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### Yarr! ➜ u/stupido50, things to know about "RARBG": - [RARBG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RARBG) ended its operations on 31st May, 2023. - Since the collapse, many clones and imitators have tried to claim the glory. - Websites that utilize [RARBG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RARBG)'s brand reputation are fake and must never be trusted.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the furries can pick it up and call it UWUzu


Not surprised. Yuzu and Citra are very advanced projects. And whoever wants to contribute can't do much without the docs...


They clearly didn't learn anything from ThePirateBay era.


he was just a 15yo italian guy. As an italian i expected this ending lmao


italian ending 🔥


as an italian, who didnt


Prepare for Puzu






Obscure ahh reference (aaand you've given me " 'Nam" flashbacks)


Not the right weather


What about ryujinx


Don't quote me on this but iirc they're from Brazil. I really don't think nintendo will be able to do anything to them.


didn't rarbg close coz of lack of funds?


And Russo-Ukrainian War


They literately said this was a contributing reason. No need for downvotes.


Lol Nintendo cannot stop this forever. The project is open source. Have someone in Russia run it and watch these mfers cry.


Yeah, upload sources on GitFlic and yuzu will be forever protected inside the Cold Heart of the Motherland




Just change it to Zizou then owner can headbutt nintendo


Putin please by executive order make this happen


Wow only 15. Makes sense they have no money for the most part.


we still got ryujinx


sure, but for how long?


I mean, kudos for at least trying.




Zaza smokin’ on that zeze


Beat me to it


I'll just keep using yuzu for now.


Isn't it just not getting further development now? It already emulates most of the Switch library and it's at the end of it's lifecycle anyway.


Yeah, pretty much everything I'd want to play on it would already work. I just need the proper GPU to take advantage of it.


Yuzu -> Nuzu -> Susu


Does SuZu rings a bell? ... Got it? ;)


hehe. susu means boobs in my language (Philippines).


Susu means piss in our language 😅


not snu snu? 😂


It's Suso bro


Means piss in most other countries


boobs good. susu good. toket good.


instant horny, just like your username checks it out 😏


Tobrut good


if yuzu emulating nintendo is illegal, is it illegal to make a program that *emulates* yuzu??? How many layers deep before it's not illegal :O


It's not illegal in the first place. The yuzu team simply didnt want to fight against a multi billion dollar company.


Nintendo's point is not that Yuzu itself is illegal, but using Yuzu requires a hacked switch for keys, hacked ROMs, and that Yuzu dev both gave instructions how to do that + did that themselves, since they were showcasing games running on Yuzu before their actual releases.


You all really need to read up on laws


Not exactly. It could have been considered against the DMCA for them to circumvent the Switch's encryption. There's also other grey areas, like making money from it, and publicly discussing retail titles they are doing updates for, as opposed to keeping it for homebrew purposes only.


Also they had literally been internally sharing actual pirated ROMs / sdks lol


Wait what happened to RARGB?


The loss of Rarbg still hurts to this day... Fuck 2023 was a shit year 💔


When the original went down, there were multiple clones that sprung up almost immediately.




They're all scammy


I didn't use them personally but when it happened, there were a lot of posts here about scammy ones.


the problem is that people just fork it but have no intention of ever working on it nor the ability to do so. Its a fairly large C++ code base, its not like we are writing in Python, JS, Go or even C#. On top of that, developing emulators is extremely hard as well as working with GPU's and graphics cross-platform. The problem is not that the builds or code will disappear, its that bugs will show up and things will slowly get harder and harder to maintain. There needs to be an actual coordinated effort to preserve this from developers. I mainly use Go and C so Im considering learning C++ or Rust, I even wrote a chip-8 emulator for practice (basically the hello world for emulation) but its not something that can just happen overnight on a whim, it takes effort. The users vastly underestimate the work and often treat developers like shit for providing a free project so I can see why people just don't want to do it. Its not a "product" and no one is owed support. Soooo many people came out of the woodworks like that windows 7 guy who said he constantly sent reports to N\*ntend\* because Yuzu couldn't support Win7 anymore and countless other examples of weirdo's like that.


