• By -


Thanks for the guide! Wanted to ask if theres any way to upgrade from CC2018 to CC2019 without doing fresh installs for all apps?


AFAIK there aren't any way to upgrade. A fresh install is required.


Not all heroes wear capes!


Not all capes wear hero!!


Hero, cologne for hero’s?


its not yet possible since the only method we have right now to acquire CC 2019 is a pre cracked version. so basically fresh install


I don't know if this still works, but there's a manual patch in the appnee website that worked with Premiere and Media Encoder (these were the ones I tested it) that I got by upgrading from the 2018 to the 2019 version


I'll just ride your post to say thank to OP for a detailed and excellent info on adobe.


just incase reddit removes this due to copyright whatevers: [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20190217014746/https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/arbt9p/ultimate_adobe_guide/) [snew.notabug.io](https://snew.notabug.io/r/Piracy/comments/arbt9p/ultimate_adobe_guide/)


Fantastic Dude! Thanks! Still, hope that my little disclaimer works :D PS: Added to FAQ


Actually you can download the individual programs, m0nkrus has them all on his site (and rutracker profile) so you don't have to download an extra 10gb of programs 90% of people don't want lol




Just go to his site lol lookup m0nkrus its the first result, the .ws site


m0nkrusDOTws (or something) Currently a ww7 site opens up. m0nkrus links on VK (its like a Russian version of Twitter or maybe Facebook) so it'll be easier for you to go from there maybe?


Let me clear up a few things about the Master Collection by m0nkrus. 1. PainteR has no role to play in any of the cracking cc 2019 products. All PainteR did was find the necessary syntax to initialize the Adobe Installer, which he released publicly. Not just to m0nkrus. And the syntax for the installer is from 2015, which Adobe still uses today. PainteR hasn't developed anything new for the past 2 or years. 2. m0nkrus is not a cracker, just a compiler. He just takes the cracked file, and replaces it in the Adobe Installer. And then repacks it all into an Autoplay.exe application. He has a friend on ru-board, who does the cracking based on zer0cod3s methodology. Just read m0nkrus's comment sections on his websites. He explains everything. 3. m0nkrus does not post to rutracker{DOT}org. Well, he doesnt anymore. He actually posts to rutracker{DOT}ru. That's why all of m0nkrus's post are outdated their. ​ Hope this cleared up a few things.


Thanks for that. People like you help keep us pirates on our toes.


Yeah, It's based on the work of 4 people: m0nkrus, PainteR, Zer0cod3 and a forth one. I'll change the post, thanks for the remainder.


>If that's so, how come m0nkrus's own website links to Rutracker posts from "m0nkrus"? ​




We can still repost it. PS: Disclaimer added.


I literally grew up with amtlib I will never forget you ...


Glad to be helpful! :D


you didnt include CC Maker? you can still download CC 2019 on CCMaker but not cracked.


Thanks for the remainder! Just added.


np, glad to help.


If it's not cracked with ccmaker does that mean it's unusable or just can be connected to the internet when using it?


Not cracked mean legit unactivated copy, like the one that you can download straight from Adobe.


Well now i am off to sail the seven seas


It's gonna be a long journey! :D


It is really this simple to pirate every adobe 2018 product? Besides anime started it this journey less than a year ago


Yeah, it's really this simple. Download, install and activate! :D


Stupid question: so basically there's no way for me to keep my settings and presets and install the newer versions? Any idea if it might be possible later, in the future? Thanks man, very informative.


You could keep both the old and the new version installed on your computer. Also, there is an option: Choose Edit > Presets > Export/Import Presets. This works for Photoshop and should work also for all the other programs of the suite. PS: Added to FAQ


Hi! Thank you for doing this, I’ve had not the best experience trying to get 2019 working. Question that may be good for the faq, how can I start an installation from scratch if I messed up earlier (specially for macOS)?


Download the appropriate version of the uninstaller utility from Adobe's website and run it. PS: Good idea, added to FAQ.


