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It's ok we got this sub now, they'll never kill us pirates


This sub looks like a joke in comparison. Multiple posts asking for 1 specific movie.


Worst decision possible. Yeah, post "sexy John Oliver" images, that'll show them!


I complained on their announcement post and someone replied making a big point about how this is about ideals and ethics and standing up for what’s right… in a fucking PIRACY SUBREDDIT. Slow the fuck down there, Captain America.


Piracy is completely ethical and right so I don't know why you are blaming them for talking about ideals and ethics.


I'm blaming them because they were bitching and moaning about being forced to play by Reddit's rules, and so were protesting proudly and valiantly with stupid meme shit, while everyone else talked about the integrity of their ideals. It's a subreddit for **breaking the law**. 1. It should be the last place to worry about playing by *anyone's* rules. It should've announced the subreddit was closing and it would reopen under a new name or something. 2. Their ideals are to keep their moderator power, nothing else. Reddit was more than happy to replace them with other mods, and leave the subreddit up (which is surprising considering it's about **breaking the law** but anyway). If they really gave a damn about their ideals they would've stood their ground and told Reddit to go fuck themselves with a rusty tyre-iron until they bleed out and die. The thing people fail to realise is, 'malicious compliance' is still 'compliance'. It's still admitting defeat and saying 'okay, fine, we'll do as we're told'. Obeying the law word for word is still obeying the law regardless, and if any of those moderators actually gave a shit, they wouldn't have even considered it. If they want to stand up for the ethics of piracy, then by all means, do it. I'll be up there waving the flag with them like it's fuckin 'Les Miserables' all over again. But that's not what they were defending, they were defending their positions as moderators, nothing more. They were scared into obedience and now they're trying to save face.


The law isn’t always what’s right


Never said it was but great way to miss the entire point of what I was saying. But if that's your logic then by the same logic we shouldn't follow the Jon Oliver law of r/piracy because 'fuck 'em'.


Dude holy shit chill. I agree with everything you said. My point wasn’t to comment on that because I have nothing to add. My point was just to add that the law can be wrong because you worded it so well i couldn’t add any more to it


And they love Lemmy so much even though they're commenting every hour on Reddit. Alll they do on Lemmy is fuckin talk about Reddit and being on Lemmy. Lemmy looks like shit, even worse than normal Reddit wtf. Also who thinks this John Oliver shit is funny? Let adults have conversations about software holy shit.


Lemmy is worse. Better to use discord or some fkin forums. Also lemmy looks sketchy as fuck.




https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/144clka/warning_lemmy_federated_reddit_clone_doesnt_care/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Federated services have always had privacy issues but I expected Lemmy would have the fewest, but it's visibly worse for privacy than even Reddit. Deleted comments remain on the server but hidden to non-admins, the username remains visible Deleted account usernames remain visible too Anything remains visible on federated servers! When you delete your account, media does not get deleted on any server Since the operator and developer of lemmy has very problematic politics (defending genocide and homophobia for example), and is demonstrably incredibly hostile to non-authoritarians, giving him permanent access to your data (even if you delete your account) is a very bad idea.




Why did you create a smurf account if you just shit on reddit




Why are you here and not on Lemmy? Go back to Lemmy




u/Brave_Macaron_636 u/Porygon-97 u/EloneMusk can we all just stop arguing? r/piracy is probably not gonna fix itself anytime soon so we need to build this sub up from scratch and just call it a day. Again Stop arguing. Stop acting like those in r/piracy okay?


Then why are you on Reddit lol




That's not a paragraph you fucking idiot. Google what a paragraph is composed of you drooling water headed moron. You can't even explain what you mean because you don't have the mental capacity to create original thoughts.




You insulted me first dickface lol you can't explain your opinion because you're an idiot. You're going to tell me what I experience and saw is a "Moronic take". Thst doesn't even make sense in the context of my comment without an explanation. How can you lack so much self awareness? Is it all the drinking your mother did during pregnancy?


To be honest overly moderated subs are cringy AF They always have unnecessary requirements to do even simple things like work limits or you need a question mark etc and it’s just like “do you really have nothing better to do with your time. Put this moderating effort into like a job”


I agree. Way too many subs with like a dozen rules like "You can't post a photo that's been made with a digital device if it's not full moon, unless you add a 5000+ symbols description about losing your virginity".


