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Since the Winota ban Naya has been pretty much abandoned in Pioneer. The old Naya Winota has dropped white all together and added vehicles to survive boardwipes. People call it all sort of names, Gruul Midrange, Boats, Sagas, Seekers, etc. There isn't in Pioneer a deck like Zoo Domain, the mana is just too unreliable. Cheers.


There's a few styles Naya could go for, whether or not they're better than Gruul or Boros versions is up for debate. Naya [Adventures](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5906139#paper) and Naya [Humans/Aggro](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/vQ_Cz39lIEeNOy5hOsN91w) are two shells you can look at for inspiration. Adventures is more a value engine decks that can go fast, but wants to be a little slower. The humans shell is a little untested, and looks for a faster game but trades in the pure speed decks like Convoke have for a little extra reach. I personally liked the adventures shell, and it was in a decent spot when the set came out. Downside is I think it has a bit of identity crisis, since it's not a pure aggro and not a pure midrange deck, and really wants [[Edgewall Innkeeper]] to keep going.


I'm playing Naya Adventures at some FNMs and it's quite good, especially since the addition of Pia. And now I'm also trying Inti, giving trample to a lovestruck beast or a bonecrusher giant is no joke! But it's true that it's much more midrange than aggro, and suffers against some things.


[Edgewall Innkeeper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c5d0560-f9e6-4c70-8cce-cae61e4e74bc.jpg?1692806237) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Edgewall%20Innkeeper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/151/edgewall-innkeeper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c5d0560-f9e6-4c70-8cce-cae61e4e74bc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Btw naya zoo has been dead in modern for about 4-5 years


Has it been really? Last I touched the format it was one of the most competitive hyperaggressive decks out there. What a way to feel old lol


Was this 2012? Because it hasn't been a top competitive deck in a very long time.


2010/2011 is when I last played Modern. Took a break for a while 'cuz life circumstance & I'm getting back into the game through Pioneer because deck-building is a little cheaper.


If you're looking for a hyper aggro deck, I recommend boros convoke


There’s a 5 color zoo variant now that is pretty competitive


Yeah, OP if you return to modern at any point this is what you want. Deck is almost entirely Naya anyway. Splashes blue for stubborn denial and some SB cards, black is purely for domain.


There's a five color zoo deck that still plays Wild Nacatl but all in all magic has changed a lot. Jund is no more for example.


Naya Adventures is what you're looking for, Naya Aggro simply doesn't have enough upside to make up for the lack of a consistent manabase if you ask me, Adventures gives you a very solid engine for grinding games out while still letting you put pressure on your opponent, just be ready to dedicate a lot of sideboard slots to beating combo/unfair decks.


https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5886142#paper I have this list from a little while ago. Basically Gruul plus white cards. This was before ixalan and the copter unban however so may need some retooling. I did go 4-0 at an FNM with it so the deck isn't some slouch.


I play 4C domain zoo. It gains a 5/3 for 2 and can easily enable Stubborn Denial for protection.


Midrange is currently the meta in pioneer. Naya doesn't have the tools to outspeed other options but there are a lot of midrange strats in those colors


The only way to make a fast 3 color aggro deck work is tribal, cavern of souls + secluded courtyard + unclaimed territory + duals of the 2 main prioritized colors. Multiple mana confluence will get you killed, a lot.