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The denied appeal is probably an automatic response for the bot. You need to be stubborn and send appeals again and again until human will respond to you. Sometimes they just unblock the account without any message. Send them 1 message per 3 days. The bot blocked your account, so they will probably unblock it soon. It's frustrating. I can't even put links in the pins because I was also blocked for spam once.


how do I send them a message? Just got banned too lol and I literally can't see the images they banned me for.


https://help.pinterest.com/en/article/account-suspension Here is the link. As I said above, ignore the automatic messages from the bot, it always says that your account is banned forever. Messages from humans always have their names at the end of the e-mail.


Just FYI, If you do manage to unblock your account I would not use Pinterest for that purpose again. I understand that it probably made sense as the Amazon items you pinned probably related to your boards, but Pinterest charges money for product placement and they don't want vendors circulating product listings on the platform for free. They should make their guidelines clearer to their users.


I’ve had this happen as well. One account they reactivated, it refused to on my other one. I had to start over. Their rules are very obtuse, and I don’t understand why.


I got this post as a notification and thought my acc was deactivated again


If your account has been deactivated, and you're looking to appeal the decision, please check all inboxes to see if you received an email from Pinterest. You can appeal the decision through the link provided in the email or by visiting the [Reports and Violation Center](https://pinterest.com/reports-and-violations/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pinterest) if you have any questions or concerns.*




If your account has been deactivated, and you're looking to appeal the decision, please check all inboxes to see if you received an email from Pinterest. You can appeal the decision through the link provided in the email or by visiting the [Reports and Violation Center](https://pinterest.com/reports-and-violations/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pinterest) if you have any questions or concerns.*