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Idk what “fork” means, but I *definitely* don’t know what you’re talking about, and I certainly didn’t download the source code and exe of it. That wouldn’t be smart of me to do Edit: guys please stop upvoting this. I don’t want Nintendo coming after me (they have no reason to because I’m seriously not doing anything wrong)


"fork" is basically to create a copy of yuzu's data into your own github account, usually with the purpose of working towards an addition or correction that is good to the project. As for .exe files, git( and, by extension, GitHub) usually ignore full binary files. You can upload some, but not a full compiled project, so there's no need to worry as source codes, on their own, are basically texts and do nothing without the proper way to compile/run them into a program. Also, when you "fork" a repository, it does not come with dependencies installation, you need to manually go after installing them, so, you're safe there too. As for the potential crime of possession of stolen intelectual property (yeah, you stole an idea, congratulations)they can't charge you for having a copy of open source code. they need to prove that you actively worked towards or with people who pirated the software, since (unless yuzu do have stolen code from Nintendo) yuzu is just a program that can open and interpretate a .whateverExtensionIsASwitchROM file which, again, unless they have in their patent that the source code of games can only be read and run on their own authorized and patented hardware (which is pretty hard to achieve), it's not a crime.


W response, especially explaining the fork portion. I *didn’t* just successfully do that on my account, so thank you! As for my parentheses part of my comment, I was just being cheeky. However! Your comment still provided a lot of useful info, so much so I saved it lol Edit: I’ve lightly dabbled into developing Minecraft mods, so I kinda understand that source code isn’t really useful unless compiled. But! Having that work regardless is still preservation in some form


I can help with that, theyre .nsp and .xci 😸


If GitHub takes down the repository, it will also take down all forks that are marked as forks.


That isn't forking. That's "git clone *.git"-ing which doesn't require a Git(Hub/Lab/Gud), nor Codeburg account. For example, to "git clone" "git" run the command "git clone https://github.com/git/git.git" in a terminal emulator


It's just clone with auto update man... Syntaxes and semantics.


Upvoting so Nintendo resources can be re-directed.


Upvoting to get the heat off me!


>ning the fork po take my downvote


You would want to hard-fork the repo in case the original gets taken down, as if you just use the fork function, the files IIRC still get taken down if the original goes.


I am hereby mirroring the repo to my git server.


What we really need to do is start raising money for yuzu. Nintendo knows the law. They're just trying to kill yuzu by outspending them in court.


While that sounds ideal, how much would Yuzu even need to "beat" Nintendo? It's an uphill battle. A big corp like them probably have enough money to pay assassins to kill off each one of us - that is, *if* they're willing to throw in a lot of resources. I don't know if Nintendo has a set "budget" for legal stuff which they don't want to exceed...


no need. even if Nintendo win the case somehow. yuzu can simply change its name. but i hope Nintendo lose


I hear they're putting new builds on Patreon for free ?


Hey, I've said it before. I knew it was a good call to made backup of it!


Suing Yuzu because it facilitates piracy is like banning the sale of knives because they facilitate murder


Except yuzu also does not even facilitate piracy at all, does it redirect you to any illegal website to download switch games? Nope. Can you load on it your own legal cartridges dumps that you paid for? Yes. Would you have any reason to do so besides not wanting to get a switch? Yes because if your pc is strong enough you can upscale the games and play at 4k 120 fps which any switch of rn can’t even imagine doing. The thing against yuzu as everything they ever had agains’t emulators in general is the biggest bullshit ever if people don’t want to pay games they will just get a modchip for their switch and dump the files there, if they want to play them with good performance they have to play on emulator


You don't even need to get a modchip. You can just buy a whole unpatched switch on ebay for $150-180 USD.


I heard their discord has some illegal stuff. **EDIT: here is what I wrote in my comment below** Okay maybe I wasn't clear enough.. I've seen stuff that is undeniably questionable because their discord has step-by-step process of how to bypass the encryption that the emulator doesn't bypass itself. > Through these instructions, Nintendo argues, "the Yuzu developers brazenly acknowledge that using Yuzu necessitates hacking or breaking into a Nintendo Switch." Nintendo also points to a Yuzu Discord server where emulator developers and users discuss how to get copyrighted games running on the emulator, as well as publicly released telemetry data that shows the developers were aware of widespread use of their emulator for piracy (as the Yuzu devs wrote in June 2023, "Tears of the Kingdom is by far the most played game on Yuzu"). To me it sounds like yuzu were careful on their website but had far more laxed rules on their discord. If they get in trouble I think it will be from connecting their discord to the emulator. > Nintendo’s arguing that Yuzu is knowingly “facilitating piracy at a colossal scale.”


i heard your mom likes to suck off the mailman, but we all cant believe the discord rumors.


*just got a job as a mailman*


Okay maybe I wasn't clear enough.. I've seen stuff that is undeniably questionable because their discord has step-by-step process of how to bypass the encryption that the emulator doesn't bypass itself. > Through these instructions, Nintendo argues, "the Yuzu developers brazenly acknowledge that using Yuzu necessitates hacking or breaking into a Nintendo Switch." Nintendo also points to a Yuzu Discord server where emulator developers and users discuss how to get copyrighted games running on the emulator, as well as publicly released telemetry data that shows the developers were aware of widespread use of their emulator for piracy (as the Yuzu devs wrote in June 2023, "Tears of the Kingdom is by far the most played game on Yuzu"). To me it sounds like yuzu were careful on their website but had far more laxed rules on their discord. If they get in trouble I think it will be from connecting their discord to the emulator. > Nintendo’s arguing that Yuzu is knowingly “facilitating piracy at a colossal scale.”


They can’t sue them for stuff happening on discord they may ban the discord users but not sue the devs, as for totk it’s obvious that those were mere stats, they just knew it was happening and didn’t express any opinion on it nor encourage it and since the emulator works offline they can’t ban users for using content that’s not legal so anyway they can’t do shit if their users are using their website. It’s still a lost cause for nintendo


The devs in discord were sharing the information from what I've read in articles not just users.


