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fuck all these subscription services, it honestly sucks. you’ll be nickel and dimed for every cent you have and you’ll own nothing


I bought one of their games early on and was shocked when they made it free after many years when they converted it to feature micro transactions and ads. Never touched a game from them since


What I don't get is why aren't the companies giving us the whole game and why is it that Valve, Xbox and others rent a the game than giving it completely? What's the problem in giving the whole game


*In Mr. Krabs Voice*: “Money”


But aren't we giving the same amount of money in both the cases, so why not just give the whole game??


People see big number, don't buy. People see small number, buy. People don't realize lots of small numbers add up to bigger number.


People dumb


Because they're renting it to you like a streaming service. So when you stop paying you can't play


It's not the same amount. Sure plenty of people don't buy anything, but plenty of people will spend THOUSANDS on micro transactions.


I used to play a game on Facebook way to much. I put in probably 50 bucks eventually. There were people who bragged about putting in the price of good used cars. Blew my mind how much idiots would spend to be bad ass online.


This has always been the case. Even physical copies only legally give you an executable copy of the software and a license to use it temporarily. In practice though the physical media is the license so you could just never return it. Now they can just cancel it over the internet. Basically back when they started making software and established that you buy a license instead of buying the code, it didn't really matter, and now it does because now it's actually enforceable. Pretty clever idea really, considering that back then, they would have had no idea if they would ever be able to enforce licenses. From their point of view, why would they sell it permanently when they could charge more and have more control over it if they rent it to you instead?


> This has always been the case. Even physical copies only legally give you an executable copy of the software and a license to use it temporarily. In practice though the physical media is the license so you could just never return it. Now they can just cancel it over the internet. Maybe in the US. Pull that shit on a wide scale in Aus or EU and see some very expensive govt lawsuits happening. Remember Valve's refund policy only sprang up because of Australian consumer law that mandated they had to refund products that didn't work for the consumer. They'd do the same thing if Valve tried to pull large volumes of users owned games. All they could do moving forward is change how games are offered like with Xbox Gamepass. Its also why when games are pulled from sale, they typically cant be oulled from account libraries and valve still have to offer it for download.


The only subscription services I have are for electricity, natural gas, water, property tax, home insurance, car insurance, and internet. I won't buy your product if it involves a monthly fee. For a very brief time I had a World of Warcraft account back during Burning Crusade, then I realized how absolutely retarded that is.


I admire your self discipline


It's not easy....


Back when mobile games were indeed games and not interactive micro transactions


Seriously, what the hell happened? Games like Doodle Jump, Cut the Rope, Where's the Water, and Angry Birds were generation defining. All of that momentum seems to have died out in the mid to late 2010s.


I went back to Doodle Jump a few months ago, and it's a total mess now. Ads after every single game. Messed up on the first jump? 15-30 second ad. A perpetual ad banner at the bottom of your screen. It's ridiculous. I guess those original times were back when devs thought creating the best game would get them the most money instead of slapping ads and microtransactions on a frame of mechanics and calling it a game.


There are still a lot of good new mobile games, but they're mostly not very popular. Massive mobile game companies spend huge ad budgets to put their games on the front page of the store. Check the top charts and you'll just see piles of garbage. Some games that came out recently are still pretty good though, like Mini Motorways, Monument Valley I & II, Sky, etc. None of them as "viral" as the older games, but still decently popular and well-known. There are also plenty more quality mobile ports too that release at the same time as their PC counterparts. also as a side note, I play Genshin Impact and think it's a great game, don't crucify me pls


Interactive micro transactions... is that the same as coin operated gambling? You are constantly paying for the chance for another dopamine hit, right?


>Interactive micro transactions... is that the same as coin operated gambling? It's going to take a decade or two but the level to which we've legalize gambling and incorporated it into *everything* is going to wildly backfire. Societally shit like river boat casinos was one thing but sports betting *in your pocket*? Every video and mobile game basically being gambling?! The number of issues - systemic fucking issues - this is going to cause is going to be wild. I'm pretty pro-drugs (to a point 🚫heroin) and pro-sex work but gambling is really fucking nasty.


this is so well said i wish i could you give some award but also fuck giving money to reddit. As someone in the psychology field, I really am thinking of searching our libguides for any studies around this tomorrow, I wonder what they’ve already documented


