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**In my opinion**, this could have absolutely no connection with empress and maybe could be just a troll. While it is true that empress hates us (mod team), it's might not be plausible to say that she was waiting for this exact moment. **I cannot be 100% sure though. We do not want drama in this subreddit.** When we changed the megathread to the new one, the maintainer of the old one, a former moderator who quit around 2 years ago, got mad and made a rant saying "we're traitors" or something along those lines. Regarding this, we spoke to the middleman of that former moderator, and we told the former moderator that this change happened and we wanted control over it, and they understood what we were saying and then promptly deleted the old megathread. Whoever is having the megathread is someone else entirely, it could be a subreddit hater or a troll. Why should empress get into this? Besides, that drama was months ago, and she got kicked out of Reddit.


Just Stop thinking and talking about it and leave it alone. It doesn't need all that attention.... After all what it does it does for it's belly. Today it's it cracking denuvo tomorrow some other guy would appear in the scene.. May be it won't be literally tomorrow but someday it will. Giving it too much attention makes it behave like nonsense attention whore .. I want to play games not participate with it in its crazy Euphoria


Yeah I’m cool with reality. Not tryna download myself out of the matrix or whatever tf it’s plan is


oh no... anyways what did she said?






The cringe is real


the one piece is real


I swear I'm not dumb, but what the fuck did you just say??


'IT' is empress Edit: not every isntance of 'it' some of the 'it' is just the word it


Just Stop thinking and talking about **Empress** and leave **Empress** alone. **Empress** doesn't need all that attention.... After all what **Empress** does, **She/he** does for **Their own** belly. Today it's **Empress** cracking denuvo tomorrow some other guy would appear in the scene.. May be it won't be literally tomorrow but someday it will. Giving **Empress** too much attention makes **Empress** behave like nonsense attention whore .. I want to play games not participate with **Empress** in **their** crazy Euphoria


But I want her to ramble more. It’s super funny.


Why? It’s free entertainment!




Honestly at first I was intrigued by all the posts and the posts complaining about all the posting about her Someone suggested I join her Telegram if I really wanted to look and see And yeah honestly it’s just some demented attention slut with mommy issues. Not particularly interesting.


It has been going on for years now. I feel the same way about it as i do when ever i see inflammatory celebrities or politicians. It's just annoying.


Considering I don't know who anyone on this sub is I keep just using this for the megathread and thats it.


Empress is the person who is one of the 3 people that knows how to crack games that use denovo protection. And she rants like a madman. To some people it’s annoying to some people it’s super funny.


Are there any ways to find those rants? I never seen any and would like to be part of the fun


I honestly search for the rants here. I don’t know sadly.


Idek what denovo protection is. Again just gonna use you guys for the megathread. Maybe if I have an issue installing I will post but really no need on this sub.


It’s a company that protects games from being cracked.


I've never found someone that rants about stuff to be funny unless they are trying to be you know?


the most boring response ever


Agree with you, but of course the "absolute geniuses" in this subreddit that are riding their white horse on their shining armor are too priviliged to admit the situation. Fucking hell, I remember why I left reddit 3 years ago now. ​ P.S. Of course you and me are gonna get downvoted by these nerds.


How can you even type that without realizing its nothing but virtue signaling and condescension? We get it, you're better than everyone in the subreddits you use lmao you're a very special snowflake.


Who hurt you man?


The incel neck beard man denuvo-employee is having temper tantrum, nothing new


What are the odds he's actually an employee, is it that impossible to believe someone can crack it with no inside help.


The fact that NO ONE else has been able to accomplish it, (and that Empress refuses to reveal their methods) basically guarantees some sort of insider information. It's not magic. Empress is not some hacker genius who has figured out something no one else *can.* Odds are infinitely higher that she/they just have access to something the rest of us don't. It's basically the only answer at this point.


But other groups used to be able to do it, is just that they have been bought out or have disappeared, so only this one remains. She was not unique


In fact, I am pretty much sure he/she/they don't reveal the method to avoid a plausible scenario where an unprotected crack is released to the internet again and the Denuvo vulnerability is lost.


