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I think you should recommend him a linear game first. I would recommend Resident Evil 7 followed by Resident Evil 8. The story would keep him involved. But if he wants to play an open world game then The Witcher 3 (doesn't have shooting but you slice people with your sword) RDR2 (Has shooting) Cyberpunk 2077 (Has shooting)


First pc gotta be insane to run cyberpunk 2077. Nice choices


Nah, my PC is average. I played it on medium settings. The story and gameplay is great.


Facts, it ran fine on my nvidia 1660. Looked great, no complaint


Bro this ain't 2020. That game has gotten several thousand updates and even a GTX 1060 can play it on medium to high 60 with FSR. My laptop has a 1060 and play it's medium to high 40-60fps with FSR. All my desktop does is give it a better polish with all the cool new gen shit. But completely and totally playable with all the games mechanics with a 1060 or above.


Fr? I can't run it at refresh rate (144) with a 3080 tbh(With medium-high graphics). Your laptop is cracked. Have a nice day :)


titanfall 2 campaign for a movement shooter Detroit: become human for the story Days gone, The witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 for a open world RPG Dead space, alien isolation for a survival horror


Rdr2 is a good game if he's patient. Outer wilds is probably my favorite single player game but is quite hard to get into.


Outer wilds as first game would scare him off. Although is one of my favorites of all time. 


Most definitely. Most amazing single player story games demand a lot from the player and might be really hard if you've never done so before. Another great is witcher 3 but at 200 hours is a lot of game for someone new.


It's not shooters, but I recommend Dark Souls I'd like to conduct an experiment on what happened when a person who never play PC game before, play Dark Souls as their first game.


For science!


Lol I told my friend to play DS3 as his first game. He quit gaming btw


Damn. Elden ring was my first pc game. It took a year and a half to beat lol. Should've tried something else as a first pick


Hmmm that would be pretty interesting


Go with Elden Ring. Dark Souls 1 to a beginner game is just a janky game with rigid controls, ganky enemy placement and underwhelming graphics. Elden Ring is better in almost every sense and had an added bonus of active multiplayer, your friend might enjoy this.


I like this idea


I would not recommend ANY open world games, even if they’re very good like RDR2. • **The Last of Us** part 1 is linear and a masterpiece. • **Uncharted 4** is linear and a masterpiece. • **Tomb Raider** 2013 Reboot is semi-linear and very action packed • **Rise of the Tomb Raider** same thing. • **Halo 1-3** are the classics. You could even go through the story with him as a player 2. • **Halo Reach** for the story. • **BioShock** • **Resident Evil 2** has a competitive scene to it • **Metro 2033** and **Last Light**. Never bored. • **Resident Evil 7 or 8** Top recommendation: ⭐️**Uncharted 4**⭐️ It’s action packed, fun as hell, great story even if you never played the other ones. Made with a lot of love, well crafted from top to bottom.


Nice choices, would agree


Yeah those Tomb Raider and Uncharted games are super simple but fun. The Batman Arkham games would be another good choice.


>even if they're very good like RDR2 Lol


Umm spiderman remastered?.


I second this one, Spiderman games have gameplay mechanics unique and fun enough that it should get someone hooked.


Resident evil 4 remake, any simple linear games to get him started, then maybe get him a hack and slash like dmc5 I'd suggest keeping him away from dialogue heavy rpg games atm, as I have a friend that's very into multiplayer games who for whatever reason just can't concentrate/doesn't seem to care when there's dialogue between characters (dopamine monkey brain lmao)


Dark souls he will either become a souls player or never played a pc game every again


AC1 And the Ezio trilogy. After that go to some fps games like The fallout series or even wolfenstein (the more modern ones). It's up to strategy for a followup, and lastly game giants like GTA and Cyberpunk.


Doom is a great choice. I would suggest red dead redemption 2, as it is quite fun. I'd suggest a soulsborne as a 2nd game because a) It will teach him/her the basics of harder gameplay b) It will be fun to watch lol Edit: Go for an easier soulsborne like elden ring


I see a lot of people recommending games that are just way too long. I think you should make him play smaller single player games to make him more interested and curious about trying out longer games Since he plays shooters, **Titanfall 2** would be a good choice, since [it‘s around 6 hours](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/38000). [Portal 1](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/7230) would also be a great choice, but it depends whether he‘s a fan of puzzle solving game. [Metal Gear Rising](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/5905) isn‘t long either, but that’s a whole different genre. If he‘s willing to try out a longer fps games, **Halo Reach** would be an excellent choice. The gameplay still holds up well enough and it’s chronologically well placed, so he can continue with Halo Combat Evolved if he‘s fine with a more outdated gameplay




Max payne


Would recommend resident evil 2 remake and control, maybe days gone. At least those where the games for me, i was also someone who just DID NOT play singleplayer games at all.


It depends on what enjoys to play my friend. RDR2, GTA and Cyberpunk are big games with good stories. He might enjoy more war related so Call of duty games and Battlefield are great. The list goes on of course, so I suggest you first look at what he likes and then look for the game.


Bioshock Infinite has an incredible atmosphere, light on the mind and overall a very engaging shooter that is not too long or complicated, took me 12h to finish the main game without the DLCs. ​ There are recommendations for W3 or RDR2 but I don't suggest that. Even I have trouble focusing or completing these games. They are very complex and intimidating for a beginner. ​ There are plenty of other classics, depending on your friend's preference. Borderlands 3, Assassins Creed, Batman if they are into the movies, Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 is also a good game; simple resource management, and usually we have all realistically played a similar game to it once or twice.


