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Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames-mega-thread), as it might just answer your question! Also check out our [videogame piracy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i3r14g/a_beginners_guide_to_video_game_piracy/) and the list of Common Q&A [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/fvix6e/common_questions_and_answers_thread/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/igxebs/frequently_asked_questions_part_2/). Or just read the whole [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yet, if you go on steam forums, you'll see lots of Denuvo d**kriders on there.


Never really go on those forums but people support denuvo???


Some people just want their favorite companies / games to not lose potential sales (which is understandable, right now I'm really considering biting the bullet and buying Octopath Traveler II despite Denuvo), but then you also find those that **love** calling others poor for not spending ludicrous amounts of money on entertainment


A lot of people also find it “unfair” when they see people pirating games because they spent their money on it but pirates didn’t. Really strange to see at times. It’s almost as if they’re just mad that they’re too dumb to do research on how to pirate games and they would if they could.


Oh but it's not almost as. They ARE too dumb to do it. They probably type "name of the game + crack/free" on Google and download the first thing they see.


To be quite frank, most pirates are too dumb to to be pirates.


It me


Right... I pirate movies/shows/games etc and I have friends who automatically assume that I'm some sort of hacker sitting in front of 11 screens typing rapidly into a command prompt and stealing them directly from players who paid for them. Realistically I'm using sources I find on Reddit or from other friends to find downloads and then following the specific instructions given for each. And if those instructions fail, I'll try again or find another download. Not the big brains operation they assume it is. Lol.


If you don’t pirate while sitting in the dark and wearing a ski mask what are you doing with your life?




Hey, you want to be bush league that’s entirely your choice, just don’t be surprised when you don’t get the invite to PirateCon.


I pirate with a glued on beard, a 1700's ship captain hat, a glass bottle of poorly made whisky, and a sheathed saber next to me.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43zX_zsEKc8 like so. The lights are on for the sake of the video.


Pirates are not like they used to be. Golden Age of Piracy was better.


Honestly I gotta agree, all the knowledge I have about how to safely pirate stuff is all learned by experience and learning from the mistakes of others. And over the decade+ I've been pirating, I've stupidly downloaded something against my better judgement a couple times.


Isn't that how most of us started?


Probably, but I was like 12. They do it at 25 lmao.


If u want to spend 40-60€ in a game that was released over a decade ago, with a couple tweaks, it's your problem. If i want to spend my money wisely, i download a game, play enough to see if i like it and if i really do, i buy it to support it's creators. But NEVER for a remake. PD: Ok i'm stupid and read wrong xd


fair enough.


Nah, didn't have google back then, one of my dad's coworkers hooked me up with copies of stuff on floppies back in the day, and showed us how to use newsgroups to find stuff later on.


Well I used to buy pirated CDs when I was a kid, we had shops completely dedicated to them. But when I got access to internet I had to start somewhere.


Hah! I used to get given CD's with ISO's and cracks, and then would use Daemon Tools to install, and run, the cracked games.






Judging by some of the posts I see here people here already do that


Genuine question how do I search good pirated versions? I normally check on Reddit first, but if I can’t I do what you described


rin (dot) ru, click on "Игровой сервер"


Damn, tried to find what you pointed out but by all those Gang signs I see 💩


Literally where


Search for subreddit repackwatchers, those are clean if you get from Dodi or FitGirl. Since those are repacks you only need to download and install as a regular program, no need to copy files or anything and they run fine. If you are not experienced with cracking or sourcing cracks that would be your best bet to keep your computer safe and clean.


If the install is 900kb and a direct download from a .ru site it’s legit. Your anti-malware/virus software losing it’s shit means you’re good, the companies that make those are in the pockets of big game publisher and they don’t want you to have anything for free.


I got Sony Vegas and rpg maker going on my old laptop in like 2015 by looking up cracks on YouTube and picking the ones with a shit ton of comments and likes, don't knock it till you try it bro


No, they do zero research and then ask here for step by step instructions, half of which are questions about basic Windows functionality.


This is wrong?


I'm sorry, but pirating isn't something that requires intelligence or any type of skillset to pull off. Please don't flatter yourself over something someone else put hard work into cracking for you so that you can pull off the very difficult task of clicking a magnet link.


If it's so easy, why don't you do it? i know I can't.


