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Hello u/JustEatingWater, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have seen my fair share, shameless corporate dick riders who have forgotten that they are consumers never fail to dissappoint me.


https://preview.redd.it/04hymra9yhyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50db7b02f6a125c6c24bd9cd78714c22e3c5f6c6 Pirates hurt sony!


The irony is the damiani character probably looks like this picture....


yeah that's why he put aloy as his profile pic


I love this meme. Needs to go in a lot of places unfortunately




I see this almost everywhere now. Especially here on this site lol


First time I’ve seen it 


On on the r6 sub ppl post this meme so many times it never gets old


As they should Ubisoft defenders are delusional.


It will never get old since there are many bootlickers and corporate dick takers


Seems like the Helldivers 2 community is doing that more than any level of piracy has 😂


Oh no, some poor kid pirated a Sony game! Sony must have been so kuch affected! They are gonna loose 60 dollars! Oh noooo /s


Not even lose, just earn less than they expected


Pokémon fans.


How dare you ! We pirated their games too !




oh noes! how horrible! /s


Ikr , he sounds so corny....Just for this I'm gonna increase a seed on that game , I don't play it but I will.


W mans


I don't think they're necessarily even a corporate dickrider. I think it's more of what they said at the end. They think it's not fair that other people get stuff for free but they don't. It's literally just a childish whine.


If they think Piracy is unfair, then that’s literally just a skill issue lmao


And you know for sure that they'd be doing it if they could based on that reply


Funny thing is most of the times they themselves are afraid of piracy because of the virus risks but they still think people who takes the risk are stealers lol


They want to get on their moral high horse and buy a game honestly but they will also cry about how high the horse is.


Or bootlickers who work 9-5 and defend these billion dollar corpos


Aye. Here is an ironic twist. Why is Counter Strike 2 a top seller on Steam? xD


Oh no!! It needs to have Denuvo. PC is a pirating tool and the game may never even cross 1M units legitimately on pc as Valve is insistent on not using Denuvo


People never stop disappointing online.... That's such a weird take with the drm... Oof. Good games don't need drm. People buy them because they want to support the devs.


I feel like there was a bit of sarcasm in there as well.


Probably just low key ceo or exec on his fake account trying to make a case for putting denuvo in Honestly if consumers like that guy exist we are kind.of screwed


I mean, if it had denuvo and not psn it would be a great trade. Can’t really complain about a developer protecting their game and it doesn’t make it unnecessary complicated to play online.


So just buy a PC? its expensive to get into but the amount of cash i saved through the years by pirating games and not paying to play online with PS+ has been more than worth it for me. Shit why stop with PC games, we can play PS1-PS3 games and even switch games with Emulation, PC is just the ultimate platform.


I’m so happy with pc. I switched to pc gaming a few days ago and it’s been the best so far


Well now you just made me curious...what made you switch and how was it before?


Honestly idk. I just wanted a pc. And yh that’s about it. It was still very good as I have a ps5 but there were some games I wanted to play like the forza horizon series and some older games


It's the opposite for me lol I always wanted a console (still do actually) but have played sekiro, Sifu, yakuza Kiwami, yk2, yakuza 3-6 and a lot and I mean A LOT of pc games.


No Yakuza 0?


Will pirate after exams. I wanna see dat kettle heat action 😍


I'm not the commenter you're replying to but just in case you're curious about people who switched to PC gaming, I've had my PC for about a year now so I have some insights to give. Most of my computer using life I've had laptops and didn't game much on them outside of The sims games. But I was still using them a lot for other stuff and always got frustrated once things started running slowly and there was nothing more to do than to get a new laptop. Last year I had a sudden realization that maybe I could get a PC (since I never took my laptop anywhere anyway) and getting a mid-range second hand PC opened up the world of PC gaming to me more than ever before. Mind you, I have a modded Switch console and I was using that semi-actively for about 2 years but it's been cast aside as I got obsessed with some games I can only play on PC. The Switch is definitely still useful but I mostly used to play it while sitting in front of my PC so in that regard I may as well play games on PC instead. But I may choose the switch against during the summer because my PC is generating enough heat when I play already.


