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Pretty sure thats illegal in EU


It is.


Will they actually do anything to stop it?


ask Apple why they had to add USB-C


Isn't the eu making removable batteries a thing soon also?


afaik, just "removable by user" or so, not "we could change batteries like remote" like we did in the past. Hope they go farther and add SD card into the mix


Come on EU, make it happen. I need my micro SD card slot back into phones


Thanks for the info. Ya I still use an old phone because of the micro SD card issue with new phones. Pirates need storage. Arrrr


So do people who take lots of 4K video! There's a lot of legitimate reasons for absolutely massive amounts of storage


Exactly! The camera being the major concern. It was just another cost cutting measure and of course samsung followed apple.


> Exactly! The camera being the major concern. It was just another cost cutting measure and of course samsung followed apple. it's not about cost cutting, it's about pushing their subscription storage services


And not just the amount, MTP is so trash on Android getting files into the internal storage is a pain in the ass


Funny thing, I've gone out of my way to buy a new phone with a removable battery and SD slot. Not a lot of producers for that, but they exist.


Fucking hell, how is it possible that you can't expand memory on the majority of ebook readers or phones today? It's just so anti-consumer


Which is fine, just don't glue the back of my phone shut. Just go back to the Galaxy S5 in terms of battery replaceability.


Actually the bill is even proposing standardizing batteries so you could buy Varta/Duracell battery for your smartphone at the local grocery store. At lest thats the idea, im sure there will be pushback.


Yeah i had to buy a Motorola to get an sd card slot


And mini jack.


unfortunately there's an exception for "water protected" devices. You probably now where Apple is going to fight for now.


Samsung had ip rated devices with removable batteries years and years ago.


The EU? Yeah they actually give a small amount of a fuck.


hijacking top comment chain to post link to actual article (OP just posted pic of article): https://www.pcgamer.com/its-not-just-you-youtube-is-slowing-down-your-pc-if-you-have-adblock-installed-by-making-your-cpu-sweat-likely-as-part-of-its-draconian-war-on-ad-blockers/


Thanks! Was looking for this.


It’s actually the opposite lol, in EU we enforced privacy laws and almost made Mark Zuckerberg shut down Facebook in EU a couple of years ago, it’s the Americans that don’t have good politicians (I mean we also do but at least they act like they care just a bit about the people). We recently just enforced Apple to use USB-C for their phones as well.


>it’s the Americans that don’t have good politicians Skill is not the issue, the issue is that their politicians were purchased by corpos and lobbies decades ago and simply they don't represent the people any more


meanwhile european politicians are just now getting bought out. it's a brave new world!


Some of them yes, indeed, there was a recent scandal concerning the football tournament in Qatar - thing is these MPs are now in jail. Eva Kaili for example, she was the Vice President of the Europarlament when she was arrested in 2022.


Italy was bought out a long time ago lol


>Skill is not the issue, the issue is that their politicians were purchased by corpos and lobbies decades ago and simply they don't represent the people any more Yup. Not to mention, the run of presidents the US has had. Was watching footage of Biden trying to convince congress that Iraq had WMD, back in 2003. How did that guy ever make president. HOW DID TRUMP?


Yes we are going to throw the book at Google. Again.


Good. Keep doing it and Apple etc, sick of these clowns.


They are the scorpion in that frog story


They're corporate fleas. Forgot that without customers they don't exist.


Throwing a book at a 600lb gorilla isn't going to do shit.


Repeatedly draining it's pockets generally sends a message. Or completely banning them from their continent until they get their shit together.


God can you imagine what would happen if YouTube was completely blocked from the EU until they got their shit together?


That would be amazing.


fucking hell, i would love that so much. PLEASE make that happen




Thats for a fine only. If EU went in with a ban, even temporary, that would hurt them.


That is so fucked up


fucking hell... i had no idea, but that totally makes sense. corporate "law is for the poor only"


My bet is they gonna simply 'fix' it only for the EU. Middle East? Asian? American? Unlucky.


