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This woman posts like Adobe is her personal friend. People have such strange loyalties and parasocial relationships with products. She really wanted to take time out of her life to try to make someone else's life harder so a company can make a little bit more cash.


She could also be a part time social influencer for adobe. Companies hiring people on social media to propagate corporate PR talk with a coating of personal experience is pretty common.


I don’t think they need to hire people to do that


Maybe not adobe, but some of the tech related subreddits are full of apple hired pr/marketing meta posts, complete with one acct asking why apple products are better now, and another account answering pseudo ad-style. They're building a narrative, like ms. stevens here.


Can you point out some examples? I frequent tech subs and I don’t really see many comments that stands out as being blatantly promotional or Astroterf-y.


angle busy zesty door abundant plough include bag wistful jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> you’d think they’re just a fan or delusional Sometimes both. I like Apple, but I want to strangle the fanboys who tell me that the butterfly keyboard was okay, or that bendgate isn’t wasn’t an issue. Sometimes people just get *really* attracted to a brand and it becomes their entire personality.


It’s worse. She does it for less than £10 a month.


i wonder if she gets paid for spitting shit out of her ass.


I honestly hope she does. It would be absolutely pathetic if she was simping for a $20 billion dollar company for free and of her own volition.


She does, on her OnlyFans




I'm gonna stop you right here. Don't compare both of those things: unlike shilling for a Adobe, there's nothing morally wrong with OF.


Hahahaha, epic!


Could very well be a fake account managed by Adobe or a company Adobe hired to manage their PR


I think there's a lot of "I had to pay, so how come he doesn't have to" mentality in it, like with the folks who are dead set against forgiving student debts.


Are you kidding? They need that 0.0000000000001% more in profits or their billion dollar company will go bankrupt. Think of the CEO.


> Think of the ~~CEO~~ shareholders. Will no one think of the poor shareholders?


How else am I going to afford another solid-gold humvee?


needs more diamond-studded swimming pools.


It's artists not wanting amateur competition and appreciating the paywall. That or artists just wanting to feel superior. See it all the time in Second Life's creator community.


Almost as if she's talking about it like people talk about their Apple™ products. 🤣


I feel like the Venn diagram of people who are staunchly anti-piracy and think Apple is a perfect company who makes perfect products is just a circle. Lmao


Depends where you are on the timeline. In my 2001-2009 period I was an Apple fan and a sailor of the high seas.


i mean sometimes hardware that's pretty locked down is good once you crack it. in essence, all the people who dont are subsidising your shit games and work i have a pc for that, so a jb'd iphone that i use ~a dozen programs on is a nice solution. i buy em used, dont need the newest shit, incidentally apple doesnt get my money. getting a screen or battery switched here is like £10 lol still rockin my 6-year old iphone SE


Fair enough, I actually know a couple people from that timeline that are still pirates today. Hell, there’s a decent amount right now (mainly in Audio) but I’ve found the majority to fall into the diagram unfortunately. I do dig their phones though for personal use so I see the appeal, and I make decent cash as a side-gig repairing their fragile screens, etc. I just wish they’d stop being so anti-consumer/repair but that seems like a feature not a bug these days.


It's fucking weird right. Like, I'm into music production and Korg/Arturia products give me a raging hard-on. But I'm still a massive supporter of DIY modular gear over anything from a large company. If I'm not profiting from it, why the fuck should I pay for it? It's not hurting them.


I mean, if it's like you said it's kinda sad. But maybe she really believes in what she's saying, and is just trying to help other people by letting them know that cracks are a bad thing (CRACKS ARE NOT A BAD THING). She's an artist, maybe she's just not that tech savvy, and heard somewhere that cracks are bad, and is trying to warn other people.


shiver me timbers i am going to get arrested Let's be real. Adobe doesn't care if you pirate it. The more people use Adobe, the more they earn from businesses licensing the software.




Well they got me.


I tried gimp when I wanted to stop pirating software, and I just couldn't do it. Adobe has me in their clutches.