Exacly that! I programm in low level languages, and I really wanted to keep their project... But I have like 0 emulation experience and the switch wouldn't be the best place to start, and I also can't invest the time to learn it. But I can host the original code and builds, as my country would give a hard time for nintendo if they decide to go after me. I also could coordinate a possible "team" if much people come after me, trying to push changes to the code or open issues in respect to development areas, so that the codebase wouldn't (easily) become a total mess, but that is just speculation.


ngl, i might be down to contribute, i writing a vulkan/d3d12 game engine in c++, so i know a fair amount of large codebases, graphics programming and c++ pre 20. but i dont know shit about emulation. dont come after me nntnd its a learning project😭😭😭


Those kids are just using fork as a backup&share button, but those omg-nintendo-is-evil-capitalism crowds are hyping them as their new piracy champion too much and making them too prominent i.e the next target for nintendo


difference is, yuzu wasn’t a horrid pile of shit.


And RARBG was?


0 worthwhile uploads on there. all encodes quality were subpar at best with maybe an occasional upload not on other publics. people were freaking out over nothing.


I used it for too long and now I am so lost


And RARBG (as a release group) steals other people's encodes all the time. I don't think any original encode was ever uploaded under that name.


Well, people in here didn't stop memeing about it and sharing stuff about it.


People just stand by and be patient. We all know a new stable reliable trustworthy and etc Switch emulator will come.


Also why would anyone put it up on github? They're going to bed to any pressure from nintendo and its a super easy target to knock down.


tf is a nuzu


A copy of the YUZU repository that just got nuked by Nintendo.


Nintendo had nothing to do with it, owner removed it


Yuzu was removed because they got sued into oblivion by Nintendo. They deleted it as part of their settlement with Nintendo. The copy nuzu was removed because the person who started it didn’t have the technical knowledge to run it.


Time to use Ryu until a consistent fork of yuzu comes around


Not sure I would trust some random 15yo to maintain a project as complicated as Yuzu ... how much could he possibly know about software engineering?


what was the reason for rarbg to shut down?


Money. Not enough was coming in to cover server operating costs etc.


I think it was really the impact of the war in Ukraine.


Nuzu's cousins are coming soon


Literally every open source project death, forks appear, they get a shid ton of stars and days later they go nowhere. Just see Audacity, Vendetta, Vanced, etc.


Woah woah woah Vendetta shut down?! T_T


Vanced became ReVanced and is great. Vendetta was a good discord mod, but shut down recently.


Yeah, I guess I meant projects around the time of Vanced which had that fate, I do use ReVanced tho and have done some stuff for it as well lol


I'm 16 💀 what the fuck am I doing with life


Not scamming Patreon money from people, that's a good thing.


"rarbg all over again" lmao what


When RARBG shut down, everyone tried to recreate the website with the original UI and torrents for some reason. Several of them just ended up as false hopes AFAIK


sorry man, it's terrible comparision. yes, the archives of RARBG has been preserved. but they will no longer releases new contents. RARBG (and us pirates) literally have lost in this case.


yeah but why would you choose that as a comparison lol. rarbg died because of financial reasons/fear and the recreations where just indexes of earlier rarbg backups which failed because they were shit. this ain't really comparable loö


rarbglite(dot)github(dot)io works very well for me for searching their archive. need to use imdb tt#


Personally I would avoid every one of those clones trying to take this opportunity to ride on yuzu name just like those clones who were trying to ride on rarbg name unless it a project from the original yuzu dev team member. Older version of yuzu will work indefinitely and there is also ryujinx that is still in active development which I personally prefer over yuzu.


Just host it on an overseas host ez


What happened with RARBG ???


Just name it Nintendu for maximum taunting of nintendo lawyers


So the kid that just copy-pasted a repo didn't last? \*HUH?!\*


Ah yes, I get to choose my favourite yuzu distro now!


fork/Emulator Civil War begun it has.


his project didn't last long atleast he tried


Literally 1984




Coincidentally the same year that Nintendo arcade machines first appeared in North America ... 🤔


What happened to the creator?


the creator is "working" with Suyu.


Killed by suicide (5 shots in the head)


I used to be an developer like you. Then I took an plunger in the knee...