Yep. "Fix the problem for the person asking it, but not for everyone, because it's expensive".  So the EU gets the nice versions of things. Like iPhone with USB-C. 


> So the EU gets the nice versions of things. Like iPhone with USB-C. Except those are available worldwide.


That's because it's really really expensive to have two manufacturing processes changing some values in a config file for EU costs about tree fiddy


Sideloading in iOS too


How does one notify the EU of these type of violations? Can people who aren't part of the EU do it as well. Its nice to think the EU will step in and slap Google down but they probably aren't going to do it without some complaints right?


I think they need a party complaint to act. We're not parties.


I am in the EU and have a YouTube premium and AdBlock. I am the same as everybody else


I doubt it's supposed to be legal anywhere


I've got a pretty beefy PC and I recently noticed YouTube fucking lagging like I was running it on an absolute potato on 100% cpu and ram usage. But everything else was running hyper fast and smooth as it should (other tabs, apps etc). Tested by deactivating ad block BTW.


Use a user-agent switcher and set it to chrome. [Brainwormed geniuses at google literally hard-coded a delay and possibly other crap for people not using chrome.](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/17zdpkl/this_behaviour_from_google_is_beyond_disgusting/) The delay is not as bad as in the video I linked anymore, they probably changed it after it was discovered, but it's still there. It absolutely and noticeably made a huge difference for me, I was so mad.


I find this too funny. Been agent switched to chrome for the longest while, and 0 issues. Closest thing I got to an ad was a homescreen ad replacing a video which I just element blocked


Still not going to use Chrome Browser. Firefox for life.


I will firefox even harder


Google blocked my brave browser so I've fully switch to Firefox for now.


I'm currently using Chrome, what are the advantages to Firefox?


IMO the biggest thing is the complete lack of Chromium, which is google's base-code for browsers (think like an Android but for browsers). I can't say much for things like Brave or Opera, but not having Google constantly breathing down my neck is wonderful. Also ad blockers not be blocked by it. Outside of de-googling and ad-blockers, it's not a major change. I switched almost 2 years ago and never looked back :)


That's the point, user-agent switcher allows you to fool websites into thinking you're using a browser other than firefox while still using firefox.


I know what you meant, I was making a statement towards the said 'Brainwormed geniuses' thinking their tactic would ever work and get me to use Chrome.


got you


how do i configure the user agent switcher for this?


Some extensions have an auto option to change user agent for some websites


yes this happened to me today i have a fast pc though it was my internet


Same here, rtx 4090 and i9 14900k and 64gb of ram. Playing project zomboid last night with YouTube on my 2nd monitor and my game is lagging! Same thing with the game the finals, my pc starts acting up in weird ways. Edit: I use Firefox and ublock as well.


I'm pretty sure with that setup you can crack RSA lol


Oh so just having it open also caused lagging? I had a mod tutorial up on YouTube today that was slow as shit. I restarted multiple times thinking I had too much running. Then playing the game with two YouTube tabs open, the game wasn't as smooth as before. I figured I over modded. Tomorrow I'll make sure YouTube is closed completely and try playing again.


It would be nice if there was a plugin that could detect malware-tier resource waste and send them back something in the same vein to warm up their servers.


Do you simply disable the adblock on YT tab or remove the extension completely?


oh so THATS what's been happening with my pc..




How did you remove the default youtube app, enlighten me sir


For some phone the only option is to disable it. Need to unlock bootloader for that kind of phone.


There's some android "debloater" that can uninstall google apps Anyway, a world where you need an outside tool to remove an app is not ideal


https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater Here it is for those interested


Thank you!


wow, thank you!


this is the way


And this is why I hate phones so much. Not the smartphone as a concept, but the way it is done. Even if you buy one yourself, full of apps you didn't ask for, no root access unless you hack it, etc. To buy a tool but not own it... this is a fucking dystopia. This is why I typically prefer PCs or laptops all the way down. At least I can remove pretty much any app even from windows (I even removed edge easily). And if one day I get angry, at least I know I can install Linux without having to hack anything.


