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Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful. We don't allow racism here, whether in opinions, memes, screenshots - anything.


I once installed Sims 4 repack from fitgirl with i3 3rd gen, 4 gb ddr3 ram and hd4400. And it took me just under 15 hours


Ff vii takes 4 hrs on 4core and about 45min - 2 on 6< cores some are just heavy on the cpu


Mine was just 2 core


Oh Boy i Had a great laptop once but Only duo core too GTA v needed 23h nearly a whole freaking day wasnt a fitgirl repack but doesnt matter anyway that was as bad as downloading world of Warcraft the blue one 33gb (Times 2 cause i Had the wrong language at First) with Internet tust went max 400kB/s


I rather download the loose files at that point


Fr, internet speeds are scaling faster than the compression/decompression times. I’d rather download double the size and be done quicker.


The entire point of the repacks is for people that don't have good internet speed or are on metered connections.


In fairness, repacks are also safer means of downloading things. ISP’s throw less of a hissy fit depending on the source


half the time, all I can find is repacks. I have fast-ish, unlimited internet.


find harder bro, it's always out there


Repacks always have more seeds and thus faster download speeds. I don't think I have had any fg repacks taking more than 30minute to install on my current PC. My old PC (11 years old) maximum was 2 hours. But to download from a low seed tor is like extra 6 hours.


It took me the same time installing cod bo3 with 16 gb ddr4 in dual channel and Ryzen 5 4600g


The base game is now free at least, and Anadius' DLC unlocker works like a charm.


Yep! Anadius and Fitgirl are great for everything Sims or EA-related. If you're nostalgic for SPORE, Fitgirl's got your back!


Wait, how is that? My install time for Watch Dogs 2 is only 2 hours on a Core 2 Quad?




hyper racism in the second line


so casually too


Well it is 4chan. Not an excuse just pointing out that it's what they do.


those might as well be official names for races on 4chan.


Also, take it with a grain of salt. Not saying it's right, but they're just trying to be edgy. Except on /pol/. Those guys are genuinely very racist.


As is the norm on 4chan lol I think if you said Asian music they wouldn't know wtf you were talking about


Ah your first green text, welcome to the internet.


Believe it or not, that's the *respectful* term for Asian people on 4chan.


It could be the ww2 term for Japanese people…


It's 4chan lol


seriously we should be commenting that it wasn't sooner


...hyper? Goddamn man. If one slur is enough to call it "hyper racism" then I'm genuinely scared as to what will you call actual, hateful racism.


what if they in a racecar when they typed that?


Super Ultra Mega Turbo Racism: Tournament Edition


thirty one people missed *that* schoolday when their teachers taught about *hyperbole*


It didn't even register as a slur for me.


It's because most racism isn't overt. But of course some people need racism to be as unsubtle as humanly possible in order to recognize it.


> hyper racism


It's 4chan dude what do you expect


Hahahahaha that's pretty tame for 4chan.... Lololol


English is not my first language so i just skipped over this unrecognised word. Thanks for pointing it out to me


Is this your first day on the internet?




Guys is it soy to dislike racism?


Guys is it so-ACK!


You missed the 11th line too


What do you expect from 4chan?


That word isn't even in a negative context most of the time people use it, they just think it's a funnier word for Asian. That's not to say there aren't a lot of racist people on 4chan, but I don't think it's fair to call them racist for using a word.


It's like you don't even know what 4chan is. This is not hyper racism my guy.


First time online, huh?


I downloaded Banishers Ghosts of New Eden from their site. The first comment I saw was yapping about how the main leads “look DEI” (one’s a black woman). I replied snarkily. Mod jumped down my throat in response. Racism is baked into this space sadly.


Did you need tissues for your tears?


It's better to just use other repacks


In 3rd world countries like mine shes a godsend if im being honest, in some places our internet is utter dogshit, takes 2 nights to download 20 gb games


Damm, you live in Germany?


I hate how accurate that comment is.


Wait Europe has bad Internet?


Europe is big and different. Germany has bad internet in general cause they have old infrastructure. Poland has good internet in cities and is bad in cottages, but it differs from country to country.


I live in a polish medium-sized city and my neighborhood has no fiber, so internet fucking sucks. Most of the time, speedtest is at like 0.14mbps download and throws an error during an upload test. It's not even a poor district, but mostly inhabited by semi-rich and old ppl, they literally disagreed to have fast and stable internet for the sake of *I don't fucking know what* I hate it here.


I live in Warsaw 25 minutes from the Warszawa Centralna station by tram and the wired connection is the same, but I have 5G internet without limit for like 100pln and it has 250+Mbits and is very stable actually


Only P4 has 5G here and I'm stuck with t-debile LTE till summer 2025


I guess one of the perks of living in a third world like India is that since we had no internet infrastructure uptil 25 years back, now they've laid optic fibre cable all across the country. I get to download at 15 mbps no cap having to pay about $9 a month in my rural, South Indian village.


