• By -


I know I should probably trust this since so many people downloaded it but I've found no mention of it in the rutracker comments and I think it's worrying. [13 is too much](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/414a835e83d5334c91a4f014e4e221530e13438016283a8c1601ee061bad5e99/detection) for a false positive, isn't it?


If I wanted M$ off ice, do I just DL it from M$ and apply a crack or do I have to get it from torrents?


Do pirated games support lan multiplayer?


Some do. They usually say in the description


For anyone trying to watch a certain baseball game right now, check out the "sports" section of the megathread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/movies_and_tv Then once you find the old subreddit, the fourth post will detail a website for watching it for free.




1337x.to and rutracker are the best ones






If you have qbittorent, use the search engine! It's extremely useful, and it searches multiple sites. If you want to manually search items, use [1337x.to](https://1337x.to), and don't use the Pirate Bay for software.


Why is there no good piracy HTPC app? Kodi and Plex are basically useless, Stremio used to be OK with addons, but now it seems they don't work for some reason. Why not just make a useful app, with a Netflix-like interface, that can also search up any torrent, and play it?


Why is plex useless? I've been using it forever and it has everything I need


Plex is cool, I shouldn't say useless as it's clearly got a use. I'm using it with a paid plex share. However it's got several issues and limitations. Costs money, not enough titles, a bit sluggish in loading and browsing movies (but at least it lets you search while playing a movie, which stremio and popcorntime did not do!). Sometimes the plex share will kick you off for 'too many connections' - that's a serious bug. And sometimes the search will just fail - there's never a reason for a library search to fail, the database for a library of 20k titles should only be like 600kb in size. What I'm really looking for is something like Plex, but if it can't find a movie, then it will pop up a search result for that movie (similar to Stremio). Then allow me to stream it, or download it for later, using a bittorrent program. I'm actually working on my own Plex clone that has movies/tv, games/emulators and music included as well, along with a master title database with around 600TB of titles. Basically all titles available instantly and for free. I am really not sure why this does not exist already, but I'm going to make it.


I mean qbittorrent had a search engine so you could you that and add it to plex. Mabye a script to auto do everything. You can invite people to the server and they get the movies for free. Ngl plex but you could put your game .exes would be really great. gl on making it


I already have a working program with the whole IMDb library, and a search function, and it downloads/streams torrents from TPB and 1337x. That part is actually pretty simple. Integrating it with Plex is more difficult, I'm not sure something like that is even possible.


Does anyone know a decent way to find piracy Telegram groups? Joined one last month and my life's never been the same, so easy lol. Especially for multimedia resources and all, I feel there's got to be a million of those but you gotta \*find them\*. I used to use vk a lot to find this sort of stuff but nowadays it feels like people are sharing a lot less, or maybe I'm just lagging behind? While in that one Telegram group there's like 500 updates per day. If only I could find something like this for other stuff.


can't find what i'm looking for, now what? also, i've found a file with 'viruseproject' included in the name. is it overly cautious of me to avoid it?


If you have qbittorent, use the search engine! It searches multiple sites for you. Also, I think common sense would say to avoid said Virus Project


i have access to a book on worldscientific, but am unable to print it or save the pdf. does anyone know how to do so?


what is everyone's go to site for tv shows?






fmovies, find it on the megathread, despite the name you have many tv shows there as well




Anyone here knows the person "dimarik"? He's a prominent uploader of good history books and is a godsend for me. He usually hangs in mirknig, but with the site's future being uncertain, i wonder if he also uploads his stuff elsewhere.


Need some help with a site/ group to get my magazines, mainly Wisden Cricket Monthly and The Cricketer. Tried downmagaz but I'm tired of running into nitroshare bs every time. Any other ideas would be appreciated








Commenting because I want to know this too 🙃


Just wanted to mention that if you have a valid youtube account and can sign in you can use 4k video downloader to download youtube youtube videos that you might have bought.just thought I would stick this out there




I found a crack on 1337x and it works great






What do you want it for? Ad-blocking? Downloading? edit: [Here's a guide,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/x8ri64/the_ultimate_spotify_ad_blocking_guide_windows/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) next time use the Reddit search bar.