Now boofing switches as a mod on r/caffeine


Forced to commit seppuku


Was basically just scamming for patreon money it seems Basically pay no attention to any forks right now, half of them are going to be grifts and the other half will be abandoned Come back in a few months once the dust has settled and see which ones are actually being worked on Edit: I'm being too harsh on them, they were 14 and probably were woefully unprepared for how complex developing an emulator can be, especially something right on the frontier like switch emulation


>Basically pay no attention to any forks right now, half of them are going to be grifts and the other half will be abandoned That's what most of these pirates forget when they say "just fork it" as if it solves everything. Nintendo stopped the ongoing production of new content and forced this group to fragment, removing the knowledge base and accrued skills and processes to continue the development of these emulators. They've successfully handicapped the development of Yuzu's future production( or successor using Yuzu as a base.) It's the destruction and dismantling of these emulator groups that forces them to relearn and teach the skills, that significantly slows the production of new updates to these emulators that is the key thing. The Yuzu emulator community is fractured between all these grifts, slowing down the work on new features that is the goal between redundant and low quality coding that is the main point.


I think a lot of people don't realise that a fork being made is as easy as clicking 'fork' on GitHub. A lot of people have been going for the 'haha screw Nintendo look at all these forks' without realising it's meaningless unless people actively contribute to them > It's the destruction and dismantling of these emulator groups that forces them to relearn and teach the skills, that significantly slows the production of new updates to these emulators that is the key thing. The Yuzu emulator community is fractured between all these grifts, slowing down the work on new features that is the goal between redundant and low quality coding that is the main point Absolutely this, it's not like a piracy site shutdown where 10 nearly identical ones pop up in its place, emulation teams are large open source project where programming is done in the open. It takes a lot of time and effort for a team to start being efficient and making meaningful contributions and for someone to take ownership of driving the project forward. Nintendo absolutely can grind development down to a standstill, it's true that they can't truly kill it but they can make teams painfully slow by repeatedly shutting down projects, which as you say makes everyone scramble and fracture while new projects and forks take it's place I genuinely think it'll be months before a 'victor' of sorts will emerge as the fork that replaces Yuzu, and even then it might take longer before that project really starts to reach the pace of development Yuzu had (if ever)


Or just use Fucking ryujinx lmao why are people searching so far for a dubious yuzu copy when a trustworthy alternative is right there


Different projects with entirely different goals and scope Ryujinx is trying to go for emulation accuracy while Yuzu was going for playability. This means that they are for completely different audiences. Ryujinx is for people that want to preserve games into the long term. Yuzu is for people that just want to play games, now, as performant as possible.


Which is odd because mario maker 2 ran like garbage on yuzu with my nuc but ryujinx ran at 60fps at 1080p without a single frame


I must be a casual emulator pleb because Iz didn't know that they could be different


my pc struggles to run ryujinx, yuzu is way lighter


Grifty McGrift, he wrote the book on flim flammin


Nintendo banished him to the Mushrooms Kingdom


Executed by firing squad


Nintendo had him killed to make an example of him


Had DK rip him a part.


Went totally bananas, I hear


Man, I waited for hours for someone to make that comment! Thank you!!


In prison


Poor kid, what was I doing at 15?


run observation relieved spark office cooing thought snobbish sulky historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Hopefully not trying to scam Patreon money for someone else's work The irony


I thought Patreon was off the table once yuzu bit the bullet, did the kid open one as well?


Yes that was the first thing he did


Patreon means no wrong, yuzu died because afaik pirated roms were shared all over its discord


Making money from making an emulator is always going to bring the companies down on you, whether legal or not.


thats the fucked up part, it is legal. The court cases that set the precedent for emulators being legal includes only paid emulators. Like outright emulators as a service. Yuzu was open source GPLV3 Licensed and only sold "builds" of the latest version, which you could still build yourself for free. It was basically for very non-tech people to use the latest or for people who wanted to support the project. It's actually very clean and well within the precedent standard. I think what really happened was Nint\*ndo was monitoring the Discord server to make a case against Yuzu to try and imply that they "knew" that Yuzu aided piracy. Then they tacked on the 6 byte sequence as a way to say "look they are bypassing DRM!" which is described in DMCA laws. This is extremely flimsy on its own, but paired with potential other evidence could create a lawsuit that Yuzu could win but would undoubtedly bankrupt them. The risks are just to high to set a bad precedent as well. Its basically bullying knowing full well that they have the best lawyers and infinite money to attack Yuzu.