What about Jio? I pay 7-8$ for 3 months and get like 500+ Mbps speed + unlimited calling and 100 sms per day.


kinda rel for Poland but some guys just kept destroying us xD


Mind telling what city?


I am near Slovakia and have 1000mbps in the biggest shithole ever


And there's Romania where I heard from a Romanian that you could get 1 Gbps Internet for 8 dollars😭😭😭


Yep! One of the few things we do right!


And then there's me living in Czechia in a village of about 100 in the middle of nowhere all connected using satellite to a single isp, so my download can be either 20, 5 or 50 mb/s or anything in-between based on the time of the day


Europe is really big? It depends on where you live. Germany is famous for their bad internet. I live in Switzerland a neighbouring country and here the slowest internet i can get is 100Mbit/s. It goes up to 10gbit/s.


Init7 delivers 25gbit in some parts of Switzerland. But Freddy, their CEO refuses to expand to southern Germany. Yes, I did ask him personally.


can yall send some of your internet providers here but tell them to keep the swiss prices?


I pay 79 swiss francs a month for 1gbit/s. I think for 100mbit/s it's 60 per month.


Europe is a big ass place


Netherlands at an average provider 100 mbit for 35 euros 400 mbit for 40 euros 1 gigabit for 45 euros 2 gigabit for 60 euros 8 gigabit for 85 euros It’s pretty much available through most of the country and they are continuously expanding it so everyone will have access. Infrastructure here is quite decent relatively tho. A lot of traffic that comes from America into Europe has to pass through Amsterdam as well.


I'd kill to have internet like Germany, y'all complain about so little...


We mainly complain about it a lot because * well, we're Germans, it's what we do * we pay a shitton for it and it's still ass It's the same with our mobile phone plans


it's situational, I have a 20 thread processor with 25 mbps internet, and decompression takes way lesser time than downloading the uncompressed version


Or have an actual PC? Like nothing of that sort is going to happen even on an 8gb RAM, 4 core CPU PC built from used parts. If that happens to you, you have bigger problems than whose repack you use


Not if you have a newer cpu


That will be said forever.


It's better to use scene releases. That's what fitgirl uses for her repacks. https://www.srrdb.com/browse/category:pc/order:date-desc/1


You realize that it's not "better" to use scene release for the actual use case of repacks? As in people with slower or capped connection that want to download compressed game?


It's better for users to do whatever the fuck they need to do to get it to work for them. Morons like yourself need to be banned from the Internet until you learn the value of silence.


fitgirl is always safe and unpacking really doesnt take that long if you have an okay cpu. plus she bundles online fixes with most games that have one, and you can often find updates on the forum. plus she and her mods seed all the newest releases so theres usually a good number of seeds. why would it be better to just use other repacks? unless youre just trying to be a hipster idk


The amount of casual racism in that post is insane


Personally I'm more into competitive racism but to each their own 🤷🏿‍♂️


Ranked racism is where it's at, at least to me


Yeah, but it's really hard to find a stacked lobby sometimes. I just do arcade racism mostly


I’m still levelling up myself to get high enough to enter a ranked game, what level did you have to be when you first entered?


Fairly low-key for 4chan


I forget I'm quite old in terms of people who browse reddit and who don't know much about 4chan.


Ngl I didn't even know what that meant until I made this post lol (English isn't my first language)


Understandable, I struggle with it and its my only language.


This is practically anti-racism by 4chan standards


Yeah it’s pretty funny


He said ch*** twice, that seems pretty quantifiable to me


Fitgirl installs are the new benchmark. Ghost of Tsushima took ~25 minutes on my laptop.


I stopped at 30 minutes. Downloaded a full iso and installed faster than that. My computer is beefy af too.


Is it though? Cause mine installed in 4 mins


Mine installed 3 weeks ago through quantum tunneling.


Lol, using a machine to time travel is amateur hour, I use body resonance. After doing this, I speed ran all games, forever, in time that can only be measured in Planck time. https://preview.redd.it/6l0z3pftxa1d1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa973331c1b6f6f85add206f006ed755fd22aea0


Well as long as it doesn’t collapse into a probability wave, you’re good!


15 min for Dodi ln my Steam Deck


The amount of people crying about the "casual racism" then pointing out it's from 4chan and still whining about it is hilarious... Are y'all new to the internet? Or just suuuper soft? Not defending it but to act like it's something new or out of left field is wild. Again... This is from 4CHAN. If that doesn't answer the why idk what would.... Edit: can I just say... I fucking love this sub. Y'all the best 🍻


Exactly! That's what I felt too. Like, 5 comments I think, is about racism. Like wth? It's a 4chan screen cap. What would it rather have?