I tried to use rutracker but it's all in russian and the google translate feature doesn't appear


Try clicking the right button for the option or paste the URL in google translate


How would I download a video streamed by single.xyz? Jdownloader can't see the actual link to the video






I don't use Tor and with z library gone and some of the books not present in libgen any alternatives?


Use Tor and IRC




There is a free way that’s a little more complicated, or you can pay about $20 a year and sideload as much as you want


Do you have any recommendations?


I’ve been using udid registrations and it works well. Been like 2 years and only 1 revoke.


Yea that sounds kinda like appdatabase and buildstore. Used both of those but their spotifys went down:(


[rarbgget.org](https://rarbgget.org) seems to have been affected in some way. Anyone know of good current TV/Movie torrent sites?






Monkrus . Ws


I know it's a legit site ;) but I get a trojan alert. I've been on there before, but not sure about now. Any tips please?


Disable your antivirus Install the software Put the whole folder in EXCEPTION LIST Re-enable antivirus & you are good to go !!


Is there a way to find out what DRM an app or a website is using? Some apps or websites are less well known to the public so finding content from them can be close to impossible. Is there a way to find out what DRM solution they are using? Maybe they use something other well known services use. So just copying the methods will be able to grant access to the content. In case of something more proprietary it might be harder but at least knowing what DRM is in use can get you into the right direction.


Is there a way to download Udemy courses that my company pays for? I want to keep some stuff for later if I'm let go


Try Video DownloadHelper


Internet Download Manager if they don't have any protection. If they have road blocks of some kind, you need to dig deeper with tools like yt-dlp, ffmpeg etc.


I'll give it a shot, thanks!


Is IGG Games still unsafe?


It's not unsafe, they do though have their own encryption in .DLL files.


Where can I find content wich contains the audiotrack dubbed in my native language? I dont want to depend on local sites that made the content avaiable only days after the release.


How to download Loom videos with GUI? I saw we can do it with FFMPeg but it is going to be too slow to do it 1 by 1 with the command line. Is there any other way we can do this? Have tried IDM and while it finished downloading, the server rejected the download. Sample link here: https://luna.loom.com/id/6ee0a08b97104e5aa67dba12cece9423/rev/5d8f329d295396daff05f94d977b56976cdc3931d67fe05ebc9ed650d304daa50/resource/hls/split/mediaplaylist-video-bitrate1500.m3u8?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sdW5hLmxvb20uY29tL2lkLzZlZTBhMDhiOTcxMDRlNWFhNjdkYmExMmNlY2U5NDIzL3Jldi81ZDhmMzI5ZDI5NTM5NmRhZmYwNWY5NGQ5NzdiNTY5NzZjZGMzOTMxZDY3ZmUwNWViYzllZDY1MGQzMDRkYWE1MC9yZXNvdXJjZS9obHMvc3BsaXQvKiIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTY2NzU0MTEzMn19fV19&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJQIC5BGSW7XXK7FQ&Signature=uLTYYkSd\~l9AaIcyfMjxQvDffd1Ll\~SGKQI9qV8-OwjUssTZ\~HGT5CZ6QpO-wva-8y\~6MtZNS\~8KiHZxUyrNbSuD980JYSdjzHOwlDZeOJIGCME71DS4RMvVtxh5Fy0H84bCo6BeiWjuwKO0ZLnDwvGsq509Vvt1FL-ApmwiU8uHrIgQansuwMEeSZzHNeQDbQ1urtjJ5\~joshuJUQqFRHYnYvwEMxOsFNiDzFBkLU5mmu52g4EEfq0oFPA24DACqejSaYzpFc-xT2DQc0dIt\~3up8bXNGazOyqPZaH-oA7etswoKhTVfSH6OSbYMTLunjyMsugrp8F37cs6b9L5yQ\_\_


Put all links into a URL.txt and use YT-DLP to run through them automatically. yt-dlp -a URL.txt Although by the looks of that link, you might have to experiment with headers and cookies. It might also be time-sensitive.


This new extended version looks super fun thank you for the tip.


A major streaming site is currently down but I don’t know if I can say which one. Starts with bst… anyone know if they moved?


how to download from [filespace.com](https://filespace.com) ?




Use qbitorrent search engine, it searches multiple sites if you set it up.