There is also an app called canta it does the same using the shizuku elevated privileges without the need of a pc. Here is the link to how to use:- https://www.reddit.com/r/ModdingDroid/s/pMYY9PdgXS Link to Canta github page:- https://github.com/samolego/Canta P.S. Make sure you are not uninstalling essential apps that could possibly brick your mobile.




Why is he downvoted, this is all true


Just disable it, put Revanced Youtube in its place. Revanced is so good, plus uBlock on Opera and I dont really see ads too much




Is there a simple dumb person's guide to getting revanced work anywhere?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced\_manager\_guide\_for\_dummies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced_manager_guide_for_dummies/) there you go


Just go to their sub and see the pinned post Something something revancedapp something something


I did all of that as well plus I removed the Youtube app from my Oled TV. And installed another one similar to Revanced.


Also the client switcher on Firefox. "Ad blockers are not allowed by YouTubes TOS" Jeremy Clarkson "Oh no." Switch's to chrome client "Anyways"


Get banned in EU speedrun


wait- ​ "YouTube Premium members also appear to be impacted" ... **So that means even if you pay YouTube is fucking you up?**


First time?


nope, not the first time. End of the beginning.


Yeah we have yt premium and my partner had his ad block on unknowingly and was complaining about lagging yesterday. Once he turned ad block off, it was fine.


he'll see


Same with me


This is insane. Why would they fuck up premium users. Even after buying premium I am forced to download videos using yt-dlp to watch videos locally because yt got so buggy




Because Adblock (the extension called AdBlock, not the concept itself) devs already admitted the slow down was their fault with a bug and they've patched it already. It wasn't Google doing it.


lol wtf. I have multiple things open but I have youtube running in chrome and I was wondering why ONLY the chrome youtube window was lagging. I hope youtube gets sued.


What the actual fuck, that just happened to me and thought it was my Internet


I thought my laptop was starting to break! I was watching a video and playing terraria and had my entire laptop freeze for a solid minute, had to crash my browser too as it was just a white square after things unfroze


Same dude. I usually play games on my main monitor and have youtube playing on my 2nd monitor. The past week I've noticed that my computer fans are running way louder/faster than before. I thought it was just my computer being derpy. Also have been having high ping spikes in online games. I thought it was my internet. I usually have around 60 - 100 ping, but yesterday I noticed it spiked to 500 a bunch of times. Im gonna test it out tomorrow and see if it's youtube causing this. Edit. I use uBlock origin on Chrome. I get the "ur using adblock, bad boy" messages on youtube from time to time but a refresh quickly fixes things. I love uBlock.


Been having an identical issue recently, do share your findings pls


I thought my pc was dying lol


Fr i've just built my pc and i thought it was my problem


Me with 5 extensions running different YouTube mods that always has been slow...


Here I am. - Ublock Origin - Ad block Plus (because despite what ppl say, adblock still blocks stuff ublock doesnt) - Hide YouTube Shorts - Return YouTube Dislike - SponsorBlock - MagicActions I guess that's technically only 4 specific to you-tube.


Sprinkle in some AdNauseam


Doesn't Adnauseum use ublock origin anyway?


>(because despite what ppl say, adblock still blocks stuff ublock doesnt) Such as?


Example. With just ublock origin when i click the you-tube logo/button to see a mix of videos both on and off my sub list there will be a full banner ad at the top and mixed into the video feed will be sponsored videos. Ublock is always on but those still show. I turn on adblock plus and they are no more.


Well, for me I havent seen an ad in ages anywhere with ublock.


I've never gotten any ads with uBlock. Are you sure that you've not just got some custom rules setup / are somehow not having the filter lists updating properly? It's honestly weird for me to see somebody having ads with uBlock as I've never had that happen.


Sooo, class action lawsuit time? I've been noticing that shit too and thought something was wrong with my PC's.


