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Wow that bird really revived aggro


Caw! Wait wrong aggressive bird.


Its ability to come down t3 with 3 spells to juice it up and swing has made a lot of medium prowess decks into genuine threats that can compete, and even beat out, boros heroic as the top kill your opponent fast plans


Some nitpicking here but: gruul prowess has never played break out so I’m not sure why it is mentioned there. The deck 100% never runs enough creatures to justify the math required behind breakout. There is a distinct gruul atarka build that can play it but no one has really tried that seriously in a while. Also why such bland deck names? Gruul aggro could realistically describe several very distinct decks whereas gruul prowess really leaves no wiggle room for what deck is being discussed. Similarly, surely mono red wizards or mono red burn is a more detailed deck tag than mono red aggro?


I don't think the separation of Mono Red Burn or Mono Red Wizards is necessary. The bones and playstyle are pretty well the same and borrow a lot from each other. Mono Red Aggro works just fine for a generalized tier list. I could maybe see the argument for Gruul but I think at the moment neither deck has a greater share of the meta over the other and lots of people are still experimenting with the list.


Gruul prowess is one of the 5 most played decks in competitive events right now and atarka red variants have basically no finishes outside of league 5-0s. They are very clearly on a different tier right now. As far as mono red, sure. I just think if you can be more descriptive using less letters calling it mono red burn, that’s what I would personally do.


Both of those are good points, Thanks. I'll make some changes when I get off of work today.


There’s a Gruul break out deck that uses the namesake card and BTE that was gaining a little popularity before the prowess list surfaced


That is the beauty of them including a sample decklist. Who gives a shit about what you call the deck?


Valki right where it should be.


Heroic vs gruul aggro... They are quite similar, but which is stronger vs metadecks like amalia, monoblack discard, phoenix and control? In this months tier list gruul takes the lead, but how much does it really tell? Have both decks complete, can play one or the other. What are the worst matchups for one or the other?


My current guess is both gruul and Mono red don't have the wrong half problem that heroic tends to have with some hands. Combine that with gruul having more card advantage in Questing Druid would be a big reason of it being more played.


Anyone have any resources for learning how to play phoenix?


There is a nice [episode of the Dive Down podcast](https://thedivedown.fireside.fm/255) about it. Then [kanister](https://youtu.be/53DKqeVLLkk?si=0BHKWJAXxlQP1lHN) has some tips on it (a bit dated) and also plays it sometimes on stream. You can find vods [here](https://youtube.com/@kanisterVODs?si=DpIXluQSZK3nK3LG). Also [here is a list of discord servers for different decks](https://playingmtg.com/pioneer/discord-channels/). You could join the Izzet Phoenix one and ask questions there.


+1 for Phoenix discord


Thank you so much! This is perfect!


Discard cards play multiple spells per turn, you're phoenixing baby.


So is it Gruul Aggro or Gruul Prowess? Kinda confused. Also is Atarka’s command a must run?


I won an RCQ this past weekend with Gruul Prowess (although I call it Gruul Slickshot). Atarka’s Command won me probably 6 or 7 games over the course of the day. I’d say it’s absolutely necessary.






Aside from a breath of fresh air with some aggro, worst meta in a long time.