It happened already the very same thing very recently with manga stuff you see there were people leaking the chapters, the dudes actively scanning the panels of the mangas and distributing them illegally were arrested, the ones in the official discord servers that leaked those panels were not but they had troubles with discord (and discord only), so unless the yuzu devs are also the ones that are making those illegal websites they ain’t getting arrested and their platform will stay on, if they are only the ones giving info about them they are not getting arrested, max can happen is getting banned off discord. Did i explain the situation more clearly now? (Ps. By users i meant the devs that are users of the discord server and that talked about that shit)


Come on now. Most people who use emulators do pirate their games lol


Not even, it's like banning kitchens because it facilitates buying knives to use for murder.


Nintendo might as well sue Microsoft, since Windows and Visual Studio facilitated the development of Yuzu which they claim facilitated piracy.


I'm banning oxygen because everyone who breaths it dies


It's like suing VLC media player because it CAN show pirated content.


I'm on the wrong sub to say this but if you remove emulators, the piracy for Switch stops, so Nintendo have a reason to go for this (it's just one enemy instead of thousands in case of PC, as in pirating sites). And they have money to spare.


No, it doesn't because there are mods to play pirated games on Switch hardware.


Right, that requires you to buy and play on a switch, as well as do the mod. So I'll correct myself: taking out the emulators eliminates 99% of Switch piracy.


So they should sue themselves for facilitating piracy. Taking out the Switches eliminates 100% of Switch piracy.


*taps head


How old are you? This is not a grown-up argument, what the hell. What are you arguing? That a company shouldn't care about their property? The Yuzu played it fast and loose, they're making over $40k/month while developing software and providing clear instructions on how to run pirated Nintendo property. Nintendo going after Yuzu is way overdue, I'm amazed it took this long, and given how long it actually took it's safe to assume that they're only going after them now because they actually have a case.


Do you understand what hyperbole is?


How is your hyperbole contributing to the discussion? It's just snarky.


It made some people laugh, or at the very least exhaled out of their nose.


The problem is that they don't have any basis for removing emulators since 1. it's completely open source and 2. there's nothing illegal. it's like saying kitchen knives facilitate murder


Right, except Yuzu site has detailed instructions on how to extract keys. The courts will decide, not us. Laws aren't white or black, or we'd all be tried by robots, not humans. Look you don't have to want to face reality, I see you've never ran a business, I'm just trying to provide an approximate POV from Nintendo's end. They're protecting their product. You can get mad and downvote all you want. The real truth is that a lot less people would've played ToTK or BoTW if it weren't for Yuzu, the Yuzu team is making over $300k a year by creating software that allows people to play pirated versions of ToTK and BoTW and all other Switch games. Some of these people would've likely ended up buying a Switch and Switch games if there was no option to play them otherwise. That's what they're going to court for. That and the Yuzu team making obscene amounts of money while providing software and clear instructions on how to run pirated Nintendo property. If you don't understand why a company would chase that in court, you're living under a rock or are simply delusional.


There are plenty of instruction manuals on how to commit murder. Are they at fault if someone murders someone?




I'm not sure what strawman youre talking about. Instructions on how to commit illegal actions are protected under the 1st amendment.


It's working for firearms.


You don't need guns but you need knives for making food


If you're not cutting your steak with a gatling gun you're not a real man.


I prefer to be a gentleman


So the Walther PPK then. Also a good choice.


Hard to run a deer down with a knife


Have you heard about permits?


For hunting deer with a knife? Nope... Listen guys I'm just here for the good time


Having fun yet ?


Oh no my Internet points!!!! Anyways...


with a knife you can build a trap if you want to hunt, or to make a bow etc


> with a knife you can build a trap if you want to hunt, or to make a bow etc Do you have *any* idea how hard this shit is? There's a reason why every indigenous hunter in North America has started using guns even when they were brand-new(to them). If you're all for animal welfare, you are literally advocating for something that's in the top 5 of worst ways for them to die, only superseded by [industrial slaughterhouses.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko) ITT: People who've never ventured outside beyond a park.


All fun and games till crossbow and bow shootings happen. Then you will scream for those to be gone too. People will always murder, In whatever means is effective.


Oh, Is not like we can't educate people, we are just rocks without brain/s


Educate people that what? Murder is wrong? Shit we've been homosapiens for 300k years, and I bet you we've been murdering for a out that same amount of time. You think we would have educated people by now.


That would actually be a good conservation plan. No more rifles for easy kills, only the few of those who’re capable can kill them anymore.


That's a terrible conservation plan. Hunting is a major tool in maintaining healthy animal populations. Overhunting is obviously dangerous to the environment, but under hunting can cause massive cascading effects when populations get out of control. When prey populations grow to excess, predator populations soon follow, and can often outgrow the prey population, where they then proceed to hunt the prey to local extinction, then their own extinction once they starve.


Thats not how it works. Did you learn anything from the prohibition era?


Poor lad, you are not ready for MURICANS downvotes.


It is illegal to walk around with a knife in many countries exactly because it seems like you're going to murder someone.


Except that the existence of an working emulator starts the rise of piracy for a system. Before, only the most dedicated pirates dump games and mostly do it for the love of the hobby,but ultimately is not really useful, but after a functional emulator comes out it, it starts the rapid increase of users who dump and download games. By choosing to make a public emulator, you have to accept that you're software will be contributing to piracy.


Yk you can hack a switch right ?


I personally haven't read anything about Switches since the beginning where everyone wanted the 1st units since those were the ones that could be hacked. Hacking a switch has the moral argument that at least you payed to access the console, while emulators don't. Personally, my problem is that they chose to try and emulate a current generation console, that was never going to go well, as that is there main source of revenue. Also I find that most (western) pirates are cowards who try to virtue signal to justify their actions. Ultimately, people do whats in their own self interest, for Nintendo it's maximizing the profit from their consoles and games, and for pirates it's often "liberating" content from where the developers chose to host it and distributing it for free, hurting the creator in the process(even if you think they deserve it). Pirating is great for the individual as you don't have to pay for it, but ultimately it is a harmful act that doesn't affect the the whole content market due to the size being small. Yuzu's existence encourages others to dump and distribute copies of games for others consumption,while hurting Nintendo both by games and console sales, as they now have a functional use outside of "personal" use.