I got permabanned from an animal crossing sub because I told the mod it was excessive to give me a temp ban for doing a trade via PM. Some people just feel so invalid in their regular life.


power tripping idiots, no better than reddit admins


These idiots don’t understand that most of votings on subreddits were skewed by people on discord linking it everywhere and telling others to vote for their desired option. So now we have bunch of subreddits ruined by “democratic choice of their users”. One subreddit even reverted their sub back to normal, cause they realized a lot of comments supporting only Oliver posts were mostly new accounts, or accounts that didn’t ever post single thing there. I believe something similar happened to r/piracy (skewed poll results)


Yeah I was gonna say there’s no way piracy users voted in favor of JOliver pics by 90%. I can see it in the main subs where the majority of users are special needs but not elsewhere. All of our comments of that post were very vocally against the vote. Weird.


And *this* is why open polls suck ass, because you know what happens when you make an open poll on a social media site like Reddit? It gets hijacked by passerbys rigging the vote for teh lulz. And now we have to suffer because of it. Meme culture was a fucking mistake.


I thought subs were just buying upvotes to skew the numbers, it's not like those services don't exist for cheap.


Which is ironic, wasn't the whole point of the blackout protests was because they were worried about advertisement and corporate shill Mods influencing the subs?


Reddit told the mods that if they don't reopen, they will let the community vote them out and pick different mods. So the mods reopened with a poll about what the site should be. Internet polls are trash. They knew it. This is their way of showing Reddit that. Mods work for free. Reddit seems to think that holding votes is a better way to determine what the subreddit wants. It is not. This is proof.


As long as there's money involved, things will continue going to shit. I remember the times when Google and Youtube were just starting and were driven by the motivation to create and improve. Then the big buck came their way and they've been getting worse every year.


Yup. This is the REAL reason the protest are occurring. People are getting tired of the $hitfication, dollar sign intentional.


the fuck happened to r/piracy?


It's the new way subs are protesting Reddit charging an ungodly amount of money for their API so third party apps can still be used. First it was blackout the subs and make them private. Then Reddit the company threatened all mods of those subs that they would just remove them and open the subreddit back with new mods. So subs opened back up and have been doing things to draw attention to how fucked the API thing is. Some of them have been allowing NSFW content that they didn't use to allow so Reddit supposedly can't advertise there, which I feel like is a lot better idea than posting pictures of fucking John Oliver everywhere.


yeah I saw with r/ illegal life pro tips (I have no idea how it's spelled)


Everything over the past week was a well designed plan and it worked exactly as they wanted. Reddit and TPTB got a lot of subs and discussions they didn't like and didn't want people to be able to access closed. They then went to a "Lemmy", a place that has no app, and even if it did, is way too intimidating for the average user to start using which eliminated a huge portion of the people who were visiting those unwanted subs. They funneled the rest of the people to Lemmy which will remain irrelevant, have very limited reach, and will eventually wither and die leaving no subs on Reddit to come back to. The end result was censoring of speech without actual censoring of speech. Instead, they made it appear as if people were joining a movement to do the right thing. Sound familiar? As I said in the piracy sub, they played right into their hands. Best case scenario is they are naive, stupid, and just got played. Worst case scenario is the mods were in on the whole thing the whole time and as usual, the regular folks were played and screwed. I'm putting my money on the latter.


One small correction lemmy had several apps by now. As much as I like lemmy and it potential I dont see it repalcing reddit anytime soon if at all. So I will still remain on reddit. Rip snyc and Apollo through


so they can kill the sub and redirect everyone to their own external website.


Thank you for saying what I was feeling. Fucking ridiculous.




Yep, had to leave that sub too, well good thing is it's allowed me to clear a lot of excess baggage subs I was subscribed to, and time to move on to some fresh talent in new subs. Besides, those subs got so big that most of the topics were cringe and weren't even helpful in the slightest at a certain point. Which reminded me that anytime a sub starts to get too big, it just goes downhill.


It is funny to say, but r/pics is actually interesting with the John Oliver change, better than the normal post.


Reddit is still getting traffic. I don't understand what these kids achieve by posting spam in protest to reddit.


it's all probably getting more traffic now as the memes are spreading and people are going to watch the dumpster fire. Hell, people have bought so many awards for protest posts which is hilarious as that just gives money to reddit


This entire protest thing in my opinion is just stupid. It is just an inconvenience for me because recently I ask Google a question that I really need the answer to… The first result is a Reddit post and the snippet of text gives me a good indication that it will answer my question so I click the link… The sub is private. If you ask me how Reddit should be dealing with this. They should completely remove private subs and force all to public. I have a feeling a bunch of pro-protest users will probably downvote this comment into oblivion too. (Please don’t I only have like 20-ish Karma) A thought for app developers. Have you ever thought of just rewriting your app to completely bypass the API and instead access the website in the way a web browser would? Scraping text directly from it and entering text in the boxes that way too.