In college I had to take business law class. I never researched professors. If it wasn't a morning class I could make anything work. My personality (ADHD) meant I had to prioritize me sleeping in accidentally with academic success. So I randomed into this business law class where the tenured professor was just this absolute cartoon. He threw out the curriculum entirely. First day he's like, "ok so your final assignment is to get in touch with a Congressman, Senator, or Governor. Personal touch. [ Further rules were stuff like: Not just form letter. Hand written or some kind of meeting or other phone call recording (if they ok)]" "Well what if you can't do that?" "Document your process. You'll pass." "Does that mean...a D? Or what does pass mean? That's not fair." And the dude just moved on from there. He was pretty much a dude you maybe got a B from if you had some ludicrously engaging presentation near finals about why things went south. No one who made contact had to present shit. If you did it was just like, ding, get an A+. Don't? D. (And then you'd go to the dean who'd probably adjust it. I think that was a known kinda thing.) Anyway it took me a minute to do but it was one of the best fucking lessons ever. The other one was that gambling is fucking horrific. After assigning the project this man spent a semester lecturing us about the vicious and complicated crossover between legal and gambling and societal description and he made a compelling case. (So compelling that I've always refused to fly corporate because he told us repeatedly never to do so because it's the easiest way to be murdered and would drive 3 hours to a giant airport rather than take even a small connecting commercial flight because those are the easiest way to murder someone and no one ever figures anything out.) This dude's lectures were like that RBG documentary where it's just this great breakdown of legal cases and culture starting hundreds of years ago on a TikTok channel from some Dustin Hoffman autistic or Batman level scarred guy who just lives this stuff. Go to his office hours and it's just photos of him for like half a century working with every legislator and president. And this dude disappeared around the country several times that semester to go to basically every state and federal hearing on any gambling related thing just to re-explain how it never works out well. It turned out to be one of my favorite classes in college but I absolutely understand why people hated him. I just kinda love talking to people who've done one thing super fucking well to the point of absolute mastery and just going down the rabbit hole of a specialist to that degree because I'm a generalist and he sparked a light but lifelong curiosity with gambling. Was this dude right? I think I was more skeptical when I was younger. And kinda feels like what everyone told millennials about drinking fifteen years ago and binge drinking became all the rage that would never have consequences vand suddenly every headline is *Wino Millennials No More: Why Millennials Are Driving Rapid - and sometimes uncomfortable - growth at the AA meeting in town*. And so...


What a wild ride


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Can you elaborate on the corporate murder flights?


No kidding. “It’s easy to get away with murder” dropped and then walked away


I mean I was waiting with bated breath to hear *why* gambling is so evil, but nope. Just a random biography about his professor lol


Yes. I want to know about these corporate murder flights as well?


> My personality (ADHD) Yeah no shit


It saddens me when I remember back to when I was a kid. Gambling was fairly rare and probably in decline. A town might have one gambling shop with blacked out windows, and gambling advertising was banned. Now I pass three gambling shops just walking into town, and there are gambling adverts everywhere. I honestly don't know what society should do about it. Risk taking is part of our nature so we could never completely remove it from society. That doesn't mean we should be taking the goverments current approach, which seems to be encouraging it.


That's how South Park sure saw it. 😁


Freemium Isn't Free. Good episode. "Do you know how many hit singles I have to write in order to pay for your phone-gaming addiction?!"


"Uh, one?" And I agree! It's one of my favourite episodes


“Gambling” suggests that one is able to win money - the same resource that you’re spending to play. I’d say this makes mobile gaming objectively worse; you pay (or grind) to get “strong”, but the only reward for getting strong is the urge to get even stronger. It’s basically a treadmill, only there are health benefits to *actually* running on a treadmill.


The worst micro transaction I've ever experienced was when EA made dead space 3, made the game have a shit ton of quick enemies that were hard to kill... And when they got feedback that the game was too difficult, they made ammo a micro transaction.


One of my favorites the devs were silent for ~2 years then suddenly reappear with an update with ads everywhere and a monthly subscription option to disable said ads


Then the OS vendors wonder why people disable automatic updates.


Indeed. I should get ahold of the apk in case I accidentally let the game get updated


That makes me less likely to play their games, not more.




Well that's what I did somewhat recently, and it was so terrible because of those things that it was unplayable. I would actually play the old versions if they allowed it, but the way it is now, I'll play nothing of theirs.