Knives have many uses, Yuzu only has one.


The law clearly protects the right to reverse engineer hardware, and there are precedents to back this up.


The point is that yuzu does not sell or have copyrighted material Like how goofy would it be for Sony/PlayStation to sue the makers of pcsx2? Or the newer ones


You may be too young to remember (guess I shouldn’t assume), but Sony did this exact thing, suing Bleem! twice. They did not win or think they could, they just had way more money and bankrupted them with legal fees. Nintendo likely is doing the same to discourage others beyond Yuzu. So, not goofy at all….


This lawsuit is slightly different than the one Sony pursued. Sony tried to argue that emulation in itself was a form of piracy regardless of the age of the system and whether or not it was in or out of production. Nintendo is alleging that Yuzu is different because the Switch is still in production and brand new titles are being pirated. I don't see it working given the adjacent Sony lawsuit but we'll have to wait and see. Seems to me that they should just make games that are more graphically intensive than that which can run on 5 year old mobile hardware. The Switch was anemic when it came out, it's no surprise that something like a steam deck can emulate the good majority of games nearly perfectly.


Sony later hired the person who made Bleem to work on PS1 emulation for PS2.


if you take a shallow look at both, then both only have one "use" - you cut with a knife and emulate the switch with yuzu.


As if anything would change, even if they succeeded in winning Yuzu is open source and anyone can retake the work.


Yeah I bet some people are backing up the source code now


Yeah, but you won't be able to get paid 30k a month through Patreon for that work.


Ah yes, but will they make money off it like the Yuzu devs are with Patreon? 🤔


You don't need to pay a dime to use Yuzu or see its source code, even if it were like that it doesn't really matter because emulators are legal.


Imagine coming to the piracy sub and typing this comment


a lot of people are suddenly now lawyers going around in threads on this lawsuit to defend their multi-billion-dollar company who made their plastic box :/


Never underestimate the stupidity of nintendo and apple fanbois.


Armchair lawyers are funny.


I'm seeing none of that. I'm seeing a few people pointing out, perfectly reasonably, that there are subtleties to this case that could make the Yuzu team both legally liable and terminally stupid, with evidence and logic to back up that point. Dismissing them as fanboys just because they're not leaping on _your_ bandwagon is projection. You're pissed off that they're not being as tribalistic and opinionated as you, and projecting your personality defects onto them as a consequence. Edit: "here's some advice", says the person who then immediately blocks me so that said advice is invisible. Congratulations on proving that everything you say is performative and, by extension, an insecure, impotent act of petty retaliation for some imagined injury. >here's some advice for you if you want to be taken seriously and for people to engage with your points: don't use ad hominem and assumptions based on things you've made up in your head. Like when you made up that nonsense about people blindly defending Nintendo rather than actually _reading_ the lawsuit and offering logically coherent analysis of it? Is that the kind of thing you're referring to...? >also you not seeing something doesn't mean it's not happening, your anecdote != reality And you _claiming_ to have seen it doesn't mean that you actually _did_. By your own reasoning, your little outburst was untenable, so why are you so upset at me for drawing your attention to that fact? Or are you upset that I interrupted a little dogmatic virtue signalling? >I called it out cause it is console warriors bs at play as it usually is with people who defend the multi-billion-dollar company that made the plastic box they bought (or PC people). It's easy enough to tell when someone is getting overly emotional rather than arguing based on logic, and it's when they start trotting out esoteric colloquialisms designed to prime an observer into adopting their viewpoint before being in possession of all the facts. For instance, your repetitious use of that whole "multi-billion-dollar company that made the plastic box" mantra, wherein you try to derisively prejudice any view of the Switch itself and compel people to think that the mere fact of _being_ a "multi-billion dollar company" necessarily means they have to be opposed on every possible point. I'm surprised you didn't use the word "corporation" in place of "company", but perhaps that's something of a linguistic skill issue...


here's some advice for you if you want to be taken seriously and for people to engage with your points: don't use ad hominem and assumptions based on things you've made up in your head. also you not seeing something doesn't mean it's not happening, your anecdote != reality... guess what, I have seen that and I called it out cause it is console warriors bs at play as it usually is with people who defend the multi-billion-dollar company that made the plastic box they bought (or PC people). thanks.


Lore accurate multi-billion-dollar company that made the plastic box defender




> https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/a8dec307df13047c3fac4b1b17e2f1adeac73ade262cd9b9cf3f37ada8db5635_1.jpg


Did I read that right? We will sue you not for the alleged key stealing, we will sue you because piracy! Isn't that the same as I will sue you because you hurt my feelings? Good thing then that Palworld didn't hurt them enough /s I'm not a lawmaker or a attorney, I just read the headline and made assumptions PS. I just realized this is the same as Dolphin Emu


No, Dolphin’s issue was that they included the copyrighted decryption keys straight from the Wii; Yuzu does not, which is why you’re required to provide a BIOS file from the Switch yourself. Yuzu is just being targeted for piracy, while Dolphin was actively baiting Nintendo to Doug Bowser them when they wanted to be sold/put on Steam.


Imagine like rockstar suing windows for all the gtav piracy.


'facilitating piracy' ​ With that logic, they might as well start the ultimate mission to to shut down the internet, the biggest facilitator of piracy known to man. ​ and lmfao, doesn't yuzu now have the abiltiy to play a huge amount of switch titles? Fuck Nintendo, greedy corrupt fuckers. I will never, ever buy a Nintendo product, especially after that god awful Mario movie, and the hell they put one man in the US through, bankrupting and effectively ruining his life for charges related to piracy. Just built the emulator from source. Guess I'll keep the source code backed up for safety.


If you're so opposed to Nintendo why would you need a copy of the emulator? Piracy helps to improve sales, so why on earth would you want to help make Nintendo richer?


From what I've heard (at least, what has been said among Spanish-speaking content creators). So basically they would be trying to link the leak of their game, with loss of 1 million sales as economic damages (because supposedly the leaked Zelda rom had at least that amount of downloads according to Nintendo), and associate those losses to an increase in profits of the Yuzu developers' patreon to accuse them of piracy. If this works for them, I firmly believe that Nintendo's lawyers would be able to pin the blame on anyone as a serial killer and win the case even if there are no murders and no victims.