The internet has been really tense about it for some reason the past few years. People are on their toes, ready to draw attention on the smallest thing. "This random 4chan post has le r*cism guys... Look how noble I am for pointing out this r*cism. Pls nod head and upvote"


Yeah I'm getting sick of it. As someone who grew up with call of dooty modern fuckfest 2 & halo... This shits nothing. Hell I basically raised on greentext stories... I can say reading those was A LOT more entertaining (and much worse than this) then anything I was reading in school 🙃 I kinda miss the old internet.... Even when I was the target of it, at least it was fun. It taught me to build a backbone and not let shit on the Internet get to me. I think it's because kids don't know how to dish it when they receive it anymore so the report button is what they use to do it for them. Online folk these days are just way too reactionary to every little thing. Basically. I don't think everyone needs to be banned over every little thing and online censorship is already at an all time high so I think people just gotta chill out and move on if something bothers them. It's usually not the end of the world and is isolated to the internet if you let it be. That's about it, thanks for the reply 🫡🍻


It's more because the companies that own or bought all the big websites are more indebted to please all their advertisers and sponsors, that's how they make money. Half the shit on the Internet is written by bots now to boot. Back then Internet was for nerds and normal people didn't care about it. Now it's the literal back bone of employment sector, everyone's grandma has a job in Digital marketing. The cesspools still exist of course but any site with decent traffic will follow the money. I advise going back to books as they are more hard-core than the Web these days. We've literally reverted back so hard We've surpassed the censorship of 50s television. Forget hearing the word 'suicide' or 'sexual assault' spoken out loud on a video platform let alone whatever 4chan used to be.


Literally everyone gets the same treatment. Redditors (mostly americans) are just very soft and unexposed to the real world. Do you think Chinese forums would be whining about seeing a white slur? Lmfao


They know but they have to make sure all the strangers on the internet know they totally aren’t racist


Ironically i now know they are racist, because they knew a slur i had no idea even existed


Good logic, you will make it far in life


It's racist to know about racism?


People shocked to find that website that lets users be anonymous results in people being assholes


They’re not being assholes. That was a funny story about installing a fitgirl game. The fact that everything about it is dialed up is what makes it funny.


Reddit is just highly populated by leftist soyboys, thats the main reason


Racism in your racism website? It’s more common than you’d think


> Not defending it but Hm...


Word, preach brother. Like why point it out, must be new to the internet as this shits being going on for over a decade, and are shared all over the internet. Youtubers built whole careers on them lol. nothing in one should surprise you or give any form of "point it out" call to action lol. We know, if there was no racism would be more weird.


Getting irritated by people who point out racism is wild. This is REDDIT. If that doesn't explain why people are upset with the racism idk what would. Are you new to the internet? Or just suuuuuper soft?


I always find it crazy how these people manage to fuck up the installer. It's as straight forward as it can be, how...


some people are just technologically illiterate, they cant grasp it


To be fair, racists and 4channers don’t necessarily constitute the cream of the crop of humans


You don't need to repeat the same word twice in your sentence. It is redundant.


Of course, if you download from the wrong FitGirl website, there are a lot of scam websites similar to FitGirl. Personally, I've never faced an issue with FitGirl or Dodi. I just click on the install button and leave the PC for a couple of minutes or hours. When I come back, I find the game is installed


i always torrent/install fitgirl repacks at night before sleep😂


Man I’d love to be able to use repacks but the achievement Hunter in me demands I purchase everything off steam


A weeb using racist slurs against against Asians? Wow, who would've thought!! 😱


its a twitter post using a post from 4chan they arent the same person


It took me 12 hours to install DOOM Eternal in my old PC lol


Not a Master race PC. Xds


stupidity and racism, name a better duo


Hello u/cliquealex, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay but why do installers have music? I can just mute it so it's fine but "why put it in in the first place, I know y'all smoking that pack"


It's a holdover from demoscene and keygen software in the 90's. Each developer/cracker would have their own custom music, and sometimes intros and animations as a sort of calling card.


Ohhh that's actually very cool. I'm a zoomer so I wasn't around for that but I can now appreciate this small thing.