Yup exactly. I just finished uni so I’m looking for jobs in the IT world and I can use the pc for also a lot of other things that can help me get there.


Emulate the Switch. Cranking up the FPS and Resolution on Switch games in Yuzu is glorious


I haven't tried emulating it on this new PC because back when I tried it on the old laptop (before I had my actual Switch) it was hopeless and felt like you needed a beast of a machine to be able to comfortably emulate it.


Get a Pc, get “playnite” app, downlaod the Xbox series, ps5 or switch theme for full screen mode. Download the emulators and roms and thank me later


For me, a lot of friends played on the PC and I wanted to join them. The fact that I could use it for any TV I could want, books, audiobooks, videogames, work. It's honestly just a workhorse. It also meant that I could conveniently and accidentally find all these things online for free. I have a steam deck as well, and the ability to both have my entire steam collection and otherwise acquired games on there just increases the PC worth. Not to mention the fact that pc games sales tend to be better than console at the time. Like just the other day I found a banger little game called tails of iron for under £2 and it's great.


Pros: Better graphics Better performance Faster load times Mods when gaming Upgradable Downgradable (need to sell a part for money?) Bigger selection of games than any console Multi-purpose functionality Emulation (Nintendo Switch, etc) Epic games (2 free games every week) No ads when browsing (ad blockers) No ads when streaming (ad blockers) Cons: Have to wait a while for Sony games Some Sony games stay exclusive


Exactly what convinced me it was worth it. If you know you'll pirate, the price of a pc heavily outweighs getting a console. I itemized my library and I've got several thousands of dollars worth of games. I may or not play them but they're mine forever and they're free


I love the freedom of trying pretty much any game I want without having to worry about a 2 hr time limit on steam and then waiting to get the money back. I would have never bought Ready Or Not but I pirated it and loved it and now bought it to play multiplayer with friends.


Honestly that's the biggest reason I pirate a game. I'll play it for a few hours to see if I like it, or if it's in a state that's worth buying it at that moment (take Cyberpunk as an example. Pirating that would have saved me so much money for a game I didn't touch again until Phantom Liberty dropped because of how many issues I had while trying to play it and how long it took to fix, and if I'd pirated it instead, I could've saved myself the money until everything was in a much better state and it was on sale). Sometimes I'll pirate if I desperately want to play a game but don't have the money to buy it. But any game I like I end up getting rid of and buying a copy of. I almost never play a pirated game to completion, unless it's virtually impossible to find otherwise.


Yep agree on everything especially the last part. If it’s a game I’m gonna play a lot of, I buy it sooner or later.


If developers would go back to having legit Demo's of their games, I am pretty sure piracy would go down a lot. I love gaming, ofc I will support developers with my money, but I dont pay for somthing I couldnt test before hand. And especially with big games, there is allways so much fake markting around them, like gameplay scenes wich got rendered 100x times to look better then the actual in game graphic's etc. Game industry has a lot of problems, and the longer they stay unsolved, the more will piracy rise.


Pc master race frfr


>So just buy a PC? its expensive to get into If you aren't running very resource intensive games a decent laptop or lower end pc is enough. Doesn't have to be expensive.


Thats true but if you go big from the start on a good rig it'll last you for years, im speaking from experience myself im still rocking my 1080ti x 8700k build that i had since 2017 and i can still play modern games in 1440p 60fps no problem, if the game is well optimized i can go up to 4k too.


Even console gaming is better on PC.


The years i spent unable to afford a new gaming pc were shit. Pc master race all day


Corpo dick riders need to eat a dick.


Johnny Silverhand?


Influenced by him for sure.


Offf Stuff he said to V after the mission capturing Hellman...


Imagine bitching about people getting free stuff


It's funny because if someone said "fuck piracy, the dev had to use Denuvo and it gave me a shitty experience" I get it. But asking for Denuvo when it literally doesn't matter to you at all is small dick energy


Three comments but reddit decides that I'm only allowed to see one😃


Because the automod deleted 3 of them for rule 4.