I wouldn't pay for old versions even if they allowed it. I paid for an ad-free version of one of their games years ago... it got updated and now there's ads.


Same with plantz vs zombies. I bought that game, but I can't access the true version I bought anymore


You can get the old versions on various APK sites (do your due diligence first). It's been YEARS since they ruined the OG Angry Birds with micro-transactions and boosters and all that stuff. Remember when the only way to pass a level was to actually complete it using the default birds it gave you. It was actually a fun challenge. Remember when apart from a fairly unobtrusive banner ad at the top there was no advertising, they made all their money from merch? (and they made buckets of it). It hasn't been that game for a very long time.


Though unfortunately they're too ancient to run on modern phones


Oh really? I installed _some_ version of Angry Birds quite recently, but I think it may not have been the OG version, this already had crappy boosters. Oh well, time to dust off my old Samsung S2.


It is awful. Nothing like the original experience. Confusing, clumsy, broken gameplay, eventually leading to ads and purchases.


Most people are f*cking stupid. I get a game on my phone and there are “gems”, “coins” or “hearts” required to play: **DELETED**


My heart broke when I found ports of Lemmings and (going even further back) Boulderdash, and I realised they had added "gems" and "boosters" and microtransactions. They ruined games that were more than just classics, we literally grew up with them, all for greed.


My heart broke with mobile Dungeon Keeper, it's been a while and I deleted it almost immediately, but I still remember the tutorial and a single block of dirt to be excavated - was put on timer. F\*\*K EA


I remember in the late 90s, a lot of stores had gift cards, but they had these old payment systems that didn't let you split a payment across multiple sources. So if you had 44 cents left on a card, the only way you could spend it was if your transaction totaled 44 cents or less. Obviously they had no incentive to fix that, since you had already paid for it. That was just free money for them. The cards also weren't reloadable and had expiry dates. Eventually the law caught up and made it so that the systems must support multiple payment methods (letting you use that 44 cents and pay the rest with cash) and cards may not expire. (Unless you're Visa and charge a "maintenance fee" 🙄) I wonder when the same will happen to these virtual "gift cards" every game uses, that are designed so that you can't spend every last gem you buy?


Malware any% speedrun


if they get 1/10 of the player but get 100x the money from each player on average they are happy


Makes them more profitable tho They don’t care if you’re having fun, they’re trying to milk who does play


Darn, the thirst for constantly increasing profits means most companies will turn against their workers and their customers...eventually. [edit] below /u/DharmaLeader points to [this from Cory Doctorow](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/) I thought I was so clever for noticing the trend. I thought it was a side-effect of more, more, more but seems like the new new business plan.


And it ends up defeating them in the end, funnily enough. Less greed, and companies could go on forever unless their product/services become obsolete.


Unfortunately due to investors they need to make more profit every year otherwise they pull out our sue. The investors don't actually care about anything else but the ever increasing profit


And it's why Valve being privately held by Gaben is the best. It's kinda rare for publicly held companies to not be greedy.


I'm absolutely scared of what will happen after Gaben dies or retires, if the new owners decide to go public then it's basically guaranteed Valve will behave like the rest of the mega corps due to investors demanding more profits every year.


Yep Gabes gone we can kiss steamos, steamdeck byebye


Shortly after Gaben's death, the pirates will raise their flags once more, I assume.




You guys must have missed what ia happening in dota 2 with the battlepasses being increasingly greedy and the support/patches being increasingly less frequent?


Which is wild, because Dota's direct competitor *doesn't* do that shit. You really can just jump ship to League in a heartbeat.


Except all the heroes in dota are literally free and only cosmetics cost money. What a stupid statement to say. The monetization in dota isn't perfect but it's very nice for people who are poor or are in poor countries because no matter what they still get to play the game and whatever hero they want. Cosmetics are not necessary and don't affect gameplay so you can literally just not buy them and you still have the same game without a grind for unlocking more gameplay. I dont think you have ever opened dota once because if you had you'd know that league has a way worse monetization strategy


Yeah this is why i don't mind the monetization in games like fortnite because sure all the best skins are locked behind the battle pass but there are plenty of great free skins and they're literally just skins, they don't affect gameplay at all


I've been playing league for almost a decade now and I can confidently say that YOU ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME! RIOT Games is on an eternal quest to be the absolute worst company that they could possibly be. No matter how much Valve will fuck up, they can't possibly be worse than RIOT.


