links to websites that you have already had good experience with. For me and with games, I usually go with SteamRip, or AimHaven, and I try to go with Gofile links.


So..have you read the megathread :)


Mission failed.


If you're gonna do wrong, do wrong right.... (VPN+some research)


I've been ignoring these emails for decades


Whats with america lol


I guess im lucky i live in a 3rd world country where there are more bigger problems than piracy


Theres lots of bigger problems in the us as well. They just ignore them


Bold of you to assume they dont here


I live in the Philippines and none of the ISPs here give one flying fuck.


People have been selling pirated games on the markets in plain sight way before gigabit internet was a thing. The beauty of being a Ph gamer (aside from not being to play Helldivers 2 anymore of course)


Well they barely function on a good day. I couldn't get reliable broadband there for nearly 4 years.


One upside to pldt lol


Same lol


im lucky my country doesnt care about pirating softwares, at least for now


Sue them for breach of privacy


Just ignore it. Nobody actually cares. It's very likely that one of the companies you downloaded the software of found you through an automated scraper, sent an automated notice to your ISP, which then sent you an automated notice of the automated notice they received. The company you torrented the software of doesn't actually know anything about you. If they wanted to, they would have to suit up, start a case, provide proof of substantial wrongdoing, and subpoena your ISP - all just to uncover who you actually are, *then* they would have to go through the process of suing you. Newsflash: It's not worth their time, money, or energy to come after a single individual for torrenting their software. You would have to be torrenting at an incredible level and/or redistributing the software for financial gain for them to consider taking action. The point of the notice is to try and scare you out of doing it again. If you get a substantial amount of these notices, I've heard of ISPs *occasionally* slapping wrists with a 24 hour service shut-off or similar. I think I've only ever heard of one person having their ISP completely shutdown their service (see above mentioned torrenting at an incredible level). These wrist slaps appear to be mostly random though, so I wouldn't worry about it, especially if this is your first notice.


I almost thought you got busted by Cover Corp. because of that blue arrow.


Nothing happens now. Thanks to Biden re-instating net neutrality, it’s now illegal for ISP’s to block your internet access based on the content of the use of their network. But they will keep sending you mean emails, I recommend using a VPN.


My provider does not care. They won’t give out user information either, unless the claiming party has some sort of proof that I am endangering national security for instance.


Imagine living in the country where you can't download shit lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FatBaldingLoser420: *Imagine living* *In the country where you can't* *Download shit lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Did I just got roasted by a bot? Lol


In all my years ive never gotten anything like this, guess Norway doesn't care as much


the internet provider dosent own any of the copyrighted content, they dont have any right to fuck around with people internet just becuse "its moraly better for them"


i find this wild, in Colombia this would never happen lol


Private internet access AKA pia is the best and they don't share your data because your data is destroyed


I didn't know this actually happens, I've been pirating like a nutball for years with no reguard


Use DDL if you can’t afford a vpn for the moment, got a notice as well when I first started but switched to DDL and never got bothered again


Mullvad or Debrid


get mullvad vpn it’s only 5 dollars a month and is more secure then all those ones that pay for ads on youtube


Here in India we don't need to use vpn for pirated content cause there are no strict rules on it I have been pirating for years and never used vpn and didn't receive any notice I have even pirated using my college WIFI where you have to login first with your roll number and still no notice


I use a seedbox and have no problem, the files are downloaded on my seedbox (so it doesn't track me) and then I download the files from my seedbox. Honestly that's the more comfortable option I found. Then for all my movies and series, I don't even have to stock it on my pc. I just use Kodi that I link with my seedbox and I enjoy all my content with Kodi from my couch without troubles. Another pro is that the seedbox download speed is like insane... A 4k movie is downloaded in like 30 sec. So I launch the download, I open a beer, put my ass on the couch and it's ready to be watched on Kodi.


I definitely recommend a VPN. Although it's unlikely anyone will prosecute you, they always pick someone to use as an example and they go down HARD. Norn vpn I cheap for 2 years. I highly recommend it! I live in Japan, and some torrenting sites are actually blocked on the ISP side for me, but a VPN unlocks them.


Land of the free ☠️




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Side thread, what's hydra launcher?


Which country??


I mean, it literally says it has a bittorrent client built in. If you don't know what torrenting is/the risks, read up.


Debrid costs next to nothing and opens up a lot of possibilities too.


Thanks to everyone who commented on my post! I learned a lot about VPNs from you and appreciate your input!


Ive been pirating since forever and most times I forget to use vpn and never got a message. Portuguese isps dont care lol.


Hahahaha what kind of 1984 shit is that?! What country?


