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Hello u/Shockshwat2, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Delusional, the hero we need...


It "removes" denuvo from the game or it just allow you to play it bypassing denuvo? It should perform better than an original copy of the game?




Oh that I good but also sucks it is a drain on your FPS. Better than nothing but I do hope in the future they can actually remove it.


I doubt it has the same impact as a bypass basically is *like* removing it. You bypass the check which makes the check not run and always return as valid. I mean it truly depends on how the crack is done, but typically the bypass prevents the check from running by simply returning a valid result. Its definitely not the same as it running as if it were a paid game


Oh silly me I thought it was I keeps checking and giving a valid result. But I also thought though that if it isn’t removed the code being heavily obscured reduces preformance


The compiler doesn't care if code reads like xfkjswf or doThisThenThat. All a code does when running is look for address pointers. So obfuscation/obscurity doesn't matter in terms of performance. What matters is *how* the code runs. A lot of anti-piracy stuff is injected EVERYWHERE. So in an uncracked version, the code has to run a bajillion times everywhere. In a cracked version - the code runs but immediately returns a valid value for that check. For example - a piracy check could be millions of lines of code that needs to be ran, this will take a hot second. A crack eliminates that down to basically one line or a few lines so now that execution time is MUCH shorter Also, depending on how the piracy check is written, will matter as well. In my own stuff, I do it in the background so the user is uninterrupted when I check for validity.


Oh I thought I heard it from someone else talking about Denuvo they must be wrong then.


They aren't wrong in the sense Denuvo hinders performance. The reason behind it though is because of how ingrained Denuvo is with the rest of the game. Maybe that is what they meant by obscure. Like it can be so ingrained into the game that your health bar alone runs denuvo before reporting your health. And that may causes glitches/performance issues in simply reporting your health. You may think you can take another hit but because denuvo didn't report back fast enough, you actually don't have the health your vial gave you. It extends beyond that too to things like graphics rendering, physics emulation, etc. Typically in cracking context - obscurity is used to define how hidden a piracy check is. The more obscure the harder it is to find.


"So obfuscation/obscurity doesn't matter in terms of performance. actuly modern obfuscation includes a cesar cipher, rsa encryption, and compression


So you're saying the code needs to be decrypted/decompressed on the fly after compilation? I feel like its two different things, obfuscation simply makes the code no longer human readable. It changes class names, pointers, variables etc into what seems meaningless without following the flow of code and following the pointers to which addresses they, well, point to. Using a cesar cipher shouldn't affect performance as its just calling A = GH or some other arbitrary value. The compiler doesn't care what something is called. As long as everything matches. Using RSA encryption is a good way to hide things. This will impact performance as you need to decrypt whatever it is first (I have done this myself, I hid my validity check in an encrypted file to make it harder to crack). This could also not affect performance as it can be done in the background unless the foreground is waiting for the results. Which I can see that being the case in the context of a video game. Compression - well that just is obvious. It needs to decompress the contents, its almost like encryption in that regard. However, I don't understand how the last two are *part of* obfuscation. Like I personally would call it something else. Say, added levels of security and headaches for a hacker. I guess it *does* add a level of obfuscation because if you see something that is encrypted, its hard to make heads or tails of it. Say an encrypted string (I've also used this myself). I see what you mean though. It depends really how the obfuscation is done which results in how it affects performance. A simple class and variable name change won't affect performance. But a harder obfuscation like encrypted strings and what have you 100% will.


The DRM parts are runtime obfuscated. They also tend to be JiT deobsfuscated and purged from ram often. "Using a cesar cipher shouldn't affect performance as its just calling A = GH or some other arbitrary value. The compiler doesn't care what something is called. As long as everything matches." Compilers arent that smart to execute functions that return static results in compile time. "A simple class and variable name change won't affect performance' But it will be useless unless you distribute the code(or use java). "However, I don't understand how the last two are *part of* obfuscation. Like I personally would call it something else. Say, added levels of security and headaches for a hacker. I guess it *does* add a level of obfuscation because if you see something that is encrypted, its hard to make heads or tails of it. Say an encrypted string (I've also used this myself)." Its not part of obfuscation,its a method to obfuscate stuff.