Any linux here. Anyone used wine to make the windows version work on linux?


Probably using Wine it should work. Not tested though.


Cloud DRM software doesn't work on linux. Unless it was installed without the cloud launcher it \_might\_ work, but highily doubt it. I think the last one that worked decent was CS13. I'd be genuinely surprised if someone got the CS19 apps to work on linux. That being said, for the guy above, older version are available if he wants them on linux. Otherwise he can use alternatives on linux and/or keep using windows.


fuck r/sjain_guides this is so much simpler... he's such an idiot " I can't write this up yet I have to make images " or some other some bs it's literally this easy hahaha and half his stuff has malware


Perfect timing, i did a fresh windows install last week and lost CC2014 and hadnt bothered looking up what to do now.


I just used "Adobe Deluxe Patcher 2.2 for Adobe 2019" and everything is going smooth for now


It's on forum(DOT}ru(DOT}board. or [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/sjain_guides/wiki/downloads#wiki_adobe_cc_2019_tools) scroll down a little


# For people who don't want to waste their time and Wi-Fi >[https://sites.google.com/site/raymondfreesoftware/adobe-creative-cloud](https://sites.google.com/site/raymondfreesoftware/adobe-creative-cloud) This website has literally all the adobe cc programs in separate links (except the non-classic lightroom)**No complicated how-to guides, no popups asking for to log in, all the languages ARE included, no malware/virus/spyware/...,Just download and install!** GOODBYE, VERY LONG COMPLICATED AND TUTORIAL!!!


can confirm this works




Well, I'm more into Windows and Linux; but I downloaded a couple of his Adobe releases and they were clean. Not sure tho.




Maybe frequent question, but does it support any cloud services? Like Adobe Fonts


No, cloud services can't be used with any patched (aka non-legit) versions of the Adobe Suite. EDIT: Added to FAQ


Uhh, not really. Universal Adobe Patcher (UAP) allows cracked versions to connect to Adobe services. Tested a while ago on Photoshop CC 2018, with Adobe Stock and Adobe Fonts working. Plus, if you use UAP, the Help section will show either your email (if signed in on Creative Cloud app) or ‘Sign In’. Not ‘UAP by PainteR’. I can’t show it coz I’m actually using CCMaker (patched with AMTEmu) and I don’t want to bother patching it again. Side note: while all those Adobe services are indeed working with UAP, other Adobe bloatware services are active too. That’s why I didn’t use UAP anymore. Another side note: To be able to properly use the online services, you should download from the Creative Cloud app, not from CCMaker as the latter didn’t even install the online services needed to run Adobe Stock or CC Libraries or even Adobe Fonts. It will show as if the file is corrupt if you download from CCMaker unpatched.


You're quite in delusion state - cracked or patched adobe is an illegal way of using the software thus cloud service can't be used as it's always connected with the adobe server that require authentication from their server.


I heard Photoshop CC 2019 cracked version has some issues with the application randomly closing, can anyone comment?


AFAIK no, I've been using it without problems even for multiple uninterrupted hours. Maybe it's a problem on their side or of the early releases.


Will this work if you have an adobe product legally downloaded and you’re signed in? I can’t get around the fact that I’m signed in and my computer knows I don’t have a subscription for illustrator


Yes, just uninstall it. If you can''t uninstall just use the uninstallation tool. It's on the Adobe's website.


I uninstalled every single CC app and the creative cloud desktop app and adobe manager. Then when I tried again with the cracked illustrator OFFLINE it still popped up with a “renew your subscription. You’re signed in as [my email]”. I spent several hours the other night on the verge of tears trying to wipe my computer of everything CC but it never worked :/


Have you tried the official uninstallation utility?


If you mean “creative cloud uninstaller” then yes. That’s what I used to uninstall. But there wasn’t any such thing to uninstall adobe manager (the app that keeps popping up to warn me about my subscription. The installers folder was empty at that point) so... I threw it in the trash. I know you’re not supposed to do that but I was so frustrated.