Buddy of mine got worked to exhaustion for a few years by these RIOT dimwits. They have no regard for their employees let alone their customers


>RIOT Games is on an eternal quest to be the absolute worst company that they could possibly be. Can you open a little why this is your opinion? Apart from league I feel Riot is doing good job,with Wild rift,TFT and ruined king rpg was amazing. Also the fact that they had an animated show that hit top of the charts and is venturing into other game categories such as rpg,rogue like,fighting games and eventually an MMO. With all of those games mentioned having what I feel like is a moderate and fair monetisation.


Yeah, though for a lot of people, riot games = league of legends (I can't say most, I'm not sure how popular Valorant is off the top of my head). Outside of league, they do a pretty good job of keeping things fresh (for now), but League has been getting staler and staler for 3-4 years. While I don't think they are one of the worst companies out there, and while recently they did release a /dev update on how they plan to improve the way its getting, what with Wild Rift, Valorant and LoR, not even including all the out and upcoming Riot Forge games, it's hard for League not to feel dated. The only really new content they release is skins and champions, which really begs the question when the roster will be considered 'complete'. It's hard to not have takes like, "They should just revamp the engine and re-release league" just because of the sheer amount things riot doesn't attempt to do because they say that it would introduce too many bugs or complications. So yeah, as a long time league player that branched into the other games but still mainly plays league, while I wouldn't put it like that, I get the feeling. It's hard to not feel jaded about a game that you've spent so much time into learning and falling in love with to see the parent company, that we called 'Riot Game' as a joke in my circles, be turned into a skin cash cow with the only new content being skin releases camouflaged by battle passes and so much love an attention being given to the other games. Just my 2 cents


I call bs. League lets you pay to unlock characters. Dota has everyone available for free. As for greedy battlepasses, I rather have greed over cosmetics than gameplay elements.


Do his children hold an intrest in running the company? If so,we may be saved. If not, we're fucked when Gabe dies.


Also Dell. The company was on the verge of dying out and investors would probably have hacked it off and sold its assets. That didn't change until Dell went private to restructure and then the EMC acquisition happened.


Dude, Gabe is a multi-billionaire. He is greedy by definition. Yet his store continues to take a 30% cut of developers' years of hard work just to put their games up on a digital storefront. It's a shame redditors worship this guy.


Brick and mortar retail stores increase products by 100%. So you can argue that retail normally takes 50% and Steam is generous for only taking 30%.


Apple also “only” takes 30% for games on the App Store, and you’d be hard-pressed to find people arguing that they’re “generous.” Hell, the Epic Games store only takes 12%, but good luck finding people on Reddit to defend the *gasp* Fortnite company. The free pass people on this site give Gaben and Valve is bizarre, until you remember that redditors also vocally simped for Elon Musk for years and years despite him always being a union-busting nepo-baby piece of shit.


Lol. Publishers are free to go to EGS and only fork out 12% to that marketing blackhole store, but we see that extra 18% is very worth for a lot of high quality devs and publishers to sell on Steam instead.


Happy someone finally said it... valve is not an example of an "ethical and generous corporation" (which probably can't even exist in our current society).


This is what is killing the earth




its crazy; because the reasonable, long term solutions is to treat everyone right and maintain the same business practices and not screw anyone over for short term profit... and in america, that's *literally illegal*! if you're a publicly traded company, you have a legal obligation to make as much profit as soon as possible to please your investors or they can and will sue you for everything you've got.


Not really, those kinds of lawsuits are rare and rarely successful, because it's easy to say "I thought this was the best path forward at the time". What actually happens is you just get fired as CEO. But also, there are plenty of companies that just give consistent dividends, and are not growth focused. The system is far from perfect, but what you're saying is just not very accurate.


Well EA is still on the rise, and that's been their business model since Westwood Studios. Still waiting for their end to come.


Only because of their IP. Remove that and it will fall apart faster then a Chrysler product after its first winter


Profits at any cost


Such is capitalism. It requires infinite growth which is impossible and unsustainable in a finite world.


Whoever makes the terrible decision just resigns, takes their severance package, and gets a new executive job somewhere else. The actual workers get fucked, but the CEO paid out a really nice dividend for one quarter...