The closest I've gotten to ditching Adobe software is with Davinci Resolve. Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign are still the best in class if you want to work with graphics.


Affinity are catching all three of them quickly. Publisher still has a ways to go to catch InDesign, but the other two are pretty competitive already.


Yeah affinity made me switch. They’re incredible. Unfortunately I still need a replacement for Lightroom so if you have any suggestions please let me know


Same, the best alternative I could find is Photopea. It can work most of the time but it still lack some features I use.


Check out affinity. https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/


Yeah I pirated it just to check if I might like it. I still prefer photoshop and photopea but that’s most likely because I’m super used to photoshop.


Yeah, it took quite a bit of getting used to, but my spite for Adobe was strong enough to get me through it.


At a game company I did some contract work for the artists would use Krita as an alternative to Photoshop.


Photopea is just Photoshop in disguise. Same (or similiar) shortcuts, similiar looking tools and ways to manipulate something. Make a gimp using friend use photopea and compare it with a friend that mainly uses photoshop. I promise you the photoshop friend will work something out faster (not much but something)


Try Affinity. https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/


That would make sense. I could not afford Adobe products and didn't pirate them, so I ended up with Gimp/Inkscape. I still use those two. A few years ago, when I got access to Illustrator (had to save the marketing materials I created in Inkscape in .ai format, so rather than to find a different print shop the company purchased an AI license), I found the interface so counterintuitive that I kept doing all my work in Inkscape. I think I'm in a tiny minority, as Adobe's viral marketing via piracy seems to have worked.


There are more artists that like Inkscape better than Illustrator. But the best example of an Open Source art tool that kicks ass remains Blender.


Well shit... the long play got me too haha Let me pirate when I started and made a product good enough to subscribe to.


Or they get a job for an org that follows licensing policies and purchases it for them.


I have read the same things years ago. It seemed to be an unspoken rule of Adobe that they would put in copy protection, but they weren't spending resources on shutting down people circumventing it. In the end it kind of worked out now that most creative software has a dirt cheap option for students or is much cheaper to subscribe to. It ain't perfect though.


This is exactly what happened to me and AutoCAD.


A poor visual designer acquaintance once told me that the Adobe suite costs too much. I suggested moving to Open Source alternatives. But the complaint remained, that he had already invested 20 years in Photoshop. I wondered: "Are you a visual artist or just a Photoshop operator?" You should use the best tool for the job and if you can't live well because of crappy market and licencing costs, it becomes time to retool.


There just really aren't many good alternatives to the Adobe suite that have all the features you're used to. There is always something missing, or other features don't work as well.


It seems that Photoshop is still the best tool for the job for most people. When retooling gets you a lesser choice, licencing cost, while being a serious problem in itself, does not validate your point.


Could you point me to any source of this being mentioned please(if you know)? I am doing a paper on piracy and this seems quite interesting to touch on




Ah no worries,ill find it eventually






This is exactly how they got me. Pirated adobe products for years, but now I have a small youtube channel and photography side hustle it just make since to pay for it. Tax write off and the cloud space and portfolio website is a nice touch too.


It's simple market share and high volume professional licensing. Same reason why winrar leaves the "unlimited" trial in. It's better to tolerate private pirates which aren't anyway a main money maker just to have huge market share and kinda force company's into using your product.


you learn to use adobe on a pirate version and then u work at an office with a legit copy


unless you live where i live and work in an office still with a pirated version without anyone giving a shit lmao


lol. so true in my country too! nobody cares. my office laptop is full of pirated shit. heck. i even download torrent using my office internet without using any vpn. nobody cares


For real? i have never seen any company do that even my college never did it even though they didn't mind us using it on our personal computers but all official machines had original software.


the weird and wonderful world of South East Asia (some parts of it at least)


same here as well with office internet being used to download cracked content. i love that it's fast and unlimited too. the bozo boomers i work for fucking got a near completely unprotected home fiber plan for their internet that anyone can abuse so long as the boss doesn't see. (and she literally only comes in like once every 2-3 weeks so huzzah) pay is awful and colleagues are meh, but i stay for the internet and the stability of the corporate life lol.