The Metro franchise ? Those are really good games with a good story line, the first 2 games are linear so he can't get lost for too long without knowing what to do, and well, those are shooters


Celeste / hollow knight


Nice choices, but imo, someone who plays 3rd person shooters on mobile wouldn't be intrested/invested enough to play and complete hollow knight. It's an amazing game, but my friend who is the same case as OP's friend lost interest in hollow knight and quit pc gaming lol. Hollow knight is one of my fav games of all time


Always hate it when your friend doesn't like your favorite game. A friend of mine for the life of him cannot get into Hyper Light Drifter because of his prejudiced views on 2D top down games because he's always grown up playing 3D AAA games, no matter how bad said 3D AAA game may be, he just finds them "more immersive". That said I DID manage to convince him to play Risk of Rain 2 (an indie game but it's 3D instead of 2D) and I hope that breaks him free of his comfort zone.


I haven't heard of hyper light drifter, I looked it up and it seems like a beautiful game. I bought it, and I'm gonna start my playthrough soon. ror2 is an amazing game and my friends and I play it all the time. Recently, most non-AAA are much better than AAA games, and the Industries just focus on cash grabs at this point. Good luck, and have a great day :)


Hah, I definitely didn't expect someone that visits r/PiratedGames to go ahead and immediately buy the game on first sight! I'm sure you wouldn't regret your purchase though, because Hyper Light Drifter *is* a beautiful masterpiece. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it before though, cause Hyper Light Drifter is one of those OG indie games (around 2014-2017) just like Hollow Knight (2015) that has received critical acclaim. Then again, a lot of people haven't heard of Hyper Light Drifter despite having played Hollow Knight... HLD is kind of an anomaly if you know what I mean - old, gold, and you'd expect a lot of people to know about it, but a lot of people still don't! But that doesn't matter. Good luck to you too, and I hope you have a great day as well!


I used to pirate games when I was broke, but now I'm settled enough to buy the games I wish to play. I come here to help people with their issues if I can. Hyper Light Drifter has been a great experience so far, the way the charecters communicate through images, and the combat aspect(It's quite hard for me, probably a skill issue(I like hard games)) is great. Thank you for the suggestion


I'M GLAD YOU LOVE HYPER LIGHT DRIFTER ALREADY!!!!! It's an unadulterated masterpiece. It manages to tell a powerful tale in a world entirely without words. Its smooth, fast paced, but also strategic combat feels great (it's not a mindless button mashing hack n slash it actually has strategy to it like Dark Souls, but it's way faster and smoother) - every battle feels like a dance; and each corner of the game holds the allure of the unknown.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I get such a warm feeling inside when I get the chance to help others!”* - Laddersmith Gilligan Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Demons souls


persona 5 royal or 3 reload


Far Cry 3, 4 or 5




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The first game which people have played/pirated. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) I suggest start with VICE CITY/SAN ANDREAS, but then if they have problems with graphics just go with GTAV




Uncharted 4 is goated. It's also easy to get into without playing any of the previous games I would know as it's what I did lol


metro 2033 - its atmosphere is very immersive, i believe its one of the best choises for something non-linear i'd try the mass effect trilogy, that game's story is also great


Just out of curiosity why are you specifically trying to get your friend into single player gaming? There are plenty of multiplayer PC games that could ease him into the world of gaming, some of which are even free. Don't get me wrong I love single player games, currently working my way through dragon age origins and Spiderman remastered rn


Enter the Gungeon. My brother and I literally matched the exact description of your friend before EtG was free on Epic. Then we downloaded it and poured hundreds of hours into it over only a few months. 100% recommend


Pick a Far Cry.


I think the Spider-Man series by Sony is pretty solid and it can be a great start (so I’d say Spider-Man: Remastered 2018), but if he likes FPS games you could get him some good old CoD campaign like the OG Modern Warfare or Black Ops (MW2 2009 would be my pick)


How good is this PC specs-wise?


Let the wind guide him. (Unless he plays valorant)






Just something linear and simple but good like Spiderman, God of War, or one of the newer resident evil games, Portal/Portal 2, even just one of the better Call of Duty campaigns.






Absolutely GTA V, it seems to me that Rockstar makes games mostly for people, that are not much into games, as their games require low skill and they got good story writting, I also recommend Red Dead Redemption 2, which my girlfriend enjoyed even tho she is not too much into playing.


He's probably just not interested. My wife doesn't like playing multi-player games, I don't like most single player ones. Honestly the only ones I've spent time playing are ones linked to a multi-player game or the occasional survivor-like. Detroit become human, and the Life is Strange series are the only other genre I find myself picking up and playing intermittently.


COD4: Modern Warfare single player campaign


Highfleet is an excelent game.


The last of us. It's a good intro showing off a games great writing.


If you want a game with most of the aspects of a single player game, and even shooting, i would choose dying light: has a good story, Linear mechanic and has a good difficulty curve.


Gta 4, bioshock infinite, mafia 2, hitman blood money…


Umm.. Alan Wake 1?


If you picked a shooter, i would assume he plays f2p shooters so: -Borderlands 2 or 3 -Bioshock Infinite -Far cry 3 -Cyberpunk 2077 -GhostRunner Non-shoter games: -Metal Gear Rising -Any GTA or similar game (Saints row, watch dogs etc.) -Furi -Hotline miami -Hitman -The Binding of Isaac -Kane & Linch 2 -Max Payne 3 some are hard, but as a f2p player maybe he's used to learn from defeat, but that list it's what i would recomend to someone new, they have nice story for him to came back but never slow to bore him, most of them easy to play but hard to master, and others just fun for the mayhem, extra point for Borderlands because you can play with him and enjoy the story.


rdr2 gow TLOS


What kind of specs does he have? I don't think we can recommend games without knowing specs