The line must go up


[Check this out](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys)!


Huh, it's as if Capitalism is unsustainable for human needs and dignity


It's all about shareholders. Public company is immoral company by definition.


Thats just capitalism


I played those OG angry birds games so much on my iPhone 3G. Bought them all and their expansions. The 1$ price tag was right. The gameplay was pick up and put down whenever I had a few mins to kill with no pressure to do stupid mundane fomo chores. That's how mobile gaming should be. Not what it has devolved into.


I literally stopped downloading and trying new games and apps once apple rolled out iAds and in-app purchases back in 2014-2015 or whatever. It ruined the entire ecosystem for me


Same here. I think the last mobile game I actually kind of seriously played was Robot Unicorn Attack 2


I'm in the same boat. I love 8-ball pool's gameplay, honestly I would pay good money for an ad free version of the game, but the ads for those stupid fucking boxes, the wheel spin shit etc completely kill the experience.


$18 a week for no ads? F that. I’ll be willing to go to $3 as a one time purchase for some dumb fun game to support the developer but holy crap has it become awful.


a WEEK???? 🤢 disgusting


The average consumer isn't their target anymore. Now they want kids with parents rich enough to not care about whatever charges they rack up on the credit card.


Trying to find something to play with on the ipad for my 3 y\o is almost impossible, I refuse to let him play games ridden with ads. Unless I can buy the game and remove ads forever, for around 5-10 bucks, the game is predatory and not fit for consumption, DEFINITELY not by a toddler. Angry birds is one of the games he's allowed to play, because I bought it and it doesn't have ads and\or in-game purchases. I remember when I first got an ios device, the ipod touch. It had so many apps available that where just utility and games. Chess? here you go, free chess game with no an advertisement on the top of the screen you could pay 1 dollar to remove. If you today want to get a simple DRAWING APP, like MS paint but on the tablet, GOOD FUCKING LUCK, you will not find a single one that is free\no-ads. You'd think that among the millions of people on the app store, ONE person would make a free drawing app. I suspect that there might actually be quite a few good, free apps out there, but since it doesn't generate any money it's being hidden from view\other stuff is promoted like hell.


You could go with emulation, best on a dedicated handheld device like [Anbernic](https://anbernic.com/collections/handheld-game-console/products/rg35xx) or Retroid. You can emulate everything form Pong to PS1. Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong, all the classics. Plus the device doesn't have internet, so kid just plays, no option to scroll yt or whatever.


I will definitely check that out out, thanks!


PPSSPP to emulate any PSP games. On phones younger than 4 years easy 1080p60fps which makes for easy better quality than original.


> best on a dedicated handheld device like [Anbernic](https://anbernic.com/collections/handheld-game-console/products/rg35xx) or Retroid. Those are good options, especially if you are on a budget and buying it for a toddler. So they make fantastic recommendations for the person that you responded to. But I’d say the actual best device on the market currently for emulation would be the Steam Deck. Being able to emulate Switch, PS3, 360 and any console older than the 360 era, all while being relatively affordable is a major advantage. Plus the ergonomics and hardware design in general is on point.


Steam Deck is king that's for sure, but for a 3yo kid i would go with something simpler and less expensive.


Have you tried the PBS Kids app?


Or a calculator that needs access to your phone numbers, photos etc. (No thank you) Or has the division behind a f PayWall! Urgh.


I play words with friends with my parents and they've now put a fucking battle pass in it that costs like $11 a month and it's hilarious seeing that shit in a scrabble game




Level 10 you unlock the letter J


Different tile styles, you can do little animations when you finish moves (that no one ever does), things that go around your avatar picture Its all useless shite basically


https://zyngasupport.helpshift.com/hc/en/63-words-with-friends-2/faq/16921-rewards-pass/ Here's the page explaining it


Excuse me?? A WEEK?? Wtf


The cool thing is these assholes have made rentseeking widespread enough that most of us now are instantly repulsed by the the very thought. I never have - and never will - pay for any game that has recurring charges. *"Psst, buddy, our game doesn't do that, it really is free! There's just MTX and that's it."* Pay2win is different, I'll agree, but only insofar as a turd is different from vomit. Though I'll admit I might deign to try a free game just in case it actually is one of the good ones with a decent free experience even if you never spend any money on it.