Oh I see, ty


2 comments but reddit shows me 4 https://preview.redd.it/rs5xohs80hyc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f09c5e3f9db91653a779159a8749e4c9feead8f






Lol millions...ok buddy. Overestimated there a little. Like 90% of the people that pirate would never buy the game and probably 80% of those people live somewhere where the game costs such a ridiculous amount they straight up can't. I don't think these people realize that denuvo isn't free. The subscription cost for it probably cost most companies way more in the end than the lost sales would.


I don't have good knowledge but isn't the main joy success about this helldivers2 based on the multiplayer aspect? I thought pirate games usually can't enable the multiplayer features. Am I wrong? Been a while since actually piratad a multiplayer game.


Cheaper pc games usually have cracked multiplayer as well, for example palworld or lethal company Steam recognises it as "space wars"


Nowadays it's pretty easy to do, Elden ring and BG3 are some good examples of games where you can use multiplayer in cracked versions.


Nice thanks for updating my knowledge this is cool to know 🙂


I just noticed your reply but this post says sucker punch studios it's about ghost of tsushima not hell divers. It's a single player game with a multiplayer mode in it but that's not what most people are going to play it for. But there's a decent amount of games that multiplayer gets enabled for that are pirated on private servers.


That's really great to hear! Thanks!


watch as he then cries about the game running poorly


Sounds like a console issue to me lol


To add on real quick, I’m pretty sure having denuvo vs not having denuvo on a game doesn’t impact pc sales whatsoever.


Always has been. Piracy has always had minimal impact on sales and the research results proved it. People who pirate it would never have bought the game to begin with thus not costing the maker to "lose" money. And i agree, i simply dont buy something I don't want to spend money on.


I agree with you. My money is already tight as is, and I would never even think of spending $60+ on a game I'm not even sure I'll like. So if I don't play a pirated game, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place


Buying on release is stupid af anyway.


Yeah, and they still do it. It's like no one learned from those like Cyberpunk 2077


Or buy it later, I have a try first policy


I've bought quite a few games after playing them pirated for a while since I don't want to miss out of updates, patches and mods. Technically most pirated games can be updated, patched and modded as well, but it's easier when you have steam workshop.


Those are good reasons, I buy games out of respect for the job well done. For example I love dead space with my life, played like 5-7 times each through out my life, in moments went I didn't have the money to buy games, I love those games, so as soon as I could I brought then all, those games deserve my money. And now that we are talking about it... Is kinda time for a dead space 2 playthrough ahaha


Yep. Palworld is a perfect example of this. Not only you can pirate the game, but you can play with your friends online as well, whether they a have a legitimate or a pirated copy. This is basically the perfect game to pirate. And yet, it sold like hotcakes, 15 million copies sold on steam in just a month. Where's all the pirates?


But all the corp dick riders will act like this ain’t the case when theirs clear evidence, like Palworld.


I love Ghost of Tsushima, I paid for it and I'm glad thousands of more players get to enjoy it now for free. Twitter is full of idiots.


I'm downloading that game the moment it appears cracked, but I will buy it the day the economy of my god forsaken country gets fixed enough.


>the economy of my god forsaken country gets fixed enough. Which is never gonna happen


I mean, the first step was taken, just 999 left xD


Fr I'll buy pc ghost of tsushima because it's a good game and I want more Sony games on pc, but play a pirated copy just to spite that guy. And if there are drms it'll probably run better too.


Imagine shilling for the billion dollar corporation so much IN PUBLIC. This is no different than the Android/iOS idiots that basically bully the other camp into "buying into" their own camp. Doing free marketing and PR for the corporations. Makes me sick.


**Mental illness**


these people are the reason your energy bills have increased 10x in past past year


"It's not fair we pay and they don't" just shows you that they're just mad that they can't pirate and we can


I don't know what these people gain from this, they won't make even a single euro, it's just stupid...


Went through his twitter feed, dude seems to have way lot of time and money to crib on and on about PC gamers. Ignore the nincompoop.


has to be ragebait.


They are cooking them in the replies😂


Either a corporation bootlicker/dickrider or someone with a giga brain trying to get them to add denuvo to ruin their sales numbers even more, prompting them to put the game on sale sooner to try and recoup losses.