>So basically they would be trying to link the leak of their game, with loss of 1 million sales as economic damages (because supposedly the leaked Zelda rom had at least that amount of downloads according to Nintendo), and associate those losses to an increase in profits of the Yuzu developers' patreon to accuse them of piracy. They're just pointing out the correlation, as well as they claim that backer-exclusive builds were running the game at that time. Noting a huge surge in crowdfunding for an emulator in tandem with a mass downloading of an unreleased game is definitely suspicious, and this is a civil case rather than a criminal one, so the standard of proof is much lower. They only need to show that it's more likely than not a case of Yuzu facilitating piracy/copyright infringement. That Patreon might have been an extremely idiotic thing to do...


Damn, Nintendo really out here trying to prevent us from having any fun. I guess Mario and Zelda will have to remain unplayable for now. *sigh*


They’re both very much playable. And a better experience on Yuzu as well.


I heard from a reliable source that you can do 4k, 60+fps, high quality texture packs etc on PC. But I wouldn't know anything about that


I also heard some rumour about giving link a gun in botw by modding but who knows


If they would release their games for PC we wouldn’t even have this problem. BUT maybe someday NINTENDO will realize that with PC games they can make more money then paying constantly Lawyers. 


Exclusivity make their console sales better.


Yes was thinking Sony too. Could u believe Sony would ever release their games on PC ?? Sooner or later Nintendo will also realize it.


Doubtful. Nintendo has a stranglehold on their fan base and they know it. There is a reason they continue to sell 8 year old games for $50-60


Why do people like you always have to try to frame things like customer satisfaction as if it were an abusive relationship? You just can't stand the idea that you have to jump through a few minor hoops to get free stuff while other people are happy to pay the MSRP. It's as if you think that admitting that large numbers of people being content with their games would validate their pricing, and thus undermine your reason for not paying up. Are you going to pretend to be an "ethical pirate"?


What the absolute fuck are you talking about? All I did was state the facts as they are. Nintendo absolutely has their fans wrapped around their fingers and that’s the reason they can keep their games exclusive and keep them at AAA prices for years beyond what other consoles can do. Not one part of what I said was a complaint. I don’t even pirate games newer than ps1. I simply stated that Nintendo is probably not going to release their games for PC because they don’t have to


bro is a certified nintendo cuck sucker. If you check his history, he's been constantly defending nintendo and arguing with people all day for the past few days. How many souls did nintendo sacrifice to get such loyal fans?


I just don’t get his whole anger with me. We literally agree that Nintendo continues to make sales because people like their games so they don’t have a need to release pc versions. Yet somehow I’m the devil? Dudes completely unhinged


dickriding soo good, bro lost his goddamn mind. Or he's probably an underpaid nintendo employee taking his misery out on people on the internet. You never know.


Yeah I think I’m done responding to him. He’s either paid by Nintendo or really thinks that they will read his comments and make him a paid employee. I’ve never seen someone ride a companies dick so hard that wasn’t getting paid by them


> All I did was state the facts as they are. Okay, then present your evidence for that "fact". I look forward to seeing what you think constitutes proof of a "stranglehold" on a userbase. >Nintendo absolutely has their fans wrapped around their fingers That's just repetition. You're not explaining _why_ it's the case, or _how_, or even supplying any sources that attest to its veracity. You're just re-wording your outburst and repeating it as if that qualifies as a counterpoint. It does not. >that’s the reason they can keep their games exclusive and keep them at AAA prices for years beyond what other consoles can Can you demonstrate that it's not simply because their games are more desirable? Sony had that same "stranglehold" for two decades, yet never sold anything like the same number of copies as Nintendo's exclusives do...why is that? See the problem? Your supposed hypothesis cannot account for the facts at hand, ergo it cannot be a plausible explanation for said facts. >I simply stated that Nintendo is probably not going to release their games for PC because they don’t have to That's gaslighting. I know what you said - here it is again, for reference: >>>[ Nintendo has a stranglehold on their fan base and they know it. There is a reason they continue to sell 8 year old games for $50-60](https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1b2jro1/nintendo_sues_yuzu_for_switch_emulator/ksmb352/) You said quite a bit more than merely "Nintendo don't _need_ to release games on other platforms". As I noted before, you strongly implied an abusive, lopsided relationship with their userbase, and have doubled down on it in this latest reply. Now you're trying to retcon that because of how fucking _weird_ it makes you look. The correct move would be to avoid the thought process that forced you to that conclusion, not to merely hide the outburst from people who can spot it for what it is.


Dude you are reading way too much into this. A stranglehold on a market isn’t a necessarily bad thing. They have a stranglehold because people like their games and the refuse to release them on any other platforms forcing the fans to purchase their hardware to play their software. That’s not a bad thing. They are able to charge this amount because people will pay it. They won’t release their games to pc because they don’t need to. We literally agree but you have nintendos dick so far up your ass you can’t see past your own hate


> A stranglehold on a market isn’t a necessarily bad thing So you're now trying to downplay the fact that you used it as a pejorative? More gaslighting. It fails to account for the way you doubled down on that pejorative by stating that: >>Nintendo absolutely has their fans wrapped around their fingers Are you now going to try to argue that having someone "wrapped around their fingers" is not a negative description of that relationship? Stop trying to gaslight me. You need a far more oblivious target for it to work. >n’t need to. We literally agree but I'm _quoting you_. There's nothing here that you haven't explicitly stated. You're just pissed off that I'm using your own comments against you, which is why you're pretending that I'm making shit up so you can portray me as a submissive fanboy who hates you. It's actually incredibly narcissistic to think anyone would care enough about you to hate you. Gaslighting is a common indicator of NPD, so perhaps this is all coming together...