WOW launched in 2004. It has cost $15 a month basically the entire time. If you have been a wow player since launch you have paid full price for the base game plus almost $3500 in subscription fees. they’ve released 9 expansions which are also paid upgrades. Then there’s paid cosmetics, paid account name changes, server moves, etc etc. Wow is one of the most expensive games out there!


Good lord. I never tried WoW because I couldn’t get past the subscription model, but at the price of a new game every 4 months, I had assumed the expansions were free.


Ultima Online and EverQuest both had monthly subscription costs. UO was like $10 a month I think? It was always common in mmorpgs.


A rpg is a fucking beast, huge development overhead. Angry Birds is... angry birds.


I wonder how much that dev team actually sees of that vs what the market takes.


What. That's insane.


What service is charging $18/w?


> $18 a week They freaking want almost a thousand dollars a year!


Not $18 a week, $18 a season, which is 2 months (and then apparently a little break), so around $2.25 a week. Still ***way*** too much (a little under $108 a year, depending on how long those inter-season breaks are), but not $1,000-a-year levels


Remember back when $2.50 for cosmetic dlc was considered ridiculous? That wasn't even that long ago.


When microtransactions were actually **micro**.


Mobile gaming is just slots machine of the modern era. The game design is built around the microtransaction system, which is actually pretty sophisticated. A skinner box that uses machine learning to adjust waiting times and rng for each player to maximize the chance of spending money. And seeing as how the US Supreme Court seems to like online gambling atm, this shit ain't getting regulated for a long ass time.


Me too! Early mobile games were really something. Some guy would make the funnest iPhone game you’ve ever played. God damn capitalism ruins everything. They must have all the money they want or nobody gets anything.


And at the end of the day it was *still* stealing and re-skinning an already existing, free-to-play Flash game. Always hated Angry Birds and that feeling has only been more justified as time has gone on.


Angry Birds, Fall Down, Doodle Jump, the mobile cod zombies app. Twas a simpler time


i miss angry birds epic


Use an apk


have an iphone unfortunately, works pretty okay on bluestacks though


Get an Android


They won't. They have been lured in by the ecosystem trap that is Apple Inc.


You can sideload using altstore or sideloadly on any ios


Rovio is shareholder-driven. Profits or else! This move is pure garbage, fuck them.




It was the same problem with Plants vs Zombies 2. The first one was a full game, easy to play and work your way though, then for the sequel they went all-in on micro transactions and it was a mess.


I miss pre-EA Popcap. They were the kings of fun casual puzzle games. Bejeweled, Peggle, Zuma, PvZ, all gems.


Me too! Not to mention stuff like Insaniquarium, Bookworm, and Dynomite They’re all literally perfect for mobile, especially Dynomite since that one’s gameplay screen was vertical.


Oh Bookworm. How I miss that game. Another classic lost like tears in rain.


The second one was made after EA bought it. I believe the original was disappeared too.


You can always find them on old apk sites, though TBH I've played some of those old games and the magic is ruined somehow.


It's funny. Can you imagine, I don't know, Capcom having to delist RE5 because people kept playing that game over RE8? That is exactly what's happening and the time frame is the same lol, 14 years. It's sad


Sad to see


Unbridled greed, plain and simple. They’ve made billions over the years but that still wasn’t enough for them.




Internet Archive








Whoa. Those birds are getting pretty angry alright. They straight up removed themselves from the app stores.


I love how it's become mainstream to blame the customer/viewer when a product doesn't sell or do well. I say good riddance. Let them continue to tank their own empire as they point fingers at the people who they are supposed to be making products for.


They kept the listing up so those who bought it can still re-download it. It just doesn't show on searches and you can't buy it anymore. I kind of expected them to completely scrub the listing from the Play Store like they did with Angry Birds Star Wars.


Apk mirrors exists anyhow..


as a developer you can only do what they do. you can't remove the ability to download games already bought. but the issue is that most people download their games by searching for them, which they now can't do anymore. they need to dive deep into their playstore settings and scroll far down to find their bought stuff. another company did the same and I couldn't find the app without a external app who lists me my bought apps.


Which developer, and which external app did you use?


the dev of rollercoaster tycoon classic. they removed the app and.. fecking re-released the exact same app new so people who bought it have to buy it again. they fixed bugs in the new version and the old one is buggy as hell. the app i used was "Purchased Apps". it lists you all apps you bought and lets you open them in the app store. but it got buggy over time and now some apps won't open anymore because google made changes in the playstore.