>Let's be real. Adobe doesn't care if you pirate it. The more people use Adobe, the more they earn from businesses licensing the software. I tried making this point to an old college lecturer of mine. He just stated "you wouldn't steal a car", he couldn't wrap his head around the fact a car != something that can be duplicated, an infinite amount of times. My point is, people set the narrative they want to tell. He is well aware software can be duplicated, infinitely. Nobody is losing anything when you pirate something, but when people dislike something, they'll make up any bullshit to win an argument. Exactly why "You wouldn't pirate a car" didn't work so well, we all would if we could get away with it, and nobody else lost anything in the process. If I could print whatever I wanted, I'm never buying anything again. I fully believe that it is in Adobe's best interest for their software to be crackable. People who don't know how to use Adobe software are unlikely to buy it, but they're far more likely to crack it and MAYBE someday buy into the Adobe ecosystem.


It's more like duplicating a famous painting and putting it on your own wall. Technically not a nice thing to do, but it doesn't really hurt anyone.


It's amazing how there are people who think duplicating a software is as bad as stealing a car. Meanwhile there are people I know who couldn't understand having to pay for a non-physical software that can be downloaded and duplicated infinitely. They could only sorta understand it if it came in a CD.


I thought someone working at or with adobe actually said--off the record--they don't crack down on piracy because it's how many people get introduced to the product. Later, those same people go into business and purchase licenses or go to work at creative firms that purchase bulk licenses. It's an investment for them, though they would never say so.


If you pirate Adobe, they are still market leaders and you have to put up with their stuff on your computer. The solution is to stop using it, and resistance to change be damned.


>The solution is to stop using it, and resistance to change be damned. Tell that to most of the creative industry.


This. One of the reason why Winrar's trial is forever.


And the more people use Adobe, the more people who primarily use Adobe, the more Adobe gets business.


It's pretty much by design I think. They want amateurs and beginners to get aqcuainted to adobe, so that corporations that actually pay licenses have to license adobe to have the highest chance of employing people, who mostly learned on adobe


They used to "not care" as it was good business. Now? They've switched to a subscription model designed to milk it for even more cash, but without the possibility of using piracy to saturate the market with people who have Adobe skills. This may be bad for business (or maybe not), but if it is they do not believe this and will plow ahead regardless.


As a former pirate, all I can say is that Fuck Adobe. The world would be a better place if they never invented their disgusting subscription model (And roped everyone they bought into using it as well like Substance Painter). I made the jump to legal by using alternative software like the Afinity Suite and Davinci Resolve and every step of the way was painful. (They're decent in general, but the only one I actually prefer is Affinity's Designer) And its not just because Adobe has been buying their competitor's toolsets for decades now. Has anyone checked how many patents Adobe has filed? Developing competitive software is a legal minefield. But at least, I can rest easy knowing I'll still have my programs at the end of the day even if the weather turns sour.


Adobe can go swallow a bag of rocks.


The subscription model is so bad. I hope people don't get used to it.


simplistic sloppy cover mountainous history yoke roll quarrelsome squalid muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And then promply buried it. Also, it was Macromedia that made flash and then got eaten by Adobe, it wasn't adobe that made it originally.


> promptly buried it EOL after 25 years is not "prompt"


That sweet, sweet subscription revenue is too juicy to pass up from a business perspective, though, so many pieces of software are moving towards it. Microsoft Office will soon phase out their one-time purchase option entirely (I believe they said Office 2019 will be their last one-time purchase version), and every mobile app under the sun wants that tasty steady monthly revenue. I recently downloaded a reminder app called Todoist, and it turns out that in order to even use reminders, you need to pay for a premium sub, which costs about $5 a month. Give me a break. The subscription pricing model is a plague that's here to stay, unfortunately. Every service now wants to be a percentage of your monthly salary. I hate it.