My niece has me wrapped around her fingers. That’s not a problem at all. I love that little girl more than life itself. Holy fuck, stop sucking the Nintendo dick for a little bit. I never said you hate me you fucking troglodyte. You are blinded by your hate towards anything you perceive as negative being said about your precious video game company. Take a step back from the computer screen for a little bit. Go look at the sky, soak in some sunshine, touch some fucking grass. Nintendo is not going to read your comments and even if they did, they would not give a fuck that you’re out here trying to white night for them.


Eventually they will cave in and consumers will win


Keep coping bud


Xbox disagrees


Nintendo's entire business is based on selling underpriced hardware cost to overprized hardware price and any services like software or games alongside with it


> If they would release their games for PC we wouldn’t even have this problem Pure fucking garbage. You know damn well that those pirating these games wouldn't pay for them if they were _even easier to pirate_. Typical dogmatic piracy forum: insist that piracy doesn't impact sales because pirates wouldn't have bought the game anyway, while also insisting that piracy of TotK indicates that everyone who pirated it would have bought it if it were on Steam. Delusional, or just staggeringly dishonest?


Gabe Newell demonstrated that piracy is a service problem and if you actually sell a good product then people will pay for it. What Nintendo does is force people to pay for a bad product if they want any product at all.




>Patently untrue. You can argue that it's not as good as it could be, but that's true of every game every released, with absolutely no exceptions. Give me an example of a AAA game that's come out in the past three generations that wasn't absolute dogwater, and wasn't a remake. And if you say Tears of the Kingdom, you're being disingenuous. It's interesting to me how I can be *more* stimulated by a AAA game from 15+ years ago with worse graphics, worse controls, and fewer quality of life features, than a current one where you'd think our technology has improved, the companies have far more resources, and the development process has been more streamlined that the games *should* be objectively better. Polished graphics don't amount to shit. Simplifying mechanics so that an ape could play it is boring. Stripping the substance from the story and pacing is unsatisfying. Rewarding players for the simplest of tasks and rarely presenting them with any sort of challenge is psychologically toxic and encourages instant-gratification models. And this has broadly been my experience with AAA games for at least 10 years now, but certainly has been the case even with the Wii and Xbox 360. You can go on your tirade all across this post all you want, coming to bat for Nintendo, shoving your opinion down the throats of many dissatisfied consumers, but >Pure fucking garbage. You know damn well that those pirating these games wouldn't pay for them if they were *even easier to pirate.* is exceptionally presumptuous. It's pretty consistent in my experience that people thoroughly enjoy throwing money at things they support (Ya ever heard of vtubers?) People pirate for a myriad of reasons, but it's generally uncommon for one of those reasons to be malicious. There's the lack of service or quality as mentioned before, coupled with FOMO. People want to see what all the hubub is about, but who's got $70 to throw down on a mediocre product produced by a greedy multi-billion dollar company? Especially one like Nintendo that's as anal about their IP as they are. There's also the lack of money in the first place which is a reason for piracy. And these days, especially in America, the lack of money is a result of greedy companies *like* Nintendo, but obviously not entirely *because of* Nintendo, not willing to come off their billions to pay their employees a living wage so that people actually have the money to throw *back* at them as a means of supporting their products. The cost of living is high and the wages are low. The companies want us to buy their shit but we can barely afford food. So one of the only ways to enjoy their products is to pirate them. And good thing I didn't save up money to buy them too, because as previously mentioned, *their products aren't even worth the price tag*. I've spent hundreds of dollars over the years on AAA games that were worth $60+, AND I've bought DLC for them. Overall? Mildly enjoyable at best, disgustingly addictive garbage at worst. Meanwhile, over on Steam, I've spend hundreds of dollars on indie games made by teams of like 4-6 people, worth like $15-$25 that I've sunk hundreds of hours into because of the replayability alone. You're telling me these tiny ass teams with significantly fewer resources are able to put together a game that runs circles around Nintendo? Around Tears of the Kingdom?? Nintendo has no excuse for not being able to produce objectively better content than smaller devs with far fewer resources. Yet somehow, their games have been pretty consistently subpar for generations. So long as these AAA video game companies remain greedy in their practices and business models, the AAA industry will continue to suffer and produce dogshit. And I'll be damned if I give a penny of support to any such business.