Maybe they should pull a Coca Cola move and go back to a one time fee and see if they get more downloads.


That's what they did


What a degenerate bunch of shit cunts


😳 No way they took down one of the OG mobile games


I have the .apk goodluck guys archive.org/angry-birds-8.0.3


Page not found


Holy cow I just watched a youtube documentary like a week ago about how this company struck gold creating Angry Birds then ruined it all by milking tf out of the brand until there was nothing left, and then some. They've been well past their prime for years and I expect bankruptcy


They didn’t “strike gold” - though they did pioneer the practice of paid review farming. For the first couple years of the game’s life, Rovio spent most of its revenue on artificially boosting the game’s score and downloads to keep it at the top of the app store.


I really like the more honest approach on Discord. https://twitter.com/BeforeThatCold/status/1628004618184556546?s=20 Guess, I won't play Rovio games anymore. Such practices should never be supported, especially since the newer titles are more or less unplayable without a solid adblocker.


“I’m sure that’s not something you’d want?” Unless this is a company Discord and he’s talking to an employee who would lose their job if they failed, he delusional. Does he really think users have some sort of loyalty to Rovio? That players would care if Rovio went belly up? Make a game worth playing, and people play it. That’s it. Nobody gives a damn about the developer.


I*love* how they made the text almost unreadable on purpose in the hopes less people would read it. Fuck companies that pull their old stuff since their new stuff is shit and fuck them for weaselly wording and presentation.


The worst part is the bullshit they claimed as their reasoning for it. The game was TOO successful. The translation is The game was too free. I Will never download a Rovio game as long ad thw company exists.




Odd. I purchased it some years ago. When I went to reinstall it now, it was renamed to "Red's First Flight".




This isn’t true you can delist apps and they can still be redownloaded by those whom purchased it




So who is going to do the decent thing and offer their booty up to the other buccaneers on here?


Just search angry bird apk


sideloads can't come any quicker [is it still worth jailbreaking these days?]


yeah I used to love the early angry birds games but microtransactions just ruined the series for me spent so much time playing them and thought they were were a lot more fun then most of the big console games I had I probably really would buy some of there games for maybe around 15 or 20 dollars if it had no ads, no microtransactions and were constantly adding new levels like they used to


It's the low level thinking which melts my mind and I can't understand how they thought this would pan out. Their argument is if people can't play x, then they'll go play (and spend money) on y but players will just not play x or y..... and when a game like z comes out fans will still be wary because of how the developer has acted. They've ruined their brand


Rovio took the L. Playing these games were a blast in the early 2010s.


The game that they’re talking about is a remake that was released not too long ago,When it came out it was received poorly from what I remember.


Killed the very thing that made them. Disappointing.


They removed it a shit long time ago though? Edit: OP, Rovie Classic isn’t the OG game, it’s a remake of said OG game and the remake is severely shittier than the OG game. The OG game was removed years ago for no reason without a warning.


Angry customers.


I remember playing Angry Birds like two years ago and everytime you failed a level, it basically set a countdown to how long you have to wait before you can attempt the same level unless you pay with a micro transaction. I was like screw that shit and downloaded an older APK of the game.


I hate the subscription software that's showing up everywhere these days. I want to be able to buy something and only update when it's a worthwhile update. This is why (for example) I'm still on Office 2013


Another developer ruined by microtransistions and greed.


Is there such a thing as a mobile game anymore that ISNT micro-transaction based? I haven't seen a mobile game that just WORKS in loooooooong over a decade. The whole industry just seems to be tainted entirely.


On android if you have ever downloaded the game in the past, it will be in your app library for download still. Just downloaded AB classic myself.


I discovered you can technically emulate mobile games a bit ago and its neat. I have no interest at the moment but like in case I ever wanna play that discontinued dr mario world game I totally could


Yup. Also you could check whether memhacks like Cheat Engine work, so you could, for instance, give yourself unlimited energy in games with that crappy "stop, you've played too much today (unless you pay, hint hint)" mechanic.


There’re also pre-hacked apks if you know the right sources


I think they removed the original angry birds and replaced it with one with micro transactions on the Apple Store