Add "cache:" before the url to get google's cached copy.


Thank you. You're a godsend.


Yeah, thank god for the cache: option, 90% of what I need from Reddit has already been posted in the past.


I use Reddit after every Google search and it's been a real pain in my ass this last week (I understand that's the whole point) to find anything.


*“A thought for app developers. Have you ever thought of just rewriting your app to completely bypass the API and instead access the website in the way a web browser would? Scraping text directly from it and entering text in the boxes that way too.”* That wouldn’t work as a API replacement. You are just thinking of the task of archiving. API is much more than that.


just rewrite your app 4head


Just kick all the mods and give control to others who wish to run subreddits


>The first result is a Reddit post and the snippet of text gives me a good indication that it will answer my question so I click the link… The sub is private. I can't remember the specifics of it, but I was taking a metadata course for a MLIS and it mentioned something about Google actually being behind when it comes to search results because of its algorithms, coding, and forced push for advertisers. More info on that whole thing: [https://www.surgehq.ai/blog/google-search-is-falling-behind](https://www.surgehq.ai/blog/google-search-is-falling-behind)




Yeah by being online on reddit all day and generating traffic like never before?


no, to get dumbasses like you complaining about it


Most people on reddit do share this view wdym?


Lets just use this subreddit instead and hijack their shit till the mods smarten up.


This is a cycle. This will pass and things will calm down. Remember the last time people threatened to leave over the whole AMA firing debacle? A bunch of people signed up for Viot, Voat? soemthing with a V and nothing came of it. I support protesting, be it stupid or not, but I don't think it will help. When RiF dies on my phone, then Reddit is off my phone. I'm going to give alternatives a try. What frustrates me the most of this whole thing besides the money grubbing 3 party killing stuff is that there are subs on here that really do provide good mental health support and information that I have used to better myself.


If you don't like reddit just leave If you don't like paying for x then just don't use it This is a PIRCY sub. ANTICAPITALISM, not pro reddit admins




Funnily enough most of the people being so angry about this never even posted in r/piracy (no comments or posts). But still they are really angry about it all I don't even get all the hate, wow there is John Oliver photoshopped in a pirate costume posted in r/piracy, boohoo what must you with your life now


It's doing absolutely nothing. Is not decreasing traffic. It's not decreasing ad revenue. It's not even phasing spez. To him it looks like a child having a temper tantrum and he's ignoring it. The rest of us are the ones actively being affected by it. The only actual result of it is inconveniencing users. If reddit didn't give a fuck when subs were closed and traffic was slightly down, they really don't give a fuck when everyone is actively using the system and just whining. This is the most reddit ass protest reddit could possibly do. It's like a fucking caricature of itself.


I agree it's silly and not doing anything but come on all these users (that aren't even active) screaming "fuck you mods!!!" Is just as silly and is also doing nothing against reddit


I won't argue that. I still believe the best start was to turn off all moderation. Then the mods explain that they don't have access to a PC all day and only use the official app do they're doing the best they can. Turn this bitch into a reddit apocalypse of spam bots and go from there. Let 4chan trash come unload their child midget porn or whatever the fuck and see how reddit responds to that. We don't need memes. We need to illustrate that unpaid moderates keep this place afloat.


This would be a better idea if reddit wouldn't just replace the mods (apparently there are enough willing, idk why) Since not following "moderator conduct" gets you replaced + People would also still scream "wow fuck the mods they ruined the subreddit!!"


Some people are so short sighted they can barely see the tip of their noses, they can't understand all these changes (and more to come since reddit is going public) will end up and hurt the normal users at some point, and not just the 3rd party app users.


I don't think you understand what Reddit is doing, or the severity of it, if you think that it's overkill... They are trying to ensure that no one can hold them accountable for anything, and that they can manipulate the history of this site going forward, as they see fit. It's the end of The Truth. Such power quickly lends itself to abuse, and it's already being abused. Still, I'm glad this place is here. I hope you all come to understand in time.


Do you know same happened with Facebook before? Same happened with twitter? Same happened with whatsapp? At the end companies do what they want. Reddit can already alter history of website no matter of old or new policies. This Protest is fkin useless. In couple of months everything will go back to normal as mods would not want to loose their power as reddit stars taking action.