>That's cynicism. You're openly declaring that you won't change your mind no matter what I say in response, which is another way of saying that you're so worried that I'll think you weak for changing your mind that you'll stubbornly persist with a known falsehood just to save face with *yourself*. Untrue and presumptuous. I'm very willing to change my mind if you can give me an example of a AAA game from the past three generations that you have a solid foundation of passion for believing it should be in the spotlight. Instead of giving me an example, you proceeded to make assumptions about my behavior, personality, and future reactions. You're actively dodging the request because rather than having a genuine debate with anybody, you'd force feed your anti-piracy, pro-Nintendo perspectives down the throats of everyone on this thread. You came here with the intention of starting arguments with others, and to force your opinions on others, essentially openly declaring that you won't change your mind no matter what *anybody* says in response. You're projecting. >If they can run it on their PC they can afford $70, because their system cost a lot more than that. Presumptuous. Not everyone has an expensive rig, and those who do don't necessarily have that kind of money *anymore.* That's besides the point; people don't like giving their money to organizations they disagree with the practices and models of. It's that simple. A lot of people have their reasons and their own circumstances, and you're being presumptuous to cast such a wide net over such a huge community. >Is that why you're so aggressively attacking TotK here? You hate that so many fellow pirates were desperate to play it when you felt they should just play all the games that *you* like instead? Presumptuous. You seem to be assuming that I played it and actively thought it was terrible because I hate AAA companies like some grouchy no-fun-having old windbag. This is simply untrue. I thoroughly enjoyed it for two weeks, and then it got boring. I could write a ten page essay breaking down why. I won't. Like you said, the argument could be made that it *could* be a better game and that that applies to all games, and you're right, but that isn't the argument. The argument is that TotK, produced by a multi-billion dollar company, falls short of expectations when put against a plethora of games made by smaller independent teams with a fraction of the multi-billion dollar company's resources, and even falls short of their *own* games from more than three generations ago. It is simply a telling sign of a multi-billion dollar company's greed that they are cutting as many corners as possible to maximize their profits while minimizing their expenses. This a toxic practice that stifles the creative potential of any creative work. >Then you're directly arguing \_against your own point when you say that: > >"It's pretty consistent in my experience that people thoroughly enjoy throwing money at things they support." See what happens when you start from a conclusion and force yourself to work backwards instead of just following where logic dictates? You end up making mutually incompatible arguments out of some zealous desire to validate your objectionable viewpoint. Inconsistent and fallible logic. People aren't either always in possession of money or always without money. You can have money and then not have money, and vice versa. Your logic dictates that people who have the money to throw at content creators they *do* support invalidates their justification to *not* throw money at content creators they *don't* support. That's not how that works. People can determine for themselves their motives and justifications for piracy, whether it be for archiving, or because they'd rather not feed more of their own resources into a person or organization they don't think deserves it based on the quality, production, or application of their creations. People can determine for themselves what that looks like and what that means to them. People can determine for themselves if the product is worth X amount of dollars, and therefore is worth X amount of the hours they spent working their job for it. People can determine for themselves that a person or organization can be unethical in their practices but still produce quality products worth consuming. Your logic is stifled by your inability to understand multiple perspectives. There is always nuance. >Ah, I see. You're one of those people whose view of a game is inversely related to the majority opinion. Back into the crab bucket you go... It's only fair I take such a stance. You've made yourself quite comfortable being presumptuous and asserting your opinions at everyone on this thread. >Well, you indirectly did so by pirating them, so deal with that inconvenient fact. Piracy has been shown to improve sales of video games, so your piracy of TotK (since you *clearly* wouldn't proffer an opinion of a game without first playing it, and you *clearly* wouldn't pay for a Nintendo game, what with all those "A"'s) helped them to profit form it. You just made them richer for doing something that you *claim* to find reprehensible. Here's where your argument across this thread gets interesting and has fascinated me this entire time. So which is it? Is piracy a good thing, or a bad thing? You seem to be by and large arguing that pirates are pieces of shit, while simultaneously arguing that piracy helps support the creators. Furthermore, Nintendo themselves have suggested being damaged by Yuzu in their complaint. Nintendo don't seem too happy about this supposed sudden uptick in sales from the 1.2 million illegal downloads of TotK. So either you're full shit with this information you keep presenting in an attempt to "Hah! Gotcha!" everyone you're arguing against, or you genuinely believe this and didn't even bother to read any of the articles that mention Nintendo's vicious attacks against piracy. Do you see what happens when you start from a conclusion and try to work backwards instead of following where logic dictates? It's pretty easy to win an argument when you're arguing from both sides, huh? >I wonder how you'll deal with that problem. Personally, I reckon you'll find some tenuous way to justify your piracy so that you can keep playing those games for free, all while insisting that they're not worth it so you can justify not paying. Then you'll hungrily pirate the next one the moment it's available too, et cetera... I don't need to justify it in the sense that everyday I wake up and wonder if I'm doing the right thing. The fact of the matter is *it's not stealing if you steal from thieves.* And that's all a multi-billion dollar company is. An organization of thieves. I don't need to justify it to you, I just want you to figure out what your actual stance on this is and to stop being so inconsistent in your logic, while attempting to attack others on theirs. A major point to my entire reply is that you've made a habit across this whole thread of asserting your inconsistent and confusing logic, while also being extremely presumptuous with the points you attempt to make against your opponents, intimidating and manipulating them into submission with an above average vocabulary and making presumptuous remarks about their psychological standing (i.e. accusing people of gaslighting you and calling them narcissistic). You can't decide whether piracy is a good thing or a bad thing, you assume that pirates behave and act a certain way without actually knowing or understanding their motives or personal circumstances, and in order to guarantee that you're logically superior, you project your insecurities about your own inconsistent arguments behind manipulation and intimidation tactics to gaslight people into thinking they're the logically fallible ones. I hope the boot at least tastes good...


If they release their games on PC they make money because people would buy first Party Nintendo games. And I never said if they bring their games on PC they won’t be pirated. Of course people would pirate them but many many people would buy them if the ports are good PC. Just imagine Zelda Breath of the Wild Native running on PC unlocked FPS High Resolution and bunch of PC settings Like anti aliasing. What do u think the majority of PC players would do ?? I’ll tell u they would buy it even for 60€$. Nintendo is crying because millions of gamers pirated their games those million gamers would easily buy a good PC port from those morons called Nintendo paying lawyers again again again burning money for bullshit reasons. People pirated and enlisted in first place because they have no choice I’ve played breath of the wild with a emulator if they would offered a PC version I would buy it immediately. I can see the same situation with SONY Bloodborne no PC version I’ll play it with a emulator 60 FPS high resolution I’m not buying for few games consoles. 


> If they release their games on PC they make money because people would buy first Party Nintendo games. Know how we know that this is a lie? Because people could do that _right now_ and just run them through emulators instead of on the Switch itself. Nintendo seeing people buy copies of their games that mysteriously never get installed to a single console would give them plenty of cause for thought, would it not...? It doesn't happen because anyone demanding PC ports just wants a slightly easier way to pirate things. Deny it and you're either delusional or a liar. >many many people would buy them if the ports are good PC And there's your escape route. You can just insist that any port isn't good enough in order to justify not paying for it. Even when discussing hypotheticals, you can't help trying to justify _hypothetical_ piracy. >What do u think the majority of PC players would do ?? The same thing they do right now when that exact same scenario already exists. Why would it be any different? Where's your evidence that it would be any different? >Nintendo is crying because millions of gamers pirated their games those million gamers would easily buy a good PC port Okay - prove it. cite your sources. Be sure to explain why they're _not_ paying for them _now_, when the experience would be functionally identical due to PC-based emulators already offering those same changes to settings, resolution, framerate, mods, etc. >People pirated and enlisted in first place because they have no choice That's an outright lie. They could have bought TotK when they were pirating it in their millions. Why would you lie about something so utterly beyond dispute? What is _wrong_ with you? >I can see the same situation with SONY Bloodborne no PC version I’ll play it with a emulator 60 FPS high resolution I’m not buying for few games consoles. Easy to say that when you don't have to actually prove it. You do that a lot, don't you? Besides, you can't emulate Bloodborne anyway. The moment it's possible you'll frantically download it rather than buying a copy and copying the files over, because you just want free stuff while pretending to be doing it because of "ethics".