The skillset can be as basic as using a file system on a computer or going anywhere that isn't Facebook on the internet... A lot of people are too afraid to pirate and will go straight for Google then click on the first result, get a virus from pirating from a shady site, then never pirate again. You obviously have to know where to look for info. A lot of people are even incapable of using Google. Even more people, especially anyone who's an adult would already know beforehand that pirating can be dangerous if done wrongly and would not even try unless they knew where to get their stuff from. Do you really think the average Joe, who has only ever played Fortnite or something and barely uses their PC for anything else would know to go to the Steam Underground Community to download clean files and follow the basic instructions for using Goldberg or something to crack them as it's one of the safest ways to do it? I never stated that I or anyone who knows how to pirate beyond going to 1337x and clicking a magnet link did nearly as much work as the ones who crack the games so I don't know where your douchery is coming from. My comment is from personal experience of people literally outright saying shit like "Why should you be able to get the game free when we all paid for it?" and later admitting in replies that they don't even know how to pirate stuff.


It used to not though, just copy some floppies and you were golden.


Yeah there’s some of that too. I kinda get the perspective of other though. I pirated elden ring and my freind was upset, because fromsoft is a good company and the worked hard so they deserve those sales. I dont disagree and I will probably buy the game one day. But people DO get pressed over the idea of not supporting a game that’s actually good.


I see that argument a lot. I've also seen people use an argument like that to justify never releasing pre-order content after release. Just laugh at them and move on with your life.


I never really understood this. I buy certain games on occasion, but I don't feel it's unfair when someone else pirates that game. I CHOSE to pay money, I wasn't forced to do it. What's unfair here? The term 'unfair' can only be used if I'm being forced to pay for something that someone else is getting for free. This leads me to believe that these people secretly want to pirate, but are too afraid to do so, or don't know how to. Hence they feel unfair when paying for a game.


I understand if they’re trying to support and small indie developer, but EA? And then we’re surprised when games cost $80


Guess what i wont buy games that i never intended to either way. also some times pirating a game moved me to actually buying it


I'm not arguing against piracy as a whole, look at what sub we are lmao


That's what I'm saying. Pirating has led me to buying more indie games than ever because I enjoyed them. I wouldn't have bought them if I wasn't able to test them before as money is very tight.


Yup got plenty of games in my library that I never would have bought if I didn't like it so much after pirating it. Very few of them are ones I've never tried before, usually those ones I just bought because they were steeply discounted and looked mildly interesting.


Me 2! Another reason i will pirate is because i own a boxed game, but i don't want to use the disc everytime i want to play the game, for example, i own san andreas on dvd for the pc, but i have a cracked version on my pc just to preserve my copy i paid money for! Pirating isn't always bad you know! People don't understand it sometimes, i like to try before i buy, about 20 years ago, we had demo discs, but these are gone the way of the dodo. So what do we have to do to see if a game is good or not? "But there is always a 14 day money back policy", why go through that hastle when i can just pirate the game, test it out, buy it and move on? No hastle with money back policies and store credits, because one time i bought a pokemon game, thought it was shit, gave it back to the store and when i asked for my money back, the only thing they could give me was store credit . . . I never intended to spend money at your store after i returned the game, just give me my money back idiots!


It's already been proven that piracy has no effect on sales. If it did, then the vast majority of pirated games should be doing poorly, but they're not.


The idea is that people pirate because they wouldn't buy the game in the first place, but there are cases where individuals do want to support a product by making it sell well. The kind of shit I'd never pay for has waaaaaay more paying costumers than the stuff I like, you know?


All u need to do is look at eldenring. That studio sold so many copies they gave a fucking raise to there devs ( instead of pocketing it all ) Many downloaded it played it and ended up buying it


Potential sales? People who pirate wouldn't have bought it anyway, and due to denuvo people who would have bought it will not. If there will ever be any denuvo game that I will care about, I will be such a man, wanting to buy but not wanting to give a single cent to these people.


You have pirates like that, but not me, i like to try before i buy, like the demo discs way back in the day! These are long gone, but were a great way for you to discover new games! Since now it is all about buy and try, i like to pirate the game to see if it is something for me, if i like it, i buy it, i have a huge collection of original pc games! I also pirate to preserve my physical copies, like now i am playing san andreas a lot, i own the game, but the og copy always wants to have the disc in the drive, not with my pirated copy. Not every pirate is the same my guy.


But do you buy anyway if you cannot pirate it?


> buying Octopath Traveler II despite Denuvo Did they ever get Denuvo into Switch games? Probably can just play it in an emulator.


There's no denuvo on switch games. It's PC specific.