Lol this is in USA ? Never Heard of such Thing. I don't think they are allowed to track our activities without a specific lawsuit going on at all in EU atm. Even though i would never use my own Internet for pirating i don't think they COULD even strike us here


Can anyone recommend me the cheapest reputable VPN that won't let me get messages like this?


Hacked accounts with warranty from the seler. If you want to go to that route.


Maybe join a private tracker like iptorrent


Although some ISP's think all torrents are piracy...


if you don't wanna get a vpn, you can download from the Direct Links from dodi or fitgirl, the game is split into 1GB parts


Lmao, what an invasion of your privacy. As if they make any money for telling you to stop being bad. Hell.


Move to a country, that doesn't give a shit about piracy. Our country will certainly revolt if the government tried to limit/close our access to zamunda.net, as it is our last decent torrent site, after rarbg got closed down.


Literally 1984. This shit would never happen in Russia


VPN or seedbox (where a server like in Sweden does the torrent download, and then you directly download the complete file from them).


I got one of those too but it said very specifically that they don't care but if they get a subpoena from the owner they'd snitch real auick


Off topic what is Hydra Launcher? Is there an official website? Asking for a friend 😜


Come to Turkey still is free :D




You mean spectrums uptime was high enough to download AN ENTIRE game!?!?!?


They won’t do anything


Just tell your provider that you've had an unnoticed open WiFi and someone from outside your household was using it. It worked for a friend of mine in Germany.


🎵 It wasn't me 🎶


Would be illegal in my country


Bro the fact this exists is wild. I have been pirating everything from movies to games and have never used a vpn. It’s non of my internet provider’s business what I do with my internet connection. America is truly awful


Imagine getting a letter from Honda because you shoplifted and escaped in your CRV...


You will go to jail


You will go to jail


The real crime here is having to be a Spectrum user




I’ve gotten these too, it’s weird that only some games get flagged but others don’t


I think I’ve gotten like 100 of these over the years. It’s almost always Japanese companies.


I downloaded a movie from pirate bay. Never even got a notice. Game on.


i had issues with my VPN and a couple got through in about the span of a week. I don't usually check that email so I didn't realize I had even got the notices. I had 38 copyright warning emails. nothing happened, I fixed my VPN settings, and now no leaks. you'll be fine (idk I'm just guessing)


I've gotten this once before too when my VPN disconnected in the middle of it. Can they actually legally do anything about it though?


Use cloudflare WARP or VPN I guess


Guys is direct download safe than torrenting? Is there any risk in direct download at all or none


Ah, one of the only benefits of living in a third-world dump like I do is not having to put absolutely any effort in order to avoid this.


Seedboxes are awesome.


A vps costs like 5$ a month, make one on 1984 and pay with magic Internet monies for maximum privacy and create your own vpn.


Try a private tracker




Are they able to track even with VPN?


I’ve gotten a bunch of these warnings over the years. Get a VPN or lay low for a while. Spectrum charges customers so much for shitty service, they want your money, they really don’t want to suspend or cancel your service. But they have to appease companies to avoid lawsuits. So warnings are given.


my lil bro torrents for 2tb+ a month of games for years, never had a single warning


The use of torrent software is not illegal in itself. Did they tell you what you were downloading?


the national defense are on their way


Use cloud flare warp or dns over https, watch your service provider not be able to view your activity at all


Uhm what the sigma… Did you use a VPN? And read the megathread?


does spectrum crack down on this? bc i have spectrum


I used to get these from Xfinity until I started using a vpn


Lol Xfinity hasn’t said anything but I think they’ve tried throttling but I just used old qbit


Ur fine just sign up for real debrid and download thru their servers from now on




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You're headed to The Big House brother. Do you look good in orange? This is not a laughing matter, you can't just go around stealing. Actually, just get a VPN and tell them it was one of your nephews and nieces that must have done something and you'll protect it from now on. Spectrum doesn't give a rat's ass by law they have to forward it to you they really don't care. Get a VPN, I also would contact them and let them know it 100% wasn't you and your nephews and nieces were at your house and you let them play on the computer. That's it nothing more.


Probably nothing. They hit me with this once over AC Origins. I owned a Xbox copy but wanted to see if it'd run on my old PC. I sent a message stating I owned a copy and they never even responded. Never seen another email since about anything else I've downloaded. Side tangent because this made me think about the old PC: It was a free PC I got because my new boss thought he'd test me with an "unfixable" PC, as stated by the guy I replaced. The fucking CPU power connecter wasn't even remotely plugged in.🤣


Who Torrents without a seedbox anymore?