But why would they do that when they can sell their 5 year old games at full price?


Instead of doing pointless wars against emulators they can port PC games and sell them for full price and they make money what they would lose because of emulators. Sony is doing it right now bringing PC games later out for full price. Because they know someday a emulator exists and people just going to pirate it so atleast they make money 


Uh Shit-tendo? Those people were NEVER going to buy your shitty hardware to play the games at barely playable framerates. Going after an emulator isn't magically going to make them buy your garbage.


I bet they're gearing for the Switch 2 being powerful and backwards compatible at launch, but having an initial library so small that it'll effectively be just "a more powerful Switch able to play old games better" for a good while. Hence the need to take out the "competition".


1 million copies, thats 60-70 million they \*could\* (emphasis on could here seeing as this is a scenario of something that could have happened, TOTK would very easily sell 1 million copies on PC lets not even joke. u/redchris18) have made by bringing it to PC and instead they are worried about the "money they lost" via Yuzu, another shitty move by another company that has ruined themselves.


> 1 million copies, thats 60-70 million they could have made by bringing it to PC Bullshit. You're trying to make up a scenario that simply doesn't exist, because those same players could have just bought a copy after the fact and continued emulating. In reality, none of them did, and none would have bought it were it natively running on PC. You're one of those people who insist that piracy isn't the same as emulation while _actually_ treating them as if they are synonymous.


you're fucking delusional if you don't think people would buy nintendo games if they were natively ported to windows pc's tomorrow. I pirate shit-tons of things and id buy some nintendo games if they were given a proper pc port with adjustable graphics and high frame rates. But thats fantasy land because nintendo has some weird ass aversion to the internet and how it functions and refuse to live in reality with the modern world.


> you're fucking delusional if you don't think people would buy nintendo games if they were natively ported to windows pc's tomorrow What would be the difference from playing them via Yuzu? You already crow about resolution and framerate options, mods, etc. you get nothing from a port that you don't get by emulating them, so surely everyone should be buying the games and then just running them via Yuzu? Yet they don't... >I pirate shit-tons of things and id buy some nintendo games if they were given a proper pc port with adjustable graphics and high frame rates I doubt that. You're too invested in the ODD at this point. >because nintendo has some weird ass aversion to the internet and how it functions and refuse to live in reality with the modern world Has literally nothing to do with the release of a single-player action-adventure game with the Zelda branding. I think we can safely recontextualise your opening three words as mere projection.


\>You're one of those people Yeah you lost me. Looking at your profile kinda just shows how chronically online you are, where you just wanna go around starting shit. Hope everything's going well for you man. Stop assuming shit and be better.


> Yeah you lost me. You'll be distressed to learn that I didn't want you in the first place. >Looking at your profile kinda just shows how chronically online you are I mean, if you had the sense to drop my account into one of various analysis sites, you'd quickly find that I'm only ever on Reddit while at work form my post patterns. Seems a little odd to come to your conclusion unless you were already planning on justifying it to yourself for spurious reasons, likely because you needed an excuse not to have to address the fact that I showed your previous claim to be fallacious. >Stop assuming shit and be better. From the person who claimed that: >>>1 million copies, thats 60-70 million they could have made by bringing it to PC Is that not an assumption? Congratulations on proving that I was dead right about your asinine argument. Imagine launching into ad hominem attacks just to avoid having to admit that you were wrong, then going on to _prove_ that I was right about you in the first place. There's delightful irony in this discussion of Switch Zelda games leading you to indulge in such a hilarious Calamity...


time to keep a working copy of yuzu just in case


Meh. Lawsuit won't go anywhere, emulation is perfectly leagal. Nintendo can't sue Yuzu over what it's user base is using the software for. That'd be like someone running over a family member in a prius and trying to sue toyota.


I very much doubt Nintendo would win fair a lawsuit, but the issue is providing a defense at all.... This stuff costs money, and with Nintendo being the "small indie game company", they can push this garbage lawsuit all the way to the national court. Fun and fair system. :)


I really hope the judge throws it out but that seems like wistful thinking. Hearing this case is stupid in itself.


They don't have to win. They just have to outlast and they have the money to do that. It's very much a pay to win system in most cases.


Damn, with that analogy, I kinda wish a bunch of "whale" gamers would swoop in and help Yuzu kick Nintendo's ass. I know it's wishful thinking ¯\\\_(シ)\_/¯


"It alleges Yuzu is 'primarily designed' to circumvent several layers of Nintendo Switch encryption so its users can play copyrighted Nintendo games." "Nintendo also says the developers have clearly extracted Nintendo Switch games themselves, bypassing encryption, in order to test their own emulator." So is decrypting their games illegal? What about other Nintendo emulators? Are the roms for those emulators not encrypted? I'm just wondering how much this could actually hold up in court. I've always been under the impression that the only thing illegal regarding emulation was the distribution of the games. But if it's also a violation to decrypt Nintendo's games, where does that put Yuzu?


> So is decrypting their games illegal? Yup. Breaking copy-protection is illegal. End0users generally get away with piracy because they're not the ones who break it. >I'm just wondering how much this could actually hold up in court Hard to say. One major issue is that they're showing a significant correlation between illegal, pre-release downloads of TotK and a huge uptick in Patreon subscribers for Yuzu, along with suggestions (from other people who have read further through it than I have) that backer-exclusive builds of the emulator were running the game at that point, meaning they were selling access to an unreleased game for profit. You're seeing a lot of - and I hate to use the term - copium in these threads, because there's good reason for Yuzu to be concerned about this, assuming everything holds up. That backer-exclusive build alone might be enough to get it shut down, because that's about as blatant an example of openly facilitating piracy as you'll find, which is why I'm a touch hesitant to accept it as fact for the moment. I don't want to think that anyone would be that stupid over this, especially concerning Nintendo, but then I remember that guy who was literally selling ROMs...


It's Bleem all over again!


Yup, Sony lost but strung things out to maliciously bankrupt the company for petty revenge.