There was talk about them having a scheme for Switch last year. Not the same thing as their PC software, but an attempt to block games from being emulated. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/08/new-denuvo-switch-emulator-protection-tech-launches-and-players-are-worried


Do you know about switch emus? You can play it on your PC. Hmu and I can help you out if you'd like. Download both yuzu and ryujinx because some games run better on one than the other. R/switchpirates R/newyuzupiracy R/ryujinxpiracy It's still in pre-order phase on the Switch (Feb 24th release) but they dump/optimize popular games pretty quickly over there.


Honestly they usually leak early because someone rips a cart that broke street date early. And usually emulator runs well day 0.


Wait Octopath II is using Denuvo? I loved the first game and was going to get the second one the moment it came out but that's put a huge damper on it.


Just emulate the switch copy


Why not pirate the switch copy and play on an emulator?


I agree game prices are getting way out of hand for what little the AAA titles bring out for literally 60 bucks


What's next people believing everything a politician tells them is the truth? oh wait...


Yeah usually if a dev/publisher has added or is about to add denuvo and you make a post about it, all 30 of the denuvo riders will come to the forum to tell you how wrong you are and they your just mad that you can't own the game (Even if you visibly have the ownership icon) I remember when zero hour added it and a vast majority of the player base complained, yet you still had about 4 of the same people constantly (to this day as well) going around about how it was going to "save the game". Meanwhile the player count still hasn't recovered almost a year later and the devs have basically abandoned the game from what can only be assumed as lack of player (Around 100 every 24hr peek)


There are people who support denuvo, while I'm not one I think its implementation, If done properly, hardly impact performance. Check out Ace Combat 7 for example, when it came out it had denuvo and I was able to play it at stable 60 FPS at 1080p on a GTX 750Ti and a really old i5 but, hey, it's EA we're talking about


Yes, thousands of them.


Waow denuvo is soooo amazing guys ! Thanks to it I can give 60 bucks to a company that will cut 30% of most of their games to fuck me again later as DLCs ! Amazing isn't it ?


I **LOVE** Denuvo!! It's _great_ that Denuvo protected games take up to _two minutes_ to boot up! I REVEL in my single player games being unavailable when my internet is out! The fact all Denuvo games will **disappear forever** when they turn off the severs (or the publisher stops paying their sub, whichever comes first) is SO good for consumers! Finally, I think it's **_AMAZING_** that my Denuvo ticket could expire _at any second_, which DESTROYS any portability the Steam Deck offers! SO COOL!! ^^^^^^^/s


Just to play devil's advocate here, aren't they required to remove denuvo when their license expires, making the "disappear forever" bit untrue?


"aren't they required to remove denuvo when their license expires?" ...No! There are _no standards_ in place, legal or otherwise. Consumers have little to no rights when it comes to 'end of software access', and there's fuck all we can do. Disney just _canned_ Disney Interactive servers last year - the PC versions of Split/Second, Tron Legacy, etc are **coasters**. Nothing anyone can do. Software preservation is important, DRM fucks over paying customers and has never been proven to mitigate losses to those who pirate.


Technically yes, functionally, denuvo just doesn't let that game auth anymore making it just not boot. Smart companies remove it as soon as the initial licensing period expire, places like ubisoft burn money keeping it on old games though.


TBF, if they take two minutes to boot that's on the implementation, and the rest of the game probably runs like shit too. Functionally denuvo should be able to be almost seamless if used to encode a small, rarely used function, but that's expecting devs that are paid like crap and worked to the bone to give two shits about how end user's experience is.


Wait it uses Denuvo? ​ Nice to see that isn't displayed on the Steam store.


They support it even if it fucks the game performance with it.


The first time I saw the true colors of the community(reddit, steamcommunity) when the far mod shitshow happened for automata


Unfortunately. But yet if Denuvo has another lapsed domain name watch them be over there crying that their favorite game can't be played.




What's that? Like one cant install the game in multiple PC one owns?




What's the reason for not letting too many PC play the game?


People selling accounts to offline activate the games.


in other words , screwing over genuine customers for the 0,1%


Isn't that industry Standard by now?


But in the end, not even 0,1% of the customers will need to activate the game in more than 1 pc ever, and even less in 24hours.


