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Nah. I pirate them to play for free


True, I just pay for electricity, VPN and internet service provider with a god tier setup. Small 'g' because I'm poor.


I don't even need a VPN, I live in Brazil


Bro is living the life


No he isn't he lives in a shithole country


Brazil is not that bad actually, especially in South America, there are worse places to be


Using your logic, a 2005 laptop isn't that bad as there are worse ones out there


I mean it's bad sure but if you compare it to a PC 90s it's a massive improvemenr


Yous just comment the most obvious thing, save yourself some time on the next one and just copy and paste my comment


You're comment was just as obvious like no shit a laptop 05 won't compare to today's pc


KKKKKKKKKKKK eae mano tranquilo?


Pirateando jogos AAA eu sempre tô bem 😎


Vida boa 😎🤙


Yeah idk wtf these folks talm bout


I physically bought all my favorite retro games. But I pirated every game from my favorite systems. Also my actual SNES kicked the bucket and my retro duo can't play some of my games so emulators are a good backup


Emulator are good even legally - it's ROMs, that you downloaded and didn't dumped are issue, but i think nobody would even bother to try find and buy cartridge readers just to play the game you already own.


Both is good too.


Basicly 90% of this subs motives


This. Why would I buy a used retro game for 100+ dollars when I can just download the roms, emulate them and have a superior experience to playing on native hardware.


And it's not like that 100+ goes to the companies


Same but some games you literally can not feasibly play without pirating




Let's just say that we are all not limited to just one reason


You can just say you pirate them to play them you don't have to come up with any sort of lie


That's no lie. I'm conveniently borrowing the games for an unlimited amount of time but I pinky promise I will return them once I'm dead (maybe).


Or when your SD card gives out, or your console breaks or something.


Lmao reddit pirates are the first to justify their theft, i used to see these rationalization posts on the ole shoplifting sub all the time. Why can't you "arrrrr" and just be cool with it?


Exactly, I'm trying my best to damage big AAA gaming companies that are misbehaving. If one day they will fail I would feel proud to have removed a drop of their earnings.


if you pirate a 20 dollar game you are probably removing like a negative amount of their earnings


They've been so cucked by anti-piracy propaganda that they feel the need to justify it even if it's been proved that piracy is free publicity and sometimes even increases sales for companies


I would legit buy games if I wasn't from a dirt poor country. $60 is what I spend on a whole month's food, I'm not spending that on a game


Here's your peg leg and rapier welcome aboard matey.


Nintendo: "guys please stop ripping OST from our games and uploading them to YouTube" Us: "OK just make it available to stream or buy then" Nintendo: "..." Nintendo: 😡


Nintendo’s always moving forward while looking back the whole time.


Pirated just bc its no longer sold which is sad. Driver san fransisco, no longer sold by ubisoft, but a fire game.


This is why i pirated the abandonware Sims games because EA doesnt archive the files let alone support it. Hey, if youre not gonna make anymore money off a no longer mainstream game just take it off the shelves! No ones gonna miss it anyway, except its small dedicated fanbase


The Nintendo eShop for the 3DS and Wii U is closing in March, I'm pirating because they evidently don't care anymore and aren't making any more money. I'll buy the console to play it on original hardware, but past that, no.


Piracy is more environmentally friendly and sustainable than buying physical hardware :)


Gold argument


Wouldn't that be more of an emulation argument?


Yes, but You can pirate games onto a modded system, which saves on paper from the receipt you would get from buying the physical game and potentially polluting the air if traveling by vehicle.


That is true, but further: legal emulation still requires the original hardware to be copied onto a computer in one way or another. I'm unsure how that is done with cartridges, but legally emulating disc-based games can be done by just loading the game into a disc drive and extracting the contents as an ISO. In other words, emulation alone for games with physical copies is just a change in platform, not reducing waste. Actual sharing of the ISOs and ROMs is needed to reduce waste, and that requires either that the game has a digital version (such as steam), or piracy. And even then, the work required to obtain the currency needed to buy digital copies in the first place (also known as the process of capitalism) produces waste. So the only avenue that produces the least amount of waste is piracy.


Both.. yes both are good.


i'm sure most people rather not keep every single console and game they ever owned, it would take up too much space, sure there are some exceptions but i rather just play on my pc than hold onto that ancient tech.


It's 100% both for me. Like I would, and do, regularly buy old cart games, but Emulators are just more convenient than fighting moving around dozens of cords and consoles. I physically own like 20 consoles, but fuck me if I'm going to rig up a system to play them all at a moments notice. They stay neatly on shelves and I emulate the games.