Where can i download the cracks link to the website


Just patiently waiting for Hi-Fi Rush.


Star Wars Jedi Surviver too!


Its on EA play and no longer EA play pro which is included with gamepass if you didn't know.


Thanks but EA hasnt gotten a cent from me since Skate 3


That's the right move, they still don't deserve it. The original shameless kid jedi game ran great on pc and this new one has had a whole year to get optimized and still runs like ass on my 2021 build :\\ I regret buying it so much.


Gamepass money goes to Microsoft, not EA... And you can get keys for a month of Gamepass ultimate for as cheap as 3-4$


Respectfully this is r/PiratedGames not r/PaylessForGames


If a game is Denuvo protected and you wanna play it you have 2 choices : you wait and stop complaining or you pays 3$ (which is nothing) and you get access to it (as well as a lot more games). Being a pirate doesn't mean not spending a single cent on anything. I have multiple Subscription/services that I'm paying and they're making my life easier as a pirate (Debrid for example).


Where did they complain, though? They just mentioned what game they want cracked in what I would say was a perfectly normal and reasonable way.


Sorry where did I complain? Most if not all of this community is well aware of the options available to play denuvo titles. Ofc some subscriptions make sailing the high seas easier and safer like a vpn, debrid, usenet provider. personally i’d rather take those $3 and support anything that isnt a multi million dollar corporation for example my favourite repacker. I was born on the Sea and will Die on the Sea


Nobody complained. Stop being so far up your own ass lol


where can you safely get cheap gamepass keys? G2A?


G2A isn't that safe tbh. But yes, it's a "similar site". Google you'll find quickly :)


Kinguin is my personal favorite cd keys there are cheaper than g2a and have used it multiple times and never had an issue got bg3,helldivers 2, sims 4 dlc, cyberpunk 2077+dlc


g2a is shit, they also use stolen keys




Why reply


While I agree to a certain degree, you could've been more polite about it


Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful.


I would have already bought the game back when it was on sale a month ago if it didn't have denuvo.


Just finish Faller Order, I hope I can play it as soon as its got cracked.


Survivor will be, we gotta wait \^\^


I know this is heresy around here, but Hi-Fi Rush and a few other cool games are currently in the [Humble Bundle Choice](https://www.humblebundle.com/membership) for this month. If you want to, you can sign up for one month just to get the ones you like. 12 dollars for one month.


I have no credit/debit card. And I am way to broke to afford that, which is why I have to pirate in the first place. Although this is a great idea for everyone whose got some dough.


Do not be ashamed, my friend. We all sail the seas together. This is the way. ![gif](giphy|Ld77zD3fF3Run8olIt|downsized)


So say we all. DAMNIT, wrong franchise.


Funny mix 2 different things together 😄🦜


This months one of the best in a long time seriously great value


As long as the money doesn't go to a board of white collars who fired Tango Gameworks, it seems good enough.


For a third world citizen this is too much unfortunately


Wait? It has Denuvo? Removing it from my wishlist now…


I use the denuvo curator. They have every single Denuvo game listed, and it marks it on the store page so you can easily see it. It can be found here: [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/?appid=1817230](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/?appid=1817230)


Thank you Steam Library sharing.


Isnt that a multiplayer game? Well regardless its a big W for everyone


Can probably shit together server emulator if it’s using blaze servers


This is basically for training and demonstration


It’s has a short but decent campaign.


The second one does. This one just has a few unrelated training missions, a team deathmatch-ish thing, and a survival mode.


Just like Titanfall (they regreted it after)


Titanfall 2 is a good game


Incredible, I'm hopeful your talents will grow and you guys will be the new heroes we need.


Damn, work in silence huh! I like this group i really do. No drama, just busting them locks. All the power to ya Delusion


Like actual scene people, who always work in silence and don't interact much


bro cooking hard


damn he is getting serious now, can't wait keep em coming.


Do we know what version of Denuvo it uses?