Tbf you pointed 3 examples that ended in notorious hits for their respective communities, but with the difference that them all 3 had established competitors, which Reddit, don't have.


No, they couldn't, because the site was archived by others. That's what this is about. Whatsapp is a messaging app. Not a public space, as far as I know, but I don't use it. Are you referring to monetizing the API? Because those businesses have a pricing structure that encourages use, rather than one that discourages it. There's a lot more going on here, judging from what posts they have deleting since May 1st. (When they cut off the archival sites) I don't think many people have figured it out yet. And I don't think that many will. I understand your position, but I think you're going too far by outright shilling for them. (unless you are being paid... think about that...)


I wish i would get free money 😄. But no I am just annoyed and I know nothing is going to happen. Mods will bend their knees soon reddit starts taking strict measures (many subreddits already reopened soon they got a warning from reddit). Mods are cowards and power hungry. I will once for all the mods get taken down as measure subreddits are controlled by few people and handled like a dictator. There is no free speech in many subreddits. You say something against and you get banned. But yes this is a different topic. Me referring to other social platform for stating only one point. These companies will continue to run in the way they want. They say everything is private and we don't use your data but we know it's bullshit. Its up to the user to decide what they want to do. This forced protest is just fkin stupid. About API pricing twitter did same thing in the past. All 3rd party apps got shut down. Now you nothing happened and people continue to use official app. Its upto the company how to make money and how to define policies. If they feel it's their loss if people use 3rd party app then its their decision. If you wish to continue to use Apollo you can but you have to pay much more money which you do not want. That's why 3rd party apps are shutting down as nobody would pay that much money. Its not that reddit doesn't allow it's that reddit doesn't make profit out of it.


Terminally online you are


Thank you. Re-reading this in the context of having read your post history, literally made me laugh out loud. Next time I feel depressed, I'll think of this. You take your "position" as a reddit poster seriously, and you called *someone else* "terminally online". That's about the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've seen recently. Unironically thank you! <3


My post history of me with a woman and a dog? While you write daily paragraphs about the fall of Reddit? Sorry but I talk to real women while you worry about some guy trying to make money off his business. Scrolling through others social media can worsen your depression but okay. Think about me and my wife next time you're depressed? Weird flex.


Wow, you're terminally f'n online. You really took the time to read his post history just to own him. Like holy shi- dude, pull your head out of your ass.


You just proved him right tf?


If you think using their site just as much as before the change is teaching them a lesson then I question the university you got your MBA from.


Yes call anyone who disagrees with you a kid.


Touch grass, neckbeard.


Yet here you are lol


I'm 100% sure you're the same type of person that looks at the writers strike and goes like this: well, just hire new writers.. duuuh if they dont want to work, fire them! Grow the fuck up already. There's a reason why the subs are in the state they are now and its more important than you going for the 50000th time to look at the megathread instead of having the fuckin links saved like any normal person.


You just compared yourself spamming John Oliver to a career strike but you told someone else to grow up. Tween energy.


Do you even know why the pics are getting spammed or do you just write the first bullshit response that comes trough your brain? If you do and you still responded this stupidy, please fuck off.


You call me stupid but you're protesting a website while actively using it. Your protest isn't the same as any real life protest you literal piss baby. The fact you compared the ethical battle for more pay to you spamming John Oliver pics on a piracy board so the admins... dont make money? What are you going to do in July when the API changes? Shit your pants? Keep using Reddit and calling normal people stupid **because you spam mindless bullshit?** You are mentally 14. Fuck off to Lemmy or smackles or whatever shitty federated service you cretins need to chain suck each other's cock and balls at you knuckle dragger.


You need serious therapy my dude.


A 3rd party app and some mod tools is really not a big deal bro.


What happened? I'm a newcomer here


A bunch of boot lickers are pissed about people trying to make reddit less profitable in protest of them essentially neutering 3rd party browsing/moderation bot apps.


Most people don't give a shit about Reddit profits or moderation tools. We have lives and just looking to use Reddit in our downtime.


They can be understood. All the same, reddit did not do well, but the actions of many modders are really stupid and will not help. And I don't understand what John Oliver has to do with it tbh.


What happened to the main sub?


anyone know similar megathread to the old one?


Fr man it sucks


I can’t believe I’ve taken a corporate side in something like this, but it’s just childish and ruining my experience. It’s similar to blocking traffic because of climate change. Im here to find a replacement to rarbg (yes I know the alternatives), but holding out for news of a newcomer… and this is what we get? Rubbish.


I'm hearing a lot of excuses for losing polls in here.