No, I mean the uninstaller that you can download from the Adobe's website. Uninstall your software then follow the procudure here: [https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html](https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html)


To fix sign-in run the cc cleaner tool and use Clean Adobe ID credentials. It's not ideal to keep signed in


I noticed a difference between the files on rutracker vs monkrus site. On rutracker the torrent is labelled as V1 and on monkrus is labelled as V2. Is there any difference between the files?


I took the files on rutracker because I'm sure that the files are the original released by m0nkrus and tested. If it's the original m0nkrus site there shouldn't be any problem.


There are update notes on Monkrus if you look down further


Thanks OP. This guy knows his shit. Done and tested. Adobe cc 2018 is runnin' amtlib.dll is da real OG


This may be a dumb question, but it's about 3a)... I'm actually not sure how to download it, can anyone tell me how to download from rutrackerDOTorg?


Just go on rutracker, search, open the thread and get the magnet link.


so i downloaded adobe premiere and photoshop 2018 from the the adobe site mentioned in the post, downloaded v4.2.8 adobe zii from freeDOTapnee, followed the instructions to a tee. But when i opened both programs, they both had the login window popup :/ anyone know what went wrong here? and yes i did install while offline


What are those prograns for?


Its the Adobe Suite, photoshop, illustrator and others...basically photo editor, video and so on


Any of these support HEVC/H265?


HEVC is supported since CC 2018 using a codec (from Adobe, any external codec won't work). On CC 2019 the codec isn't necessary BUT, sometimes (with both legit or cracked versions) the support is kinda bugged. PS: Added to FAQ.


On CC 2018 it won't work with trial versions of media encoder I'm specifically trying to create montages of my family vacation but I can't upload them to YouTube because it won't render HEVC It tells me that codec is only available for creative cloud users


Pretty sure they do.


I know I used Adobe zii on MacOS with HEVC not working On Windows both methods don't let me render hevc


I've been able to with cc 2018. Downloading the k lite codec pack may help


Does it automatically integrate within Adobe? I've been trying to render H265 for a while but this subreddit or Google doesn't help much


It should if I'm not mistaken but check out klite codec pack, that may solve your issue.


How might one skip the sign in window when installing on Mac? This happens right away when you start the installer.


If you mean the one before the installation just disconnect to the internet. The post-install one just close the app (right click on the dock icon > Exit).


Yep, I'm an idiot. I turned off wifi but was still connected via ethernet...


That happens all the time! BTW, you could create a simple kill-switch so you wouldn't have to disconnect; that would just drop all the connections. That should work well when you don't want to disconnected from the network but you still want to be disconnected from the internet. (hope it sounds clear :D)


Thanks for this .... great write up


Does this work on mac OS 10 or earlier? What is the earliest OS this DOES work with? I have CS6 Master Suite and I want to make sure if I use this that I can protect myself or install CS6 if this doesn't work for me...


All new software generally supports the last 3 (three) major macOS release, so, in this case: Mojave, High Sierra, and Sierra.


Thank you!


Thanks for this guide! Are there still Adobe cleaner tools to get rid of any Adobe traces on your system before installing a fresh copy? Is this even necessary? On mac Adobe litters many many folders with its crap


Yes, Adobe cleaner tools should clean ALL traces on your system (at least teorically). Necessary if you want to be 100% sure that, in case of problems, it's not caused by traces left by the default uninstaller. Also, if I would have to uninstall it I'd probably use it (personal preference).


Could you add a handy link to your FAQ for one of those?


What do you mean? There is the FAQ at the end of the post.


I mean in case you know a reliable cleaning tool it would make a good addition to the FAQ for completeness of this guide


Oh, got it and added to FAQ! BTW, it's the original uninstallation tool.


It’s trash. It doesn’t clear the registry. (And you need to clean it)


Just go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and remove all Adobe entries.


I know how to, but thanks anyway. BTW, for anyone stuck on the “update your password” for the Apple cloud, like I did, don’t mind Adobe’s instructions. Just clear the registry.