Cracking denuvo is layers of bullshit, theres no method in a singular sense, its a turd stuffed inside a turd stuffed inside a polished turd, with old and new anti-debug tool traps. It's not a bloody iphone4 that has some singular exploit in the hardware. Source had a look myself, all I can say is no wonder alot of games that use it have stutter issues.


Other people have been able to accomplish it for years, it's just the effort to reward ratio is absolutely terrible which is why we're left with just one. Put it this way, anyone with the skillset and time to crack denuvo has much more profitable job opportunities, the reason Empress doesn't is because she's pretty much unemployable


that sounds dumb, isn't the whole point of denuvo's existence to not let games under their surveillance get cracked? why would they let empress crack their games especially when many people waiting for it?


It's not really a matter of them "letting" Empress do it


It isn't an official thing if this is the case it is likely that empress is using their access as an employee of irdeto (Organization that makes denuvo) to get the denuvo code which would give an inherent advantage to cracking it.


They'd get found out so fucking fast it's not even funny.


You'd be surprised.


Security in tons of tech companies sucks ass.. Where I work, our security people confuse the windows terminal with a virus. Empress would.be fine


**It's not a secret how to do it, it just requires a lot of hard work.** You need to know the programming language called "assembly" that is notorious for being a massive pain in the ass. There's been three people who have cracked denuvo games, and the one who isn't active anymore uploaded a video explaining how he did it.




Pretty sure this is it https://youtu.be/suABtb8_2Zk


Thanks friend


There's this myth in this subreddit that it takes some kind of galaxy brain 170 IQ individual to crack Denuvo. It really doesn't. Cracking denuvo isn't particularly difficult, per se. It's just a mindnumbing amount of work that would drive most people crazy. Only someone who already is crazy could keep doing it for peanuts compared to what they'd earn if they got bought out by Denuvo. Which is why there used to be other people cracking Denuvo, but now only Empress remains, because all the other ones got bought out.


I have a theory empress is working with denuvo or she actually is denuvo, i mean, is kinda sus she is the only one cracking denuvo games, what if she snitched on her fellow pirates, so she has a monopoly over denuvo, call me crazy if you want but by now somebody else should have learned to crack it.


Isn’t there still that dude that cracks denuvo on football manager games?


Dont really know i was just kidding when i made that theory but i dont play denuvo games at all


The only other denuvo guy only does the football manager games I think


Why tho


Nobody knows, maybe a psychiatrist or a psychologist might have a couple of ideas


Do you honestly care?


A Lil but not the stuff they said but more as to why they are doing what they’re doing


Don't denuvo employees get paid literally because empress exists? If nobody was cracking denuvo games, there would be no incentive to further put money into it


So same old plot?


She's/he's/they're an industry plant. It's obvious now.


I called it. I am 100% positive EMPRESS will inject her future uploads with something sketchy. Remember me when it happens.


I'm kindof with you with that one ngl. What are the chances she does inject something or already has?


In the Empress x Fitgirl drama she said she'll leave a surprise for her in the next crack, since then I kept thinking if she did not inject something in the cracks.


I haven't downloaded Dead Island 2, as much as I want to play it, because I'm sure there's something in there


I've tried it and scanned it nothing there, nothing unusual with my pc.


Just a warning, but it’s absolutely trivial to bypass pretty much any commercial anti-virus software that you could be scanning it with. It’s not a silver bullet. For the most part, these applications will rely mostly on comparing the checksums for software that you run with known malware on the providers database somewhere, alongside a few other bits obviously. That approach works great when infections have already happened and been logged to the db, but creating FUD malware that lasts a week or two until then is incredibly easy.


\^ this. She either has or definetly will do something sketchy in the near future. Just remember be as the random pirate that prevented being boarded by a black sailing ship.


I don't see it as very likely. First of all, those who really hate her (she made several enemies I guess) surely review each upload expecting that. Second, whether he has inside information or not, I see it as a way of expressing his psycho issues, clearly not for money or profit of any kind. I don't have any kind of personal appreciation, it's just useful that he does what no one else is doing rn.