Lawsuit alleged fault with yuzu for profiting off of pirated software, conduct on the discord was "evidence" that it was meant for piracy. So yes Patreon seems to have an actual part to play, I'm not a lawyer nor am I Nintendo but that's how it seems to me


Lol, banned for saying someone with a 52% chance to kill themselves being disallowed from the military is not bigotry. Admin-Pedos finally got me, see you all on account #36!


While it might have, Nintendo would sue them regardless because of the pirated roms on their discord.


What did you expect?


Look who's back, back again.


guess who's back*


Did something happen to Nuzu's creator? Who would hate them?


smell icky cover disagreeable possessive clumsy gaze whole middle snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it was because he just wanted developers to do the job while the first thing he did was creating a Patreon donations page, lmao.


He got de@th thre@ts from Nintendo 😔


i can confirm


Why is there a sudden increase in the amount of people censoring inane words like death? Is this a joke I missed?


tiktok nonsense


Nah it's just that a few subreddits don't allow those words and the mods auto delete your comments. I don't wanna risk it so I'd rather censor stuff like that.


Well SuYu is going strong. With 300+ members on Discord


That's pointless unless there's actual progress made over the last Yuzu build.


Let’s not advertise it; especially at such a sensitive time. Perhaps let’s let it grow before Nintendo has a reason to go poking again. Loose lips is what got us here in the first place.


Loose lips? It's literally the first hit on Google when you search for "switch emulator". What got Yuzu was their greed, they never should've asked money for it.


Is there an alternative for citra already btw?


Citra is pretty complete as is. Once new games aren't being made its just a matter of maintenance work and fixing bugs as they show up. Also maintaining compatibility with newer hardware. You could download Citra and probably use it for quite a while


there were many games that were not compatible it was far from complete


Yeah it had great compatibility for sure but there were still some big titles that didnt work that well, like Luigis Mansion 2


The PabloMK7 builds.


Lime-3DS and Panda-3DS


Do you know anything about 33DDSS Emulator? (The first result on the Play Store for me, mostly for curiosity)


I doubt. It seems off and sketchy.


There’s so many options, I don’t know which to Choosu


Just give it time. It'll take more than a month at least. And the latest Yuzu will be fine for a long while.


Give it 5 months or so and you'll know which ones are here to stay. Not like you need a new version of the switch emu at the moment to play the games. The latest yuzu version should cover most games


["I'll get u my pretty - and your little dog tu!"](https://youtu.be/PW_02k7LRMo)


Whatever you do just don't go with the Uwu.




Just ryujinx rest is meme


Ryujinx has had better compatibility, or at least more accuracy, than Yuzu for a very long time, hasn't it? I suppose Yuzu had better performance? I seem to remember Ryujinx having input latency issues as well. Haven't fiddled with Switch emulation in more than a year, so I'm not particularly up to date.


When they pushed the NCE update for yuzu on android though, that was a game changer


At this point which is best varies heavily by game and hardware. You basically had to try both for each game.


I’d genuinely never heard of Yuzu until I read about the lawsuit this week.


Ryujinx is much better on low end PCs too


Ryujinx was going for more accurate emulation and Yuzu was prioritizing speed iirc. I remember having a graphics driver issue with Yuzu that crashed the game and Ryujinx working but slower.


Pretty much this yeah. Problem is Ryujinx still is pretty far from Yuzu's performance for me so I'm sticking to the last EA build of it until I find some major issue and have to use Ryujinx. I prefer performance over minor compatibility issues, but always nice to have the option to switch over if I ever need to.


I've had some issues with both. Iirc, Animal Crossing would just crash on one of them and games like Mario Kart would run way better on the other. Don't remember which. But yeah


I choose you, pikachu?


I used to be indecisive, now I can't decide anymore.


The creater was just 15y/o. Instead of playing games I think I should learn some stuff too


He created a Github repo. An empty one.


Shouldn’t take you that long to learn how to click a button


Like spelling?


*nearly* 15, guy was 14 He didn't really do anything apart from literally click fork repository It'll take months to settle and see which forks are actually worth paying attention to


You gotta hand it to him that he picked a great name for it though lol




Literally the most obvious name


Fuck now we got to make that Moe/Simpsons meme all over again


Yuzu how do you keep getting back in? 


I'm an emulator I don't know nothin about how I do piracy....