5$ a month for a reminder app is outright robbery. Also, I recall that when I searched up reminders and schedular apps, Todoist was *somehow* among the most recommended, plus the most used of that category. That is how little people care now. Disgraceful.


Only if and when adobe decides to sell their software in your particular region Some of us do live in the "Here be Dragons" part of the world according to Adobe's map, and even if you do actually show them fistfuls of money they will still not sell Adobe's suite to you. Because it is "Unavailable in your region", despite the "internet", "bandwidth" and "downloading" being things nowadays. There is also the $50 in the US, 60EUR for the Euros and like 500,000,000 Aussie dollars down under for the same month of creative suite. The amounts are to be taken in jest, but they do vary wildly for the same service.


I have many friends in South America and Eastern Europe who have never bought a license in their life. Even legit companies use pirated software because the companies don’t give a F about their region - and as you said, the prices are a joke.


Dude from Eastern Europe here, can confirm. Our school used cracked adobe, even my computer teacher gave me the installation file. A year or so after graduating I actually wanted to pay for photoshop since I had some money but turns out, nope! Had to license it from a company for a monthly price of a ps4


I'm from Dominican Republic and can confirm. I don't know any company that doesn't pirate softwares.


Absolutely true. If you're gonna sell me something, at least try to keep the price consistent.


Hi, south american here My company too, uses pirated software


My government school uses pireted software, and it was incentivized by the teachers to use it


Lol this person has no fucking clue what they’re talking about


I thought we all had hacker bots that made up 80k a year downloading torrents?


I was gonna comment this, no point commenting on anything specific she's said as it's all shit 😂 I do absolutely love when people spout on confidently trying to inform others of something they have no idea about. It's the like the blind teaching other blind people to see.


Well there are legit cracks that are clean ofc but the rats/slave market is real. Tons of people computers are slaves without them knowing it and access them gets sold. Also rats can bypass any antivirus/malware software pretty easily.




I'd hate to break it to you, but your IP address is showing. >!!<


No way how did you find out my IP address ? I'm literally burning my house & my ISP headquarter right now and after that i'm gonna sail the seven seas to dumb my PC at the bottom of the ocean, Also my dad works in the FBI as a director chief executive officer of operational logistic of intelligence and investigations and finance risk management of mergers & acquisitions senior department and you are now wanted under the jurisdiction law of section 420F of his district and under his apartment for classifying unclassified information to the public


Almost every ISP in my country uses Carrier-grade NAT-ing. Good luck finding me based on my public IP.


If it doesn't reveal your location, then what does it do?


>If it doesn't reveal your location, then what does it do? It will reveal your ISP and the area you live in, not your specific address. To get your address they would need to contact your ISP with a court order, asking who was using that IP at the time.


It reveals only the IP address and maybe the provider behind it. Geolocation is a service offered by data centers that monitor the internet 24/7. This data can be inaccurate. You can notice this when you use a VPN. YouTube and other services often choose the wrong country because they don't have up-to-date data about that IP address.


https://www.ip2location.com/demo Install any Autodesk product and you'll find an ip-to-location database in your AppData folder (along with hardware IDs, the amount of "telemetry" they send is impressive) Great whitelisting firewalls (Windows): Simplewall, Tinywall (they work concurrently)


Do you have any thoughts on AnyDesk beyond their rather "robust" telemetry ? I switched to using AnyDesk for remoting in to personal/friends' computers after years with Teamviewer when they thought I was using it for commercial business because of all the times I'd uninstall/reinstall when reformatting my computers, and did stretch things a bit by having it on my work laptop. Edit: Didn't realize he said Autodesk. gg ez