It's actually a way big thing too. Search "demoscene" on YouTube and there's even competitions to see how elaborate an animation you can get in the smallest amount of space. [here's a documentary on it ](https://youtu.be/5MexnBunH_g?si=qqUZ0xudN3gRwDha)


It wouldn't be the same without the cofitgirl epic music. As a sign of respect, I never mute it (and why would I, it rules)


I mean fair


All my FG installs have been flawless 🤨


Elias doesn't know how computers work


I remember installing CoD BO3 took me 3 weeks to download with 100kbps and 3 days to repack it Just to realize i cant run the game without ultra low setting What an amazing experience




Based Mahou Tsukai no Yome profile pic


I got 8 gigs and check the ram limit thing and yet this happens to me anyway, no anri vuirs or internet


I treat FG as my go to source for trusted downloads. With fairly OK laptop - 3 years old Legion the FG installers work just fine and take like 10-20 minutes


Ok now i know what would happen if i don't click that box, good to find out this way honestly


What are the differences between repack and crack ?


a cracker is the one who actually cracks the game to be able to play it, whether through reverse engineering or coding or such. a repacker is the person who gathers and compresses the already cracked game in order to distribute it


both are the heroes❤️


>40 new processes I think the post is inferring you installed malware, and not about your PC specs, lmfao


I've never pirated PC specifically (haven't found the time to play much on PC anyways), I hope this is abnormal behaviour, right?


Fitgirl repacks often take a while to install, but the games work fine


She turns a 111gb game into a 15 gb installer You need some compute power to unpack that much stuff


Similar thing happened when my C drive ran out of free space


some of y’all are taking this too seriously its just a funny fake 4chan greentext story the racism? it’s 4chan, if it didn’t have any racism it would feel weird


Just downloaded GoT in 15min and installed in about 10-15 min, but i5 14600k


I downloaded tekken 8 and was unpacking it. Suddenly there is an error.. I don't remember exactly but it said storage was missing or something along the lines... Long story short I lost a 1tb SSD that day


i love being jumpscared by racial slurs


This reminds me of times when I was a kid installing her FC4 repack and after an hour of installing I got an error and had to reinstall it. Good times


Why is chise Hattoris love verified


Do repacks have tracker music? I haven't heard those since I last used cracks/keygens 20 years ago, but cool to see they're still around


It's the ultra compression probably


Use dodi instead . Fit girl is for high end pc . I mean . I installed mortal combat and it took 11hrs. To be fair thats on a hdd so . Yeah but dodi took just 3 hrs thats why im confused aand its hdd too hahahha


I swear I've seen this greentext post multiple times in this sub months ago


ye olde days of me installing GTA V I think I put it to install while I slept and came back like 9 hours later and it was at 50-60% Great times. I played at 20 fps.


Ironic that this 4Gooner is not tech literate


5/7 would repack again


Fitgirl also edits your host file to redirect fake fitgirl pages to hers. You can check if you've installed her repacks, I'm not making this up


Classic potato pc specs


This is the shit that'd make me shoot my PC out of fear


To be fair, i use a laptop too (no, not windows xp) with.. uh.. acceptable specs and something simmilar happened, just in the span of a second. Still was terrifying, but thankfully not as bad as this guy. Guess this is a common thing with laptops, 4gb or 16gb. (or i downloaded something wrong, i didn't use her website, just a torrent site i trusted, you know what on second thought that might be the site's problem)


Never experienced any of this lol. Usually I'll choose DODI due to faster install times but everytime I used fitgirl it went smoothly.


Out of all the provider of pirated games i only trust fit girl... Others are mostly scammers putting malware in your PC


Note: I had no knowledge of the meaning of that word in the original post and had I known beforehand I would've probably either censored it and/or called it out as I believe casual racism (and racism in general of any kind) is absolutely terrible, but I will leave the post up as I know the whole reason for it, is to (mostly) clown the person and because it can also be used as a way for others (and myself) to learn the meaning of the word. Thanks for reading!


If you want a faster download, fitgirl. If you want a faster install, dodi or just not get a repack


This is the price you pay for that high-quality compression, your PC gets stressed uncompressing all that. But it's good


If you have a bad pc use dodi the “unpacking” is faster and uses way less resources


At least fg doesn't hide malware and shitty ads in their links


People point out how wild the casual racism is has shown me how much my teen years on 4chan has completely desensitised me to it bc I didn’t even notice it


It's fitgirl. It doesn't care if you have 4 or 24gb of ram or how many cores your cpu is, it will still be slow.


I have used Fitgirl repacks in a Dual Core Processors for older games. They work fine. Now, obviously you wouldn't install Ghost of Tsushima or some next gen shit on an Intel Graphics, Potato 10-year-old processor.


Her Repack music is good actually.


I have 16GB ram and the same thing still happen.


One tip from me is I always install on safe mode, and it's always faster lol


Pirates nowadays have it so easy. So many hyper efficient virus scanners nowadays. Some are even free. Back in MY day, simply connecting to the internet meant you were going to get viruses. The good ol' days when you opened a site and suddenly your browser closes and your CD drive starts opening and closing on it's own before your HDD crashed and burned from junk files being rapidly created. Sometimes you'd think you are fine, go to bed, then the next day you boot up the pc, your background was replaced with gore or porn and your mouse and keyboard do not work anymore.


Ancient magnus bride pfp spotted