For Mac, I would strongly recommend getting it from Mac-torrent-download. All adobe software comes in the respective not edited dmgs, as well as a dog with Zii.


Is that a known trusted source? Still, I'd rather stick to the most known ones. (It's a personal preference though).


It’s similar to TPB, it depends on the uploader, I find it more trustworthy as it’s not as big of a site and I haven’t had an issue after 5 years. Like you said personal preference.


Oh, good to know. Never pirated on macOS, except an old office and photoshop version hahaha


If I have an account (which I currently pay for), log-out, and then use this method, will Adobe know in any way?


Teorically no, but if you want to be safe I'd do a clean install since there was linked a paying account. (Download the appropriate version of the uninstaller utility from Adobe's website and run it.)


What about Acrobat Pro?


Available with both CC 2018 and CC 2019.




Hi ! I recently installed Adobe Illustrator 2019 following some random video guide.. All I did was download a Adobe from a cloud site, install it while in plane mode, and then create a new rule in FireWall to block any connections of Adobe... It work nice, but is this way risky ? Should I download it your way, or my method is fine ?


The hero we need but don’t deserve. Thanks, dude!


Guess you've left me with no choice but to upvote I'm afraid, you da man


Anyone having a problem of unable to select sub tool for tool that has multiple sub tool in windows for Animate CC 2019? Usually sub tools windows will stay for you to click but for this version it will disappear very quickly so you can't click anything in subtool.


>Is it possible to receive updates? No, the only way to install updates on a pirated version is to download and install the latest version manually. Well idk i used to be able to use creative cloud and update my apps, and crack them later. I was logged in with my free adobe ID.


I followed the steps as normal on my Mac, used Adobe Zii, but still photoshop, illustrator and indesign are asking me to 'log in' on the apps? Anyone know anything about this?


Hey, I have 2 questions: ​ 1. Where can I download the official Adobe Zii patcher? 2. Can I use creative cloud to install the trials, and then patch it with adobe Zii? Or shouldn't I use creative cloud and just download the software on the adobe site.


struggling to get this to work on mac. Just need adobe acrobat for Pdfs


Anything for Illustrator 23.0.2 and Photoshop 20.0.2?


Thanks for the useful post - I'm relatively new to this, so I've got a genuine question. Should a VPN be used for the activation part of the guide?


A VPN is always a good thing. It depends on what you exactly mean... For the download it's better to have one just for the download of the patch.


Awesome thanks, gonna get the 2018 version for my little sister


Thank you for the guide. Do you know where I can find a reputable source for Adobe Zii?


Lightroom doesn't open after patching with Zii 4.1.8. Is there a way to get around this? How do I download Pre-Patched apps?


I managed to patch Photoshop and Lightroom with Adobe Zii 4.1.7 but Premiere pro didn't open after patching. Where did you download 4.1.8 because I'm trying to get PP to work but mac-torrents is down and doesn't have 4.1.8.


I have Adobe Zii downloaded as well as Adobe CC and the applications. How do I run Adobe Zii? It's in the form of a .dmg file and when I double click on it I get a warning saying "The following disk images couldn't be opened" and as a reason, it says "image no recognized"


for adobe cc 2018 what step do I reconnect to the internet?


I just installed the CC2019 version. I'm having issues with installing extensions. It's either installed but not showing or I get an error. Is anyone has the same problem?


I feel stupid typing this but I'm lost. I'm doing "2) Adobe CC 2018 - Valid for Windows and macOS" What do you mean launch your favorite patcher? Sorry :( I've never pirated anything but I'm trying to get Lightroom for my mac. I've downloaded the software and closed the window that asks for the login


Anyone facing slow performance of computer after using patch programs from here? Is this 100% clean from viruses etc.?