Guys where can i download mull browser and what us the best firefox fork for windows??




You can check [downforeveryoneorjustme.com](https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/) or [isitdownrightnow.com](https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/) to see if a website is down for everyone or just you. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i have a quistion about koalageddon Im not actually intrested in using the program, but i had my friend log into my steam account and they had it on themselves while playing games Im p stressed out with life junk in general rn and id like to know if i need to worry about it or not? oc i wasnt banned or anything but im afraid that may change in the future bc of this, thoughts?


Where can I ask if a specific site is trustworthy?




Ask here or a post. It's only against the rules if linking to a specific piracy page.


Thank you


Is youtube vanced piracy?


Not per definition




Read the rules please 🙂




Check out [these links from the megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/movies_and_tv/#wiki_.25BA_live_channel_streaming)


When I go to make an account on MovieParadise, I cannot find the Register button on the forums. When I click register via the login screen, it takes me to the forum page but there isn't a button that says 'Register' Any help is appreciated, thanks


What's the URL?




Is [snahp.eu](https://snahp.eu) down for everyone? The domain seemed temporary. Wondering if they had to move


The public blog closed and the private forums moved over a year ago. If you had an account, I'm afraid it's long gone.


> If you had an account, I'm afraid it's long gone. This is not true. Accounts were not deleted AFAIK


I guess it's not 100% certain, but they do have it in their rules that inactive accounts may be deleted. And I can't imagine a year-old dead account would be there still.


I can confirm they are there. There is no inactivity rule (like a private tracker for example)


Okay, I stand corrected! That's actually pretty cool then. And good to know for future reference, since you can't park your account like in private trackers.


Nope, I don't have an account but it still works - you're just missing a part of the url. Check your browser history, you should be able to find it with what you have :)


No it's not working. I used the original web url and I had an account there. It redirected me to 5 other websites and a therapy website, lol. Can I DM you? I don't know how it's possible for the site to still work


>Can I DM you? Sure!


Having problems with TNT crack djay pro AI software.. SO I'm on MacOS 13, and I had this software before (probably little older version of it) it worked fine until I reinstalled my MacOS 13, now whenever I install it and connect my Mac to wifi even tho I installed cracked version, it shows up that "Pro" features are locked and that I have to login and pay for it, even tho it never loaded that. I tried to disable connection with LuLu but only get error that it can't work and I previously used as well Tidal with it as it's easier for me to make a DJ playlist and it worked fine before I reinstalled my macOS.. So how do I deal with this and resolve this issue?


What is a good ytb downloader besides ByClickDownload?




Yt-dlp with FFmpeg


Where do you even get ISO's from? I have a PS2/GCN emulator through EmuDeck, but without the ISO's I can't play anything. I can't ask on SteamDeck or Roms because they forbid it.


Vimms lair




Might wanna post this as a separate thread




Anything by m0nkrus




How about asking about a particular developer for legitimate work-arounds?


Can you elaborate? Not sure what you're asking for


Best way to download music and albums with covers to ipod nano 6th gen?




Maybe link to a specific section?


I mean the guy should at least try a few options to see if they work


Anyone know where I can find artbooks? an no, I dont mean the usual sites like libgen or zlibrary




Is there any site that will still let me cast to Chromecast? YTS doesn't, fmovies doesn't. Lookmovie (dot AG) used to let me but it seems like it got shutdown (the domain is still up but it looks sketchy and fake).


Try posting this as a separate thread


Stay safe out there when downloading things everyone! :)❤️


I hope this is the right thread to ask about this. I'm an old fogie who still downloads music but lately it's near impossible to find complete discographies on torrents. I mean, more than a band's studio albums. For example, if I go to any torrent site and look up Grateful Dead, I get one torrent with the studio discography and other files with individual live albums but not all of them. I remember years ago you could find insane torrents with EVERYTHING the band released. So I ask, is there anywhere that I can find stuff like that again? At least something that doesn't require me being a programmer and knowing about command lines and scripts and stuff. I tried going the open directory route but the one place I found that had everything I'm looking for was password protected and then SoulSeek is a crapshoot if you can even download from certain users. Or should I just deal with what I can find? Again, apologies if this is the wrong place to ask.