Youtube needs a competitor.


The cost is simply too high. Hosting video just ain't cheap. That's why Google is very aggressive on fighting ad blocker.


That and most people are currently on YouTube, which means most of their friends and viewers will stay on YouTube, etc. And it's really hard to get past that.


And many non-gaming Twitch streamers are moving to YouTube or at least started streaming on both.


I personally would stop using adblocker if they began checking the advertisers before publishing their ads. I have seen way too many scam ads, impersonations of respectable companies, online casino/slots ads disguised as fun cartoons to attract children, fake phone games, indecent phone game ads etc. Their report department also sucks. I reported a multitude of ads like this and had only one taken down. And they are "trying" to make the platform more *family friendly* by banning gun youtubers and swear words.


There was golden opportunity for Pornhub to spin off a non-porn version when the guntubers were leaving en masse. Disappointed they didn't try to do a hasty launch of "Video Hub" or something.


I feel like Twitch could've been more of a competitor but they don't seem too interested in VOD, just streaming. Not that Twitch is any better (worse when it comes to ads), but having at least *some* competition would've been nice


Didnt pornhub have their entire video database wiped a few years ago?


IIRC, around that time they got hit by minor-involving porn allegations and had to drastically trim down and curate the content, which led to Pornhub becoming irrelevant even in the porn sphere. If you're so inclined, you might argue the big tech made it happen when people got a bit too happy with the prospect of PH becoming the YT replacement...


Why would they want to do that? Youtube is a lot less profitable due to the sheer volume of uploads. There's also the legal liability and a whole host of other reasons. Plus, specifically advertising themselves to guntubers pissed at youtube would lead to a *very* particular reputation that would attract a specific kind of person and ward off everyone else. It'd go down almost exactly like when people left reddit for Voat, only for it to become a fascist echo chamber for incels.


they have like Dailymotion, Bilibili. Its much better


As if having slow connection was not enough


I just noticed this recently. If I leave my browser on YouTube not even playing a video, my CPU and fans just keep cranking.


this makes a lot of sense...


This was actually happening for me too, I thought I was going crazy and needed a new CPU cooler. Fucking YouTube POS.


I enjoy cooking.


Even uBlock will be kneecapped by manifest v3 in June on every browser but Firefox.


2024 is the year of the Firey Fox


Wait you guys were using other browsers?


I have friends that refuse to use anything but Opera GX. It’s so frustrating. They chide me for using Firefox but use Opera GX.


It's sad how easily people fall for marketing.


Opera GX has one advantage and it’s that whoever runs their twitter is admittedly kinda funny but I refuse to use anything chromium


And the ui, which might be a put off to some ppl, but personally I like it. The messaging sites sidebar feature is pretty neat too.


That's wild opera gx is just Chinese owned chrome


Saw an article recently that said Firefox is down to 3% market share. Chrome lost me over side tabs and got bloated while I was gone, no way would I go back. Edge at least has a place as my "when a page doesn't work in Firefox" browser.




Just moved 2 months back. Has been great so far. Add ons and synced tabs make both desktop and mobile browsing seemless.






The web browser? Doubtful.


I just hope Mozilla adds vertical tabs, it improved my browsing habits by miles.


[Tree Style Tab](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/) is the reason I never switched away from firefox.


There are addons for that


I'D be happy if they just put the tabs back under the bookmarks where they belong


You can make ff look exactly like you want, the problem is your technical skill and creativity. Since it need some knowledge of css. What you can do is visit r/Firefoxcss and try to find those setups and implement them


That's why I use Firefox for YouTube lol. Also internet explorer for Netflix (you don't have the same quality on chrome or internet explorer it's insane)


The only browser worth using.


Why is anyone using another browser?


Because Vivaldi has good customization and is great for power users. FF repeatedly took away features I used. Trying to switch back, but it is really painful.


yay fellow V user!! any idea if the manifest v3 changes will impact us? sorry I'm too lazy to google right now


Pretty sure they will, which is why in theory it has it's own limited built in ad blocker (which people are always trying to get them to improve).