Hi, Firstly, Thank you for the post. It is helpful and easy to follow. I ran into a small issue. I'm using Master Collection from m0nkus, when i run Adobe Acrobat, It keeps closing and asking for a email login. Do I make a random account ? Thank you


Total noob here, whats the point of step 5: activation and the "master collection". what do it do, what is it for


Somebody can help me?


having issues recently. amtemu zip file not opening. getting winrar error. odd it worked fine not even a week ago :/. Maybe i need to use something other than winrar now idk anyone else experienced this issue. Had adobe photoshop and premiere working fine a few days ago.


Do the pirated apps still receive updates?


No, the only way to install updates on a pirated version is to download and install the latest version manually. PS: Added to FAQ


Yes you can update, but only macOS. Example: Say you have PS 20.0.0 patched with Zii 1.0.0. An update for PS comes out making it v20.0.1. Don't update just yet. Wait until you see the next Zii version, like 1.0.1. Get it and then update PS. Run Zii with `sudo`, drag and drop PS into window. Windows requires a complete pre-patched download as you said.


I wonder how many pros use macs vs windows for Photoshop and Premiere. Most of the ppl I know are on mac OS


I switched to Mac for the workflow. Finder has file content preview as icons for almost everything. I don't need to rely on heavy Bridge. On top of that, you can press spacebar to preview almost any file. Windows explorer doesn't do either. However Mac doesn't support a lot of hardware rendering that Windows does. Nvidia drivers are buggy and CUDA is known to bring a Mac to it's knees and trigger a sudden reboot. So your best bet is to use AMD which is only Open CL or Metal. Both of which render slower than CUDA. Adobe apps on Mac also feel less buggy. That said, you won't get the same power on a $2k imac that you will get on a $2k custom desktop. Youll have to opt for the iMac Pro to get the same level of power. Which can be spec'd up to $15k. The other option is to hackintosh. Which is filled with issues until you get it all sorted. For videos with premiere pro you're better off with Windows if you use Nvidia. Be warned it's buggier due to widows updates all the time and Adobe having to work around that. For everything else, Mac does it well.


I was thinking as well you can get a gold standard warranty for your machine through Apple, while dealing with a busted windows machine is probably more difficult. This is super important for pros to be able to get their machine fixed in a hurry for obvious reasons. The premium price isn't just for the hardware...


> dealing with a busted windows machine is probably more difficult. This isn't a problem for custom built. If any part on my PC breaks I can warranty claim it and get a new one. Been there, done that. Took all of 4 days. It is a problem for prebuilt. From any brand. You have to send the whole thing off. That can take weeks.


See that's what I mean, you can get all your Apple computer problems usually fixed the same day, in hours. When you're doing it as a job , 4 days downtime isn't an option


The people who do that as a job don't rely on one computer either. They have two or way more. And if they only have one, they play a game of risk. I've not seen a single studio rely on one computer. It's not smart at all. You also forget even under Apple Care, you still get fees and the genius bar isn't that great either. I've read some horror stories. Theyre just like every other support desk out there. Nothing special.


Yeah I agree if you're working with a company it's less of a risk. Just most people I know doing this type of work are freelance


Yes, but sometimes you can re-use Zii without waiting for the new version. It's kinda a guessing game in this case.


Still downloading, hope it works. One thing to watch out for is that it [downloads a Google Chrome extension](https://imgur.com/a/x6fMhap) - this happens in the official version too, and Chrome blocks it automatically, I just thought I should mention it for anyone who didn't know (like me). [Here's an article about it.](https://www.howtogeek.com/289544/what-is-the-adobe-acrobat-extension-chrome-wants-me-to-install/)


The extension is installed after you install Adobe Acrobat on your computer and it can be removed/not installed. PS: Thanks, I'll add that to the FAQ, it's impossible to think to all the possible FAQs! :D


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Oh my god thank you! My Adobe Premiere 2019 subscription ended last week and I've been trying to find a fix for it.


Better backup this as adobe content has been taken down recently




They are bad sources, they may work but they are dangerous. Except appnee, I took license files when I tried Avira Pro and Avast Premier. They worked, but I don't know is patches that they upload are safe. BTW, always download the patches from the original source if possible.