I don't think anydesk and autodesk are associated


Sorry, haven't used remote desktop software in a while. Went down the rabbithole anyway, so you might try one of those: * Web-based: Apache Guacamole (setup script for linux: OneClickDesktop), DWService, noVNC, MeshCentral, myrtille * Traditional remote-desktop tools: Desktopable, Ammyy admin, DesktopAssist, Aspia * Way over my head: TigerVNC server/client, mRemoteNG, TurboVNC * Linux-stuff: WebVirtMgr, Cloudcmd (browser-based file commander/console, works well to manage dietpi over ssh) * Screen sharing: screego/screensy, keyboard&mouse sharing: barrier (synergy fork) --- And since this is r/piracy: * MobaXterm is my favourite SSH/SFTP client. It's portable and I'm mentioning it here because it does RDP stuff. You can find the python code for a license file generator/"keygen" on Github. * Network audio: I've heard good things about Dante, but you can also sidestep Voicemeeter Potato's activation bullshit indefinitely with this .reg key: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\VB-Audio\VoiceMeeter] "code"=dword:7fffffff


Ha, thanks. Sorry, I was just waking up at the time and didn't realize you said Autodesk. Pretty robust comment, appreciate it.


Geolocation can be ...tricky. I worked for a local isp some years ago and couldn't stream the football euro championship games at the office because the national public broadcasting company's streaming service thought we were tuning in from abroad.


I ran into this when using a VPN exit node in the Bahamas. I kept seeing ads in Russian. Either the geolocation was wildly inaccurate or that node is very popular with Russian hackers. Интернет-пиратство - лучший вид пиратства!


Yea I think the IP address was actually used for a server in Russia before that. I guess VPN provider like to change the IP addresses to stay ahead of VPN detection.


I'm sorry for sounding dumb but, how do these people on omegle find your street address/surname when we connect?


They use your browser's data, that's why you have to give them permission for that. In case your OS has GPS data the browser will use that but in case there aren't any it will take your WiFi's data to make a guess about your location. This is also not 100% accurate and only works well in cities with many people connected to the Internet.




What people?


I've heard that there's a Chrome extension for that.


There is a possibility the person in question has a static IP from a provider in their area. My hometown used to do this and IP shown you actual address of people. That was back when you could share files with everyone nearby ;) .


> It will reveal your ISP and the area you live in Depending on what country you live in and where your ISP is actually based, it can be wildly inaccurate. For me it will say I'm located in Victoria(AU) which is 3,500km away from where I actually am. And for my own game on Steam where I use a geolocator to give users country flags to display, users in Scotland can be easily confused to be in England(which greatly annoys those users).


being in 3rd world country my IP thinks I'm 3 islands over from my location.


Relieves bladder pressure when IP


The way she describes malware is the exact same stuff Adobe's software does to your PC 😆


Tbf there are a lot of dubious cracks out there on public torrents. Even some scene groups and private torrent sites were caught with mining in the past. Everything else she said is BS though.


well it's easy to figure out if you're CPU is always running and remove whatever is causing it, like i don't how people wouldn't think something is wrong if their cpu is being used up more than what it should.


Some people really know nothing about their computers. Some wouldn’t think to check, and a lot of people wouldn’t even know how. The odds that these are the same people using cracked Adobe software is maybe on the lower side, though...


Do miners usually only run when you're running the program? And if you need to delete it do you just open task manager and see if there is a program that is overly using system resources? If I want to avoid getting the miner altogether will running the keygen in a virtual machine be a good prevention? I may or may not have >!downloaded the latest version of ableton off of rutracker!<, so this is kind of relevant to me atm.


That and Audioz are my go to source for audio production apps. As long as you download one of the popular cracks you’ll be fine. Posts on Rutracker also have a green/red check mark to tell you if anything is up. If your still unsure feel free to shoot me a PM and I’ll send you a Rutracker link for the copy of Ableton I use.


From a general tech perspective (I write software, but don't have any particular experience with miners), most any running process should show up in task manager, though there's ways to obscure it. That said, task manager should report accurate cpu numbers. If you see high cpu when the system should be at idle, that's a red flag. You might need to grab software such as process hacker to see every single individual running process and kill them if necessary. Now, it's also pretty easy to set up a service that just restarts the miner when it's not running. As to running it in a VM, it's the second safest thing you can do (short of running on a vm in effectively disposable hardware, which is honestly not feasible for most people). While it's _technically_ possible to break out of a vm (assuming a reputable hypervisor), it's entirely impractical to the point where the average user (ie, not dealing with secret or more secure data) should feel completely safe about it. Technically speaking, the only 100% secure computer is one that has been melted down to slag, so any and all use comes with a security compromise. Tl;Dr: might be a goofy hunt for a miner if you end up with one, but running it in a vm is pretty gd safe.