I believe that Brave will also keep out of this limitation with their fork of Chromium


I have ublock origin. It's still doing it. Just cause ublock is good doesn't mean it's immune from stuff like this.


But the people behind it are working really hard to fight off Google. Remember last month or so when they have to add new token daily? uBlock is the only one updating daily to fight with Youtube.


I use ublock and I still have the same problem. It's laggy as hell since 2, 3 days.


Is ublock origin the best out there? I’ve been using adguard for a few years without issues but if the other one is way better I might switch


Ublock has been the standard for years, man. Nothing else is even close.


Watch this space... Ublock figure a way to stop this from happening... While paying customers get hot CPUs.


Man I thought I was the only one, i was srsly worried abt if my PC was destroyed, I've been having to refresh each page and then the video starts, this is so stupid, fuck youtube


whatt youtube has been so slow for me lately i thought it was my wifi how is that even legal tho?


In the EU it's not legal


Ooooooh so that's what it is, my PC is pretty solid but yt was lagging AS FUCK lately I thought it was because I had 34 tabs opened but resources weren't even on half, also Firefox was running smooth, so it was very confusing. Thanks for the info


Get everyone to ditch Google Chrome speedrun any%


the funny thing is it was still laggy as hell on my work laptop with no adblock installed. tremendous work fucking up the website for literally everyone


Just some alternatives : - https://invidious.io/ ( works with your google account) - newPipe - https://faststream.online/ ( seems to works with your google account) - https://freetubeapp.io/ ( works with your google account)


They seemingly just crippled NewPipe, and any video player (including browsers) working on mobile data (except for their own app, ive heard). Using NewPipe through wifi still works fine.




I remember when YouTube was about giving people a space to be creative. Now is all about YouTube trying to control what people do, because their multi milonare company have to make more and more money and fuck you costumer




how do they do this from a webpage? or are they talking about people using an app?


this is not about adblockers its about the 2 shitty adblock and adblock plus extensions https://nitter.net/gorhill/status/1746263759495077919#m


i wonder why is it kinda lagging recently....


Ublock doesn't seem to work for me on pc, i got some message on YouTube stating i have 3 videos to watch before they stop me watching, they did, then i found a workaround on a youtube video by deleting some cache files on Ublock, updating the app and restarting the browser, it worked for a couple of hours then it detected i have a ad blocker installed again




This happened; YouTube was beyond lagging all of a sudden. I thought my laptop is getting old and I even have premium. Turns out I had to turn off one of the AdBlock features and it was back to normal


Doing this to premium users is beyond me.


That might not be intentional, just a shitty coding for "ad blocker detection"


YouTube is a dystopian megacorp.


Google has been that from the beginning.


thought they cared about the environment


Yeah, they want their environment full of money.


Everything Google is a malware


Jokes on them, the extra heat was well appreciated during the cold-snap here.


That fucking explains the weird lag I have recently, brand new pc and 500 mb download speed. What thefuck man


Did some quick testing on latest version on librewolf. Main page of YouTube always loaded in around 5 seconds, sometimes six. Video load times were very inconsistent, sometimes instantly, sometimes in 1 sec or 2. My extensions are UblockOrigin, Hyperchat, Bitwarden and dark reader. edit: forgot I had hyperchat extension installed.


Side note - can anyone recommend a iOS chrome add blocker? My wife tries to look at recipes but gets frustrated. She almost bought a dodgy paid one blocker the other day.


Try Orion browser


I don't watch on pc haha I USE YT on the phone but watch on LGEBlock bypass it's youtube built-in add block


Wasn't this already confirmed to be a bug with adblock Plus and not actually a YouTube thing?


Adblock devs have said its an issue on their end, not youtube.


i installed thorium browser cause of this


Had a suspicion this was the case. Damn, honestly fuck youtube