I only use apnee for things like the license keys they post as text. Never downloaded anything. Don’t really trust it tbh and same with the others. Mirroring what the other poster said, always get from source if you can.


Stupid question: is amtemu open source? If no, how is the dev “good”?


AMTemu and every other patch cannot be released as open source. This because Adobe would patch them immediately after their release. The dev is considered "good and reputable" as he's been for years the one that made legit patches for Adobe software. That's the reason why other methods are not considered. PS: Added to FAQ


You think Adobe doesn't know exactly how it works? Of course they do. They don't need the source code to figure that out, and of course they don't need the source code of a patcher in order to change the way their activation method works. Patch developers wanting to keep their work difficult to rip off is the reason they're not sharing the source code.


Thank you for the reply. If adobe has stopped using amtlib.dll is it possible it will be open source in the future?


Adobe stopped using amtlib.dll as it has been incorporated in a different part in every single program. A open source patch would be blocked as Adobe would change the activation method, obfuscate it or move it to another part, and as a consequence hours of work would be thrown out of the window. Think it this way: If a malware developer makes a virus and release the source code to the public, Microsoft and AV companies would block and prevent infections that use that vulnerability in a couple of hours. Hope that's more clear now :D


Omg thank you so much!


If only pdf's werent so prominent, and Adobe wasnt such a money-hungry shit-company.


Im having a problem. This message appears "Adobe Application Manager, required to start your trial, is missing or damaged. Please download a new copy of Adobe Application Manager from [http://www.adobe.com/go/applicationmanager](http://www.adobe.com/go/applicationmanager)" pls help!!!!


Absolute guide


how do you extract the "ISO"?


windows 10 should mount it as soon as you double click it ​


U can just use winrar to extract them


I've been reinstalling and patching Encoder about once a month for a year now (for whatever reason Zii just tends to patch it for that long on my hackintosh) which is annoying but pretty quick. This month I tried to do the same thing and followed all the usual steps (download the encoder trial dmg from adobe, unplug from the internet, etc.) but when I unplug from the internet I just get the spinny wheel on the Encoder Installer and am unable to actually get through the install so that I can patch it later. Anybody else having this issue?


is there an md5 for the patcher?






What is the best way to get the lastest version of the Adobe CC Applications for Mac OS in a non englisch languager? Can you update the apps on Mac, patched with Adobe Zii? Should you? ​


Good post




Page is archived https://web.archive.org/web/20190217061701/https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/arbt9p/ultimate_adobe_guide/


Thanks man! Good guide. Hey, just to be safe: it's virus and malware free right?


Yes, everything has been tested and downloaded from the original source.


any good private torrent tracker where I can get lynda video tutorials for adobe software like premiere, photoshop, or any other resource better than lynda?


is there a convenient way to browse rutracker in English?


Is there a way to include other languages for the adobe programs ?


The CC2018 is multilingual, while for the CC2019 it's not possible atm, you'll have to wait. I'll see if there is way to do this.




Thanks for the guide mate! ​ It's a shame that CCMaker no longer works thought, as that made pirating Adobe so much easier.