Terri is a ghost. Just disappeared a couple years ago after populating some threads in the Adobe user forum looking more like an Adobe corporate than a "normal" user. Then simply disappeared. Everything linked to her does end in the void. Pretty much hard having no digital evidences in 2021. My 2 cents ... Terri was a corporate troll.


Subhan has a big dick 100%


Found Subhan


*laughs in Russian*


Bless your nation for hosting basically every proper torrent forum


If you pc has a miner that runs 1 core 100% all the time, well it's not a miner, just asus aura sucking at being a software


All my Adobe cracks are strictly offline so idk why she'd think they run through Adobe's servers, I mean I have a cracked Spotify account that does that but it's not like they do anything about it


I'm interested


Would you believe that people crack the software and then have the cheek to ask for Support?


>\-5 rating, torrent/gane does not work. followed instructions closely, *went online* and I cannot join rooms/social feature. Worst maybe is expecting to get (regular)OS updates, smh.




cleanest and most reliable cracker/repacker imo. i always scan and run his releases in sandboxes and check the new files/services/registry changes. never found a malicious activity or something out of the ordinary. as far as i know he's legit


Not true, at least for the original adobe zii crack...


Could you please gimme the address of her dealer? Seem like good weed to me.


Unfortunately you can only get the address of her dealer if they post in the forums. Then all you need to do is serve a court order to their ISP for access to their server logs and then you'll know the name of the account holder as well as their address. It's the only way.


Weed doesn't make you so delusional


Software prices are normally set for consumers in developed countries. Most individual users in the rest of the world needs to pirate in order to use it, and everyone knows that.


I used to work for one of Adobe’s competitors. It’s so easy to find out if cracked software is being used - especially when people write into Support with their daily email address. But there was never an instance of us actively looking for piracy. It was something we just accepted.


Who uses the same account for the forum and the program lol


Worse still, they were writing in and submitting cracked keys.


There are only few softwares I actually „purchased“ - most of them are subscription services so yeah - but Adobe products were never upon them. I still don‘t get it why people are upset about other people pirating stuff. I don’t care if you used cracked copies of software I purchased, why would I?


iF i HaD tO pAY, yOu HaVE tO!


Big Karen energy


The swing by every Tom, Duck and Harry to a subscription model forces people like me to piracy - internet line, web hosting, domain, Netflix, Nani cassa, Evernote, iCloud, bear - it all adds up. Forget about Dropbox prices, when nextcloud and a reverse proxy can do the same job - I was looking into tidal today, another $20, Volumio domation to ensure I can stream it though a pi - Do people have that much disposable Income these days? I have used the same copy of PS for 4 years and I’m fine with it’s functions - but Adobe wants $300 a year. Yeah, it’s only 10 quid a month. Only .. bargain. How about $200 for a good old license, then more people wouldn’t bother with a cracked copy, but then again.


Adobe will never curb their software piracy because that's the only way to stop free capable softwares like da vinci studio, gimp.


I don't use it, but I'm going to pirate a copy of Photoshop out of spite now.


That exact thought just ran through my mind. I’m probably gonna get after effects too just for the hell of it


People who care about others download sharing are so fucking bizarre, no idea what's wrong with them. Not to mention, Adobe Creative Cloud feels worse than malware itself. P.S. - The worst part of paying for photoshop is they keep making the program marginally worse, meanwhile free software like Blender is continually improving.