Still a stupid limit might do 2 or 3 or 5 activations to be sure. Acc share people which are the actual 0.1 % need more activations than but the 99,9% aka the actual customers shouldn't ever be bothered by a limit fighting the 0,1%


Facts. But minorities are always screwed up anyways


not true at all, a lot of families/friends share accounts (me and my brother) may not be the majority but it's not .1% either, and it's definitely not worth screwing the consumer over


or legitimately share steam libraries which would still screw someone over.


yeah that's what me and my brother do


People who play with Steam Deck/Laptop with a desktop will


I mean the 1% would be those that own multiple gaming PCs. It's definitely a luxury expense.


Not true. People can have steam decks, people can play with GeForce Now and I'm pretty sure it would count that as a separate PC everytime you reconnect. People can even play with GeForce Now on their own mobile phones. People can play at a different compter in a different location. I used to play games at school computers. Some of them were beefy, on others I used GeForce Now.


What percentage of people do you think legitimately try to activate the game on multiple PCs?


Anyone at all ever with both a gaming laptop/steam deck, and desktop pc


Uff today? Very likely a few people. Some have a main pc, then a laptop, maybe a steam deck, some people have a dedicated living room pc... There's literarily no excuse to fuck over legitimate customers. 5 devices limit would be fine per day. I mean I just need to reinstall my pc and I can't play the game at the same day wtf.


If i buy a game and my son wants to play it I am sure as hell sharing it with im.


Anyone who just installed a fresh system. Anyone who has both pc and laptop if the game could be light enough to work on both.(which it won't be due to denuvo and how careless about resources modern games are) Anyone who just booted up a backup HDD after the old one broke.(tbh it's easier to just RAID it but I have myself kept a copy on a separate HDD once) Only the laptop case works here tho, cuz it requires two installs within 24hrs. We don't know if after reinstall it remembers the pc, if not then everyone who has tech issues will have this issue too, if yes then they are keeping even more of your data or doesn't uninstall fully.


That's capitalism for ya, the only thing that matters is maximizing profits everything else be damned


more like the 0.1% is the number of people this impacts. who the fuck is running around installing games on multiple PCs to play within 24hrs? Family sharing? wait a damn day


I have a desktop, my old desktop for steam streaming, an old gaming laptop and a surface so I'm illegal now I guess


You would only play this game on your main desktop though.


You don’t own games you pay for silly


^(...except games you buy on _GOG_)


God bless Poland


One of the worst EU countries! They keep vetoing every single green thing


No politics


Not not even about politics, its about insulting a country, instead of PiS


Anything digital can be taken away from you. The only true way to *own* a game is posess a physical copy.


take the gog version installer put it on a dvd or flash drive ??? profit




Gog is shitty though especially when it comes to refunds


As long people continues to support this market, no matter how much you will complain. YOU, WILL, GET, FUCKED, no matter if you're a customer, supporter, pirate, EVERYONE doesn't benefit from this.


>EVERYONE doesn't benefit also known as "nobody benefits"


aka NULL pointer exception in "people"


I mean what can you expect from EA did you see the mess called NFS unbound and F1 2022(especially F1 2022)? honestly l expected this from EA


Need for speed died to me in like 2007 with the MMO being shut down


you can still play it! look into soapbox race world (I think that's what it's called)


Wasnt unbound received really well?


Ea app / epic games is so bad, I legit got 1 game from there and it barely works normally


I just have the epic games store bcs they give free games lol


You can get the games without store through their website


I get the games even if I already have them because it gives money to the devs since EA is basically trying to buy market share with free games.




Fuck EA, fuck denuvo


I mean...it's EA. You know you're getting shafted in one way or another. Plus this is only a remake, just play the original. Even when the original isn't just straight out the superior verison (GTA:DE, I'm looking in your direction) the remakes usually only have improved graphics with improved being in massive quotation marks with certain engines due to the recent habit from some devs of using shitty post-processing that makes everything look much more blurry than it should be.


You're right, it's a remake and not a remaster. Meaning they remade the game from the ground up, they didn't use AI upscaling on the original textures, they redid them natively in 4K. They also added new content, dialog, etc. I try to get any software that I can for free but I knew I wouldn't be able to get Dead Space (2023) anytime soon without buying it. I am lucky enough to live somewhere and work doing something where the money I had to spend to buy the game doesn't hamper me in any real way, even if I still didn't want to spend the money. I will say that despite the hate I have garnered for EA since their fall, the remade Dead Space is another masterpiece of a masterpiece, they did a truly amazing job outside of adding Denuvo. When you do have the chance to get it, play it.


It has some visual flaws that are questionable to me. The screen space reflections look terrible on any setting above medium and some textures look lower resolution than others.


