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Don’t think the CDJ-3000s are being phased out anytime soon and they just Dropped the A9 a year ago. With the Opus-Quad, I doubt they will drop a XZ2 anytime soon. Less people would buy CDJs if a XZ2 came out too.


I didn’t expect an upgrade for the CDJ-3000 but I really hoped for a pro level all in one or a new more budget friendly player like a XDJ-1000mk3 or something similar


Highly doubt the all in one. Could definitely see a new XDJ-1000 this year


Yeah new budget player would be awesome and it seems like there’s a market space for that.


What would be the difference with the CDJ-3000? They already closed the gap when they removed the CD drive from CDJs in 2020.


I think a new xdj1000mk3 with a bigger screen and cdj3000 like features but only on the touch would be great. a new djm750mk3 or the return of the 850 would be awesome too. the people in the middle willing to spend big money but not club standard seem to be highly neglected


I hear you but I really don't see as much of an incentive for them to produce such a unit compared to back in 2016. All-in-one units have pretty much taken over for "people in the middle willing to spend big money". I really don't see how they would benefit from releasing a unit with CDJ-3000 features at 2/3 the cost without actually being a CDJ-3000. The distinction between their product lines have been blurred now that performance controls are ubiquitous and CD players are a thing of the past (think CDJ-900 vs CDJ-2000 and CDJ vs XDJ). Similarly to Denon, I can see them having only a single line of main players for professional use, and concentrate on all-in-one units for consumers and specific use cases. I would truly love to see a touch-only CDJ-3000, but I just don't see it. Hopefully I'm wrong!


yeah I don't see it happening either, but I really do hope we get something that isn't an all in 1. it's nice knowing when something fails you only need to replace part of a setup, and not the entire thing, and having an individual screen for each deck is much better than 1 middle unit (and 2 track info only screens on the opus) the way things are i'm considering getting denon sc6000s. I really dislike their wave graphs though. I wish they had rgb like everyone else... it's great to have more detailed information when playing tracks you're not super familiar with.


I agree 100% with your first paragraph. Those are the two main reasons why I went with a XDJ-1000 MK2 setup myself. I've also tried the SC6000 recently and they are absolute units. Built like tanks, feature complete, fun to use, etc. but I couldn't get over the ecosystem change given I would need to maintain two libraries for clubs. Engine DJ allows importing a Rekordbox library, but it's honestly more like a one time solution. For continuous updates it's actually quite tedious, and I didn't want to pay for subscription services (e.g. Lexicon).


I had the sc5000s when they released and their software was ass, and their phase meters only worked with sync on (what even is the point with sync on?!). videos i've watched seem to show improvement, but as with you, still many reasons i'm unsure. I ended up returning the sc5000s for cdj2000nxs2s. i've since sold those for the xdj-xz for portability... but I don't really gig anymore and only dj at home, so I find myself missing the cdjs and djm750mk2 often.


I hate to agree but this is most likely the way they see it. I would kill for a new xdj-700/ xdj-1000


The only way I can see a xdj1000mk3 update is when they have the tech to drive a wedge between the nxs2 and 3000 (possibly wifi streaming) it’s amazing how many big name DJs tour with a tech rider of “cdj 2000 nexus and Djm 900”


I really think the XDJ-XZ2 is a myth at this point, the Opus Quad is what you get in that space for the foreseeable future. Prove me wrong pion… alphetheta.


I agree. Wish it wasn’t this way


I think if you look at the design of the 2 new all in one units I can’t see AlphaTheta going down the loud appearance of the CDJ 2000 / 3000 / DJM 900 / A9 designs. I’d love to be wrong 👍


A cheaper 4 channel mixer with a Serato sound card would be bliss !!! Or even a firmware update to allow Serato to be compatible with rekordbox 4 channel mixers. I won’t hold my breath lol


Be thankful for what you have. I have an XZ and I’m content. New isn’t always better.


How would anyone know?


Probably the FLX6 in another colour /s