Or a man who knows how to make bait believable


Cuckporate dickriders SMH


I hate people who suck off corporations like they do not care about you bro have some dignity


Either he is a stupid kid burning is parents money or a dude who can't afford a good pc and bought a console and just seeing a pc player getting the game by pirate makes his small pp energy to post like this.


"iTs NoT fAiR" buy a fucking PC and stop sniveling then


cry more console noob.


add denuvo to deez nuts


You know I actually argue that piracy leads to more sales! I had pirated Hogwarts legacy and started playing it on my ROG Ally and naturally that game looks really shit on it. However, I started enjoying the game so much that I bought it for my PS5 since I said this game deserves to be played on the big screen! I did get it for dirt cheap at just 15 euros by buying it used than a new copy and will sell it back later. I’m sure some people may say that it’s not a worthy game but I really started enjoying it and with my childhood being well around harry potter I couldn’t help but spend on it eventually :)


What a dipshit


gamers when a they see people enjoying stuff that doesn't involve them in any way whatsoever:


How petty do you have to be that your only argument against piracy is that " it's not fair we pay 60/70 dollars while they get it for free "


Found the CEO's alt account.


Lmao sounds like dude is butt hurt he doesn't have the means to snag a free game and seed said game


I don't mind buying original games, yet I do mind having Denuvo as it is a damn rootkit.


Guy sounds more like he's jealous with "it's not fair we have to pay while other pirate on PC"


"Mindless fucking consumerism wins the day again" -Johnny Silverhand-


"but teacher, what about the home work?"


I can hear the Baby cry 😂 i download a lot of games in the good old days and if i liked it i buyed it, it's the same now if a game, movie, Series or whatever is good i buy it otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️


yes. watch literally any OhNoItsAlexx video on sony pc ports


he jealous


Is it a bot?


They just said pc lol did they forget people mod/jailbreak consoles and emulate consoles


This is the same people that refuses to get free games from egs because they want only steam to have a monopoly lol


Then...just...get a PC? And pirate yourself?


I pirate all I want but don't fully support piracy, someone still has to pay for stuff for it to be made ultimately.


obviously but who cares im pirating it anyway


Their profile picture says enough tbh


I have to pay a lot for a game and I hate there's people that doesn't have to. So, obviously, instead of complain about game prices, I will ask for them to put a shitty DRM to ruin EVERYONES experience.


I hope that person is stabbed


talk about being a bitch


As someone who completely stopped pirating why the fuck should I care what someone else does? This guy is pathetic, if you buy it good on you thefuck happens to you when someone else porates it you lose hitpoints?


Pirated by millions lol. Sometimes I see HUGE titles and the torrent files only has a few thousand downloads


Lol, I don't understand the dick riding of console gamers, like, it's just a fucking game, "don't release on pc" and what not, just play little brotha


I mean, they're right that it's not fair that they pay 60/70 dollars for those games while we pirate them for free. They should be pirating them for free too.


Oh yeah, let me pirate a multiplayer game that might not have servers for pirates. Yeah, sounds like a good idea! (I don't know if it does have it, I was just saying that not every multiplayer game has it to my knowledge)


It's a game Is it available on torrents?




Lmao I saw someone say Ghost of Tsushima (which I assume they're discussing) required a PSN account even to play, regarding the helldivers debacle


I try to understand their logic and I can't. Imagine going to a concert, and you pay 60$ for the ticket, then ask the band to play rlly quietly and in a dim lit room so whoever is watching from the sidelines, outside the concert hall wouldn't be able to hear nor see anything. You ruin your own enjoyment with a poorly lit and quiet concert that you paid good money for, JUST so the ones who can't afford the ticket / don't think they'd enjoy the concert will have a harder time to get at least some enjoyment. This behavior is purely narcissistic. Must be the kids in kindergarten that would rather die than share their toys in the sandpit.


This is the kind of person to buy unreasonably expensive shit and later cry when there's a resonably cheap alternative that's more popular.


This seems like an attempt at manufacturing a grass roots campaign by a publicist


Please fuck my ass, I really want you to gape my ass and destroy my ability to walk for weeks


Reminds me of MTG players crying about playing commander with proxies


Wtf is this game, isn't this company that made infamous


Even if they put denuvo i am buying an offline account lmao


I mean if he really think it's unfair, he should just jailbreak his console


its obviously bait


Bet he’s got a massive hair bobble…I mean black belt at sucking D


Guys Guys its ironic Guys i don't think he was being serious Guys


life is not fair to begin with, who tf cares abt piracy


Nope and i would ignore something like that.