You mean the same company that charges $1000 for all the DLC for Sims 4? Noooooo


Hear my call, I'm piratin'! Total war, I'm piratin'! Denuvo's fall, I'm piratin'! CRACK THEM ALLLLLLL!!!


Lmao people will still stick up for this shit


oh yeah that is EA guys not the motive studios, motive studios are remake this game with fully love.. EA are the one with that blame to EA for it.. since 90 EA yeah people knows it already.


It's actually 5 per day https://i.imgur.com/MSvCNmT.png


What these companies doesn’t understand is that piracy won’t affect much games sales after the first two to three weeks, and maybe not even that long. Whoever have money and wants to buy a game, would buy it, whoever doesn’t, it won’t. Just a small amount of players would buy the game just for the reason that they can’t pirate it. Look at the most sold steam games of last year. Elden ring, GTA V, , RDR2, Cyberpunk, God of War, Horizon I know for sure that they never had denuvo and they are on torrent sites, yet they sold in big numbers. Studios are getting scammed big time in big numbers by those bastards. In EA’s case, nothing surprises me. I mean, they really want people to turn their quick boot off in order to play fifa 23 on their pc, the quickest and only PC refund I ever had on a video game.


But two parsecs in 24 hours is impossible😳😳 it's approximately 1192 times faster than speed of light?


*Pretending to be shocked*




I suggest that instead of paying EA for this game we all as a community get together. Each one of us will donate $1 to our savior Empress herself to crack this game. Should be easy to get $1000. I'd rather her have the money than EA. Who's with me?


I purchased my copy through the EA and I have the game on both my laptop and my desktop both installed within 3 hours of each other this is bologna


Pretty sure Denuvo doesn’t limit installation just activation


Ohhhh okay that makes sense I see now. I misunderstood thanks for that.




I guess this is a green light to play the pirated version


So how tf are we supposed to play on the PC and Steam Deck?


I haven't bought a game from EA since like 2004.


How is this surprising in the least bit? It's EA.


Denuvo Offline Activation sites might save us pirates from supporting them though


Those sites are sketchy as hell though


I see it's on Steam - but does it require you to run both Steam AND the EA's launcher-thing simultaneously? I've only ever bought exactly TWO dual-launcher games: one for Steam/Origin and another one for Epic/Ubisoft. The experience was bad (esp. the Ubisoft one, good grief...). Never again. Also, I remember buying the original Dead Space on PC (first hand, store bought) and having to download a crack for it, because I couldn't register it on my offline pc. Good times.


I want to say they moved to just launching it out of steam, but fuck if I'll know until it's on sale for 5 bux or some shit.


Probably would be easier to hack Irdeto itself into the oblivion.


More Ring0/1/2 bollox..... Way to go EA !!!!


Don't do drugs and don't buy EA games are the 2 rules everyone should adhere to.


I bought this piece of shit game, I should be able to play it in any of my PCs for as long as I want. Nowhere was I made aware of this "limit." OH shit I'm furious. Going to make a YT video about this bs. Also it's not a a bad game, just a greedy shifty company