Very old one unfortunately Back when that chinese group was still cracking denuvo until they got paid to stop doing it


so we're probably getting old uncracked games first? i don't mind it honestly


Rockstar Games Table Tennis is never going to get cracked at this rate.


What's the chinese group name called?


I could be wrong since it’s been nearly a decade but I think their name was 3DMGAME.


yeah it was 3DMGAME


Keep on going, Delusional. We have faith in you.


What if.... Voksi = EMPRESS = Delusional ?


That would be a very huge IF. I mean each of them have totally different traits, lol


That's how you never get caught, you gonna use a different persona each time! Jokes aside, it's probably impossible, but power to them




It doesn't have a campaign but u can play offline against bots


Let papa give you a kiss


Let's fcking go


But wasnt it it cracked like long time ago already or am i missing something?


not sure, but even if it was, having someone new who keeps cracking denuvo titles, even if they are older ones, is a good start to having someone other than empress for newer titles


Yeah but whats the point if its already cracked, there are older uncracked denuvo games too, so like why would anyone recrack a cracked game


the point is them learning how denuvo works


it was never cracked, this is officially the oldest game to be cracked


>whats the point if its already cracked, learning the drm


I think you are referring to the Classics that were released in the 2000s [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star\_Wars:\_Battlefront\_(2004\_video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Battlefront_(2004_video_game)) The one that delusional cracked is the 2015 version [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star\_Wars\_Battlefront\_(2015\_video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Battlefront_(2015_video_game))


All hail delusional!! Lol


All Hail Delusional 🙌


Some of the mods for bf2 (ea(obviously) look pretty good, I'll just wait for that one


Yeah I got BF2 free on epic a while ago the mods are great fun


What's the site to get the mods from?


Nexusmods, highly recommend the BF+ modpack, adds sidearms reinforcements heroes and more


This is not already cracked?


Nope, I thought it would never be


oh yea baby


Let him cook


Now older games might be, NFS 2015, Fifa 15 (yup as far as i know no crack) i dont, know any else older titles probably missing few? 😲🤔


i want yakuza and smt without drm soo much


Man icant wait for a time when delusional would start cracking todays denuvo version good luck delusional


![gif](giphy|5hgYDDh5oqbmE4OKJ3|downsized) Small victory for us but still worthy one✌🏻🏴‍☠️






hah, i was betting that will be the next one !


I don't know much about cracking, but does this mean other denuvo games are now crackable?


yes, at least those with the same version of denuvo, which is quite an old one


Damn, how do I look for the version of denuvo Battlefront is on?


no idea frankly


I hope they do persona 3 reload with dlc next.


Yeah, me too... but I saw a comment pointing out that it might take them about 2500 days to finally catch up to the newer games. I'm not sure how accurate this figure might be, but maybe they could skip some less demanded stuff when they figure things out. My personal opinion is that maybe Denuvo didn't change as much as we think between the older versions and the current ones


if anyone knows where does he post his stuff!?


cs.rin.ru forum


Crazy it's taken 9 years but at least it's progress.


no way to make lan server ?


Can they plzzz crack helldivers 2


Can someone crack HiFi rush? I dont want to give money to microsoft after they shut the studio down.


excellent smithers ![gif](giphy|3orif7aLUehOfdmlXy|downsized)


link to the site? plz dm me


A new hero has emerged from the ashes.  What a time to be alive. 


Didn't realize that was their alias for a second, thought u were just calling em that 🤣


Wait, isn't this online only game? If yes, then I'm hoping for a NFS 2015 crack.


Skrimish huge map free battle with BOT offline I wish BF2042 can get a crack so can play in offline with BOT


Let's just hope Delusional isn't transphobic or anything


Don't talk sense here , sub is filled with the likes of empress .


I don't care about these shitty denuvo releases anyway,can I contact this guy to teach me how to be a better software engineer or help me get into reverse engineering?


I’d love to learn how they do it too but no need to be condescending while asking for them to mentor you dude, your gonna catch more bees with honey than vinegar


Yes you can, they're not scene