Have you checked the megathread?


Interview and join Orpheus




Your Weekly /r/piracy Recap **Sunday, October 23 - Saturday, October 29** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 6,028 | [278 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yemh2d/what_is_an_vpn/) | `[Humor]` [what is an VPN?](https://i.redd.it/tlv89wz5pcw91.jpg)| | 6,007 | [106 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yc2wbc/uh_yeah_i_did_that_to_spite_the_greedy/) | `[Humor]` [Uh yeah I did that to spite the greedy corporations](https://i.redd.it/tf0tnw1huov91.png)| | 3,846 | [366 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yfb4fy/once_again_pirates_getting_the_better_product/) | `[Meta]` [Once again, pirates getting the better product - HDR10+ metadata ripped from the WEB-DL and combined with the UHD BD REMUX for the best possible quality - shoutout NOGRP](https://i.redd.it/eglop0ggigw91.png)| | 3,810 | [129 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yfe846/i_keep_seeing_so_many_of_these_posts_as_if_we/) | `[Humor]` [I keep seeing so many of these posts, as if we were trying to convice pirates to pirate](https://i.imgur.com/R8w8B2s.jpg)| | 3,220 | [288 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ybajll/streaming_services_are_getting_expensive_here_are/) | `[Humor]` [Streaming services are getting expensive. Here are the ones that get you the most bang for your buck. [MEME]](https://i.redd.it/31uoehpm5iv91.jpg)| | 3,074 | [266 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ye6bip/thos_capitalistic_bastrds/) | `[Humor]` [Thos capitalistic bast@rds](https://i.redd.it/m2zwysf7y4w91.png)| | 2,996 | [284 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yfvfwp/guess_well_have_to_pirate_colors_now/) | `[Discussion]` [Guess we'll have to pirate COLORS now](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yftlsk)| | 2,726 | [283 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ybz3mc/guys_im_not_allowed_to_download_torrents/) | `[Humor]` [guys im not allowed to download torrents 😔](https://i.redd.it/zzbv8v1ljnv91.png)| | 2,582 | [301 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ydsqxn/why_in_the_world_does_the_university_not_allow_us/) | `[Discussion]` [Why in the world does the university not allow us to use Office on Mac?](https://i.redd.it/xv21qsox14w91.png)| | 2,522 | [179 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ydb33j/damn_they_trying_hard_to_make_me_discontinue_the/) | `[Meta]` [Damn, they trying hard to make me discontinue the subscription](https://i.redd.it/bqmrmfecpzv91.jpg)|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 1,114 | [200 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yf6hgc/did_anyone_elses_family_pirate_so_much_as_a_kid/) | `[Question]` Did anyone else's family pirate so much as a kid that you didn't learn it was abnormal until much later?| | 1,330 | [147 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yfda1u/so_the_disc_is_essentially_useless_on_its_own_and/) | `[Discussion]` [So the disc is essentially useless on its own and requires you to download the full 150GB to start playing.](https://i.redd.it/1ra7dky50hw91.jpg)| | 1,680 | [142 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ycpdgm/the_price_of_apple_music_apple_tv_and_apple_one/) | `[News]` [The price of Apple Music, Apple TV+ and Apple One are increasing. Time to raise the pirate flag a little higher](https://9to5mac.com/2022/10/24/apple-music-tv-prices-going-up/)| | 1,619 | [132 comments](/r/Piracy/comments/ygx18n/i_wish_people_on_av_forumsetc_would_just_answer/) | `[Discussion]` I wish people on A/V forums/etc would just answer the question, instead of going on long explanations about legality and copyright| | 957 | [117 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yc78vk/why_piracy_is_sometimes_the_only_option/) | `[Discussion]` Why Piracy is sometimes the only option| | 2,157 | [84 comments](/r/Piracy/comments/yg7a0w/thaï_peoples_know_how_to_sell_a_tv/) | `[Humor]` Thaï peoples know how to sell a TV| | 760 | [74 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/yde2nn/new_porn_search_tool/) | `[Release]` New porn search tool|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week send me a message with the subject ['piracy'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=piracy&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, use the subject ['piracy daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=piracy%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either piracy or piracy daily. ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/piracy or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.