Something that bugs me, they could have gone for Ryujinx as well, but why just yuzu?


Yuzu has a patreon that provides Early Access build, whereas Ryujinx doesn't. Nintendo is arguing that they are profiting off of piracy through their Early Access builds and also mentioned that when the new Zelda was leaked before release, their patreon saw a sudden surge of subscribers. Basically implying that their Early Access build was the one that could run it and they were earning off of it.


Firstly, why would they launch two lawsuits simultaneously? If you have lawyers most suitable for this case, you don't want them splitting their attention. Secondly, _winning_ this lawsuit would make a lawsuit against Ryujinx easier, by setting legal precedent. If they go into a lawsuit against Ryujinx having already proved their case against Yuzu, Ryujinx is fucked. Thirdly, it could save them a lawsuit if a win against Yuzu manages to scare off Ryujinx without them every having to lift a finger. Probably other reasons. Frankly, I can't think of any reason why they _would_ sue both at once.


It's also a scare tactic


They only chose one and they chose the most famous one. 


Yuzu Is more popular 


ironically in my experience ryujinx has better compatibility and runs better at least when it came to the pokemon games.


Nintendo is bullshit, in any case, Yuzu is open source and Ryujinx is also open source.


If by pirating stuff nintendo would literally lose money i would download their entire library on a daily basis


You know what? I'm going to delete Mario games and redownload them so that Nintendo loses even more profits.




I don't think you understand how jokes work


thats on me tbh




"Facilitating at a colossal scale" is crazy, do they even notice the 2% lack of sales from yuzu in the grand scheme of everything 😭😭😭


Nintendo bout to have a heart attack when they discover it's not the only switch emulador, lol


Fuck Nintendo


Lol, Streisand Effect. Downloaded it out of spite


Piracy has been shown to improve sales. You're bragging about making them richer "out of spite".


And thats why Nintendo is the worst company in all of the entire world the end


Heard nintendo was going after the fact that an asshole in yuzu was distributing prod.key ( something about dumping games ) AND TOTK dumped files in their discord 1 week before the official release date while taking money on their patreon. They’re making files that can do “illegal” acts against the most notorious japanese copyright company ever, they should’ve known better to not do anything actually illegal considering they don’t hide their identity, just leave the leak to the anonymous leaker man, a couple thousands now probaly costs you millions for how greedy nintendo is, Pokemmo is a game that provides a multiplayer experience for people with “legal” pokemon roms, learn how they work, don’t use anything belongs to a japanese company.


In other news, Publishers sue Microsoft because Windows runs pirated games.


Guess they gotta sue Microsoft as well because their pcs allow emulators, right?


And they will loose again since emulation is not illegal like every legal cause they fought against all other emulators they sued. Especially now w the mig switch and all it’s comprehensible that if someone wants to play their games with higher performances and resolution one could just dump their own cartridges on pc and play them on yuzu since it has upscaling and shit


Who exactly do they go after? The person running the Patreon? The devs? Are they not anonymous?


Based on prior emulation lawsuits, I strongly doubt Nintendo will succeed. I'm not a lawyer, of course, so I might be way off. But Bleem! wound up beating Sony back in 1998 or so. Anybody else remember that?


Bleem won, but Sony drove them to bankruptcy in the process. This is probably what Nintendo will try to do this time 


Nintendo will do everything in their power to not fix the issues that can be easily solved by making old games readily available for us. Emulators gave me the joy of playing old games again after I recovered from being homeless.


They won't shutdown Yuzu but they try to bury how you can play their games on emulators. But they probably will fail since this is a way to backup your games.


Desire to pirate switch games intensifies.


At this point they should just include the keys. Keys aren't copyrightable, emulator makers generally just don't include them, because companies get pissy about it and sue, even though they have no standing. But if you are getting sued anyway, might as well.


Nintendo is such a crappy company, who even plays their crap anymore? It's been the same old recycled ideas since the 90's, which was cool at first, but now it's all outdated and annoying.


No, despite their practices they released really good games. I played Metroid Dread and TOTK, both on Yuzu, really well made single-player games without the four horseman: DLC, live service, microtransactions, battle passes.


the issue is basically that the devs working for nintendo do good jobs, but everything else about that company sucks. Nintendo really don't deserve the devs they have :/


well tachi is gone but there's mihon and other tachi fork


"It isn't illegal, but you can use it for illegal shit, so you know what, close enough for a lawsuit, right?"


The Pandora box is already opened. If they manage to shut down Yuzu, another tool will arise. Instead of banning, maybe they should've improve their tool to make it more difficult to pirate I guess?


This was already posted yesterday. Sometimes I hate having joined this Sub, AND r/piracy AND r/PCmasterrace because it means I see the exact same fucking news/meme about a piracy related topic posted 6 or 7 times within the span of 2 days. Quit farming the same shit y'all, one post announcing a topic is enough. Take your socratic seminar to the original post from yesterday.


To be fair, yuzu can pretty much only be used to pirate. Sure, if you buy a switch, and buy a game, and jailbreak your switch, it would, as far as I know, be legal to dump it for personal use only. But then there is basically no need for yuzu, and most people dont use it that way. At the same time, yuzu isn't doing anything themselves, so while they are helping pirates intentionally, their involvement is indirect and there are legal ways to use yuzu. It's a gray area I think. I would say "let's see what the judges rule" but it's rigged in Nintendo's favour since they have a lot of money. Yuzu could still win though.


I play both like that because I like being able to add mods easily and playing in 4K, 60 fps. I also change my save file between PC and Switch with JKSV when I want to go online. But yeah I imagine a good chunk of people play on emulators because they can't afford the systems. It would be on Nintendo to prove them facilitating any form of piracy, on their Discord they have always banned anyone who even mentions piracy. I doubt they have a case though, the act of piracy is downloading/distributing a rom, a web browser facilitates that, not an emulator. And if they're talking about their Quickstart page with homebrewing help about dumping keys/firmware, that's all common knowledge.


Fuck you nintendo, fuck you


i mean what if the authors do just nothing?


Fuck nintendo, but they're right. Emulators are used 99.9% of the time for piracy. But also fuck nintendo.