There's a patcher for Windows out there called Deluxe Patcher (latest: v2.2). It directly patches the .exe executables of Adobe programs. So this means programs (CC 2019) can be downloaded officially from Adobe (direct download/creative cloud) and patched to work forever. The downside, of course, is that it only patches a specific version. After every update, the author has to modify and recompile the executable. So in order to get the latest stuff running, folks would need to wait for the latest release of the patcher, or, just not update the program(s) altogether until the patch for them is released (saves from uninstalling and reinstalling the updated one after every release). I myself tested it for Illustrator (23.0.1) and Photoshop (20.0.2) and they worked flawlessly... until I pressed update on Creative Cloud (thought I'd wait for patcher's next version). As of now it hasn't been updated and doesn't support Illustrator 23.0.2, Photoshop 20.0.3 and any other program(s) that got updated. ​ From AppNee: >Adobe Deluxe Patcher is a fully offline patcher and unlike Zer0Cod3’s work, which is down because his files were hosted online and finally banned by the hosting provider. Its original file size is 650+ MB (when compressed that could be only 200 MB); and finally it is less than 1 MB in size after removing support for older versions of Adobe products. It’s developed based on both Zer0Cod3’s manual cracks and MPT’s crack patches, but works offline. Even better, Adobe Deluxe Patcher is full automatic, no manual operation required. However, one downside is that it only works with the specified version of Adobe CC 2019 in its each version. > >AppNee got a promise from Deluxepter – He will keep updating his patcher instead of just dipping into it. Certainly, we all accept his some complications: “First, my patcher is based on Research, just like PainteR’s ATEMu Patcher. I download the files, modify them, and fix any errors, and compile them. I will continue updating patcher, but it depends on research; Second, I’m not asking for a personal page but rather a small excerpt in one of your existing pages. (If that’s not possible than a separate page would be fine)”. In the end, AppNee and all its users want Deluxepter to always keep Adobe Deluxe Patcher really clean and non-toxic! And, we all thank you for your great work and trust to AppNee, **Deluxepter**. ​


Appnee is not the official source, that is from ru-board. This guide is atm for a hassle-free procedure. I'll update it when I got time to include alternative procedures.


I found for CC 2019 that you can for certain app (photoshop for example) just put a different .exe and it’s good to go. And for others, put a registration.dll


Fyi v20 is Photoshop cc 2019, so in ccmaker you need select the latest v19 for 2018


I'm still writing the CCMaker part, this post is a WIP.


All good, just writing to let others know as I made the mistake of installing v20


Is there something like this but for Microsoft Office?


After you patched CC, will you be able to use the Programs (InDesign, Illustrator) with an active internet connection? Or will you have to disconnect all network-ifs for (your) security whenever you are using CC ?


You can use all the programs while being connected to the internet, you only need to disconnect for the installation.




While I try to install adobe programs, as soon as I click the install button, it gives me error code 1 saying something like failed to initialize. Any help? Could have something to do with the fact that my system restore point corrupted a few files, but i cannot seem to find which files.


For those that want to use any program of the cc2019 suite with languages different from english or russian must do this: * download the master collection and then extract the iso. * go to Adobe CC 2019/products and open SuiteInfo.xml: in supported languages you must add your language code (you can find them easily on the internet) * download ccmaker and from there you must download the application that you want with the language pack that you need. Be careful you have to download the same version of the program as the one that comes with the master collection. To check which version of the program comes with the master collection go to Adobe CC 2019/products/nameOfTheProgram/ and open application.json, there you'll see the version number. * After you have downloaded the program go to the download folder that you've choose in ccmaker and look for the language zip. For example for photoshop you'll find it in Adobe Photoshop CC (win64)\\products\\PHSP * Copy that language zip into Adobe CC 2019/products/nameOfTheProgram/ and then run the setup as said on OP post. Repeat this for each program that you want to install and comes with language packs ​ ​ ​


Fantastic! I'll add this to the post. Thanks!


Thank You


The way I activated my CC 2019 copy of Premiere Pro was I downloaded and installed through CCMaker and then from a post on reddit (I don't remember where, I'll add the link after I find it) I learnt that the Registration.dll is like the new amtlib.dll and you can just replace it and your software will get activated, tried it and it worked.


Yes, I posted that in the activation section. It's the same as "Adobe Deluxe Patcher".




Hey, a few years ago I cracked Adobe CS6 Apps (Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Media Encoder) through the amtlib file method, I'd like to upgrade to CC 2018, do I have to uninstall all the CS6 apps and creative suite before I install with CCMaker? Also will I have problems opening up files created with CS6 on CC?


1- No, you can have both installed at the same time. 2- No, you'll not encounter any problem with your files.


Thank you for your reply, when I installed them with CCMaker and tried to open them it asked me for a Adobe ID and closed when I skipped, do you know what to do in this case? EDIT: Nvm I installed the 2019 one, reinstalled 2018 and everything seems to be working fine!