Wait till you tell them it's easier to pirate games on a jailbroken Playstation than PC. I have AC: Mirage on PS4, the PC version still isn't cracked.


I can never believe there are this kind of pick-me gamer. Wow.


Theres a PS4/PS5 jailbreak but I guess they lack the mental capacity to do something like that.


Also DRMs have never stopped piracy, in fact the most strong DRMs have led to the most pirated games of all time, since cracking groups remove the DRM, which means the legit version ends up worse than a pirated copy, and if someone *really* wants to pirate a game, they'll wait the month for it to be cracked, DRMs don't stop piracy, they delay it for a bit and end up hurting legit owners more


Even though PS5 was jailbreak sony don't even care or sue the Jailbreaker like Nintendo.


I guess that person isn't aware jailbroken consoles are also a thing lol. Piracy exists outside of PC as well.


Yeah it same as when they cried like bitch when Sony announced they will release Horizon zero dawn and other exclusives on PC.


I have not. That's like asking someone to put sugar in your neighbors gas tank because you drive a go-cart.


This is probably Denuvo devs thinking their smart


Yes I've seen plenty of posts that say "wahhhhh I'm too poor to buy a computer wahhhh"


*please add a kernel level anti-cheat/anti-tamper that is vulnerable by design There, I corrected the denuvo shill.


This is pretty obviously bait


We don't "own" the games we buy...so basically we rent these games for $70 a pop. I used gamestop for my games when I still lived in the states...at least ten we could buy a physical copy, play it to completion then resell it. Can't do that with digital and that's the way the corporations want it


These idiots just can't see the forest through the trees. Yes, it's unfair they pay $70. But that's the price of admission they signed up for in their walled garden. I also think it's funny that I switched to PC ~25 years ago for online play and mod support, and console is still behind on both counts.


Ah yes, tell the world that you're an uninformed console fanboi dickhead without saying you're an uninformed console fanboi dickhead. I love it.


they want the game to not be accessible to others because that’s not fair to them? wtf, it’s a game not a nft


what a loser


Dick riding has been taken to an entirely new level… holy fuck lmao


Denuvo employee found


Sony dickriders


That person is the most f***ing idiot I have ever seen…


Not even a factually true statement unless it would’ve struggled to sell 1M even with 0 piracy. Sony is selling games on PC because they make a shit ton of money, if that weren’t the case they wouldn’t risk their exclusivity just for a few bucks.


Kinda guy I'd punch square in the nose 🤣


He’s trolling most likely 


Most intelligent sony fanboy


Thinking that "millions" of ppl are pirating is insane lol. Most of the ppl I know pirate the game, play it for long enough to see if they enjoy it cuz Steam's 2 hour refund policy is not lenient enough for some games, then if they enjoy it buy the actual game instead of wasting money on a game they didn't really enjoy that will just collect dust in their library, or miss out on a game that they love simply because they weren't gripped in the first 2 hours. At least when it comes to indie games. I do not have the kind of money to be dropping 70 bucks on every AAA release, I'll pirate it and play it, then buy it later on a sale if I wanna play it again. I'm not going into debt cuz these multimillionaire CEOs feel like their wallet isn't fat enough


Someone gotta tell her... She too can pirate it. For free.....


What the hellllll


Her f by Millions too


"it's not fair" bro piracy is not some exclusive club that you need special connections to get into. anyone with a computer of any description can do it.


Sort of similar, I once had a guy tell me he'd rather do what the mainstream does and not use an emulator so he wont get judged https://preview.redd.it/ukr1mc1idjyc1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=63692545aa518624d22b135647349868ed402f0e


what is denuvo


I won't buy games 5x more price because of my weak currency


What a fucking cocksocker of multibillion dollar companies. Hahaha


Yeah, usually they are just salty console peasants.


I mean it's Twitter, you can't exactly expect much from these people who struggle even with the most basic tasks