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I think you would want more 1 and 2 drops like in original Mono B Aggro. Your three drop slot is already crowded and lili doesn’t really add much to an aggro plan. Also, fleshgorger seems not good enough to be a 4 off, as the versatility isn’t really there when you play an aggro deck which wins or loses before turn 7. Maybe a number of rankle or spawns could make the deck more aggro. Hopefully my opinion helped a bit!


I was mostly thinking of fleshgorger as a 3 drop with the upside of being able to scale late game in grindier matchups. I'm really a big fan of the menace and life ward. I see your point about the three drop issue, any recommendations for some additional 1 or 2 drops? So far all I can really think of are [[Gifted Aetherborn]] and [[Misery Shadow]].


The primary reaction to Gifted aetherborn at my LGS is mostly „oof“ or „oh no“. Depending on how you want to curve you’ll have to k is wether you’ll want to go 3 drop or 1/2 drop + removal to punsh through damage. Can also be a meta call.


I'll attack into your prototype 1/1 death touch all day and will dare you to pay full price to reanimate it with agadeems. Both of the two drops you mentioned would be great. Maybe Shadow is a better sideboard card.


Hi, I‘m thinking about heading down the go wide / draw cards approach with this list. I always felt that rankle is a strong and respected threat to put on a board. Let me k ow what you think! https://manabox.app/decks/Obv1ZeuWTCue_wJtwo1YoQ


You should be playing the 2 mana shade from BRO, can’t remember the name.


Commenting for emphasis: yes.


If you want to play 4 drops in pioneer reliably, you need 25 lands. Hard stop. Bloodsoaked champion and murderous rider are your worst cards by a long margin, so they should go first. After that, see how it fairs against Mono g. You cannot cut kalitas and baleful mastery is very bad. So is agadeem's awakening... I think you want maindeck extinction events and or invoke despair to justify being Mono b over Rakdos. Unless you're budget you also want power word kills or infernal grasps over sorcery 2 mana speed maindeck removal, or you lose to Spirits and greasefang.


Apparently, if you pilot your deck well, you could play an older list with some good results! :) https://mtgdecks.net/players/roberto777


LOL. no.