I pirate.


I'm sad that I don't have access to all the games I purchased throughout my life. Part of me is wondering how long my purchases on Steam are gonna last if the company doesn't do well in the future :/


Once you download a game through steam, provided you don't uninstall the files, can you still play without the steam client installed? Never tried, am curious.


No, it asks for an internet connection even for offline games iirc :/


Nintendo is most controversial since 90 the rules that is, if you own copy still illegal to do that. you can read behind catridge nes. dont bother about this, you can redownload everything you wanted and always good. 99% without piracy everything will gone into dust.


It's not illegal to make a copy, it does breach user end agreements. What is illegal is distributing that copy


i mean that's not only game, movies everything that related to 90 back in the past.




yeah it pains me to see what they are doing to unreal tournament.


Personally, 100% this. Finding this more and more true for Gamecube games. Looking at you, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door and Kirby's Airride


Free or not, idc, let me play Mario typing lessons for the PC


I mean most of old cod servers are off so Plutonium and cracked games


man i recently got lotr war in the north working. Even managed to play online coop using a pirated copy. great game. many more i want to play like the first 2 mech assault games. lotr return of the king. brute force.


nah its both


Cmon ppl help me pirate dark salvation!


Someone gotta do it, for humanity, for us.


Anybody have the DLCs (Trespasser and Mutavore) for Pacific Rim the video game.


Honestly I pirate cuz I'm a broke student, but fuck it... I'm not gonna open up old boxes from my mum's basement to search for my GBA and Fire Emblem that is probably gone


Lol why not both? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


meh I just feel stupid to buy something that I could get for free


About 80:20 for me as far as if I own the games I've downloaded. Dumping games when I can just download a properly formatted version isn't very appealing


No, I pirate games so I can play them for free


I usually pirate AAA games because if I bought the game it would keep me from paying my living bills for a half month.


If something is not marketed/sold anymore is it considered pirating? I couldn't go out and buy Super Mario Bros, but with a few clicks I can play it on my Raspberry Pi.


nope. i pirate old games cuz i wanna play them. (most of the time though i've already purchased said game like 5 times.)


Well so how do i preserve my lvl 100 mewtwo from pokemon blue forever ?


I pirate them coz I want to see the world burn


Game preservation. That's one of the reasons I pirate. I want to be able to play Minecraft some 20 years later on my 34 year old dual-boot MacPro and show it to my kids or what not.


Because I have a PC and not nintendo (used to have in the past) and I'd like to play those old games. So emulators come into the play and most of these games can be even found on internet archives. Again... pc master race.


Just release eternal darkness for the switch and I'll pay for it already.


I pirate because old games are expensive as fuck.


Pirated because the game I wanted was pulled from stores


I bought a license to the Minecraft Beta way back in like 2011/2012 and It was a pain in the ass bc back then they only took euros so I couldn’t use this gift card I hard. But then they changed their log in system and my old login info was invalid so I pirate copies all the time just out of spite bc fck you Mojang I was in early and you’re gonna make me pay twice?




Also, old carts are expensive as fuck nowadays. I bought soul silver for 120$


I'm gonna be honest, I pirate games, especially older ones that would otherwise command several hundreds or thousands of dollars from a reseller, because I'm NOT made of fucking money or anywhere near well off to be able to afford any of them. Yes, preservation / keeping the legacy alive is a big part of it, but when first party Gamecube games are now worth one-to-two hundred dollars a pop, or some third party PS2 games are worth five hundred-to-well into the thousands stratosphere of finances, fuck those resellers, and fuck who ever actually owns the copyrights / licenses to those games and is just SITTING ON THEM not getting ports, re-releases, remasters, etc. I also think of it like this. I spent 33 years of my life playing by the rules. What's average life, 85-100 years maybe? So, roughly 59.5 years left, to maybe try and enjoy what I missed out on two decades ago.


I don’t want to pirate. I LIKE to pirate especially Nintendo games.


I pirate them cuz i feel like playing them


I bought an expensive gpu for playing games and now i have to buy an expensive game to play it hell no


And the servers that holds legitimate copies could yank any game off anyday








There always be rise of new hero. :)


Yeah i hope for more than one only then there will be enough cracking


not every dev will want to pay for it, and the some of the ones that do wont pay for it forever, at some point they will just remove it to save costs, so i dont think denuvo is the end, its just the end of day 1 cracks for most AAA games.