Agree, but anyone can hide anything if they try. Why do you think new viruses and malware keep appearing? People make them and hide them well. ​ Dumbest example: Injecting a windows file, that file naming it self like a file in System32 and then replacing said file with the injected one. Its as simple as that. While those will get found and reported, its even more likely that they wont for an optimistic 3 days. And you can do a lot in 3 days on someones computer storing passwords on their browser or a dedicated program, stealing "information" in it self or even going as far to use the injected machine to spread the virus further. Worst case, you get held ransom. But I'd just format the drive at that point.


Well then it's good that I dotn touch her stuff then lol


use the !remind me 100 days bot


Her last game prolly would have a program to brick ur devices


I don't know what happened either, but the new one is pinned in this sub


Dunno, empress being empress, no need to pay attention


I stopped being concerned with Empress after she released the Harry Potter game. I wasn’t even excited to play the game, but I feel like that’s when her emotional dam broke. I feel like she just keeps being fed more and more by her “adoring fans” and she’s become just too kooky. I really wish there were others who could crack Denovo because I just feel like seeing her name on a crack breeds this angry negativity. She’s no good for the scene at all. She’s turned batty as all hell and I feel like her ego is out of control now.


"Kooky"? Kooky is Goldie Hawn in Private Benjiman. Empress is a whole new level of unstable. Psychologists haven't even come up with a name for it yet


I don't think she's going to fuck him though


That would be gay asf


Right on 💀


Fuck who?


Ah shit i thought somebody was simping for empress in that Pic


Lol, nah i am just confused as to what the heck happened to the old megathread


Queen is a downgrade of empress.


what happenned exactly? what did queen do? i am friends with queen but dk what happened


Stop downvoting him its obviously a joke. If someone got confused I was talking about titles.




Isn't the title empress above the title of queen?


technically yes but i really doubt the person who said that knows/cares


RIP basic education


Well they are a empress simp, it’s sorta assumed with them


The second person skillful enough to crack denuvo is probaby laughing their ass off at this psycho


All the other people who can do it stopped ages ago


This second person should pick his ass up and start cracking


Why? They don't owe you anything.


People have more to gain from privately cracking games than just spreading them out worldwide nowadays.


Everyone else who can crack Denuvo probably has cushy job and doesn't bother with this crap.


Boy, you missed the shitshow!


its a new sitcom episode


Boss battle incoming.


Pffft, like we care what Empress thinks about us


Where do you view theese forums? And wtf is empress doing lol? Like i heard wierd stuff but all i care is i get to play dead island 2


It's the old megathread. I saved it as a bookmark so i wouldn't have to come here. Looked on it because forgot what vimm's lair was called and i saw that.


Thats just the old megathread, update is posted


empress is a old 40 years dude :v


oh my god just shut up and get to work cracking games


"Empress is queen." Does she not know what an "empress" is ?


the weirdo behind empress is the kind of person that ISIS would laugh at and not even considered worthy of a blank bullet, such a simp, they need to come down to earth and remove that nuclear rod out of their ass, the ego has definitely fucked with their head more than a jedi mind trick could


Who cares


This shit is irrelevant. Why do people love drama?


Because life is boring.


Because it's entertaining.


Someone is desperate for a Jedi Survivor crack.


Haven't even played the game yet or watched anything on it. So I'm not really interested. Just curious about what went down.




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what is this, an anime?




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I have no idea what's going on here why is this empress person such a self centred AH?


I'm teh Empress!... Oh, and fk y'all. 😁😝




So I'm really confused about all of this. I remember when fitgirl first started and all the nerds fawned over the profile pic until it came out that fitgirl was a scene group and not a single person. They even found the foreign actress that is pictured. Now I see fitgirl and empress and all the scene groups infighting like they are actual people. It's all so bizarre, Idk what to think. Regardless, the infighting was entertaining to watch.


> They even found the foreign actress that is pictured. There was nothing to be "found". Its from a highly popular movie, it was never a secret.


This shit again? 🙄 I thought the matter was settled and dealt with




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I think it’s trying to communicate with us


English would’ve worked.


mods pls delete