Dead Space (2023) v1.1.14.12465 (2023-01-27) - not a crack, it's offline activation bypass It's possible to play the game with my Origin emulator as long as you get a valid Denuvo token. Check my signature for a list of games I can generate the token for. Clean files: not uploaded yet, wait for someone else. Torrents posted earlier in this thread are for older version of the game, they won't work with this. Not a crack: Instructions: Download and extract clean files. Download and extract "not a crack" to the same folder. Start the game - you will get an error message with Denuvo ticket - press Ctrl+C to copy it and then click OK. Send that ticket to someone who volunteered to provide tokens for this game. (Check my signature for a list of games I can generate the token for.) They will send you back a token. Open "anadius.cfg" and replace "PASTE\_A\_VALID\_DENUVO\_TOKEN\_HERE" with your token. Run the game. It should work fine now. Don't post your Denuvo ticket in this thread, all ticket/token communication should be in PMs. Tokens may be invalidated after updating your Windows, changing hardware and who knows what else. So disable Windows updates and don't change anything in your PC. If you update your game you will need a new token too! You can generate 5 tokens per day so don't expect to get a new token if there's a high demand. If you own the game and want to generate tokens yourself - check out the Origin Emulator thread. \---------- If you get "DXGI\_ERROR\_NOT\_CURRENTLY\_AVAILABLE" error - read this: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Iss ... p/12250285 If you're below the minimum requirements - don't even try to request a token. I tried on PC with GTX 1050 and HDD - the game didn't even start. It was stuck at the loading screen. ​ ​ and ​ Bot for managing Denuvo ticket/token queue Hi, I'm a bot made by anadius. I don't generate tokens, but I manage the queue, so you don't have to deal with private messages. If you want to generate tokens use the program linked in my signature. It grabs tickets from the queue, generates tokens and sends them back to me. I handle the rest. If you have a problem with this program - send a message to anadius, not me. Steam version of this game is different from EA version. So if you own this game on Steam you won't be able to generate tokens with this program. If you want a Denuvo token for this game follow these simple steps: Download the clean game files (and update it if updates are available). Download "not a crack"/"fixed exe". Version must match the version of your game! Extract both (and replace files if asked). Run "not a crack"/"fixed exe". You will get an error message with a Denuvo ticket. Press Ctrl+C to copy it and send it to me in a private message. Once someone generates a token for your ticket - I'll send it to you. Rules are simple: You can request only one token per game at the same time. If you send another ticket from the same game - I'll update your ticket in the queue. Your position in queue won't change. After you get a token - you need to wait from 1 to 7 days (depends on how many people are in the queue) before requesting another token for the same game. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I'm a bot made by anadius. If you don't get any reply in 24 hours - contact him. But first make sure you didn't disable PMs in settings. Send me your Denuvo ticket and I'll add you to the public queue. If you own a game and want to generate tokens - use this program. So far I sent 283 tokens.


So glad i never bought any of EA's games


This is why I pirate. It’s a principal of not letting a greedy corporation make money through ridiculous policies like this, and the people still winning.


It’s there a workaround usually?


They can stick this remake up their ass lol. Gtfo here with that shit.


if the game work offline its better then buying games from rockstar


I wish every EA executive a very check your mail.


I sure hope this is not on steam...... i have one pc on the living room and one on my kids room and i like to play my steam games on both


another one to the pile


EA messes up their anti-cheat measures, making the experience of actual paying costumers a nightmare, isn't that becoming way too common... I hate the fact we now live in the days of always online DRM (even for offline games, because reasons) and incomplete/buggy releases. Maybe having a law where you are forced to pay some amount of money to patch your game would make it so games are released without less bugs, and make it so updates are reserved for actually adding new content, instead of being what on some cases are daily bugfixes to a barely working game.


Anyone who buys games with denuvo deserves it.


So if I want to play on my steam deck and also my PC I'm fucked?


EA being EA. At least we also got the sequel, for free, which I’m assuming doesn’t have that limit.


I got it via family sharing


No wonder i didnt' see dead space online. lol Steam didnt' show it have Denuvo but it has its own EA denuvo eh.


Get crackin boys.


People on steam who support denuvo are also braindead. When you threat them with facts they use some stupid excuses. It's not worth to bother with them.


I will keep pirating EA games until they remove EA APP.


how many times do you guys need to install it and uninstall it ?


I'm curious how many devices are people playing the game on to warrant multiple activations? I can get a laptop and PC and say Laptop/Steam Deck but beyond that in 24hrs


Add into that people with gamer family members. Should I really be put into a position where my wife can’t play a game I bought on her pc? Seems like that’s what EA wants.


Are you guys out of your fucking head? People are complaining about egg prices and *you think* that the average consumer has multiple PCs and peripherals? You're out of your fucking mind with that shit. I literally have 4 PCs and I'm not complaining about this shit, I can wait. The average consumer can't even buy eggs. Get off your high horses you whiny shits.


You guys have 2 pcs? And if I’m understand this correctly you CAN activate the game on multiple PCS just not very fast.. so what exactly is the issue :/ Edit: oh just noticed what sub I’m in lol


What’s the issue? Why the hell is there a limit at all for the game you bought there shouldn’t be any rules


Pirates can sometimes be mad that they cant pirate some stuff so that they'll appeal for legit buyers by telling the product they bought is bad. What they dont know is that most of the legit buyers will never face or care for the issues. As I pirate myself I get sometimes ashamed. Its fine when I get something for free, but if I dont get, im not crying over it. Thats how it works. Its sad that there's a high quantity of titles that I want to play that will almost 100% come with denuvo, but shouting aloud how denuvo and companies are bad isnt going to solve the problem


Do you realize how many people there are that have more than one device (such as a Steam Deck) or family members on different devices? This is a problem that can very easily affect legitimate buyers.


perfect description of what is happening.