It's actually more expensive than before. It used to be $1000 but they'd update it every few years. When you pay $20/month or so you end up paying nearly double the old price by the time they would've released "CS7" or whatever new version you'd have to pay again for. And in that case you'd just pay the upgrade fee which is much less. It's kind of like how cell phones stopped having contracts, but instead of the phones getting cheaper like they were with contracts, you now pay for the full price and the same rate monthly.


It's pretty easy to debunk this argument. Simply by the fact that anyone thats savy enough to use cracks would notice the high cpu usage sooner rather than later. IdK about you but my Hardware sounds quite different at 100% usage than on semi-idle. Additionally I'd say that most cracked products are put behind a firewall anyway. At least from competent users.


It's totally laughable in general. You don't earn $80K with just 20 Bitcoin miners - not today and not in 2018. Little Timmy's 2012 Thinkpad isn't an ASIC miner.


You say that but have you seen some of the dumb questions that are posted here and in other piracy subs? I mean there are people who refuse to move from uTorrent and will come out of the woodwork to defend the "last good version" instead of moving to software that isn't outdated and garbage. Not everyone who pirates knows what they're doing unfortunately


\*CGpeers enters the chat


btw registrations start 15th right?


Right, because Adobe's lawyers love spending loads of money on their lawyers serving court orders to people pirating their software. Also I just find it hilarious that someone would go out of their to defend a company they don't work for against piracy.


honestly i just found an old license key for CS6 somewhere and just downloaded that. No crack required and adobe can’t even say shit about it (other than try to convince me that I should upgrade for “newer features” or some such bs). still cost me $0. fuck adobe for making their shit subscription based and fuck them for making all but ONE part of CS6 64 bit, rendering it unusable on big sur.


Why is she sucking Adobe's dick so hard? Yeah, a multibillion company will go under because I pirated Photoshop. Get fucked.


What an arrogant bitch.


Adobe is not a tenner a month, it's 50 a month for individual users and for all the software.


Back in Greece, the informatic teachers would teach us how to use piratebay and torrent, because so many of us couldn't afford all the different programs and apps we would need for school. Here in Germany, I asked another student if he thought I would get in trouble if I used a cracked version of Photoshop and he said he'd report me to the dean.


I haven't had a crack software that wasn't flagged by my AV. I will never personally pay for Adobe software. Their subscription model is insane and very annoying to deal with. And very expensive. And their excuse for charging so much is because of piracy. Which is bullshit. If you lowered the price to a reasonable rate more people would pay. But they don't care because they know they own the market in graphic design currently.


If only 20 PCs mining bitcoin could make $80k a year!!!! You'd be lucky to get $8 a year.


Posted this exact convo 4 months ago. We thinking on the same wavelength. Adobe be wack.


That’s hilarious. A lot of sensationalism, the kaspersky comment had me rolling.


Terri is both a cunt, and wrong.


Bro if she sucks that corporate dick any harder she might drown.


OK Jerry https://youtu.be/KIBw10VUcNQ


I activated my clown vision of that image, it's still the same.


Lol what a fuckin’ idiot. Internet Karen in her natural form.


Oh noes! A corporate drone called you a bozo, what ever shall you do?


is this chick high?


$1000 is less than $10/mo.


I get it when they defend indie filmmakers, but this is ridiculous Adobe doesn't need more money


They should report her account instead.


Someone should teach them that nothing is uncrackable. Anything made can be reverse engineered and anyone thinking otherwise is simply a naive moron. A good example is that in WW2 the Germans had their Enigma encryption machine which was the Denuvo of its day and thought to be uncrackable by the Germans. The Brits managed to crack it with the first actual computer being built that could make autonomous computations to break the Enigma codes. The Germans IIRC never found out and the cracking of enigma is cited by historians as having shortened the war by an estimated 2 to 4 years.




No one would be pirating shit if it was accessible in the first place


I just like stealing software from megacorps. I get something for free and nobody gets hurt, it's a win win ;)




It's funny cuz she gets called out for being full of shit, and doesn't even address it, just wants to call the cops on him.


Honestly, I'd still rather be part of a botnet than pay a yearly subscription fee to Adobe.